An Exercise in Shame

Did you realize, Anakin?

Did you ever recognize the truth about me?

After all, I was always seeking redemption. Every time I ever turned to you, it was a plea for help. You could have saved me.

I don't know if you ever saw, if you ever knew. But I was drowning, and you held me under.

No. You didn't hold me under.

You dragged me down along with you.

You might have pulled me up, and in so doing, saved yourself, but instead you doomed us all.

I had killed before, but I had to learn what it was to kill, without mercy, without hope, into the dark.

I made this future, me. The despair in my heart destroyed us all.

It's not your fault, Anakin.

Author's Note: This one was a bit of an experiment to get used to writing for this fandom again... It sort of offers a different vision of Obi-Wan's role in Anakin's fall, so much so that it might actually be AU... and also hints that maybe Anakin wasn't the only focal point in the Clone Wars... *wink wink*

Does this offer some insights into what I do next? Maaayyyybbeee... I don't even know.

Thanks for reading, anyway.