Okay so this is my new story, it is a Naruto Highschool DxD crossover. However Naruto will have his own peerage because I don't think there are enough stories where he has one. His peerage members will be OP. Like my other story, the main character will be god-like. If you don't like OP characters or a god-like main character then this is not the story for you. Also Naruto's peerage members will span a few different universes. I mean why not, so I'm picking some of my favorite characters from other anime, and T.V shows to be his members. Other than that all other elements are Naruto or Highschool DxD.
Also some characters will be gender bent. Slight Minato-Kushina, Major sibling bashing, I really like them but for this story they are pricks. This is a harem fic; the only members outside of Naruto's peerage and familiar that will be in it are Rias, Akeno, and Ravel. All others will be from his peerage. Once again Naruto will have a very overpowered, very bad ass peerage, if you don't like it don't, read it, for those of you who are intrigued I bring you "The Forgotten Heir".
I don't own Highschool DxD, Naruto, Fairy Tail, Star Wars, Bleach, Rosario Vampire, DC comics, or Marvel. I also don't own any of the characters from the others Universes either.
[Albion/dragon out loud]
[Albion/dragon thought or speaking to host]
Chapter 1
Sadness was all you could see on the young face of one Naruto Uzumaki. At the age of ten years old Naruto has been driven to run from a place he used to call home. For the last seven years Naruto has been neglected and forgotten by his so called family. Standing by the gate, Naruto looked back at the manor for what would be the last time for a long while, lost in thought of this past here. The only relief the poor boy got was playing with his childhood friend Rias and Akeno. Naruto loved to go over to the Gremory estate and watch anime, and run around the back yard with Rias and Akeno.
Naruto even made friends with young Ravel Phenex with her only being a couple years younger than him. She took an instant liking to Naruto due to his blond hair and blue eyes. Whenever Rias was busy he would go over and see if Ravel was available. Both parents of Rias and Ravel loved Naruto and he was welcomed over at their houses any time. When the weight of being alone at home became too much, Naruto would go seek comfort from either of the Ladies of Gremory and Phenex, or his friends.
Alas it wasn't enough to keep the would-be heir with this 'family'. They have forgotten too many birthdays, and let Menma his twin brother abuse him to many times. Naruto kept holding out, waiting for his parents to train him in the family magic of sealing chains, and lightning. All their attention from day one was on Menma when he was born with a slightly bigger magical core than Naruto. Stripped of his birthright, and cast aside Minato and Kushina devoted all their time on Menma, preparing him for his upcoming leadership of the Uzumaki family.
Naruto didn't think that his parents were doing this on purpose, his family was surprisingly blunt. His parents, not in a vicious way always told him that because of his brothers above average core, and Naruto's below average core that he would amount to nothing. Naruto could understand wanting what is best for the clan, but the lack of attention, the neglect was what got to him, along with the lack of encouragement. It was decided on that day that Naruto would become so strong that his parents would have to acknowledge him. He would show them that he could become someone.
While Naruto was fifteen minutes older than his twin Menma, he looked different than Naruto does. Menma lacked the whiskers that Naruto had, and his hair was a pale red, nothing like the vibrant, blood red of his friend Rias. Naruto had a slightly better athletic build then Menma did, while not exactly fat per-say, he just had a little extra 'bone' than Naruto did. He thought with his slightly above average core, and family techniques he didn't need to train his body.
While Naruto was never truly abuse by his parents, they never acknowledged him. It was always "Menma already did the", Menma did it better". Well of course Menma is ahead and better, he was getting all the attention and training! When the day came to see if the boys were ready for their evil pieces, Naruto had to remind his parents to take him along. While he wasn't the heir to their family, he has a pure blood devil and it was his right to get them. Menma, when he received them had one of this pawns turn mutation. For the rest of the day he could not stop gloating. What Naruto's parents and Menma missed was truly a phenomenon, a first in the world of the devils. All of Naruto's pieces turned mutation when he put his magic into them. Ajuka Beelzebub was too busy congratulating Menma to notice as well. If he had, been paying attention then he would have seen what could have possibly been the greatest peerage potential since Sirzechs.
Finally armed with the only thing that Naruto wanted from the castle now, he decided that he would leave to complete his peerage. Naruto would train, outside the castle walls and become so powerful that his parents couldn't ignore him. He would create the greatest peerage the devil world had ever seen. Naruto shook his head, dispelling the thoughts of his reverie. Naruto smiled and took his first step outside the castle walls. With the cloak of darkness that the night provided Naruto vanished into the night. The only sign that he was still alive to the world would be rumors that he and his peerage would create.
(Time skip five years, no offense but who wants to read about training, right after Issei reincarnated)
We find our hero walking down the side walk towards the Kuoh academy. Having made a brief stop back home, Naruto was now enrolled in the school two of this friends attend. After five years of training a searching Naruto is ready to make his appearance as a devil.
Flash Back
Naruto finally made it back home after all these years; he was ready to confront his family. Naruto stepped to the front to their house. The guards stationed there wore a look of shock, the son of Minato and Kushina has finally returned. Naruto didn't even need to stop, flashing the back of his hand to show the Uzumaki crest he stepped through the gates and made his way up to the manor. Idly wondering whether this absence was missed or not. Deciding not to dilly dally Naruto put both hands on the large wooden doors and shoved them open. Minato and Kushina happen to be visiting with the Lord and Lady of Gremory and Phenex. Turing their attention to the interruption brought wide eyes from the six occupants in of the room.
"Well I wasn't expecting to have company when I came back." Said Naruto as he surveyed the room. Surprisingly it was Lady Phenex and Gremory who reacted first and made a B-line to where he was standing. Throwing their arms around him bombarding him with questions of are you alright, and where were you. Finally, after getting them to calm down they made their way over to the others. Naruto observing that his actual parents had yet to react to his presence other than their wide eyes.
"After five years of my not being here, and you don't have anything to say to me." Said Naruto.
Kushina was the first to react, "Naruto where were you, after you left without any reason we couldn't find you. Everyone has been out looking for you."
"Oh really you had everyone out looking for me. How long did it take for you to realize I was gone? Oh and another thing, no reason to leave. I felt like a stranger in my own house. You guys never paid any attention to me, and you did nothing about Menma's abuse towards me. I had plenty reason to leave." Said Naruto.
"We're sorry that is the impression that we gave you, we never purposefully ignored you. Menma was to be heir to the family and he needed the extra help." Said Minato, finally deciding to chime in.
"Well since you want to know where I've been, I was traveling the world looking to complete my peerage, and train because I certainly wasn't getting it here." Said Naruto exasperated. "However I have not returned home, I merely stopped by to tell you that I am living in Japan now and I would like to go to Kuoh Academy so I can be with Rias and Akeno." Said Naruto before any of them could reply.
"That's fine, I can help you with that Naruto, I will send the paperwork to the student council and get you enrolled." Said Lord Gremory before either Minato or Kushina could respond. Both still had a slight dazed look on their faces, not really understanding what is going on. The return of their son put them back a few steps. It's not that they weren't glad to see him, it just that this seemed to be another of Naruto's episodes where he is acting out.
"Thank you lord Gremory, I would really appreciate that. I will make sure to look out for Rias while I am there." Said Naruto getting up to leave.
"Oh and make sure that you come by the Phenex manor sometime soon. Ravel was so distraught when you left, it would be nice to see her happy again." Said Lady Phenex, with a sickly sweet smile on her face.
Naruto began to sweat under the intense stare, "Sure thing Lady Phenex, I would love to see Ravel again." Naruto said quickly, if there was one thing that he learned during his time away, way to never invoke the wrath of a woman. Satisfied with his answer, she backed off and bayed him good bye. Naruto sending once last dispassionate glance at this parents before saying his good byes to the other and teleported back home. The others idly wondering what surprises Naruto was going to bring now that he was out to prove his self. Minato and Kushina were wondering what was going to happen when Menma learned of Naruto's return.
End Flashback
With Naruto are two of his female peerage members that are of schooling age. Jeanne of the blade blacksmith, and Vali, the white dragon emperor, both girls are seventeen years of like Naruto.
"Wow it's been like, forever since I've seen Rias and Akeno. I wonder how they will react to seeing me after all these years." Asked Naruto, turning to him with a bright smile Jeanne said, "Oh I think they will be thrilled, I mean who wouldn't be happy to see you again Na-kun." Naruto's eye brow twitched at the nick name
"Hump, I think that you will get brutally murdered by them." Stated Vali, as she continued to stare ahead.
"Really Vali, you think I will get brutally murdered. It's almost like you don't want me as your master" cried Naruto, as fake anime tears poured down his face. Jeanne was quick to wrap up Naruto in a hug, shooting Vali a dirty look for hurting her master.
"No Vali don't say such things, look at what you've done to Na-kun." said Jeanne.
Naruto untangled himself from one of his pawns and gave her an exasperated look. "Really Jeanne, how many time do I have to tell you not to call me 'Na-kun'?" asked an irritated Naruto. Deciding not to give him an answer she instead just stuck her tongue out and skipped ahead of them. Shaking his head, Naruto looked over at his other pawn and could see that she was irritated he was forcing her to go to school.
"Oh come on Vali, this will be good for us. You will be able to make more friends." Said Naruto.
Vali gave him a look, then turned her attention forwards again. "I don't need any more friends Naruto you and the others are enough. The only reason that I agreed to this was to keep an eye on you." Said Vali. Sweat dropping as she at seeing Jeanne squatting down to look at a lady bug on the street, and maybe Jeanne as well.
"Oh ho ho, so the cold Vali really does care for little ol' me. Could this be the beginnings of love blossoming in my adorable pawn?" asked Naruto as he slid up to her, his eye brows wiggling suggestively. The immediate effect of Vali's face turning fifty shades of red, and her to stumble was all Naruto needed as an answer.
"Don't be absurd, such foolish implications. I am merely making sure you do not tarnish my name." said Vali trying her best to look all scowly and intimidating. Desperately looking to change the subject, Vali spotted the school. "Look we are here, let's hurry and find our class, I may not like school but I will not be seen as lazy." And with that Vali took off.
Smiling at his pawn, Naruto was glad that he was finally getting Vali to come out of her shell and open up to him. Being in his peerage had done wonders for her. She now has a family, a group of people she can rely on. Looking over at Jeanne who was now lying on the ground looking a beetle, sweat dropped. "Come on Jeanne we need to catch up to Vali and find our class." Said Naruto. Popping up Jeanne smiled sweetly at her king and gently pulled him towards the school. Oh yeah, going out on his own to find his peerage was the best decision of his life.
Naruto and company was lucky, Lord Gremory was able to get them all in the same class. Finding the classroom 3-A was a little tricky but, in the end they were only a few minutes late. Despite Vali's earlier enthusiasm, she was now in no hurry to get to class. Naruto idly wondered if Rias was going to be in his class. For him it was a catch 22 situation. Naruto wanted to see Rias really badly but didn't want this to be the way that they got reunited. However Naruto's arch enemy had others ideas. After locating the class room, Naruto and company slid the door open. The teacher of the class stopped his lecture to see what the interruption was.
"Ah, you must be the new transfer students, good. My name is Mr. Takahashi and I'll be your home room teacher." Said their teacher. "Come up to the front of the class and introduce your selves."
Naruto, Vali and Jeanne made their way up and took a quick survey of the room. Sure enough Naruto's arch enemy rears her ugly head, as he spotted the familiar dark red of a certain friend. "Oh Fate thou art a heartless bitch" though Naruto, as the look of shock and then anger overtook her features.
"Hello, my name is Naruto Uzumaki. I hope that we get along, this year." Said Naruto, good short sweet and to the point, Vali just said her name and turned to look out the window.
"Hello, my name is Jeanne and my best friend and love interest in Na-kun." Said Jeanne as she gave a slight bow to the class. Naruto did the proverbial spit take and nearly gave himself whip lash turning to Jeanne with wide eyes. Vali merely looked on in mild amusement, knowing this would cause a major uproar for her king.
Before anyone could comment the declaration, the teacher took control of his class, and prompted the three to sit in the empty seats at the back. While lucky that Rias was seated in the middle of the class, this did nothing to dissuade the heated glares she shot at him all throughout class. If her looks could kill, Naruto would have died one hundred times over.
Rias was pissed; no she was more than pissed. If she didn't have such good control of her emotions and her power she knew that the school would be in serious disarray. Naruto, her best friend after Sona and Akeno, whom she has not seen or hear from in seven years just shows up out of the blue as a transfer student and doesn't say anything to her beforehand.
She didn't even get to say good bye to him. He just upped and left one day and that was that. Even in her anger though, Rias is beyond happy that her friend and secret crush is back. Rias's thoughts were interrupted by the dismissal bell. With lunch period starting Rias can now get answers from her long lost friend. Even if she has to break every bone in his body to get them. Her train of thought was broken when Akeno laid a hand on her shoulder, signaling it was time to go.
Lunch was an interesting affair for Naruto and company, with rumors already circulating from this morning, and Jeanne's comments in class didn't help any. Naruto decided that they would eat outside; the group of three sat under a large three in the yard. The three of them taking out the home made lunches that one of Naruto's other peerage members made for them.
After pulling out his bento Naruto looked over at Jeanne and sighed, "Jeanne why did you have to make the comment about me being your love interest?" Jeanne stopped eating for a moment and looked over at Naruto.
"I am your love interest, I know how jealous you get when people hit on us and I was going to put a stop to it before it started." Jeanne stated with conviction, if you looked carefully you could see a fire blazing in her eyes as she somehow gained a sparkly backdrop. Naruto just sighed at this and cried anime tears, knowing this would just complicate things with Rias; and his time here at school. Vali just looked at Naruto with an amused smirk on her face, seeing her powerful king all flustered and helpless was something Vali thought was hilarious.
Just as Naruto got over his slight depression and started to eat with his two pawns, an immense feeling of doom overtook him. It was like that feeling you get when you know that your end is near, and running will only make it worse. Looking up from his lunch, Naruto saw the one thing a god class being would be afraid of, a pissed off woman empowered by righteous woman furry.
"Well shit, Karma you're as big a bitch as Fate is." Thought Naruto as the impending feeling of doom became stronger and closer. Naruto stood up and tried to get in front of this before it became a thing. "Now Rias I know that your prob…" was all he got out before Rias punched him right in the face. His head snapped back, and he comically twirled around until he smashed into the tree behind him.
Despite knowing it was coming, and seeing as their master deserved it did nothing to quell the anger and protectiveness that surged through Vali. She had to take a couple of deep breaths to keep from attacking her, Jeanne had no such control.
"I suggest you keep your hands to yourself, I wouldn't want to have to hurt you for attacking my king again." Stated Jeanne in the coldest voice Vali and Naruto had ever heard her use. Her magic flared as she was about the make a sword with her blade blacksmith. Naruto put a hand on her shoulder calming her down.
"That won't be necessary Jeanne, I deserved it." Said Naruto as he somehow recovered from that like it never happened. Jeanne looked like she was going to protest, Naruto sent her a look that said everything was going to be okay. Jeanne begrudgingly stood down but not before sending Rias a dirty look.
All throughout this confrontation an array of emotions flashed over Rias's face, shock, anger, sadness and a little bit of fear. After collecting her thoughts, she focused her sights back on the man she was currently angry with, her eyes silently asking questions.
"Rias I am truly sorry that I left you the way that I did. When my tenth birthday came around, and I got my evil pieces I thought that my parents would finally spend a little bit of time with me but that was not the case." Said Naruto. "Instead they said that any peerage I created would pale in comparison to Menma's and that they couldn't help me because Menma needed help finding suitable peerage members."
"It was in that moment I realized that if I wanted to go anywhere in this world I would need to do it by myself. I know you would have helped me but that was beside the point." Said Naruto quickly as he saw Rias about to object. "I left that night on a split second decision to go out and train and find my peerage. I vowed that I would come back and take the Underworld by storm. I am sorry I never told you but I am back now for good."
Rias silently search his face for any sign of deception, after seeing none she sighed and her shoulders sagged. "Well I'm still a little pissed at you but I guess what is done is done. I don't like it but with you being back I can assume you trip was successful and you completed your peerage?" asked Rias, a slight smirk on her face told Naruto that they were slowly getting back to the way things were.
"Oh Rias, as a high class devil I thought you knew what happens when you assume." Said Naruto, the teasing tone of his voice made Rias narrow her eyes in curiosity.
"No Naruto I was never taught what happens to people when the assume." Said Rias a little taken back where he was going with this.
"Well you end up making and 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'." Naruto said chuckling at the look of shock on Rias's face. Rolling her eyes at the joke, Rias smacked his arm and looked at the other two girls with him. Seeing the question in her eyes Naruto immediately remembered that he forgot to introduce his two peerage members to her.
"All kidding aside yes my quest was successful, and I did compete my peerage. Two of my pawns are with me right now. The broody one silently laughing at my misfortune is Vali the White Dragon Emperor, and holder of Divine Dividing. The cute little blond one is Jeanne, and she is the holder of Blade Blacksmith." Said Naruto gesturing to the two peerage members. They both gave a wave in greeting to Rias, as she looked over the members in interest.
"Well it is nice to meet you both. My name is Rias Gremory, and this is my queen Akeno Himejima. We welcome you to Kuoh Academy; if you want you could bring the rest of your peerage over after everyone leaves school and meet in the old school house. This is now the Occult Research Club, it acts as a front for our devil work allowing us to leave when we need to. I would like to introduce you to mine and vice versa." Said Rias, wondering who the other members of his peerage are going to be.
"Well I think that can arranged, it would be only natural that you would want to see the most powerful rookie peerage in person. I mean this is the one that will take Sirzechs title of most powerful peerage from him." Smirked Naruto, arms folded across his chest looking casual as hell.
Rias rolled her eyes before a smile overtook her face. This is what she missed the most, the gentle banter between them, the feeling of ease that his presence created. Not matter how hard she tried, Rias new that her anger towards the boy was fading faster and faster, every second she spent in this presence. Looking over to him one more time, Rias gave him a slight smile, and bid them farewell.
"Oh I almost forgot, come to the old school house at five o'clock. By then everybody will be gone and there will be less chance of being spotted." Said Rias over her shoulder as she walked away.
Waving back to her Naruto shouted his confirmation, he then turned to his two partners and gave them a cheezy grin. "Well that went far better than I expected." Said Naruto.
"Hmmp, I still don't trust her, she seems to close to you for my taste." Said Jeanne with a pout, secretly her biggest reason was because she hurt her Na-kun.
"That was far less entertaining then I thought it was going to be. I mean come on, she only punched you once. I was kind of hoping to see you get pounded into the dirt." Said Vali with a slight smirk on her face. While she was mostly kidding, part of her wanted to see it happen; another part was still a little tense from the first encounter.
"Oh Vali your words stab me right in the heart, I thought that you loved me. I guess that was just a cruel dream." Naruto cried out, throwing his arms around Jeanne. Vali's eye brow twitched in irritation, more from the fact that Jeanne was sending her a look of victory at getting to hold their king.
After getting over their little moment, they continued to eat the rest of their lunch's and get ready for class. With the knowledge that their day was far from over they made their way back up to the school. Naruto already sending a message to his queen to alert the rest of his peerage about the meeting later that evening.
"Ara ara, Rias it would seem you are more than a little glad that Naruto-sama is back." said Akeno on the way back to the club house. That ever present smirk on her face as she covered her mouth with her sleeve.
"Yes Akeno, it is really good to see him again. I know you only met him a couple of times when we were little but before you came along he was my best friend. He even promised to help me with 'that' problem." Said Rias, still hoping that there would be something he could do when the time came.
"Well then let's get back to the club room and alert every one that we will be having company tonight." Said Akeno, a light dusting colored her cheeks has she thought about how hot Naruto had become over the years. "Ara ara, I wonder if he would be willing to share." Thought Akeno as her thoughts drifted to the young king the left moments ago.
With the final bell ringing, Naruto sprinted out of the classroom. "Gah that was torture. Why do people even like to come to school, it's like they gain some joy from being talked at by the most boring man in the world." said Naruto, as he made his way down the hall. Vali and Jeanne were right behind him smirking at their king's antics.
"Oh I don't know Na-kun, I thought school was kind of fun. You get to learn new things, and meet new people." said Jeanne as she skipped up to hang on his right arm.
"You would say that Jeanne, you were the center of attention all day. The girls all wanting to be your friend, and the boys wanting you to be their girlfriend. It's almost like you don't want me to be your king anymore." said Naruto, leaning on Vali for support.
Jeanne not catching the sarcasm at first, started to panic thinking her king didn't want her anymore. "Nooooooo, Na-kun you're the only one I want as my king. Please forgive me. I won't talk to another boy or girl again." wailed Jeanne, as she flung herself at Naruto, gripping the front of his shirt and looked up at him with big watery eyes.
"It's okay Jeanne, I didn't really mean it I was just teasing you. I promise that I'm not mad." said Naruto trying to calm her down. Jeanne looked up at him, searching his face for any signs of deception. Finally convinced that her position as pawn and future lover was secured, she turned around with a huff.
"Na-kun why do you have to be so mean to me?" asked Jeanne with a pout. Naruto smiled at the devotion he had from his pieces, this was all he truly wanted, a family that would care unconditionally for him. "Oh come on Jeanne don't be mad. I don't' like it when you're mad at me. I might have to make you smile again, if you don't." said Naruto, as he took a threating step forward. Vali knew what was coming because he did this to all his female peerage members if they were sad, or upset.
Jeanne not realizing what was going on turned away again with a huff. "No, you were mean to me and I won't forgive you so easily this time." A second latter she burst out in loud laughter as Naruto started tickling her sides.
"AhhhAhhAAHHhaaaHH!" Jeanne tried to squirm away from his questing fingers, but he kept her locked in place. "Come on Jeanne, if you forgive me I'll stop." said Naruto, as his fingers started to make their way under her shirt.
"No..'gasp'..never." Jeanne managed to get out, before falling into a new gale of laughter as his fingers tickled Jeanne's bellybutton. After tickling her for five more minutes Naruto let her, and stood back with a smirk on his face. This never failed to get them happy again.
Jeanne looked over at Naruto and tried to put on an angry face, but she was too happy after the tickling she received. "Fine, you know I can't stay made at you Na-kun, especially after you tickle me like that." said Jeanne.
Having finished up the three of them made their way home to pick up the rest of his peerage for the little meet and greet they have later that night.
(Kuoh Academy 5:00)
Naruto arrived at the school right on time, being early was for nerds and being late was for d-bags. Naruto with his hands in his pockets walked down the halls of the old school building towards the main room. When he got there Naruto calmly raised a hand knocked on the door. Within a few seconds it was opened by a blond boy around his age with a calm smile on his face.
"Ara ara your right on time Naruto-sama, please come in." said Akeno as she help open the door. Taking a quick survey of the room Naruto saw Rias sitting behind a large oak desk , a blond boy leaning against one of the walls, and a white haired little girl sitting on one of the couches. It looked like she was eating a bunch of cake. On the other couch was a brown haired boy siting with a blonde haired girl.
"Ah Naruto, I'm so glad you could make it." said Rias "This is my peerage you've already met Akeno my queen. The blond over by the wall is my knight Kiba Yuuto. The white haired one on the couch here is my rook Koneko Toujou. The brown boy over on the other couch is my pawn Issei Hyoudou. And last but not least my bishop Asia Argento."
Naruto looked over her peerage with a critical eye, and then smiled widely. "Well it seems you have a good bunch of pieces here Rias. Do I get to know any of their abilities or do I have to find out for myself?" asked Naruto. "Oh by the way my name is Naruto Uzumaki, first son of the House of Uzumaki one of the last 72 pillars." Getting a unified greeting from the others, Rias looked over at Naruto and smirked.
"Well that depends will you be giving me information on your peerage members?" asked Rias, knowing full well that he wouldn't.
"Touché, well with an introduction like that I guess it's my turn. Rias Gremory and company." Naruto stopped for dramatic effect, "I am pleased to introduce to you for the first time the most kick ass peerage in the Underworld and Over-world." With that a large red magic circle formed on the floor with the Uzumaki swirl in the middle. The appearance of fifteen figures rose out of it.
"Alright let's begin with introductions, first the stunningly beautiful woman in the red dress is my queen Madara Uchiha. She is the last member of House of Uchiha. She is the last known holder of the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, and Rinnegan. Next are my bishops Laxus Dreyar, and Master Precht. He also goes by the name Lord Hades. They both hold multiple magics not of this world that with a single one could make them ultimate class devils." When Naruto said this, it drew interested glances from the other members of the room.
Then are my knights, the one in the mask and cloak is Darth Raven and Aizen Sosuke is the one in the white trench coat. They are some of the best swordsmen is the world. Next are my rooks, the tall one is Darkseid. He was the rule of his own planet, but it took the entire planet revolting to kill him. I found him and reincarnated him. The wide grey one with the horns is Doomsday. He has a very interesting ability, not counting the immense strength he already possessed." Said Naruto, as this drew a smirk from Doomsday.
"Last, but certainly not least are my pawns." Said Naruto, all throughout this Issei was drooling over super-hot women that were in this guy's peerage. Asia huffed at him and pinched his arm, getting an 'ouch' and a confused Issei.
"My first pawn is Mirajane Strauss, she is the one is the dark pink dress. Don't let her looks fool you; she is among my more powerful pieces. The next one is Vali Lucifer; she is the silver haired beauty with the frown standing in the back. She is the true descendent of the original Lucifer, and also the holder of Divine Dividing." said Naruto, this caused Issei's head to whip towards her and give a look of apprehension.
"Next is Kara Zor-El, she is the blonde beauty with the sparkling blue eyes standing there in the middle. She is the last of a race called the Kryptonians. After her is Diana Prince, is the tall brunet standing behind Kara. She was the princess of the Amazons on Themyscira, and holder of several powerful ancient weapons. The pink haired vixen standing next to Diana, her name is Akasha Bloodriver. She is the first descendant of Alucard, the first shinso vampire. She trained with him for several hundred years before overthrowing him and claiming leadership for the next few thousand." When Naruto said this, it got a lot of shocked expressions from the club members. Vampires in general were more proud than devils, even more so the previous leader.
"Then you have Jeanne; she is the other blonde haired cutie there by Akasha. She is the holder of a rare sacred gear and a lost magic sword. After her is Ann Weying, she is the host to something called a symbiote. It is a powerful alien parasite that forms a symbiotic relationship with its host. And last but not least is Mei Terumi, she can control three elemental type magics and combine them to make several sub elements. She has a mastery over them that boarders on god like" Finished Naruto, with most of the room wincing when the name of the lord was spoken.
Rias was speechless; the majority of his peerage had unbelievable powers and abilities. The question that plagued Rias was how get got all of them. By definition the power level of his pieces should have taken multiple pieces to reincarnate them.
"How did you get them with you all your pieces, by potential alone some of your pawns are worth four or five at least?" questioned Rias as she looked over the group again. While his introduction was informative, he gave away just enough information to define them but not about their real abilities.
"Oh that, well it started when I got my pieces. On our tenth birthdays, Menma and I received our evil pieces just like any other pure blood devil. We did the procedure to put our magic into them to respond to us, and us alone. You know the drill, well one of Menma's paws turned mutation and mom, dad, and Beelzebub-sama turned and fawned all over him. When I put my magic into my pieces, something spectacular happened." Said Naruto, the whole of Rias and her peerage were eager to find out what happened.
"All my pieces turned mutation. I still don't know how it happened, but I do know that mine are the first to have ever done that. For those of you who don't know mutation pieces have the ability to reincarnate any piece reguardless of the cost. That is why they are so rare and valuable. The rest is history, after that I left to find my peerage and train." said Naruto.
"Wow that amazing, I never would have dreamed that it was possible." said Akeno.
"Buchou, what is so special in having a peerage of all mutation pieces?" asked Asia, Issei looked over at her as well curious to what the reason was.
"The reason that it is so spectacular and terrifying is the in theory Naruto could have a peerage of more than fifteen pieces." said Rias.
"More than fifteen pieces, I thought you were only given a fifteen pieces, how can you have more than that?" asked Issei, in truth most of the conversation went over his head, all he could think about were the hot chicks that made up Naruto peerage.
"Look at it from this perspective, you with the Boosted Gear were worth eight pawns, correct." This got a nod from Issei. "If one of my pawns were mutation I could have reincarnated you with just the mutation piece and then technically I would have a group of pawns worth fifteen because of the eight for you and the seven regular ones I still have not used. With Naruto having eight mutation pawns in theory he could have a group of pawns that are worth sixty four pieces." Said Rias, getting a look of understand and then shock from him and Asia.
Vali then stepped out from the crowed and walked over towards Issei. "So you're my rival then, the one I am fated to fight. You better grow stronger because as you are right now, you would stand no chance." Said Vali, before turning to walk back to the group.
While this was going on, the rest of Naruto's peerage started to mingle with Rias's members. Okay that's a lie it was just the girls minus Vali and Madara mingling. The guys and two girls were a little more on the reserved side. Mirajane and Akeno seemed to have no trouble hitting it off, and Jeanne seemed interested in Kiba's sacred gear.
Rias just smiled at the group, while it was good to see them getting along, the knowledge of what was about to transpire was putting her at unease. With that date quickly approaching, Rias began to get more and more desperate for a solution.
She was broken out of her thoughts when Naruto slid up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It would seem that I came back just in time huh." said Naruto.
A grin expression came over her face. "Yeah I still have not found a way to get out of it, from what it looks like my only chance would be to beat 'him' in a Rating Game." said Rias, not really wanting to talk about that anymore she walked towards the group, insistent on getting to know a few of Naruto's new members.
Naruto was left with that final thought, 'A Rating Game huh, that would be the perfect way to reintroduce myself to the Underworld and save Rias.' With a foxy grin and a smirk Naruto entered to crowd, sinister thoughts of how to deal with him already forming in his head.
And break there is chapter one, as I said there was going to be characters from a bunch of different genres. Sorry this chapter was so boring; it was mostly a plot and back story seat up kind of deal. There was a lot of explaining going on and stuff but the next one will be more action packed. I am always looking for critiques, but not flames. If you have suggestions please give them to me. Whether it's a tweak to my writing style, or information I forgot to add. I know some of my ideas may not be accurate to the actual Anime/Manga but it works for the story.
I hope you guys like the idea behind this and I'll try to get the next chapter out either this weekend or sometime next week. There may be time were I gloss over some cannon stuff, when that happens I'll let you know in the story. Anyway if you haven't figured it out this kind of starts after Asia was already added to Rias's peerage. This picks up right before familiar forest and the Riser arc. That will be in the next few chapters. Enjoy and please leave reviews, there will be some grammar mistakes if they bug you let me know and I will go back and fix them. Same with the wording of the story.