Hey guys! How do you like my pairing? Should I do any heavy smut? That's for you to decide.
The landings are the best if you are a combat junky. The thrill of the landing, the opening with the hiss and release of air, the scan for hostiles...the Hunt. It is an indescribable feeling for those who love the feeling of adrenaline and the crazy affects on your excitement.
As Chey took to scanning the sides, Jaune used his drone to take to the skies. Chey's sniper cannon moving around on it's elongated pole, well above her head. Chey purred, being a combat junky as well.
"Chey flank right. Got a signal." Jaune made sure that each Yautja got a course in human military tactics and signals, happy with how similar the Yautja and human tactics are. Many grumbled, most complained, the rest were the latter and interested.
Chey nodded and took to a small hill, using her long range modes to her advantage, her whips shining slightly with the moon light. How the humans managed to destroy the moon and live is a mystery in itself. Jaune and Chey activated their cloaking as they got a good distance from the ship, the thrusters and Yautja tech would have messed with their computers seeing as they connect with the ship log as it goes into stealth and hovers above the atmosphere.
Chey and Jaune used their cannons, and Jaune's rifle, to look around. Jaune keeps his trusty .45s and a good 9mm handy on his person at all times, human weapons always comforted him.
"I wonder what that, uh, 'Face Hugger' took?" Chey is still getting used to the human version of the Xenomorph kind and what they call them. "Let's hope for a human" Dead silence. "That was cruel wasn't it."
"Yes." Jaune could feel Chey roll her eyes over the comms in their masks, thankfully she couldn't see him look embarrassed. He would never live it down. "I mean, the animal humans, Fauna I think, are half animal, so a Hybrid wouldn't be wanted here. Especially since this planet is hardly used for Hunts, we don't really know the terrain." Chey purred in agreement, knowing that her mate would never deliberately want someone to be harmed. He was just to nice.
As they reached the downed ship, Chey growled and Jaune cursed as several human ships were looking at the triangular ship. The human vessels were cold and no life was seen. It looks like the Face Hugger and the Queen got 'em. And for one documented Face Hugger, this was impressive. Sick and sad, but impressive. The Queen was obviously through here, if the half destroyed ship means anything.
"Chey, check the Science vessel. I'll take the human vessels." Jaune got an affirmative purr. He hoped Chey could get a good report in, she used to be a part of the Science branch and knew what to look for in there.
His mate entered the ship cautiously, hissing slightly as she came across a dead Yautja, the face and chest was a bloody pulp, the bright green blood in a giant puddle. The humans got the worse of it. Ripped in half, burst open and inward chests, necks ripped out, heads crushed, innards ripped out, huge holes in the stomach from a tail. It was hard not to feel bad for them.
The inside of the human ships were odd, weird armor and weapons, some kind of dust in vials, different scorch marks, odd machines that look like engines, but are way to small or smooth, and other weird things. These humans are weird.
Jaune made quick work, using each of his sight modes to search for survivors. The only thing was slightly coagulated blood and rotting corpses.
*Cough cough*
Jaune's head snapped up, he spotted a body that had a slight amount of heat in it. Approaching, it had to be a young woman. Her stomach had a huge cut, her arm was completely broken, several ribs and bruises were showing on her chest, her face had a big gash on the side, she was barely breathing.
"Chey, survivor." Jaune spoke in the Yautja tongue. The woman weakly looked up, holding up her remaining arm in a weak attempt at defense. Jaune tried to soothe her.
"Shh, it's OK miss. I'm here to help." She seemed to perk up. Slightly. "H...help?" Her voice was feminine, but really weak. Jaune made his way too her, gently prodding areas that were hurt. She gulped and jerked in pain, Jaune stopped, pulling out a small box and a bright green vial.
"Miss, this vial holds healing chemicals and nano bots that will fix you, albeit slowly. Do you think you can drink this?" She slowly nodded, some blood staining her already pale and blue cheeks. Jaune smiled and helped her get the now open vial towards her mouth, having to help her get it down her throat.
After a minute, she finally got the vial's contents in her, the chemicals working as pain killers and working instantly. The nano bots held super small amounts of extreme healing properties, fusing themselves with blood vessels and using themselves as replacement bones. Jaune then began to use the box to staple up open wounds, using a small cloth to clean up what he could. The woman moaned in pain and it was now that he finally noticed her blonde hair and broken riding crop next to her. He noticed that her clothes used to be a old fashioned suit, some kind of cloth and glasses barely hanging on.
Jaune smiled as his drone crept up and took a scan. Nothing to major, thankfully. Jaune sent a silent prayer of thanks to the Yautja gods, thanking them for letting him help her.
Since Jaune, a human, joined, the Yautja's have been trying to help innocents caught in the middle of the Hunts. It took a while, but it started and was accepted. Jaune called Chey over after getting a call saying she found what they needed. A dead new born Xeno that was crushed by a falling metal support. Lucky timing. Those little slugs are quick.
Chey walked in and moaned in sadness for the corpses strewn around her. She winced as she took in the sight of the hurt woman, purring in a soothing manner as she took in the wounds. The woman tried to back up with the sight of Chey, but Jaune reassured her and she stopped.
Picking her up gingerly, Jaune carried her bridal style and called the pod, seeing as it had a med-bay in it.
"What's your name miss?" The woman gurgled weakly, the painkillers not helping a whole lot, but still numbing her pain. "G-G-Glynda." Jaune nodded. "Well than Glynda, you are a strong woman. Don't worry, were calling in our ship and we'll help you. *Sigh* We're going to have to remove your arm." Jaune had a very sad tone, not getting any better at the look of worry in Glynda's eyes as she took in what he said.
Slowly, she nodded, the worry and fear not leaving her eyes. A glowing dot got closer and closer, the long and cylindrical box landing softly, burns appearing on the grass from the thrusters.
Opening, Chey prepped the med-bay, a long, twelve foot bed with spider like arms with different tools and devices on the ends and in it. Several arms had vials of healing and numbing liquids, some light acids and blood re-creators. A long arm had a face mask that pushes air in and out.
Gently placing the wounded woman on the bed, Chey gave Jaune a worried look. "It's OK Chey, the scan showed no fatal injuries." The sleeping drugs were pushed into the woman's neck and arm, the saw and cauterizing arm ready. As soon as Glynda's vitals and breathing were steady, the saw got to work. A case of glass covered the bed.
Jaune sighed, this was worse than he thought. Chey removed her mask with a hiss of air and clicked supportive tones. Removing his own mask, Jaune rubbed his face, trying to ease his worry for the woman and were the Queen could be.
"Be at ease my mate. I'm sure she will be fine." Jaune gave a tired smile. This will be hard to explain to Glynda. "Please, the only worry I have is that I'll take her as my new mate." While a pathetic jibe, it got the desired affect. Chey scowled and lightly punched his shoulder.
"You know what will happen if that happens. Remember the whore from the Ruby'ya clan?" How could Jaune forget? That was the worse cat fight he's ever seen. Now that he thinks about it, wasn't a cat used as a weapon? Poor kitty...
A beep caught his attention. Looking to the med-bay, he sighed in relief as it opened and Glynda was still breathing. Her crushed arm was now a thin metal arm, just as thick and long as her arm used to be, just mechanical now. And full of areas for modification. The injuries were now scars with small stitches covering them.
Her body has more color and the machine covered her "areas" in bandages for covering. With a groan, Glynda opened her eyes, albeit slowly and lazily.
Attempting to get up, Jaune rushed over and helped her, ignoring her questioning look as she took in what he was wearing and his companion behind him, her four mandibles clicking. Glynda got a quick look of fear at the sight of Chey, but seeing Jaune act normal and seeing the tall Yautja act so kind to him, it calmed her.
"It's OK miss Glynda, this is Chey. *Chey waves, leaning on one leg cutely* She is my girlfriend, and I hope she can explain what there is need to know. I believe it will be better if you get used to Chey first." Jaune finished the last part as Glynda adopted a quick look of fear.
Hesitantly, she nodded.
Walking away, Jaune watched his drones progress through his wrist computer, scanning the surrounding areas and looking through the camera, flicking through the different modes of sight. Behind him, Chey was chatting with Glynda with a giddy tone, Glynda slowly getting used to Chey's looks and tone.
Sighing with happiness, he saw that Glynda regained some strength and was continuing the conversation, apparently have gotten used to Chey quite quickly.
Making his presence known, he walked into the pod and looked for some better clothing for the woman. Pulling out a spare of his clothes, he had the med-bay make some adjustments to make it her size and fit her shape.
Walking out, he nearly dropped his items as he saw Glynda's shocked face at the metal arm, and then turning bright red as she was only wearing bandages. He nearly dropped it because of the sheer humility of the scene. Chey was lightly giggling.
Smirking with a chuckle, Jaune walked up, placing a kiss on Chey's forehead and handing the clothes to the woman.
"I had the med-bay make adjustments to fit your recorded sizes. Hope you don't mind I had to see that." Jaune rubbed his neck with a chuckle. Jaune didn't show it, but the cold of the night wind was slightly bothering him, having only netting and metal covering his upper body. Chey has been with him long enough to know that he was cold.
Having scales and being reptilian gave her a natural cold resistance. So she wrapped Jaune in a cuddle, placing his head on her chest. Glynda chuckled as she finished pulling on her new clothes, chuckling at the sigh of relief from the odd human boy.
In an instance, Jaune got serious,
"OK Glynda, I think it's time we explained somethings..."