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Animaman: Yes Naruto family will pay what they do but not now. And I don't think I wil add scene where Naruto have kids since they will in war soon enough against Sasuke. Just for some spoiler while Sasuke here want to conquer the real opponent is not Sasuke but Madara aka Obito .

Stratos263: Thanks for your loyalty

Sorry it's been long time since I updated this story and I got caught up with my newest story so without further ado Okay let's continue the story

Unknown place

" I guess this is time to me for act finally." Said Pein with his eyes narrowing at the remaining members of the Akatsuki. "You're going after Jinchuriki Kyuubi finally. But you forgot the fact they are separated for now as two of them now in Uzu while the other one stay in Konoha." Said Konan in a stating of a fact voice with the other member of the organization looking at Pein with shocked eyes.

"Yes,Konan. And you shall not forgot there is also Sanbi jinchuriki there and we can got two jinchuriki in one swoop. After all the one remains is Konoha just soul . Itachi and Kisame prepare to capture Hachibi . I heard he now in outside Kumo as surprisingly Raikage allowed him out from Kumo. When the times is right, you must go immediately." Said Pein before the hologram of the man vanished with Konan doing the same.

"Pein, this was risky. You forgot Uzu has the strongest defense and don't forget about Uzukage. Even you are strong but with Kyuubi jinchurili and Sanbi jinchuriki together at once is too much. Even for you!" Said Konan only for the God choked her." Are you questionibg your God Konan?" said Pein as he glared to her. "N-no Pein-sama . I just worried." Said Konan while looking into the angry eyes of her former friend now turned into something else.

"I think you're worry too much, Konan. But I'll let it slip as you concerned about me. Now follow me, we have a mission to complete and time is essence." Said Pein after letting go of Konan neck and ignore the sorrow filled look on her face.

'Have we fallen so far from our goals? Our convictions we long since lived by?' thought Konan, as she knew the man behind Pein would have never choked her with his hand, and called himself a God while questioning the woman of her loyalties. Konan finally realized the man behin the form of Pein was gone and that things needed to change soon before it was too late. She ashamed not realizing it sooner and the question now was.. how she doing that?'

Scene Change in Uzu

In Naruto home , Naruto and his wives minus three (Koyuki, Shion and Shizuka) now enjoyed breakfast together and Naruto is cooking. And his brides praised him for make such delicious food. Naruto actually just made some toast and pancakes but still delicious after all. And while they enjoying the breakfast, Naruto spoke, " Okay Ladies, afterbreakfast I want you all train in my specific place like yesterday and sorry I can't join you as I have some important business and really urgent and no , that's noy paperwork but something else." Ran asked, " And what is your important business, Naruto-kun?" Naruto trplied, " Sorry, I can't tell you. If you want to know just ask Ange-sama. She is the one who ordering me after all."

All of Naruto wives cringed as asked something to Angelique was out of question. Said deity was too secretive but forcing her to told them also not good as Ange surprisingly stronger than twelve of them combined . Even if Koyuki, Shion and Shizuka joined is not really helping as Koyuki and Shion only high genin level now while Shizuka only low jounin. The only kage level is Tsunade, Fuuka , Naruko and Minami while the rest was high level jounin

And after they finish the breakfast, Naruto said, " Okay ladies I'm off for now. See ya later." Naruto then flashed to his office while the ladies led by Tsunade who said, " Well, may as go to training ground now. ' At least I don't need to do paperwork here. All I need to do is just training for now since Naruto hospital already occupied with some great doctor but I'm sure I must take over the hospital management sooner or later'" The ladies just followe Tsunade example as they all walked to underground floor to Naruto private training ground.

With Naruto.

Naruto now reading report from his blood clone who once again ordered by Ange to enter another world. Naruto actually surprised instead helping the world Ange ordered to destroy the world financially especially for certain family. At first Naruto was being skeptical as it wasn't right to ruin someone life without knowing the reason. But Ange order still stand and Naruto knew better not asked his mentor wisdom.

And after his clones learned the certain family. Turned out the heir of this family abusing his wealth to control his family private institute. Hell he even torturing the student who just spilled food to his clothes despite said student already apologize. And what make it matter worse was the heir family turned blind for the only son of said family. And when one of female student voices her distaste of his arrogance , she getting bullied instead and since most student there was loyal follower of said boy they also bullied the female student.

That made Naruto pissed . He then give strict order to made sure the rich boy and anyone who close to him suffer and since Ange-sama ordering to rob them literally , the clone usurped the family company which was one of biggest company in country and the boy family also one of the richest if not the richest family in said country. 'Naruto also made sure every evil deeds do by said boy exposed to public and it only take few months to made him embarrassed as he now forced to stay at his home while his friends now suffering just because they are his associate . His friends and loyal follower can't believe this will going happen as they thought they are untouchable. Well, that's until Naruto going into fray. Naruto himself managed made that family poor just in few months . While Naruto gain nothing as he decided to share it to poor family including the family of female student who being bullied with said boy, Naruto got some satisfaction from what he is do.

After he finished reading it (turned out it just his way to kill the boredom beside training). He now doing his daily paperwork as usual while thinking , ' I wonder how Ange-sama train them'

At time dilution field.

Earlier Ange-sama told Naruto brides to doing mamy simulation battle to improve their combat abilities. And then Ange-sama summoned horde of monster which called gargoyle. "Okay girls time for some sport!" Exciamed Ange

With that Naruto wives took off going up against the summoned demons. Tsunade was using her extra enhanced strength combined with her already powerful strength to rip the gargoyles wings off their bodies. Anko formed hand signs and she called out " MULTIPLE HIDDEN SHADOW SNAKE HANDS)!" she called as horde of snakes extended form her arms binding and biting into the gargoyles.

Naruko and Minami took out their respective sword, , "NOW FOR SOME ACTION!" they said as they started hacking, slashing, and splitting the gargoyles into pieces sending their blood all around.

Ino was facing against ten, "Okay boys let me show you why you not mess with me." She started launching poison senbon from senbon launcherall around while she was jumping and flipping all around her enemies. The avoid that as the amount was too much for avoid

Meanwhile, Kira were using their her Acid Release to melt the gargoyles .Mikoto and Ran using combination of fire jutsu and their sword respectively to cut down and burned the monster.

Hotaru decided to try her kinjutsu as she started using the power of her sealed nature and upon touching her targets they exploded, " I won't be bore with this power."

Samui and Haku were launching their respective lightning and ice jutsu on the gargoyles, and finally Fuuka finished them as she made some hand signs and called out " WIND RELEASE: FLOWER SCATTERING DANCE!" and then from her hand massive cyclone of petals charged through the gargoyle and obliterated the gargoyles completely.

And finally the simulation finished.

" Okay girls that was really good for the warming up." Said Ange made Fuuka said with mock tone, "No wonder they are so easy to fight." Which earn sagely nod by other ladies except Ange. Ange raised her eyebrows , " Well then Fuuka , I'm sure you can handle other simulation easily right?" Fuuka replied, " Well bring it on!" Fuuka challenged . " Very well then Fuuka, come with me . And you ladies you shall focused to getting workout for now. Do your favorite training as long you not slacking off. I want show Fuuka something."

And while the other ladies training on their own, Ange and Fuuka walked to another place. "So Ange-sama what are we doing here?" Asked Fuuka with some curiosity. Ange answered, " You said you want challenge and I with the pleasure will be happy to provide with some decent challenge." And after they arrived at certain room suddenly Ange pushed Fuuka and now the maroon vixen found herself at some cavern. Fuuka then heard Ange voice from nowhere, " Well, Fuuka-chan if you want to come out from here you must beat the guardian of this place which called Lesser Dragon. The only way to out from this place was die but if you die you just forced out and cannot access this chamber for next 24 hours and that means you lost one month worth of training you don't want that right? So you better prove you not just bluffing. I think I'm enough talking. See ya later . "

After Ange finished , Fuuka said to herself, " Crap , I made Ange-sama mad and in returns she drop me in unknown place. While I no need to afraid being die but I also don't want being left off so better finish this simulation." Fuuka then walked off to found the guardian of said place so she can come out .

Back to Naruto, said Uzukage just got some information from his phoenix summons one of Kumo jinchuriki , Killer Bee now in journey out from Kumo. Naruto smiled as his plan to made Killer Bee as bait worked. When his wedding party being held, he asked Raikage Ay to baiting Akatsuki with Killer Bee by let him out for several days the longest is one week. At first Raikage disagree with young Uzukage but when Naruto said he will be responsible for that as he will quickly transported himself to Bee side and also he maybe can summon Ay by himself to fight Akatsuki, Raikage relented as he also want some payback from said organization for hurting Yugito couple months ago.

And with said Hachibi Jinchuriki, Killer Bee now walking through the forest nearby border of Iron Country. While he walking he also talk with his tenant Hachibi Gyuuki. Gyuuki said, " You know , Bee. I'm still can't believe Raikage wanted to give you some day off even though it just one week." Killer Bee said, " Don't think too much eight-o. Just enjoy our vacation before we are going back in action." Gyuuki frowned, " You know , Bee. I just hope you not rapping . At least until you meet with 'him' " Killer Bee said with sad tone, " Not cool eight-o! Not cool eight-o!" Gyuuki just silent as he decided to cut his connection with Bee for a while

Back to Naruto,

"That settled then. " Naruto then looked toward his phoenix summons and said, " Please deliver this too Raikage." He handed out some seal tags , " And tell him to wear this and also for his own shinobi to wear." The summons nodded asit quickly flying to Kumo to deliver said item Naruto continuing his own paperwork and smiled, " Now let's see how this will turned out.

Few days later

It's been three days since The Hachibi jinchuriki was visiting a friend of his,which surprisingly live nearby Iron Country desite his friend was a ninja. They were discussing various topics, seating inside a forest, covered in snow as the rest of Iron country at this time of the year.

The friend he was visiting was a enka music shinobi named Sabu. Sabu was a short, middle aged man. He wore a cream-colored robe adorned with a purple belt and two purple fuzzy balls hanging in the front. He also wore a purple garment underneath the robe and has a mesh shirt under his robe as well. He had dark brown hair which is done in a traditional Japanese manner, but with a punch perm bun on top of his head. He wields a huge axe and has a giant raccoon following him everywhere by the name of Ponta.

Bee was taking tips on how to develop his enka style when they were interrupted by the arrival of two visitors, wearing black robes with red clouds .

" I should knew Akatsuki will try to capture me when I'm just alone." Said Killer Bee as he sensed Itachi and Kisame.. " Hachibi Jinchuriki I suggest you give up to us or we will use force to you." Said Itachi without emotion. " You heard what he said. Just give up and we will let your friends go." Said Kisame smirked " "Well, I won't go down without fight." Replied Killer Bee seriously "At least we tried." Replied Kisame , " Just don't say we not warned you."

But before they talked more, the giant raccoon charged towards the Akatsuki pair. Sabu was too slow to stop his partner as Kisame unsheathed his sword and countered the charging beast with a swing. Ponta was easily overpowered by Kisame's strength and the poor raccoon was now on the floor, unconscious.

Sabu was about to charge in to avenge his partner when Itachi suddenly activated his Sharingan, quickly catching the enka master in a mid-level genjutsu. Bee immediately ran towards his fellow enka comrade but Kisame stood in his way, he could only watch from afar as Itachi slowly walked towards Sabu and knocked him out with a chop at the neck.

"Now that the interference is gone, shall we start ?" Kisame asked, as he slowly unwrapped the bandages covering his sword. "I can't fight the both of them here, well I'm their target so they will follow after me. If I go ballistic on them with Hachibi, Sabu and Ponta will get caught in the destruction." Thought Killer Bee as he decided to run in the opposite direction, trying to put some distance with Sabu before the fight starts.

Itachi and Kisame showed no interest in the enka singer or the giant raccoon and immediately chased after Bee. The jinchuriki managed to get pretty far from his original position, in fact he could have run for a lot longer but he suddenly decided to stop and turned back to face his enemies. "Are you ready to come with us ? We will not put you through unneeded pain if you follow us without resisting." Itachi said in his usual emotionless voice.

Instead of answering, Bee took out the seven swords he had and took a strange stance. B held his seven blades in between the joints of his arms, left armpit and both elbows, right leg, stomach, the right side of his neck, and the last one in his mouth. Seeing Kisame itching to take a bite at the jinchuriki in a sword fight, Itachi decided to interfere.

"We must finish as soon as you can so don't even bother to holding back. I have feeling someone will be interrupt us shall we not act fast.. We'll both attack him at the same time, you take the front, I'll capitalize on any opening he leaves." Announced the Uchiha prodigy, getting a nod from his partner.

Kisame lost no time and charged at Bee with his Samehada drawn, very confident about his kenjutsu skills since he was once a member of the Seven Swordsmen of Kiri. Far from being impressed by Kisame's fame, Bee remained calm and waited for the Akatsuki swordsman to come. Kisame's swings were more powerful but Bee was unpredictable with his seven swords, even Itachi had troubles to follow him and predict his attacks. The Uchiha found no openings so far in Bee's stance.

After another high speed kenjutsu exchange, Bee was finally able to take the advantage and Kisame took a deep cut on his left shoulder before Bee kicked him away. The jinchuriki was surprised though, he expected his katana to go right through his opponent's body but Kisame somehow managed to soften the blow. Bee theorized that the enemy had a way to absorb his chakra during their fight since his swords were charged with lightning chakra.

While Bee was thinking about his previous fight, Itachi with his Sharingan activated managed to get in front of the jinchuriki who forgot about him for only a spit second and launched an attack. "DEMONIC ILLUSION: SHACKLING STAKES TECHNIQUE !" Called Itachi as he looked into Bee's eyes.

The jinchuriki found himself in the illusion world created by the Sharingan user, tormented with the sensation of having spikes driven through his limbs, taking away his body's freedom. In the real world, Bee dropped his swords and lost his kenjutsu stance. Seeing this Itachi ran towards him and he was about to knock him down when Bee suddenly moved at the last moment before Itachi's attack. "LARIAT !" Yelled Bee as he suddenly shifted from his previous position to attack Itachi with his right arm, encased in youki.

With Bee's speed and his own momentum, Itachi took the attack almost straight on. It was only years of training and fighting that allowed the Uchiha to not take a critical hit, he managed to slightly move at he last moment in order to not take a mortal wound from the Bee's counter. "H-How were you able to move, I'm sure I caught you in my genjutsu …" Asked Itachi. "I'm a host with a perfect control over my jinchuriki powers, therefore I'm immune to genjutsu, now die !" Roared the Raikage's younger brother as he took a sword from the ground and slammed it down towards his injured opponent.

Before Bee could drive his sword through Itachi's heart, he was kicked out of the way by Kisame. The former Kiri nin was bleeding from his shoulder, he had taken off his coat and was now topless. He took a look at his partner and knew he wouldn't be able to flee if he had to carry the now useless Uchiha with him. His only choice now was to fight and defeat the jinchuriki.

His decision made, Kisame went after Bee and launched a jutsu. "WATER RELEASE : GREAT WATERFALL TECHNIQUE !" Yelled Kisame as he expelled a massive amount of water from his own mouth. The water took the shape of a giant bubble, trapping Bee and Kisame inside it.

"Time to get serious, the stronger my opponent, the stronger I become." Said Kisame before he somehow fused with his sword, taking on the new appearance of a hybrid form between a human and a shark.

Bee watched the scene from his position inside the water prison, with his youki cloak still activated from the moment he countered Itachi's attempt to attack him with genjutsu. "His transformation and the sword's powers, he intends to fight me in this water prison. He most likely has the ability to breath underwater, I won't last long if I stay inside." He thought as he started to gather more youki from his bijuu until his cloak was composed of all the eight tails.

Seeing the explosion of demonic chakra, Kisame immediately rushed to Bee's position and started to attack him. The jinchuriki tried to escape the water bubble only to find out that it was following its caster's movements, consequently as long as Kisame could follow him, he would never be able to get out of the prison.

This time, the Kirigakure no Kaijin completely dominated the fight, he had the advantage of fighting under water and every wound he suffered was instantly healed by absorbing more of the chakra from the Hachibi. Soon Bee had to dispel the youki cloak as his reserves were now critically low. He was also close to his physical limit after holding his breath during the whole fight inside the Suiton prison.

Seeing his opponent's transformation fading away, Kisame undid his water prison jutsu. Bee was now laying on the floor, out of chakra or stamina and was starting to lose consciousness. "So close …" Said the jinchuriki as a smirking Kisame was slowly walking to him. The Kiri missing nin was about to take Bee's body when he saw the smile on the face of the jinchuriki, his eyes widen as he finally understood Bee's last sentence "Lariat !" Yelled a new voice as a lightning covered arm suddenly appeared in front of Kisame's throat.

Kisame managed to ducked from that attack but suddenly he saw Naruto who below Raikage and kicked the Samehada wielder. Kisame sent flying back before he quickly recovered and saw who was attacked him only to saw Naruto and Ay accompanied with some of Shinobi. From Kumo there was Yugito, Cee, Darui , Karui and Omoi while Mikoto, Ran, Samui, Kira and Haku were the ones who accompanied Naruto. Mikoto and Ran decided to restrain Itachi to make sure he won't escape while Cee and Haku tending wound of Bee , Sabu and Ponta with Samui assistance.

Meanwhile Kisame returned to his normal self with his Samehada now wielded in his hand and back to his top form despite already through some intense fight against Killer Bee. Naruto who saw it said to others, "Let me handle Kisame . I want to finish our fight years ago." Kisame smirked, " Very well, then. I 'll be happy for this." Replied Kisame as he once again readied his Samehada. "Well, I guess I must use this." Said Naruto as he took out his MYSTIC SWIFTNESS. Kisame laughing when he saw Naruto sword, " Hahahahaha, you think you can handle Samehada with this small sword?" Naruto replied with ' I don't care' look, " We won't know until we try Kisame. " Later They stared each other down for a minute before they both shouted, "Hajime!" they took off in a game of swordplay.

Meanwhile with Mikoto and Ran, after both of Uchiha women restraining Itachi with chakra suppression seals and reinforced chain. Itachi wake up and said weakly, " Kaa-san, Ran-oba. What are you doing here?" Mikoto replied, " You don't need to hide everything from, Itachi. I know everything . Your name is clean now . Once you recovered you will eturn to Konoha to become new clan head of Uchiha since I'm married with Naruto-kun and settled in Uzu. " Itachi .trying to hide his surprise but futile as he is too tired for that, " tell me kaa-san are you happy with Naruto-kun?" Asked Itachi curiously. Mikoto replied , " of course I'm happy. He treat me and others like queen after all." Itachi smiled and drown in his own thought, ' I already know Naruto-kun will become lady killer when he is grown up but the fact he have fifteen wives including kaa-san really surprise me.'

Ran who saw Itachi smiled trying to tease him, " Ooooh , it's been a while since I saw you smiling Ita-kun and there is the fact you're not eating your pocky now." Ran then took some pocky from nowhere and eating it . She then offer Mikoto some and Itachi asked, " Can I get some Ran-oba?" Ran shook her head, " Sorry , Ita-kwuun. But this is only for both of us. You want your pocky you must wait until we are going back to Uzu , kay?" Itachi just groaned as he cannot get his snack of gods.

Back to Naruto and Kisame

"MUSOU: BLACK BEAK!" Naruto called out as he dived toward Kisame while pointing his sword toward the Kirigakure no Kaijin forced him to backed down a bit. Naruto bit impressed as he cannot throw his opponent airborne like supposed to be but this made Naruto excited.

Naruto then used his strength to punch Kisame sending him rolling across the ground but got back up, "Ok so you're not a pushover as you used to be." "And you're more merciless than I knew. It's no wonder someone like you was roped into the Akatsuki." Naruto spat.

Actually boy I joined it because of order by my master the Mizukage." "What're you talking about? Yagura's not part of your twisted group anymore ! He is dead you know!"

"I'm not talking about him gaki! The day I discovered Yagura was mind control by Madara Uchiha I knew he was the true Mizukage. He offered me the chance to work along side him in the organization known as Akatsuki, where he promised he would create a better world where there are no lies, and life isn't an illusion." "You better start making sense, shark man." Naruto frowned.

"Fine I'll spell it out for ya. Before I was a member of the Seven Swordsmen I was once part of Kiri's Cipher corp. I was trained to protect information by whatever means necessary. One day we were on a mission to protect some special Intel by enemies but we were cornered by your Konoha shinobi from the interrogation corp," Kisame began, "They demanded we handed over our Intel to them because we were surrounded. Using the lessons I was taught by my former mentor Fuguki Suikazan, I protected the Intel using the only method that guaranteed the safety of our information. I killed my own comrades."

Naruto was surprised, "You what?" "That's right. I eliminated them to keep the information out of enemy hands. The more I continued to do so I felt like I didn't know where my loyalties really resided. After all killing your own comrades is an act of treason yet my own village taught me that." Kisame continued

"I see." Naruto pondered. "All ninja life is a lie! Take a look at yourself. You were lied to more times than you can obviously imagine! Doesn't that bother you one single bit?"

"I admit it does, but not as much as it used to. Sure I've been lied to over half my life about my family, myself, everything. But time and time again I've learned to not dwell upon the past life I had, because while it may not have had a happy beginning it's no excuse to let my past shape me. I choose who I want to be on my own not from past actions. Same could be said for you if you ever thought about trying," Kisame squinted as he got lectured, "The world may not always show the truth Kisame, but that's the world for you. It's not perfect just as we humans aren't perfect."

Kisame's grip on his sword loosened as he smiled and laughed a bit, "You have a way with words, Naruto. In all my years I've never met a ninja to speak using words from his heart in such a way. I see now that the ninja world is only a lie if you choose to look at it that way, but you've opened my eyes to a brighter view. And for that I thank you." He bowed his head. "Well you're welcome." Naruto replied as Kisame gripped his sword again. "Let's finish this duel, giving it our all."

Naruto smirked, "I'm way ahead of you." He powered up to entering Rage mode as Kisame powered up all the chakra he had. The two launched at each other until they collided with both their chakras clashing trying to overpower one another, "Very impressive Naruto, what is it that keeps you going so far?" "My family, my friends, and my comrades, Kisame. They're the reason I go so far. And I'll keep going further, now and forever!" his chakra grew more overpowering Kisame knocking Samehada right out of his hand and the Akatsuki member fell to the ground with a crash.

Kisame groaned, "Well Naruto, you've won. Congratulations." "You're welcome." "Now if you don't mind, strike me down here and now. I want to make it to the afterlife to apologize to my old comrades. Although I don't think I'll be going where they went." he said in remorse.

Naruto smiled, "As you wish but I'm sure Somehow maybe you can as well." He took his sword.

"And Naruto, once again thank you." Kisame shed a tear. "No problem," Naruto respected Kisame's wish and pierced his body with his Kyubi fang killing him, "Goodbye Scourge of Kiri. I hope you find peace wherever you go."

Naruto then picked up and sealed Kisame body and turned out Samehade now attached to Killer Bee . Despite Samehada originaly from Kiri, Kira decided to let Same hade go as she knew Samehada was really picky when choosing it's wielder. Later then Naruto summon his phoenix to took Raikage and his group going back to Kumo . Sabu and Ponta also already in way to their home nearby while Naruto and girls decided back to Uzu to heal Itachi as turned out he suffering lung disease beside his near blindness.

Later in Uzu

After they arrived Ran and Mikoto quickly bring Itachi to Uzu hospital so Tsunade and medic staff can take care of Itachi wounds. Tsunade who check Itachi thoroughly told them no need to worry as Itachi suffered severe chakra exhaustion but he will recovered in few days. The only problem for Uchiha slayer was his near blindness due of Mangekyo Sharingan use. Beside the sight problem he is fine after all.

Tsunade also checked shall Itachi suffer tuberculosis again since her curing said Uchiha before he doing Uchiha massacre but turned out he is really fine.

"Well, Itachi except your sight problem you're 100% fine . After you completely recovered from chakra exhaustion, I shall begun procedure to cure your eyes," Tsunade then turned her attention to Dr Mikado, "Dr Mikado will assist me for your treatment and until then , get enough rest. See ya later." Tsunade then leaving Itachi room .

Naruto Then approached Tsunade, " SO how is Itachi?" , Tsunade answered, " Other than his eye problem he completely fine though before I startedhis operation he shall recover himself first and it will need few days ." Naruto said, " It's alright. After you finishoperation and he completely recovered he will return to Konoha to report to Hokage ." Tsunade nodded, " And how about Mikoto and Ran, Naruto-kun? Will they also come woth Itachi?" Naruto shook his head, " No. He will back to Konoha but even Mikoto-chan and Ran-chan escorting him they will back soon. They already told me Itachi will lead new clan Uchiha in Konoha after all. And before you forget Itachi is pardoned as he only being used remember ?"

Tsunade nodded, " I still can't believe that late mummy blackmailed Itachi like that and he managed to do it without Minato approve it " Naruto patted her shoulder, " Well now he is no more and wish he rot in hell." Tsunade smiled, " Anyway today I want some spar." "You want me become your sparring partner?" Naruto grinned which Tsunade quickly declined, " Sorry even if you holding back I'm still have yet to beat you. Remember our last spar in Konoha few years ago?"


Naruto spar with Tsunade turned out to be one sided as he delivered devastating blow to Tsunade chin and followed through by grabbing her legs and slamming her back to ground . Tsunade was able orecover and jumped back but Naruto quickly rushed as he landed headbutt to her exposed stomach. Later Naruto completel dominated the spar as he keep attacking not let Tsunade some opening as the Slug sage only able to defend let alone counter. Feeling enough Naruto landed another devastating blow which made Tsunade down and later she raised her hand sign she is forfeit, " I'm give up. Damn you,Naru-kun. you're really strong now."

Flashback End

Naruto chuckled, " C'mon, Tsu-hime it's almost five years since that and you even not forget that?" Tsunade pouted, " Hmph I won't be feeling that humiliating shall I at least can take you down but even I use my full strength to knock you down you even managed to stand firm." Naruto sheepishly chuckled. He know Tsunade pride really hurt as she don't even made him sweat but considering he is now strong and almost godlike it understandable after all. "Anyway let's go to training arena. I bet Fuuka must be waiting for you." Tsunade just nodded as she fasten her walk .

Later in training ground

Fuuka already waiting Tsunade as she standing in center of arena , " Hmph finally you come Tsunade-chan. I think you won't come as you're too busy in hospital." Fuuka mocked Tsunade which replied, " Don't make me laugh Fuuka. After all I need some stress reliever and you can be good partner for it."

"Umm remember ladies you are here just to spar not kill each other right?" Naruto asked as he threw a pair of boxing gloves to both of ladies. Tsunade and Fuuka understand what Naruto mean and quickly slipped their own gloves They then synchronized themselves as they doing footwork and punching their fist each other

Are you ready?" Tsunade asked. " How about you?" Fuuka smiled. "Okay ladies are you both ready?" Naruto asked the Fighters. They both nodded, "Begin!"

Tsunade was the first to strike, throwing a right hook that Fuuka stepped back from as he spun in pursuit and launched a left back hand. Fuuka blocked each of the blows with her forearms before managing to push her arm against Tsunade torso to throw her off balance . She then countered with some swift kicks to her sides and her legs. Tsunade took the hits, dipping into the right and fed a right hook into Fuuka 's side, the red haired vixen retaliating with her own hook into Tsunade as they gave each other a left straight into their respective stomachs, forcing them apart as they backed off. Tsuande regained herself, shuffling her feet again and dancing from side to side as she waited for Fuuka. Fuuka shook off the shock of the blow quickly and got back into her stance. She rushed forward with a flying kick, forcing Tsunade to swerve away from the attack. She landed behind her and sent out thrusts of quick jabs at the Sannin. Her speed proved impressive as she blocked every fist thrown at her and then shocked everyone when she did a front flip and almost brought down an axe kick on Fuuka as she side stepped, with Tsunade dropping down low and tripping her with a spinning low kick as she fell on the canvas.

.Fuuka sprung to her feet and faced Tsunade again, cocking an eyebrow as she did. "It seems you managed to hurt me with only taijutsu Tsunade,"she said. :Maybe you should started take this seriously . Otherwise you ccould gotten hurt more." Taunted Tsunade

"As you wish," Fuuka replied. She kicked up her leg and gave it a few stretches, "I'll have to find a way to break through it."

"Good luck," Tsunade challenged as she started flipping and kicking, with Fuuka evading each strike. She started spinning too, her kicks aiming low, mid and high as more of them caught Fuuka on her midsection more consistently. Fuuka managed to catch one of Tsunade's legs under her arm before tossing it back, sending Tsunade flipping in midair before landing on the floor. Fuuka put up her fists and slowly approached, jerking forward sightly several times, faking Tsunade out. Finally, she rushed in on her, her feet swerving about a she did, and sent in a storm of kicks at Tsunade. Tsunade then spun on her back, as if break-dancing and made Fuuka back out to avoid a kick that almost caught her in the face as he got back on his feet as they stared off.

After few blow trade Tsunade found herself at the defensive as she twisted and blocked her way from Fuuka's blows. But Fuuka also performed several fake-outs, keeping Tsunade guessing with what she was going to do next. Fuuka knows in order to beat Tsunade she cannot figh her head on so he using tricks.

Without warning, she swiped her at her thighs, causing her to kneel from the blow. Quickly, she got back up, and threw several swift jabs before she swung her leg at her other thigh. She was sent on her knees again and this time she knocked her on her back before she could recover.

"C'mon that's everything you got, Tsunade-chan?" Fuuka taunted, "That's not like you! Come on, give me something I can look forward to! And stop holding back ."

Tsunade rolled backwards, landing in a crouching position as she started panting . She regretting not take Naruto offer to grab some snack before spar to gain some energy . If this keep going She couldn't last for long and she needed to finish this fight. 'I can't last much longer...' she thought to herself, 'It's time I finished this, but I have to make sure not to hurt Fuuka too badly...' Tsunade rose to her feet, taking a deep breath and exhaling as the look in her eyes changed, blazing with a fire that has been rarely seen. Naruto smirked when he saw that, ' Seems you finally burning up , Tsu-hime.'

Fuuka saw the look in her eyes and smiled, "So, you wanna finish this. Alright then, but I'll tell you now that it won't end the way you think." "We'll see," Tsunade challenged as she charged right at Fuuka. "Hope you didn't eat a lot!" "Try not to puke after I'm done!" Fuuka grinned as she met her charge with her own.

Both fighters threw their punches. However, Fuuka, gawked with dropped jaws as her punch went through Tsunade as she faded from sight.

Suddenly Tsunade came in with a left hook that caught Fuuka right in her left lower back, delivering a sharp pain that she felt in her kidney. But she wasn't deterred as she used her momentum to spin counter-clockwise and swing her right leg to take Tsunade's head...only for her to disappear again.

"Not again...!" she cried in frustration when she appeared over her. "Damn...!"

Tsunade raised his right fist and she finished as she delivered a powerful corkscrew punch downward that caught Fuuka in the stomach perfectly, stopping the two in the middle of the ring. She'd made sure to hold back and not leave any lasting damage, but put enough strength into her punch to hopefully take Fuuka out of the fight. "Haa...haa... You give...?" she panted.

"Ha... Fine," Fuuka panted, "You beat me...for now." "And the winner is Tsunade Senju since Fuuka forfeit!." Announced Naruto

Naruto turned to both of his wives , " You know that was really intense fight I seen and considering you just use taijutsu that was awesome." Naruto praise made two older woman blushed . "Anyway you two should get some rest. Starting tomorrow I'll do same for others."

And day by day passed since that. Naruto actually using his time chamber to doing spar and the ladies faced each other and that's really obvious when Tsunade, Fuuka , Naruko and Minami dominated the spar and followed by Ran , Mikoto, Anko, Samui, Hotaru, Kira, Haku and Ino . And since Ino was keep losing Naruto decided to give some personal training made said Yamanaka happy as she have personal time with Naruto. And when she walk with Naruto if Ino looked back she will saw the other ladies especially Fuuka actually grinned.

Fuuka whispered, " Oh boy, it seems Yamanaka will get really nasty bruises." Ran asked, " What do you mean Fuuka." Fuuka explain, " Remember when Ange-sama escorted me to said place ?" The others nodded, " That means Ino will face something nasty with Naruto and Naruto-kun probably won't helped her too much."

Naruko remembered something, " Oh damn. They going to dungeon field. I just hoped Naru-nii not getting too nasty with her." Fuuka smirked, " I won't bet on that. Naru-kun have high standard and he probably will upped Ino training with that."

"In that case we should train as hard as possible . We will prove to Naruto-kun we can get strong without entering his simulation program." Rallied Kira which followed by cheer from other girls and later they continue training on their own. While she started punching training dummy Fuuka then thought, ' I wonder where Naruto bring Ino-chan? I just hope he not going to certain dragon cavern with her. Even I managed to beat said dragon, that was really nasty dragon after all.'

With Naruto and Ino

Naruto and Ino now found themselves at some catacombs. Ino said, " So what should I do Naruto-kun?" Naruto answered, "Well we just going through this catacombs and must defeat boss in this dungeon." Ino nodded, " It sounded like video game." Naruto shrugged , " That was Ange-sama idea. After all I'm become one of her test subjects for this and while bot weird at least I gotten stronger with that."

"In that case I'm going stronger too with this." Ino exclaimed. Naruto smiled, " You should Ino-chan. Otherwise I will make you work really hard . Understand?" Naruto smiled wickedly which made Ino gulped. " And now let's go."

Few hours later in dungeon , Ino actually managed to going through dungeon without hurting herself too much. Naruto impressed with that as he expecting Ino will get more injury than she suffer now. While Ino fight against the monsters he just keep healing Ino and also silently collecting the valuable. Naruto actually abused that Ange-sama dungeon as it can produce some loot from enemies like normal video game. He already decided to give some for Ino later but most of valuable will be for him while the Yamanaka got some badass equipment he thought.

Ino now fighting enemy called Dragon servant which was anthromorphic green dragon which about 6 ft and armed with scimitar. Said creature was really nasty as Ino must using ration in order to take it down due of very high resistance of physical attack.

It keep going when Ino took down many Dragon servants. And finally the boss appeared as turned out the boss was very big ape . This time Naruto also join the fray as said ape was too much for said Yamanaka for fight. After finished he and Ino going out from the dungeon

"That was great Naruto-kun. If I can use that every day maybe I can catch up with others." Ino said with determined voice but Naruto shook his head, " Sorry Ino-chan but that most unlikely. You only able to enter that place once a day and you need another 24 hours before you enter that place and one more thing. You are really tired now so you better get some sleep. Tomorrow we will train with others." Ino just nodded as she also really tired from this.

Meanwhile at Otogakure

"What? You say Itachi has been captured by my mother in nearby Iron Country ?" Sasuke asked with furious tone. " That's right ,Sasuke-sama. According of our spy in Iron country. Your brother and Kisame attempted to capture Hachibi Jinchuriki and surprisingly Itachi has been taken down by said Jinchuriki and later your mother and aunt restrained him .While Naruto also there to assist Hachibi to fight Kisame." Explain Kabuto

" Damn it. It means I must try harder then before. Kabuto increase our intelligence so we can find some way to face Itachi." Kabuto surprised, " But how about our invasion to Honey country?" Sasuke just shrugged it , " We can do that other time. For now let's focused to find Itachi whereabouts."

Suigetsu suddenly spoke, " And how about Samehada?" Kabuto shook his head, " Unfortunately Samehada taken by Hachibi Jinchuriki." That said made Suigetsu grunted , " Damn it " Sasuke said, " Don't worry Suigetsu . You can get what you want soon. 'After I got my fight against Itachi of course'" Suigetsu just nod, "tsk fine. I guess wait a bit longer is fine. I'm not suicidal person. "

"Good . And actually I have a job for you SUigetsu." Sasuke then told SUigetsu he must going to Sea country to check something in Sea Country. Kabuto raised his eyebrows, " I;m sorry Sasuke-sama. But from my intelligence . All of Orochimaru-sama belongings in that country already destroyed." Sasuke dismiss it, " You forget about your master, Kabuto. Orochimaru must be hide something there and that not even known by other traitor right?"

"Well, sorry about that , Sasuke-sama." Kabuto apologized. "Well, apology accepted. You just don't think something unexpected right. Just don't think to rashly next time." Sasuke warned the former Orochimaru right hand.

Few days later Somewhere near Uzu

Pein now arrived at some small island near he staring at island where Uzushiogakure located with as the failure of his organization awoke with the day, and knew the Leaf was the source for it all. Though the specific person in all of this was none other then Naruto himself, as he had a hand in Itachi's death, Kisame soon joining his partner in that situation, and now two more members were gone with only one demon extracted to show for it. It was unacceptable!

'Okay boy! Let's see how you handle a true God amongst men of this world?' thought Pein, as he summoned his Six Paths, and began his walk towards Uzu before Konan appeared in front of him.

"Pein, please wait! You must stop. This is wrong. This is not you," said Konan seeing Pein and his Six Paths narrow their eyes at her. "You are against this? Why? Why are you against this? Don't you remember our goal is to end the suffering of this world? Remove the fangs of these Shinobi villages and make us the pointed tip of the sword at the world's throat so people wouldn't constantly destroy each other?" said Pein looking ready to grab Konan by the throat again. And this time he wouldn't let go.

"I do remember, but while our motives are pure, our means to accomplish are not, and the man before that I knew would never have gone this far. You didn't even use your power to bring others back to life on the Jinchuriki we captured from Iwa after his demon was extracted. The man I knew before what you are now would have used it to bring the poor man back to life after the process was over. Now you wish to fight the Uzu, kill all that live in it, and just for one if not all three Jinchuriki in this village. You are not acting like the man I knew," said Konan seeing Pein's hand flex and knew he wanted to grab her by the throat to crush her windpipe.

"We have to change with the times Konan. If we don't, then we will be swept away by the sands of time, and all we have been trying to accomplish along with it. I am no longer the man you knew and cannot be again," said Pein before walking towards Konoha again, but Konan once again appeared in front of him, and stared defiantly at the man with intense eyes that told him she wasn't going to back down.

"If you do this, then you'll have to get through me, and make no mistake I won't hold back!" said Konan seeing Pein just narrow his eyes at her before his Human Path move quickly and grabbed her by the throat with the intent of crushing her. "Neither will I Konan. I will not let someone such as you stand in my way of the peace I have envisioned," said Pein while his Human path prepared to crush the life right out of the woman, who quickly became nothing, but flimsy paper flying into the wind before reappearing several feet away from the Human Path, and prepared to fight the man she cared about.

A man so lost he no longer followed the principles of behind their purpose. "You forget I cannot die easily with my abilities," said Konan before making more paper manifest itself from her body. "Just as I can't die so easily with my abilities," said Pein with his other Paths moving to surround her, but a figure to the left of his Preta Path appeared, and the face of the figure didn't look very happy to see them. Well...not very happy to see Pein.

"You have some nerve coming here to take what doesn't belong to you," said Naruto, as he saw all Six Paths of Pein, and Konan looking at him. "So the the brother of Kyuubi Jinchuriki graces us with his presence. How did you know our location so soon?" said Pein before casting a suspicious eye at Konan.

"She didn't have time to tell us so don't give her that look in your eyes of forgot about my own sensory ability as I sensed someone with hostile intent come nearby well this is the spot that is the most direct into the Uzu," said Naruto with Pein's five other Paths looking around to see it was just him from within Uzu's walls.

"You came alone. " Said Pein as he saw Naruto really come alone "Don't worry, they know you're here Pein. I just told them to let me handle you and only intervene should I fail. Which by the way I won't!" said Naruto seeing Pein just smirk at him.

"You are either extremely brave, strong, or most likely...extremely arrogant," said Pein with Naruto smirking this time. "I'd say I'm the first two you mentioned and not necessarily in that order," said Naruto before going into full combat form and grinned evilly at Pein.

To Be Continued

Sorry cliffhanger next chapter Naruto and Pein will clashed

Author Note : If you can guess what reference anime I used in this chapter then you are really great.