IMPORTANT PLEASE READ! Okay so I have gotten a few PM's in confusion over some of Naruto's peerage members and his current harem. Well you guys asked and you shall receive. First on the list was Master/Lord Hades. I think I explained it in chapter 2 maybe not, if I didn't my bad. He is not the Hades from Greek mythology; it is the Hades from Fairy Tail. Also for you die hard Fairy Tail fans out there I may be giving him some of the magics possessed by the seven kin of purgatory. Zancrow said he was their teacher so it's only logical he could in fact know some their magics. Here is Naruto's peerage (Queen-Madara, Bishops-Laxus Dreyar/Master Hades, Knights-Aizen/Darth Revan, Rooks-Darkseid/Doomsday, Pawns-Mirajane Strauss/fem Vali/Kara Zor-El/Diana Prince/Akasha Bloodriver/Ann Weying/Jeanne/Mei Terumi. Naruto's harem so far includes the females in his peerage, Rias, Akeno, Ravel, Gabriel, and Kuroka. The result of your voting will give his either Grayfia or Serafall. Depending on how the story progresses I may add Koneko and Xenovia but that is a not a definite. I also want to give a shout out and thanks to UnasnMusho for giving me some great character ideas and letting me bounce some ideas off of him for the upcoming chapters.
Oh and by the way Jeanne and Diana both have special weapons that will be seen later in the story, I'm saying this now so I don't get people whining about it later when I reveal them. Also for the Star Wars fans out there is this post Star-Forge Revan, I know he is a Jedi at this point but Darth Revan sounds better than just Revan. At this point he has regained his memories and can channel the dark and light side like in his story. That means he will have his force lightning, drain, storm and all other abilities. As always I don't own any of the characters borrowed from any of the universes and they are owned by their respective companies, same with any quotes or lines I use in my story. Now on with the next chapter
Chapter 4
Awe and fear was a reoccurring emotion that was being felt by just about everybody in the spectator's box. Everyone in there could not begin to piece together how Naruto put together such a powerful peerage. Grayfia felt that her suspicions on his pieces were true and they were indeed very powerful. Sirzechs and his parents where proud at how strong Naruto his peerage was. Sirzechs was also toying with the idea that he could someday succeed him as devil king. Kushina and Minato were flabbergasted at the power of their estranged son; Kushina was also having brief regrets that she was not a part of his success as a devil. Minato just looked a little pissed for whatever reason; nobody could ever really figure him out.
Rias and her peerage were very shocked, Naruto was her age and yet his peerage seemed to completely outclass anything Riser had to throw at him. His pieces were on an entirely different level than what Riser was. Menma was mix of being pissed at his brother for having a power that he thought rightfully should be his. He was also arrogant enough to think that when this was all over that he would be trading pieces with Naruto. No one had anything to say, the match that was still unfolding before them was rendering them speechless. They were too engrossed at what was going on to converse with each other about what was happening to the eldest son of the House of Uzumaki.
Back in the Rating Game Arena
Yubelluna was not having a good day, first it would seem that Naruto's pieces were far more powerful than either Riser or she could have predicted. So far by her count they had lost six of their pawns and one of their rooks with Naruto still not taking any casualties, that would have to change. Yubelluna looked down and saw the pale haired girl and that large oaf of a rook exit the gym.
Smirking to herself Yubelluna prepared to blow them to kingdom come, until her devil instincts tingled and told her there was an extreme threat approaching. Turning, Yubelluna hand just enough time to dodge what looked like a six foot wide meteorite hurdling strait for her. Seeing the hunk of space rock smash into the ground with a thundering explosion of rock and earth, she turned to see Naruto's queen approaching.
"Trying to take out two of my kings pieces when they had their backs turned is unacceptable." Said the regal voice of Madara, her one visible eye seemed to have changed from the weird red and black pattern (Madara's cannon EMS) to a purple ripple pattern. "If you wish to fight that badly I will indulge you," said Madara as her demonic power and chakra (yes I'm still using it) began to swirl around her.
"Hm a battle between queens, I don't know who you are or how strong you think you are. You lost your chance at beating me when your sneak attack missed, while my back was turned by the way." said Yubelluna, trying to catch Madara off guard and moved into a more favorable position.
"I thought that I would repay your attempt with one of my own, besides just because I find them distasteful does not mean I won't win using any advantage possible. However you will not win, I am about to use magic the likes of which you have never seen before and you will have no idea how to handle." said Madara as her eyes seemed to morph back into their red and black state.
Yubelluna wanted to end this fast so she could get back to her king's other pieces, casting her magic quickly the area around Madara erupted in a fiery inferno as her explosion magic decimated the immediate vicinity. She started to celebrate, but was halted when she did not hear the voice of Grayfia calling out for the opposing queen's retirement.
The smoke began to drift away from the crater and what was left shocked her, there Madara stood without a scratch on her and she was surrounded by this weird flaming blue rib cage. "If that is the best you can do, then you have no hope of defeating me girl," said Madara as she leapt out of the crater. "Now it's my turn, Universal Pull."
Yubelluna found herself flying towards Madara and had no way of stopping, as she was closing in the blue rib cage grew and arm, grabbing and then smashing her into the ground. Yubelluna thinking herself lucky that she had the durability of a rook, as she picked herself up of the ground she saw that weird rib cage disappear. Madara just stood there and raised her arm up and pointed her palm at her, Yubelluna heard her whisper "Almighty Push", and what came next hurt beyond belief. An invisible force that felt like freight train slammed into her and sent her rocketing back; any trees that may have been in her way didn't begin to stop her body.
Madara looked casually at the destruction, this fight was too easy, she even held back and path of torn up trees and earth was easily half a mile long or more. Madara then used her speed and flashed over towards Yubelluna's downed form. Madara arrived in time to see her stand up and drink a bottle of phoenix tears.
Yubelluna turned quickly, seeing Madara approach and set off another explosion underneath her. However, the flames seemed to morph around her and the energy of the attacked seemed to be absorbed into the palm of Madara's hand. "Oh so that's how she wants to play this huh," thought Madara, well if she wants to play more then who is she to not oblige her. Using just a simple flick of her hands, Madara made two spears of rock shoot out of the ground and pierced through Yubelluna's shoulders.
All Yubelluna could do was scream, the angle at which the rock pierced her kept her from being able to pull herself off of it. Madara then made another flick of her hands, and the air seemed to bend around her to her will. The pressured currents seemed to dance around Yubelluna's body; gashes appeared all over her before one last strong gust slammed into her body and lifted her off the stone spikes.
Yubelluna's conscious state was rapidly fading, with her vision starting to fade out Yubelluna saw Madara motion one last time towards her body. The only warning she got of the incoming attack was the bright blue light of the lightning bolt as it streaked towards her body. She felt her body seize up, and then oblivion.
[Riser as lost one Queen]
Smirking to herself, Madara made her way towards the athletic field. Hopefully by the time she got there all the other would be finished with their jobs and they could finally put that overrated flaming bird in its place.
Kara and Diana were approaching the pool storage shed, Kara used her x-ray vision to look ahead and saw that the bishop and rook were already there. "Hey the rook and bishops are already at the shed, who do you want?" asked Kara as they arrived just outside of the room.
"You take the rook, and I'll take the bishop since you're weaker to magic than I am." said Diana, as they reached the back of the shed Diana had to immediately draw her shield and reflect and magical blast of demonic energy.
"What the heck, that shield just reflected my attack." stated a clearly shocked Mihae, Isabela stepped forward and made to attack Diana, only to be forced away by an axe kick aimed at her head.
"Your fight is with me right now, and by the looks of it you partner isn't going to do so well against Diana's special shield." said Kara as she walked through the dust of her attack. "Now let's see which of us is stronger, a simple pawn of Lord Naruto, or a rook of the "Great Riser"." Was the sarcastic reply of Kara, as she readied her attack against the opposing rook.
"Hm, very well pawn I shall indulge you but I must make this fast so I can take down the other one as well." said Isabela, before she could even blink Kara was upon her and right in her face. Kara led with a cliché, and opened with a 'superman'. (pun totally intended) Isabela barely had time to bring up her hands in defense, only to get knocked through both walls of the shed and out the back.
Isabela eventually came to a stop and attempted to regain her balance, only to get two fists slammed into her abdomen at supersonic speeds. Kara seeing where she was going to land, launched herself at Isabela and hit her the second she was on her feet again. Kara took off after Isabela again in a burst of speed, the force shattering the ground beneath her.
Kara flew past Isabela's body and stopped in front of her, then put both fists together and hammered Isabela into the ground as her body came in reach. "Riser chose poorly when it came to his peerage, he picked beauty of practicality. The only pieces I can sense true potential from are his queen and his sister the bishop." Spat Kara, if this was all Riser could bring to the table then it was a miracle that they made it this far.
"Shut up, you know nothing. Riser is the best king there is, yours is just a pathetic clan reject that was too weak to be accepted by his clan." Shouted Isabela, not knowing that it would have been better if she kept her mouth shut.
Kara just gained a dark look on her face, after hearing the crap being spewed about her King she lost it. Isabela seeing Kara distracted threw a round house kick at Kara's head. Kara casually raised her arm up and blocked the kick like it was nothing, forcing her leg away and then back handed Isabela into the ground. Isabela attempted to get up, only for Kara to freeze her arms and legs into place. While the ice its self wasn't very strong, it served its purpose of a momentary distraction for Kara.
Isabela looked up only to see Kara's eyes began to glow red, red energy seemed to leak from her eyes and with a yell Kara unleashed all of the pent up energy. The twin beams of pure heat slammed into Isabela, instantly reducing her mask and cloths to ashes. Third degree burns began to form all over her body, and luckily she was retired before she herself was reduced to ash.
[Riser has lost one Rook]
Kara smirked to herself for a job well done, and made her way back to Diana when Grayfia made another announcement.
[Riser has lost one Bishop]
Back with Diana and Mihae
"What is that shield I have never seen anything like it before?" questioned Mihae, as she readied another attack. Diana only smirked as she lazily made her way over towards her foe.
"This is the infamous Aegis, the shield of old that was wielded by the gods themselves. This is the exact shield that was wielded by Athena herself." Said Diana, the head of a gorgon could be seen in the middle of the shield. This only caused Mihae to step back; a magical artifact of that caliber could have any number of unknown abilities. "However that is not my most prized possession, this was the hardest to get as it was still in possession of its original owner when I took it from him." said Diana as she seemed to reach into a dimensional pocket, and as she pulled her hand out a wave of demonic power pulsed out over the area.
"I would normally keep this a secret as a trump card, but my king said to humiliate my opponents and show our true power. So I give you, the devils most prized and powerful sword, The Gram Sword." There in all of its demonic glory was the Gram, just being near it felt like being close to a reverse Excalibur sword.
Diana pulled her arm back and took a swing at the bishop, a wave of dark demonic energy flew at her. The arc of energy slammed into Mihae, still to stunned and fearful of the pawn to make any sort of move to dodge her. The attack was powerful enough to end the fight immediately and forced her to retire before any more damage could be done.
[Riser has lost one Rook]
'Pity I was hoping she would have last longer than that, if that is the extent of Riser's peerage then this will be too easy." Thought Diana as she looked towards where Kara went after.
[Riser has lost one Bishop]
It would seem that it was time for them to make their way over to the athletic field, This Rating Game was coming to a close.
Laxus, Master Hades, Revan and Aizen arrived at the athletic field. There in front of them stood the final pieces of Riser's peerage they needed to defeat before the final phase of the game could commence
"I am Karlamine, knight of Riser and I challenge the knight of Uzumaki to a duel." Revan stepped towards her and introduced himself.
"I am Darth Revan, Knight and servant to the King Naruto. You may want to rethink you strategy on facing me alone, you may not live to see the end of our encounter." And with a flourish of his wrists two cylindrical objects flew into his hands, this alone drew confused looks from the Phenex pieces.
Then with a buzzing sound two blades of light, one purple and one red, emerged from the ends of the tubes. Seeing as he was getting ready to attack Karlamine drew her sword and set it ablaze. Revan came in fast, even for a knight it was at blinding speeds. Karlamine's devil instincts were all that were keeping her alive at this point. Revan danced around her sword strikes, an observer could tell that he was just playing with his target.
Karlamine made to lop his head off, Revan just ducked under the strike and spun behind her, drawing two cuts to the backs of her calves. Karlamine cried out in pain, as the cuts forced her to her knees. Revan just stood back and waited to see if she would get up. Karlamine forced herself to stand, even though her legs felt like they were on fire.
She righted her sword and took another swing at Revan, only for him to dodge again and make two more shallows cuts on both of her triceps. Revan soon began to grow board, seeing as this was probably the best he was going to get out of her. Karlamine herself was in a lot of pain, even though the cuts weren't that deep they were precise and had meaning. They were meant to hinder her movements and make it harder to function in battle.
This set the tone for the rest of the battle, Karlamine would try her best to fight through the pain and would and would attempt to hit Revan with one of her strikes. Revan would dance around her blade, and strike out with precise cuts all over her body meant to slowly disable her ability to move freely.
Karlamine was getting desperate; she held her sword out in front of her and lit the blade ablaze with phoenix fire. Karlamine took a few more swipes at Revan, trying desperately to hit him only for his swords to cut hers off at the hilt. His sabers cut through her sword like it wasn't even there.
"What the hell kind of weapon is that?!" questioned Karlamine in fascination and outrage, her sword didn't even offer any resistance when it finally came into contact with the glowing sabers.
Revan didn't seem to want to deem her question with an answer and made a gesture with his hand. Karlamine immediately started to grasp at her throat; slowly her body was lifted off the ground. Revan made a trusting motion with his hand and Karlamine was sent flying into the trees, only for Revan to bring her flying back towards him.
"You finally seem to grasp the gravity of your situation; you didn't have a chance in hell at defeating me." Then purple blue lightning shot out of his hands and started to electrify her. After holding the attack for twenty seconds or so, Revan let up and let her retire.
[Riser has lost one Knight]
Aizen looked across the field and saw his opponent was the other knight. Neither seemed to want to talk, and both of them seemed to want to get this over as quickly as possible.
As if by some unseen signal, both knights blurred out of sight and met in the middle in a clash of steel. Siris had her massive sword, and Aizen had his zanpakuto. Aizen however leapt back and seemed to drop his guard. This would seem like a foolish move, for Siris was on him in a second putting him on the defensive. It would seem that her massive sword was too much for Aizen to handle because every strike seemed to chip away at his defense.
Siris couldn't understand, no matter how many times she seemed to hit this Aizen guy he never went down. She would slash at his chest and he would be sent flying only to get back up again. Siris had thought that the fight would be a little more even if Revan was anything to go by. With one last vicious strike that Aizen seemed to barely have enough time to block, sent him crashing into the earth.
"Well it would seem that it is now time for me to end this fight, I had hopped you would have put up better resistance but it was not to be." stated Siris, as she then dashed forwards and made to slice his head off, but her sword seemed to pass right through him.
Aizen then stood up with a smirk plastered on his face, he then seemed to shimmer and then fade out of existence. "What the HELL SIRIS, your opponent is that Aizen guy over there. Why the hell were you attacking me!" yelled Ravel, as for the past few minutes she spent them dodging all of Siris' attacks.
"What but how is that possible, I saw Aizen and I know that I was fighting him not Ravel." though Siris, her look of shock and horror on her face as she look from Ravel over to Aizen who seemed to have not moved since his arrival.
"What's the matter knight of Riser, you seem a little confused. Can't figure out why you attacked Ravel instead of me. It's very simple really, while I am the fastest member of my kings peerage and one of his best swordsmen I have another ability. It is called the Kyoka Suigetsu; (I know it's the name of the sword but I'm using it as the ability name) it grants me the ability of complete hypnosis. I won't tell you how it is activated, but know that his ability allows me to control an individual or a groups five senses completely. I can make then see, feel, hear anything I want them too." Was all Aizen said before he seemed to disappear from where he was standing on to put Siris on the defensive.
Unlike Darth Revan who only made a few precise cuts on his opponents body, Aizen seemed to faze in and out of existence and seemed to just flicker around her. Aizen was moving so fast that you could only see the after images of him, Siris had not way to defend herself has cuts seemed to appear all over her body.
Aizen seemed to be finished toying with his prey and finished her off with two vicious slashes to her back, before the pain and fatigue caught up with her mind and body and she retired out of the game.
[Riser has lost one Knight]
Ni and Li were pretty nervous at this point, at the beginning of the fights they had the other team outnumbered however the last two humiliating losses seemed to tilt that in the opponents favor pretty quickly.
"It would seem that it is now my turn, allow me to introduce myself. I am Precht Gaebolg, also known as Master Hades. I am a Bishop in the peerage of my King Naruto. For your masters transgression against his house I shall have to put you in your place." Precht said as he made his cape disappear. Ni and Li seemed to take offense to his statement at putting them in their place.
They turned to each other and with some silent communication they both simultaneously dashed towards him their intent on overwhelming him before he could cast any spells. Precht seemed to have seen this coming and formed a finger gun. Then a dense purple magic energy formed on the tips of his fingers, and then with a drop of his thumb the magic energy seemed to fire off in compressed bolts towards the twins.
Ni and Li immediately had to rethink their strategy; they couldn't even seem to get close to this old guy. Thus far they have been able to dodge all of his magical attacks, but that seemed to do them little good and the Bishops didn't even look tired.
"Well you have lasted longer than I anticipated, but that is all about to change." said Precht, and with a thrust of his hand a purple magic circle appeared in front of him. Seconds later and chain made of magic shot out of the circle towards the twins.
Using their cat like reflexes they were able to jump out of the way, avoiding getting pierced by the wicked looking chain heads. This went on for several minutes but it seemed that the twins were starting to get worn down. Precht seemed to have unbelievable control over his chains, making them act like extra appendages.
As the twins started to slow down, this was what Precht seemed to be waiting for, "Well as much fun as this fight has been it is time to end this," said Master Hades, with two fingers pointed out on one of his hands he started to make a bunch of weird gestures in the air. Then three circles of magic appeared in front of him, each circle a little smaller than the last. "Amaterasu: Formula 28," an explosion of purple energy erupted form the three circles and caused a pillar of purple energy to rocket skyward. (see wiki for a pic if you don't know what it looks like)
[Riser Phenex as lost two Pawns]
"You're lucky I toned down the spell and used one of the weaker formulas, or you would have been dead." Was all Precht said as he made his way over to the group, all that was left was to take out the remaining Bishop and then they could take the king.
Ravel had no words for what she just witnessed, Naruto's pieces had just taken out four of Risers and they didn't even seem tired. All that was remaining was her, and her King Riser. Ravel was taken out of her thoughts when she saw Laxus approaching her. For the first time in her life she felt real fear.
"Ravel, my name is Laxus Dreyar and I am a Bishop of Naruto Uzumaki. I know that you have a special relationship with him that is why I am asking you to surrender and retire from the game now before I am forced to fight you. Please comply, Naruto has told me what you guys have been through and that you were his friend. I don't want to hurt you but if you choose to fight I will have no choice." Said Laxus as he now stood in front of Ravel, the fear she was feeling started to go away now that she knew she was a choice to surrender rather than fight.
"Hello Laxus it is nice to meet you, after what I have seen Naruto's peerage do and have heard what you did to my brother I have no intention of ever picking a fight with you. I will comply and surrender, I hope we can be friends after the game is over." With that, Grayfia took her surrender and retired Ravel from the game.
[Riser has lost one Bishop]
"With that out of the way we just need to wait for our king to arrive and we can get this Rating Game over with," said Laxus to the other three pieces, seeing the rest of their fellow peerage members arriving at the athletic field with them.
Riser was beyond furious; it would seem that his peerage was filled with a bunch of no good weaklings if they lost to Naruto's pathetic peerage. With a cry of rage Riser incinerated the desk he was sitting at. They hadn't even managed to take down a single piece in Naruto's peerage; they were pathetic and would receive punishment later for their failures.
"Well you know what they say; if you want something done right you have to do it yourself." With a flourish of his hands Riser made his way out of the office and new school building so he could engage Naruto and company himself.
"It would seem that his arrogance precedes what even we thought my King, I can make out his energy signature coming this way to meet us head on," said Madara as she turned to address her newly arrived King. After hearing of the final piece being taken out of the game, Naruto and the rest of his pieces made their way to the athletic field to meet of with the majority of his peerage.
"Good it would seem that we won't have to flush him out of his base after all. This will make his defeat all the sweeter. For his final humiliation, Doomsday you will be the one to finish off the King," said Naruto gaining his other Rooks attention.
"There are two ways to defeat a Phenex; the first way is to use an attack that is on par with a God or Ultimate class being. This would beat his regeneration as there would be nothing to regenerate. While this is a viable option for us, I personally would like to go with the second way. That is to just beat his ass into the ground until we break his spirit," Naruto finished with a down right evil smile on his face, what creeped Madara and company out even more was that Doomsday seemed to share the same smile.
Naruto was about to address the rest of his peerage when Jeanne jumped in front of him and used one of her holy swords to cut a massive fire ball in half. "Na-kun it would seem that Riser has arrived a little ahead of schedule," said Jeanne as she looked at the offending King with distaste.
"Naruto is would seem that your pieces are somewhat useful after all, they managed to defeat my entire peerage without you losing a single member of yours. However you are still no match for me for I have the power of the Phoen…" Whatever Riser was going to say after that was cut off by Doomsday jumping up to him and smashing his fist into Risers face and sending him back into the new school building.
"How dare you interrupt me, a high class devil, you low class piece of tra…" Riser was once again cut off from his rant with a massive fist to the face.
"How dare…" *PUNCH*
"How…" *PUNCH*
"Stop inter…" *PUNCH*
"Stop I sa…" *PUNCH*
Everything Riser attempted to speak Doomsday would just punch Riser further and further into the wall he as imbedded into. Eventually Riser was able to pull himself from the wall and looked at Doomsday with complete unadulterated hatred.
"YOU LOW CLASS SCUM, YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS HUMILIATION. DIE!" and with that Riser sent the largest fire ball he could muster at large Rook. Riser was confident that it wouldn't be able to dodge the attack due to its size, and he was correct. Doomsday was soon engulfed in a fiery inferno; Risers celebration was short lived however as Doomsday walked out of the flames without a scratch on him.
"How are your still standing, you should have at least received some damage from that attack," Riser asked, only for anything after that to be cut off by a devastating uppercut. The punch alone almost instantly shattered every bone in this body, but the large bone spikes on Doomsdays knuckles torn four large gashes in his body as well. Riser's body eventually made its decent, only for Doomsday to catch him by his leg.
For the next five minutes or so Doomsday proceeded to rag doll Riser and smash his body into everything the he could find. Doomsday made sure that Riser was well acquainted with the ground, the walls, the roof, any and all furniture that was in the room. I say was because you could really classify it as furniture after Doomsday was done with it. (Like what the Hulk did to Loki, but much longer and more violent)
Slowly Riser was being turned into a bloody mess, with every devastating swing that Doomsday sent Riser's body into something new. As time went on Riser's body slowly stopped regenerating. The rate of his healing was slowing drastically to the point that he was now bleeding. With one last massive toss Doomsday sent Riser through the original wall he came in through, and was sent back to the waiting group of devils.
Naruto was just beginning to think that he may have to go stop Doomsday, when that same wall exploded again and Riser came sailing back over to the assembled group. Doomsday could be seen a few seconds later bursting up through the roof of the school, and landing back on top of Riser just as he made an attempt to stand up.
"Well it would seem that you and my Rook have had some quality time, would you like to surrender now, or do you and Doomsday want to have another chat?" asked Naruto and he squatted down to look Riser in the eye.
"Y-you are all m-monsters," stuttered out Riser as he finally regained his bearing only to see himself surrounded
"No we aren't monsters, we're just ahead of the curve that's all," said Naruto as he grabbed Riser by what was left of his collar and hoisted him up into the air.
"Now I want you to surrender so that I can win this Rating Game and put a stop of this farce of an engagement," Naruto finished as he slowly began to leak his magical power, a dark red energy began to swirl around him, growing larger with each passing moment.
"That's all you care about the engagement, what about the devil community. This engagement is important to the survival of our race, and all you can thing about is Rias' engagement!" shouted Riser as he seemed to finally gain back a little of the bravado he seemed to have lost.
"It's just about the engagement; it's about sending a message. What that message is, I think you will figure it out. " Naruto replied, and suddenly all of the energy that was surrounding Naruto seemed to converge on a single point on his hands. Then Riser seemed to be thrown back by a massive force that ended up sending him through the remaining school building and out the back. Riser seemed to smash and roll on the ground for the next hundred yards before coming to a stop. Consciousness seemed to have left him the second he was blasted away from Naruto.
[Riser Phenex has been defeated; Naruto Uzumaki is the winner of the Rating Game]
Naruto's peerage all gave a loud whoop and began to cheer and congratulate each other on a job well done. Winning their first Rating Game, Naruto set something in motion in the Underworld that would be remember for years to come.
Naruto briefly looked up at the sky of the arena, thinking that he had finally taken his first step in reclaiming his rightful place as heir of the Uzumaki house. His first goal, to restore the house to its former glory not the shell that it has become under the 'leadership' of Minato.
With that final thought running through his head, a massive magical circle appeared underneath Naruto and his peerage before they all disappeared back to the Underworld.
Rias Gremory was elated, Naruto had kept his promise. He was able to defeat Riser and got her out of that horrible engagement. Rias was also in shock, as was her Queen Akeno and the rest of her peerage. Naruto didn't just win, he and his peerage slaughtered Riser and his group. They didn't even stand a chance, looking back at that day in the club room seemed to bring up a few new insights about Naruto.
With a peerage this strong Naruto had to have known the outcome of the Rating Game before it even started, given his lax attitude beforehand only seemed to support that idea. The next big question is, how did he get that strong, moreover how did he acquire such powerful pieces. Rias was brought out of her train of thought by Akeno and the other people in the room starting to discuss what they just witnessed.
"Wow I had no idea that Naruto was that powerful, or that he possessed such powerful pieces. Where do you suppose he found such promising members?" questioned Sirzechs as he looked over towards his Queen and parents to see if they had any ideas.
"I have no idea, after little Naru-chan left I hadn't had any contact with him until he's came back. Even then I haven't really had any time to catch up with him or anything," said Venelana as she gazed back at the screen, which showed Naruto and his peerage celebrating their victory.
"Well it doesn't matter anyway because that power belongs to the House of Uzumaki and my brother is just going to trade his good pieces over to me anyways," said Menma making his presence known for the first time that night.
"Furthermore this will be a great opportunity for my parents to pass the engagement from Naruto to myself. If you want to create a super devil, why didn't you come to me in the first place?" he questioned, gaining a heated look from Rias and her peerage and the arrogance in his voice.
Before anyone could respond a magic circle appeared in the room and Naruto and his peerage were transported to the observation room since none of his pieces needed any medical attention. Naruto took one look around the room and instantly found Rias, as she launched herself at his and gave Naruto a bone crushing hug.
"Oh Naruto I knew you would do it, you kept your promise. You said that you would get me out of my engagement to Riser and you have," cried Rias, as tears of joy were flowing from her eyes, Akeno was about to go over as well and hug her long lost friend as well to congratulate him on his victory as well when a voice spoke up.
"Hello brother…"
And stop, there is chapter four, I hope you enjoy it. Sorry it took so long but I kept changing some of the fight scenes and I kept changing how a lot of the things were ending. Sorry this chapter is quite a bit shorter than the last one, but I will make it up to you guys in the next one. The next chapter will be the start of the holy sword arc, and a second Rating Game. I'm guessing you guys can figure out who will be participating in that one. The winner of the poll for the Serafall and Grayfia pairing is…..Serafall. Laxus will be paired up with Serafall and Grayfia will be added to Naruto's ever growing harem. I'm toying with an idea of giving Naruto a tertiary, or secondary, peerage. I've had a few PM's giving me this idea saying that he could be given extra pieces for doing special favors for the Four Satan's. This would allow Naruto to interchange pieces in Rating Games but not have all of them on the field at once. I don't know so I'm asking for you guy's opinion. Review and let me know. Peace