Stoick pushed open the wooden door to his house with a tired, meaty hand. It had been an exhausting day for the chief, but he was happy nevertheless. He was proud of Berk, he was proud of his people, and he was proud of his son, because he recently achieved the rank of best teenage dragon fighter on Berk. And was chosen to kill a nightmare as a final examination, as per custom. The sun was already below the horizon and the dark was taking over this side of the world. The burly man walked into his house only to find the hearth to be out, no fire, no light, no heat. It was strange, for usually Hiccup would be home before he got back, and the hearth would be alive with a hot, roaring fire. He walked over to small wood stockpile that rested in a corner, but he stopped himself when he noticed a small envelope on the big wooden dinning table. He walked over to it, frowning, and picked it up.

To Chief Stoick the Vast of Berk.

He ripped open the envelope and read the paper letter it contained.

Dear father.

I'm afraid I have decided to take a prolonged leave of absence. I'm absolutely sure the delay of my leave is indefinite, it would be best if I never return. My motives for leaving are obvious. I understand the material burden I represent for Berk, and that my attempts to help my tribe, are in fact, counter-productive. In addition, my social...Position...Is unfortunately a black stain on the Haddock name. In consequence, I shall not use any last name on my travels so as not to tarnish your illustrious family name. My second reason, is that I obviously do not fit it in...Indeed, my social environment was growing increasingly hostile, to a point at which I cannot bear.

I imagine you will be quite relieved at my departure. You will be able to choose a suitable heir, and you will not have to deal with my 'counter-productivity'. I know that running away is not the Viking way, far from it. But I have recently come to the realization that my place is not here ( In truth I don't believe it to be anywhere ) and that I am not a Viking, not in physicality nor in mentality. I have also predicted a beneficial outcome both for Berk and me, as well as a third party I shall not name here from my decision to disappear.

I will not expect you to remember me, for I know I will try to push my darker past spent on Berk to the back of my mind and forget.

Please note that I have not taken any boats from your docks to leave, merely a couple of medical supplies, food and forge tools. Enough for two bags, no more. I would be grateful if you would keep my disappearance as far away from the outside world as possible, I do not want to be caught up by gossip and linked to Berk, or any tribe as a matter of fact. It would be advantageous for all to create a pretext for my disappearance, if anyone from outside the tribe asks ( Death through disease, for instance, is a very plausible one ). Rest assured I will not speak poorly of the Hooligans, despite the context.

That is all I have to say. Farewell. May your tribe forever prosper.
