Thud. Beca felt her back hit the wall, and let out a grunt. The wall was cool against her pale skin, but the mouth roaming her neck was hot and caused sparks of lust to shoot down to her lower abdomen. Alcohol clouded the brunette's thoughts; the last thing she remembered was singing with the Bellas on the stage in Copenhagen. After that, the girl could only slightly recall loud music, crowds of dancing bodies, and copious amounts of liquor.

She was dragged from her thoughts when long, silky fingers inched their way up her blouse. Pushing her hips forward, she found the contact she had been needing and felt a thigh pressing against her center. "Oh, God," the brunette moaned, her eyes fluttering open for the first time since reaching her hotel room. Wait, this wasn't right. Long blonde hair was draped to one side, bright red lips and sparkling white teeth nipping and sucking the skin on her chest.

This wasn't Jesse. This wasn't her boyfriend. Panic mode, Beca was entering panic mode. Her own blue eyes widened and her breathing quickened. As the woman in front of her pulled away, Beca immediately knew who it was. "Oh- oh my God- oh my God!" the Bella exclaimed, pushing herself as close to the wall as she could to break contact. Kommissar pulled away farther with a quizzical look. "Maus…?" she questioned, eyebrows raised. "Y-you, how did you get in here? What are you doing?!" Beca responded quickly, stumbling as she moved deeper into the hotel room.

Kommissar smirked, shaking her head and letting out a sigh as she approached Beca slowly. "It looks as if you really have had too much to drink." her accent was thick, her mind intoxicated, but the German was far more composed than the tiny American girl. "G-get out!" Beca slurred, falling backwards as she tripped over shoes she had left out earlier. The blonde rushed forward to help, but Beca shoved her hands away. "Don't touch me! I have a boyfriend…" the girl cried using the bed in an attempt to pull herself up.

"You did not seem to have a problem when you were dragging me back to your room…" Kommissar scoffed, turning to the desk to scribble something down. Tiny hands clutched the comforter as she sat on the bed, tears threatening to pour over. Beca pressed her lips together before glaring at the German goddess she was turning down. "At least I have a real name!" she squeaked in an attempt to hurt the woman, all while avoiding to look at the sinfully attractive blonde.

The taller woman let out one amused chuckle, looking over her shoulder as she made her way to the door. "Luisa, my name is Luisa," her voice was firm and even colder than before, making a shiver run down the brunette's spine. The sound of the door closing put Beca into motion, practically falling off the bed as she scrambled to the desk. On a piece of paper was Luisa's name and a bunch of numbers. Beca growled while grabbing it and shoved it into a drawer.

Clambering back onto the bed, she reached for her cellphone; fingers fumbling with the touch screen, she clicked Jesse's name and started typing. 'I need you. Com to my room?' After several attempts, she was satisfied she had spelled everything correctly and pressed send. Getting up off of the hotel bed she walked towards the bathroom and flicked the light on. "Shit," she muttered, pulling at bright red skin with her fingers.

A knock on the door made her jump, and she fixed her hair, hoping to hide the marks. Peeking out of the bathroom, another knock assured her that it was Jesse. Opening the door, Jesse stepped in. A few more steps and Beca closed the door behind him. Even with alcohol coursing through her veins, she could tell her boyfriend was just as intoxicated if not more so. "Bec? What'sh wrong?" he asked, resting his hands on her arms. Beca looked up at him with soft eyes, and bit her lip. "I need you," she stated simply. The pair hadn't been intimate in months, but luckily for Beca, Jesse didn't question anything. He merely placed the gentlest of kisses on her lips, and nothing. The brunette felt nothing.

It wasn't like the passionate, primal kisses from Luisa, that made her stomach tumble inside her. The kisses that ignited fire in her groin. Those thoughts however, did spark something. Forcing her lips harder against Jesse's, he let out a grunt. Beca reached up with tiny hands to wrap her fingers in hair. It was short, and coarse; not like the long, silky hair of Luisa. Trying to force her unfiltered thoughts of the blonde from her mind, she spun Jesse around and pushing him against the wall.

Hands were making their way up her sides and she wanted to cringe. Jesse's rough hands were nothing in comparison to Kommissar's; so smooth, so skilled. She moaned aloud at her thoughts and immediately felt guilty. "Bed," she gasped, breaking from her boyfriend, to pull him towards the bed. Climbing on, she pulled Jesse down with her, Beca lying on her back.

Letting her head fall back against the pillows; closing her eyes and just letting herself feel. Something felt wrong though; she couldn't get images of the German from her mind. Fine then, she thought to herself, giving in to her dirty thoughts. Everything Jesse did to her, she imagined Luisa doing it; only better.

Kommissar wished the room had been farther away, but unfortunately it was right next to Beca's. How it had managed to be that way, she was unsure, and even more, how they had managed to not run into each other before the competition, surprised her even more. She heard the thuds, the moans, and it made Luisa feel sick. The German was unsure exactly how she felt; maybe hurt? No, Lusia didn't let herself get hurt. The woman was disgusted with the fact that the little mouse wanted to use her. Or did she?

She thought about it, and realized that Beca seemed so alarmed; was she feeling guilty? Whatever it was, it didn't mean that Luisa had to lay in bed, drunk, and listen to the maus that she should be fucking. Surprised with herself, she coughed and got up for water. Was she jealous? Rolling her eyes, she got from the bed to change. Her tight clothes had been comfortable all night up until this point. Swapping them for some baggy sweatpants and loose t-shirt she felt much better already.

Grabbing one of the small paper cups from the bathroom she filled it with water and chugged it, filling it up again to bring out into the room. Sitting at the desk, she tapped her fingers, unsure of what to do. Already being changed she wasn't willing to go back out, but now she was listening to Beca's increasingly loud moans from the other side of the wall. All of a sudden… "LUISA!" she heard her name being screamed, and she nearly choked on the water she was sipping.

Everything went silent after that. It seemed like minutes had passed, and then all of a sudden she heard screaming, and yelling, and slamming, and felt herself jumping from her chair. Storming into the hallway, she parked herself in front of Beca's hotel room door and pounded her fist on it. When the door opened, there stood a fuming, American male, his face beet red, and past his angered body, Luisa spotted a shaking brunette in the corner of the room.