Noir(AU) Chapter 2


"In the next few weeks several attacks are going to be aimed at the local government and law enforcement. This should allow Homeworld to aim at any politicians, cops, or...detectives that maybe Crystal Rook sympathizers."

"Duly noted." Peridot and the others have time. Garnet should know what to do with these plans.

"The docks and warehouses are to be avoided at all costs. Homeworld knows that the Rooks have the urban advantage especially with access points to the city via water system."

"Taking out any place for supply drops. Anything else."

"They will leave no loose ends."

Lapis was very informative. The singer knew what was going to happen and how it was suppose to go down. I guess it can't be helped when Homeworld Enforcers were your gang. I try to focus and stay on task. Lapis keeps looking at the door behind me as to expect someone. Paranoia, a common symptom.

"Look Mr. Detective, I appreciate you coming here and taking it in. If any of the Enforcers knew about this, we'd be dead where we stand." She chuckles. I chuckle as well. The eve of war is about to happen and the city will become a playground for guns, bullets, and dead bodies from all sides. Laughing is a luxury best taken.

However once the laughter starts, my senses take over. The small, but audible clicks of guns being loaded. The door burst open with a large kick and I see a barrel pointed at me. A small smoke trail enters the room. Its stench filling the already tense room.

"Jasper!" Lapis squeaked. The woman entered the room. Her long, wild hair stood out, and she had orange tattoos striped on her cheeks. Not to mention huge. Her muscles, height, and intimidation were not to be taken lightly.

"No loose ends." She grumbled as she pointed her gun at Lapis. Everything slowed down. And I could see the visible panic going through Lapis. Every minor detail could be seen. A drop of sweat going down her cheek, the wide eyes, and the subtle hitch of breath.

Adrenaline pumped through me and whip out my revolver and shoot Jasper. The bullet embedded itself right into her shoulder. The large woman was taken by surprise as I ran forward and tackled her. I managed to push her out of the room and give Lapis enough time to run. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of lingering for an extra second. Jasper put together her two meaty hands and slammed them on my back.

Wood greeted my cheeks as I felt the blunt pain on my back. It was soon overcame with the pain of a heel kicking my temple. I rolled away as far as I can with Jasper looking at me with contempt. I fumbled for my gun and quickly got a hold of it. I turned and shot my second bullet. And it barely grazed her hair.

Jasper grabbed me by the throat and I struggled to get free. However, the woman must feel no pain. I kicked her chest, stomach, and arms. My pistol hit her head a couple times. And all she did was stare at me with a small trail of blood flowing down her head. She checked my coat and pulled out my badge.

Next thing I know was a table breaking my fall and several guns pointed at me. Jasper walked up to one of hired guns. "Lapis, where is she?"

"She got away. Grabbed your machine gun and left with one of the waitresses during the commotion. Blonde hair shaped oddly and emerald eyes." Jasper growled in frustration and pushed the gunman away.

"Peridot of course. That little traitor is going to pay as well." She grabbed my revolver and dismantled it. "Take care of the detective. I've got some hunting to do." She left and the gunmen looked at me with special interest. One of them aimed their guns at me and fired. The bullet grazed my cheek and my ears were ringing. Another swung the butt of his gun like a golf club and hit me right in the solar plexus. Breathing becomes a fight itself as I'm on my hands and knees.

I try my best, but I can barely defend myself against the beatings. Everything become buzzing lights with a few injuries that'll take awhile to heal. After a few moments they picked me up and threw me against a wall. "Alright we've had our fun. Turn around and get on your knees."

I do what they ask and I feel a barrel press against my skull. "Awfully close. 'Fraid you miss?" Being a smartass wasn't the best way to end, but it was satisfying nonetheless. A heard the click of a bullet entering its chamber and I close my eyes. Suddenly several bullets rang out and my would be-executioner fell to the ground.

"Jamie!" I turned to see Garnet and her partner Pearl. They were hidden behind a table with some of the gunmen now spread out throughout the club. Without thinking, I picked up the gun about to kill me and fire a few rounds in their general direction. The henchmen barely looked at me without getting a bullet sent in their direction.

I don't know how I was sprinting, but I found myself pushing the entrance doors open with Garnet and Pearl giving cover fire. The getaway car was there with another familiar face. Amethyst. She had the doors open and the three of us dived right into the safety of the car.

Jasper's henchmen came out and before Amethyst drove away, she threw a bright bottle at them. The ground lit up as we drove off and the confused screams of the henchmen were the last thing I heard before I passed.

"Ah. Garnet, that stings." Pearl looked at me with concern, but waved away at my small cries of pain. Right now, she was listening to Amethyst complement her own quick thinking. We were in one of the old apartments near the harbor. It was one of the few hideouts I know where the Crystal Rooks have.

"That was smart, Amethyst. Only you almost burned down another club." Garnet said as she pressed an alcohol wipe on my cut. "Oh come on! If I hadn't thrown the cocktail, our car would face guns and it isn't exactly bullet-proof."

"It's ok, Amethyst. You saved us. That's all the matters." I said.

"See. This guy's appreciative."

"Enough. Pearl, check up on Rose, Peridot, and Lapis."

"They're safe?" I questioned.

Garnet nodded. "Yes. Rose was with us, but when we saw those two, she took them here." I breathe a sigh of relief. With all that's happened, I was scared for those two. Peridot since she's new and Lapis since I basically took on an Amazonian to save her neck.

Garnet leaned in and I noticed her stare. "You expecting a kiss?" I asked. "You had the information, but you stayed and almost got killed. What you did was irrational, dangerous, and reckless."

"Sorry, but I couldn't leave Lapis behind. I can't leave someone to die-" I was cut off when Garnet pressed her lips against mine for a few seconds. We've always had a weird relationship. Garnet never wanted to pursue a relationship. She always viewed herself as a relationship between her parents who we'll call Ruby and Sapphire. However that didn't stop her attraction toward me and vice versa.

It always leads to an on and off relationship. Most likely due to us being on opposite lines of the law. Luckily we've always managed to stay friends despite that.

She pulled back. "Your noble attitude is going to get you killed. Lapis was worried when I carried your body up to the bedroom."

"I feel loved." I replied. Garnet shook her head. "Quit being a smartass. We almost lost you today." I give in and put my forehead against her's.

"I know."

"We can't afford you to lose you now."

"I know."

"We're royally screwed if you die. The police won't back us up if you're gone."

"There's Dewey."

"They don't trust the commissioner. Unlike you, they can tell he's a sympathizer."

"He won't be in a few weeks."

Garnet and I turned our heads to see Lapis. She was looked at me with relief and I just give a comforting smile. Garnet pulled herself away and walked up to Lapis. She towered the singer. "I suppose we can finally talk now."

"I just escaped a fight from one of Homeworld's strongest fighter. Cut me a break."

Garnet didn't let the snappy attitude get to her. "Has Rose left?" Lapis nodded and Garnet knew that Pearl and Amethyst followed. Most likely to patrol the area and warn any Rooks to stay off the streets for the time being. Peridot walked to the door frame. "Is the clod finally awake?"

"I'm swell. Just a few bandages to heal a beating." Peridot hissed at the sarcasm. "Look we don't have enough time. Jasper's on the hunt now and we can't really afford to screw up now." Garnet glanced at me and I could tell that it was mostly pointed at me.

The three women have experienced Homeworld's wrath, while I only got an idea to compare. I slid to the floor and stretched my arm. It was a chore to do even standing. My chest feels like someone's been dancing on it and my ear hasn't stopped ringing. I'll need more time to recover.

"They aim to take out the the police and politicians first. One of their commanders has a list with all the names. Expect headlines to come in red." Lapis said. I filled in the rest and told that the harbors and river access points are now being guarded. Garnet pondered on the information while Peridot was freaking out.

"Gah! We're dead! They thought of everything! It's such a good strategy!"

"True. Without our access to the sewers and rivers cut off, we're cut off from leaving." Garnet said. Lapis and I were looked at each with with concern as we could see the wheels turning in Garnet's head.

"We'll improvise." She said and began to walk toward the door.

"Improvise!?" Peridot said in utter disbelief. "You honestly don't believe that could be the strategy. We need structure, a sure way…" She said. Garnet didn't say a word, but pulled out her gun and aimed carefully at the windows.

"Right now we need to keep our eyes on our allies. If Homeworld eliminates our hands in the law and put theirs, we'll be more at risk." Garnet quickly withdrew her pistol and put on her glasses. "Peridot, you'll be coming with me. Jamie will take Lapis over somewhere safe."

"There's Barbara's apartment. I'm allowed to there as long as I have a valid reason." I said. Garnet nodded and grabbed Peridot's hand. "You'll need to stay quiet."

"I know, I know." She grumbled and the two left into the night. We waited a good ten minutes before walking down the old apartment. I opened the door and breathed uneasily. If we get caught, they'll be two more heads added to the list of murders. Lapis stayed behind me with fear lacing her features.

Now we were open to the entire city. And the bright lights of the streets were just behind us. Shifting a little, I try my best to look not injured. It's too risky and I'd look like an easy target for common crooks. Taking my chances, I grab Lazuli's hand and walk into the ground.

The lights, sounds, and conversations around us were numbing my senses. "I'll call a cab." Lapis said. In a couple of minutes a yellow taxi pulled over and with a quick flash of money and information exchange, we sped off toward Barbara's home. Lapis and I sat silently as the taxi went through traffic. The singer was staring at my bruises and I could see some semblance of guilt traced on her face.

Finally we stopped at Barbara's address and walked inside. Taking out the secret key hidden, I open the door and hear a grunt. "Who's there?"

"A friend." I call out. The lights turned on and I see Barbara's daughter Sadie holding a baseball bat. "Calm down. It's just me."

Sadie sighed in relief, but saw Lapis standing behind me. "Mom said stop bringing your girlfriends here. After that 'Garnet' woman…"

"It's not like that. Jamie's trying to get us to safety." That stopped Sadie and she beckoned us to follow her in. "Great. And here I thought I was going to get a quiet evening."

"You will." I groaned as I fall on my one of my knees. Sadie and Lapis quickly ran to me with concern and Sadie finally noticed all the bruises and cuts on my body. "Oh God, what happened to you?"

The last thing I remember is chuckling a smart little answer before passing out.

Lapis and Sadie picked up Jamie and laid him on the couch. The detective was out like a light. Sadie grabbed their first-aid kit and tried her best to clean Jamie up. The only Rook that had proper medical training was Rose, but with all the preparations she couldn't come through. Garnet had to wing it.

"Ah God, I've never seen him like this before. It looks like he's taken on entire gang."

"He did." Lapis mumbled. She was staring at him and quickly checked his pulse. It was slow, but loud enough to not warrant any concern at the moment. Sadie placed a cotton pad on his cheek before taping it down.

"That should keep the cut from being infected." She sighed. Lapis sat on the sofa with her fingers twiddling together. "Is it wrong for me to ask what happened?"

"Homeworld Enforcers came to my club. One of them wanted to kill me for some reason. The detective leapt into action and gave me enough time to leave. I found a couple of his friends-"

"And they obviously raised hell. That's the Crystal Rooks alright." Sadie said as she sat on a small armchair. Lapis looked at her with confusion and surprise. "Oh come on, my mother's a sympathizer as well. Damn good at hiding it as well."

They fell into silence after that. Lapis looked around and found a picture of a mail lady, who she assumed was Barbara. It scared her to think that her face may end on the picture. Though Homeworld was just aiming for those of power, so they may leave this household alone.

Sadie got up and stretched. "It's getting late. You should get some sleep." And with that, the girl disappeared behind the door and left the club singer with the unconscious detective.

The woman shifted her eyes around. Finally allowing her muscles to relax, Lapis closed her eyes. The sounds of the city and the occasional argument between neighbors put Lapis at ease. "Thanks for saving my neck." She mumbled.

"Quiet they're sleeping."

"I know, but I can't help it. They look so comfortable." The whispers continued and I was not sure who it was. What was obvious was that my mouth was dry and something was sleeping on my bruised chest. My eyes cracked open to see Barbara and Sadie whispering to one another and a low snoring on my chest. The scent is what takes me. Small traces of perfume, alcohol, and the harbor.

I look to see Lapis is snugged gently on top of me and between my arms. I don't know how, but it doesn't matter. Dawn's approaching and I can't afford to be late. "Lapis. Get up!" She doesn't stir for a second, but after gently prodding and Barbara pulling her up, Lapis woke up.

"Morning already?" She mumbled. The singer laid back down and I was once again trapped. Sadie and Barbara sighed. "We'll make breakfast. And then you can get on your way."

I'm glad Barbara didn't question my state. Or maybe Sadie filled her in, but the last thing I needed was to be tended like a baby. "Lapis, we've got to get ready." She didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Five more minutes. I'm tired."

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. The morning was still young, filled with smell of eggs, toast, and coffee. Nearly getting killed does empty a stomach. Sadie walked in with a bundle of clothes. "Jamie, this is for Lapis. Also Mom says take a shower." I gladly accept it and quickly nudge away from Lapis. The woman barely registered a thing and simply shifted her head.

The shower was great. It washed away any grime or dry blood left on me. Plus it got me to see how bad I got it last night. Bruised ribs: Check. Lingering damage to the head: Check. Any movement that reopens small cuts: Check. Besides that however, I'm perfectly fine. I walk out and find some of my old collared shirts and pants I leave behind in case I have to crash at Barbara's. It's nice to feel crisp clothes with any dirt.

I joined my friends for breakfast and see Lapis conversing with Barbara well enough. "Ah Jamie, there you are. You're friend just told me of your exploits."

"Hopefully only the good parts." Barbara's smiling face went serious. "I don't count you getting yourself almost killed a good part." Lapis looked away with guilt. She's been silent on me for most of our time together. I guess it's better to be silent than talkative, but it still bothered me.

"It's what I do. Besides I feel like I would've been killed even if I didn't save Lapis." Barbara still stared at me with a twinge of disbelief. I poured myself a cup of coffee and don't bother adding any sugar or cream. "Look I saw someone about to get killed and I didn't take my chance to leave."

"You should've." Lapis said. Now I'm the one with disbelief in their eyes. "I was ready to die. You shoulda ran the second, Jasper pointed her gun at me." Sadie and Barbara feel tension rise, but I didn't care. I stuck out my neck and got beat the hell up.

"I appreciate what you did, but you did something completely unnecessary."

"Unnecessary? How was that unnecessary?"

"You're a detective, figure it out." She was getting testy. The flash of her blue eyes looked dangerous. "Jasper, her gang, they were going to kill you. I saved you."

"You wasted a bullet for me. If you knew what I've done, you could see this was my only chance to get back at them. Jasper would've finished me off and you could've escaped without those unnecessary injuries. Detective, you were idiot last night."

I slammed my hands on the table. "Are you kidding me?! An idiot? That's not at all crude. Besides I managed to not only to save you, but help my friends."

"That's rich. You 'helped' your friends. The Rooks have no chance of beating Homeworld. They should've given up a long time ago. I did." Lapis said. Barbara and Sadie were now watching the two of us. "Given up? If you gave up then why did you bother giving me the information."

"To do what little damage to Homeworld as I can before I die. They can't be beaten. I know that. Like I would've known that if Jasper had just shot me, the fact that she killed a loved one would've stopped her for a few precious seconds." This girl was making no sense to me.

Lapis looked at the door and sighed sadly. Their was a knocking at the door and Barbara went to open it. "What can I do for-" A gunshot rang out as Barbara fell to the floor. Sadie was about to scream when the gunman stepped into the apartment and pistol whipped the girl.

"Lapis Lazuli." He said. Lapis froze at her seat as the gunman held me at gunpoint. He pressed the end of his barrel against my temple and kicked the back of my knees. "You moron." another voice growled. I froze at the realization of whose voice that is. Jasper walked and looked at Barbara gasping for breath.

"Idiot, you were suppose to knock her out along with the daughter. This is too much unnecessary blood." I see Barbara's eyes frozen in terror as she looks at me. Jasper leaned down at Barbara. "She looks like a wounded animal." She placed her boot on Barbara's neck.

"No, no, no! Stop!" I cried out. Jasper looked at me. "Good morning detective. I'll be with you in a second." And with a small grunt and an audible crunch, Barbara laid still. All senses went blank and restarted. Ringing in ears, blurry vision with the exception of seeing the corpse in perfect detail, dry mouth, scent of blood, and the wooden floors scraping against my palms.

Barbara. That was the only thing that rang in my mind. My neighbor, my friend just died in front of my eyes. Lapis had her eyes wide in shock as Jasper walked toward her. I struggled against my captor, but I couldn't do much.

"J-Jasper." Lapis said. The two women were at a huge height difference with Lapis looking up at the towering pillar of muscle. She pushed Lapis against the wall and pinned her. "Where were we?" I couldn't stand there and do nothing.

"Hey Amazon, leave the girl alone! She hasn't even had her coffee." I said. Jasper looked back and sneered at me. "Really?" She grabbed Lapis by the throat and walked toward me. Her henchman was sweating profusely and his palms were getting sweaty. "Should I shoot him?"

"Yeah, let the boy." I said. Jasper was studying me. "Although, he should reload his gun first. Or at least check if he has a round in. After all he did just shoot my friend." Take the bait. I know the kid's an amateur. Lapis was trying her best to speak, but Jasper's grip prevented her from speaking a single word.

I let one of my hands drop as the other holds on to my captor. "What're you playing at?"

"I do not play my fair lady. Tis' rude of a gentleman of my nature to do such a thing." Old habits from my theatre classes. What I would kill to be in a dressing room instead of here. "Does thou see me as a constant pain in the arse? Je suis désolé madame, mais allez vous faire foutre."

"Je peux vous comprendre, imbécile." Jasper said. She was getting angry. That was good. My hand was on the table and I grabbed my coffee mug. With a quick jerk, I spilled the still hot coffee on captor when his handle on the gun wavered at Jasper's presence. He yelped in pain before I moved around him and pushed him to Jasper. The guy never got close as Jasper smacked him away with her other hand. Luckily for me, it was an open opportunity to smash my clean mug on Jasper's temple. She dropped Lapis who scrambled behind him. Lapis looked at Barbara with sad eyes before checking on Sadie.

"You bastard!" I throw a few punches and each hit Jasper square in the jaw. On my last punch, she blocked it and landed a right hook on me. I fall to the ground and find my former captor's pistol. I scooped it up and blindly four times before one shot got Jasper in the shoulder. The woman fell on her back and growled in pain. "I'm going to kill you."

I pressed the barrel against her head. "Me first." I pull the trigger...and it just clicked. Both of us froze as constantly pulled the trigger, but no shot. Jasper's foot met my stomach as I flew back a few feet. I turned to see the doorway with Lapis holding Sadie close to her.

"Jamie!" She yelled before I stumbled to the hallway. Lapis clenched her teeth angrily as Jasper walked out with blood pouring from her side. We both got ready for fight when we all heard sirens from the outside. Jasper glanced at the doorway and took one last look at us. She spat at us and dashed toward one the few exits leading to the back. I would've chased her, but she kicked my bruised ribs and I couldn't breathe very easily.

Police officers rushed in with their guns pointed to every person at the sight. "Where's Harold?" I asked. A few seconds later and I see Lt. Harold Smiley. "Jamie, what the hell happened here?"

I didn't answer him, but his eyes followed mine to see Sadie unconscious and Barbara's corpse. His breath hitches. "Barbara." He said. I slide down the wall with Lapis looking down with as much guilt as ever. I heard her mumbling under her breath and looking at me with the saddest eyes.

Before I could say anything, Harold looks at me. "We need to talk, Taylor."