The rest of the day went smoothly, for the most part. You did some homework, helped your parents clean the house, and went grocery shopping with Toriel and Asgore. However, most of your day was spent plagued by the thought of Sans. You thought he'd be disappointed in you for what had happened, even though it wasn't really your fault.

Whatever his reaction was, you knew it couldn't be good. More worry filled you as you remembered that tomorrow was Monday. Even though you had no idea what would happen, and what he would do, you knew that Flowey was up to some dark work, you could feel it in your gut. Regardless, you would be going to school tomorrow. You didn't care what would happen to you, but you wanted to be there to protect your friends.

You were sitting in your bathtub currently, taking a bubble bath. You brushed your bangs out of your face and sighed again, relaxing into the mass of bubbles. A buzzing tone could be heard on the counter top, which was presumably your phone, but you ignored it and began to wash your hair. The absolute silence was something you were grateful for, and the suds between your toes almost made you forget the stresses of the previous days. Again, your phone buzzed. Slightly frustrated at the texter's impatience, you unplugged the drain, watching the water and bubbles disappear. You almost slipped trying to stand up on the tub, but caught yourself just in time, and then began to dry yourself off with a warm towel.

It was really cold, and goosebumps danced across your skin as you groggily put on your pajamas, and brushed your teeth. Deciding to procrastinate a little bit longer, you put your cell phone in your pants pocket, and spun your hair up in your towel, giggling at your reflection.

Toriel was in her bedroom, humming to herself while folding clothes. You waved to her and spoke a soft goodnight, which she spoke back with a warm smile. Asgore was out on a business trip, so he wasn't going to be home for the next couple of days.

Walking down the hall and into your room, you spotted something out the window. Or rather, it looked to be a figure of a person along tree line. Hesitantly, and with your heartbeat speeding up, you inched closer to the window. It looked to be... What? How?

It was Chara, facing you, about thirty feet away.

Why was she here? HOW was she here? You could feel your heartbeat roar in your ears as your eyes were fixated on her, and yet she only stood there, swaying with the wind. Her face was completely expressionless, and she didn't seem to blink. Without your gaze wavering, you reached your hand into your pocket and grabbed your cell phone, pulling up the camera application. Attempting to zoom in, you broke your eye contact. Nothing showed on your phone's screen, much to your surprise. You looked up to find she was no longer there.

Chills raced up your back as you slowly walked closer to the window, and opened the blinds further. Just in case she was there again. You sat on your bed, shivering in uncertainty. Hopefully, you were just seeing things. There's no way she could be here. You pulled your warm blanket over your small figure, and checked your text messages. There were two messages, the first being from Sans.

"dont come to school. please, frisk. you dont know what hes capable of. ill handle him. okay, bud?"

Emotion overtook you, primarily of which was frustration. You must be a bad luck charm. Why was all this bad stuff happening? It must have been your fault, clearly. Taking a deep breath, you tried not to cry. If Sans got hurt, it was because of you. Why did he even care what happened to you?

You didn't want to look at the second text. But curiosity and desire itched at your mind, and you saw its sender. It was an unknown number, one you didn't have in your contacts. Brows furrowing in confusion, you hesitantly opened the message.

"i like the flowers in your garden :) also don't forget, tomorrow is monday!"

You lost it. You were done. You didn't feel safe anymore. Quaking in fear, you locked all the windows and doors in the house. Tears spilled out of your eyes, and you stopped in the kitchen.

There were knives on the counter.

But could you really use one?

No, you couldn't. No matter what was going to happen, you knew you wouldn't be able to bring yourself to that point. You pulled out your phone as you pushed your bed onto the other side of the room, were you couldn't see out the window- and nothing could see in, either. Dialing Sans, you climbed onto your bed and tried to calm down. You knew you couldn't, though.

"Hey." Sans' familiar voice rang out, and some relief flooded over you.

"Sans...? I-I'm scared." You admitted, your voice cracking a bit.

"I know, Frisk. It'll be alright. You're safe," He spoke so softly it was almost hard to hear him. "I won't let him hurt you."

"But what if he hurts you?" Stressed out but a little more calm at his reassurance, you ran your fingers through your hair.

"Wow, no faith in me at all?" He joked lightly. "This isn't the first time him and I have disagreed. Papyrus and him used to be really good friends, though I never really trusted him. Eventually, Flowey kept telling him that we were all holding him back, and that we loathed him." He paused. You could tell there was anger behind his words. "Of course, Papyrus eventually told me about that. Apparently, Flowey wanted Papyrus to himself."

"And then what happened?" You tentatively asked.

"That's a story for another time. I'm alright, aren't I? And so is Pap. And you'll be alright, too."

"...Do you want me to come to school tomorrow?" The tears had stopped, now the emotion had dwindled to only deep breaths.

"I'd... rather you stayed home. Or stay at my house. But if you want to come to school, I'll keep you safe, mkay?" He yawned, which in turn caused you to yawn.

"Alright. Thank you, Sans. For everything. Goodnight." Even though you were worried, you knew that it'd be okay.

"Goodnight, Frisk." He hung up the phone and you laid down in your bed in pure exhaustion. You had a lot of thinking to do tonight. Chara, Flowey... Sans.

The thought of everything he had done so far filled you with determination. You were going to protect each other.

You started smiling gently, and you didn't really know why.

But you were going to school tomorrow, that's for sure.

Somehow you weren't expecting to dream, but you did.

You were in a field of yellow flowers, the same ones that stood outside your house. The sun's rays warmed your body, and you smiled.

Familiar figures waved to you, beckoning you closer. Happily, you skipped to them, revealing it to be Toriel, Asgore, Sans and Alphys. They all had warming smiles, and Sans was blushing heavily with a rose in his hand. As you walked towards them, the ground began to shake. The field of flowers grew thorns, and wrapped around you, lifting you off the ground and digging painfully all over your body. Now all of your friends were on the ground, and the reached out to you in fear. The ground beneath them opened up, and they fell.

The scene changes. You're sitting on a bench, and it's dark. It seems the only source of light are crystals embedded in the walls, and a tall glowing blue flower. Curiously, Sans is sitting next to you, and you realized you're wearing his jacket. His hand is placed on top of your own, and you two are sitting in comfortable silence. You scoot over closer to him and rest your head on his shoulder. He looks down at you, grabbing your face gently and planting a soft kiss on your lips. You feel like this is the happiest you've ever been.

But that doesn't last long.

He looks over at you, and his previously blushing face twists into that of malice and he pushes you forcefully onto the ground.

"Did you think I actually cared? Pathetic." He scoffs, and Flowey walks up beside him, leering down at you. You can't move. Sans speaks again. "Oh, you can have Frisk. Do whatever you want to them, I don't care." He shrugs and walks off, and you lay there, whimpering. You want to fight back.

Flowey smiles down to you.

"Oh, you're going to LOVE this!"

You knew you weren't.

You woke up in a cold sweat, gripping the sheets of your bed tightly with your heart pounding like you just ran a marathon. It was an hour before you were supposed to get up, but you knew that no matter hard you tried you weren't going back to sleep.

After taking a minute or two to remind yourself that that was just a horrid and weird dream, you got up. You put on a simple outfit and went into the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth, and while doing so you considered the meaning of your dream. In particular, the part where you and Sans were... well, you didn't really know. The fact that you two kissed in your dream made you feel warm and fuzzy, and you weren't sure why.

Eventually, you went to school. Your friends all happily greeted you before classes started. Alphys and Papyrus both gave you a hug and chatted about how well their weekends went. Alphys giggled and looked nervously over to Undyne, who surprisingly seemed okay with your presence. Mettaton was his usual self, but stuck close to Papyrus for the most part. Sans sat next to you, rather distracted but still making stupid jokes when opportunity struck.

You thought that maybe today wouldn't be so bad. Maybe Flowey's threat was empty, and only meant to scare you. Even so, you spent the moments before class on high alert. A text message tone startled you, causing you to squeak in panic. It was a text from Alphys, yet she was only a couple of feet away from you. You looked up to her and she scrunched her nose up and smiled, but her true emotion of curiosity was plastered across her face.

"Did something happen this weekend between you and Sans? You both are acting weird. :P"

Looking up at her, you shook your head a bit, trying to be discreet as everyone else chatted away. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously but she shrugged and resumed talking to Undyne. Sans turned to you after a while and showed his usual grin.

"Hey, did ya sleep well?" He spoke casually, as he leaned over and rested his chin on his hand. Memories of last night's dream made your face flush in embarrassment, but you nodded anyways. His eyes narrowed, making his smile seem odd. He shrugged, as if he didn't want to ask.

Of course, the rest of your dream should be bothering you, considering its horrific contents. But you decided to forget it. It was only a dream, everyone was safe.

The warning bell rang throughout the halls, and they all groaned at the prospect of going to class. You were just glad that nothing horrible had happened yet.

But you were wrong.

You went to your locker, intending to grab your books and then head to class.

But there was a note in your locker.

And its contents sent chills shooting down your back.


I made it a cliffhanger of sorts I'm very sorry.


As always, if you have any suggestions for further chapters, or even one-shots, go ahead and leave them in a review!

I'm not sure how I feel about this chapter, oops.

Have a nice day!