Chapter One: Smile John

Hi Watson_Holmes here, this story is also on AO3.

Disclaimer: Obviously freeform, and I write for fun. Or from Boredom. Very obvious that Sherlock is not mine or anybody's. He owns himself just like every other person owns themselves. Okay, maybe BBC Worldwide Limited, Hartswood Films, Moffatiss and ACD too.

Not betaed- Actually, many thanks to PaperbackHeart(!), they volunteered to beta chapters 1,2,& 3! Enjoy. :D

"Seriously, why does he always look so sad and plain all the time?" Sally Donovan frowned in John's direction. Everyone was catching their breath from the latest pun, even Sherlock had to control himself from laughing like an idiot.

Sherlock lifted a brow at Sally's remark, letting his head drift to John. John was standing by the corner of the room, completely unfazed by the Yard's recent joke. His expression was so flat, so serious, Sherlock had to try not chuckle at John's mortifying neutral expression.

"Oi, freak," Sally probed, "What did you do to him? Is your 'sociopathy' becoming contagious? Although, come to think of it, we've all never seen John smile before."

"Of course no-," Sherlock froze, realizing the same fact. How had this simple observation slipped from his mind?

Interesting. Something new, oh this could be very interesting. Sherlock bored his eyes into John's head, eager to start his new experiment.


A sudden chill came over John, sure that someone was staring at him. And definitely not from the usual gaze, usual eyes. He turned to find Sherlock grinning at him, giving one of his 'interested' looks. Not good, not good at all. John mentally panicked as Sherlock strode toward him after dismissing himself from Sally's company.

"221B now." Sherlock dragged John toward the door's direction.

"Ugh, Sherlock stop it. I know how to walk perfectly fine," John hissed.

His flatmate rolled his eyes and dropped his hand, but continued to hurry John. The ride back to Baker Street was very uncomfortable. John felt Sherlock's intense gaze on his neck the entire ride. He shifted further away from Sherlock as much as possible, almost absolutely sure that Sherlock was staring either from lust or murder. Probably murder. Oh God, what did he do to make Sherlock act this way?

The cab stopped. As John reached out to pay, Sherlock dragged him out before he could even utter 'thank you' to the cabbie. John was guided upstairs and shoved harshly into his chair.

"What the hell was all that for?" he demanded. Sherlock could at least give a reason for all his childish nonsense.

"John. Do me a favour," Sherlock said sternly.

"All this for a favour, Sherlock?" John was torn between punching and throttling his stupidly selfish flatmate.

He closed his eyes, and rubbed his temple waiting for Sherlock to say something. Nothing - he didn't hear anything. Frowning, he looked up and nearly jumped out of his chair. Sherlock's face was just inches away from his. Sherlock's hands shot out and grasped John's head firmly, using both thumbs to lift the corners of his mouth.

John flushed from the absurdity of it all, as well as what he probably looked like under Sherlock's hands.


Sherlock promptly lifted the corners of John's lips; it looked ridiculous. It wasn't a real smile at all, and that made it worse. Sherlock sucked in air to keep from laughing.

"Shwrwok, yucnletgnew." Sherlock snapped his head up to see a slightly red John, whose eyes flashed with annoyance. He reluctantly let go of John's head, watching him rub his jaw, waiting for the right moment to speak.

"John, I need you to smi-,"

"Oh, GOD NO!" he yelled horrified, jumping away from Sherlock.

"Come on, John. One smile won't hurt."

"Why are you so interested in me smiling? There are far more interesting subjects you can find to entertain yourself with," John groaned. Sherlock was very intrigued. What is it that is making John not want to smile? Was it that bad? Some childhood trauma? New questions bloomed in his head.

"Well then, John," Sherlock smiled. "We'll have to approach this in a different way."

John stared with a mortified expression.


"Let's call this 'Smile John'."

John was a few shades paler after Sherlock had finished speaking.