AN This is my first ever story, so I hope you like it. Sorry if I made Maxon sound too much like Clarkson in this.

Disclaimer: all of the Selection characters belong to Kiera Cass

People were pacing in and out of the studio, getting everything ready for another hour of the Report. I was rehearsing my lines, but my words were coming out as a jumble because of the butterflies in my stomach. Messing things up was my forte, but I could not afford to do that tonight.

I recited the speech to myself, "Illéa can and will be a stronger nation. That is why w–", I was cut off by a toddler colliding into my legs.

"Mommy! Mommy! Come play with me!" the little girl said.

I sighed. I crouched down so I would be eye-level with her.

"Eadlyn, honey, mommy is busy right now. Why don't you play with Ahren?" I glanced over at my three-year old son. Eadlyn was always attached to her twin brother. However, tonight, he was occupied with another playmate. Kile. My best friend, Marlee's, four year-old son.

At that suggestion, Eadlyn scrunched her nose up in disgust.

"NO!" she yelled.

"Why not, darling?"

"Because he's with Kile!"

"What's so bad about Kile?"

"I don't like him."

"Why not?"


I knew she wasn't going to give me more of an answer.

I sighed again. This always happened between her and Kile. They couldn't stand each other.

She looked up at me with such an adorable pout that I almost wanted to just skip the Report this week and spend time with my daughter. No. I can't. Maxon would get angry. With everything that had happened between us the last two weeks, there was no doubt about that.

"Mommy will play with you later. Okay?" I would manage to make time for her.

"Okay." She said with her head hung low.

"Eadlyn, don't be sad. I know I haven't played with you in a few days, but I still love you."

At those last few words, her tiny arms wrapped around me. "I love you, mommy."

My heart ached to hear that. No one had said that to me in days. I closed my arms around her small body and embraced that moment. These days, with the amount of work that I had, I don't have much time to spend with my children.

Coming out of that hug felt wrong. "Mommy has a few things to do. Go play with Aunt Marlee for now." I watched as she toddled her way over to Marlee.

I had to concentrate on my speech. No more distractions. However, that was easier said than done.

"America," I heard my name from behind me.

I turned around. "What do you want, Maxon?" I said in a bitter tone. It had been going on like this for weeks now.

Flashback - 3 weeks ago

I was in my office, writing a proposal for a new bill regarding the caste eliminations. I flexed my tired hands, taking a break. I walked over to where Ahren was playing on the floor. He threw a stuffed toy across the room, giggling when it landed so far away. I went to retrieve it, when Maxon came into the office with his nose buried deep in the papers that he was holding. He didn't even notice Ahren was there, until he almost tripped over a building block.

"What the…" he said.

He looked at Ahren, and then searched the room for my eyes. When his met mine, they were full of disappointment. I wasn't supposed to let the kids into the study because of the mess they could cause. But I heard Ahren crying from my room. Since I had to finish some work in the office, I figured that I could just have him in here for a bit. He calmed down after he saw me, so I let him stay, in fear that he may cry if I leave him in the nursery again.

"America," Maxon said sternly, "Ahren's not supposed to be in here." His eyes flickered to my hands, and saw the stuffed toy that I was holding. More disappointment covered his face.

"I know, but–", I started.

"He could mess up the work that we have spent so many years doing." He countered.

"Maxon, he was crying. I couldn't just leave him in the other room, and I had all of my work here." I explained.

"One turn of a back, and he could have ruined all of this," he gestured all around the room. "We can't have that. People would be wondering why we aren't making any progress with the castes. They'd think we aren't capable of ruling this country. They'd want us to step down."

"Maxon, that's the worst-case scenario." I said.

"And worst-case scenarios can happen!" I could tell he was trying to keep his cool demeanor. "Remember what almost happened when I found out about you and Aspen?" his voice getting louder with each word he spoke.

Why? Don't bring that up.

"Yes, I remember. But it's different now."

"It doesn't matter. What I'm trying to get at is that you need to use your head, America! Why are you so irresponsible?"

Flashback ends

I don't completely remember what happened after that. My mind had been all confused with everything going on around me. However, what I do remember is leaving the office in tears and sleeping in my own room that night.

"Don't mess this up." He said harshly, snapping me out of my thoughts. With that, he walked away.

And try I will. If I wanted us to be the same happy, married couple we were 1 month ago, I could not mess this up.

I hope you liked it, and please review!