Shakespeare once wrote, "Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind." If only Shakespeare had known Sirius Black.

He was an arrogant person, if not all the time, then most. He was confident and held an air of regality about him, not afraid of what anyone thought of him. Showing off, boasting, always so proud of his accomplishments. Which was to be expected, given the size of his ego.

His features however, as he became older, were perfection. His hair tumbled around his face, long and wispy, his jaw strong; clenched when angry. He was fairly tall, and his body had been moulded and shaped to play Quidditch from his many long and tiresome hours. Some say the best and the worst part of him were his eyes; grey and full of uncertain emotions.

Yet there was a side of him that only his friends would know. The loyalty, when he stuck up for them in times of need, or for what he thought was right. The bravery, when he didn't back down from a fight or duel (which usually landed him in detention while in school). His caring side, which only came out once in a blue moon, when someone was in a really foul mood. He was capable of love and emotion, though rarely showed it until later in his life.

I was close enough to Sirius to see these wonderful things in action; my sister however, was blind to them. Which really was a pity because Sirius Black was completely and utterly head over heels in love with her.

All that she knew of Sirius was that he was a good-looking person who knew he was handsome and flaunted it. She didn't have to put up with the constant questions about herself, wouldn't notice that his eyes would light up when she walked in the room, or that he constantly had trouble taking his eyes off her. Always.

No, of course she would never notice these things. She thought of herself as the plain Jane sort. But when Sirius looked at her, he saw perfection. He saw his shining star (his words, not mine).

Sirius Black didn't know he was in love with Felicity at first. He did not understand it then, but I secretly think he craved her presence over anyone else's. He did not voice it, he never would, unless it was to Felicity herself years later; but he would proudly say that from that point on, he did not date another girl. Of course there were flings, to try and make her jealous (which it did and which it didn't), but he was Sirius, that's the way his mind worked. The way Felicity saw it; he was still a child.

When he ran away from home to the Potter's, James owled us, Sirius had shown up in bad shape and he didn't know what to do. With Felicity being a healer in training, he thought she could help. After rushing over, I think Felicity really saw him for the first time. His ribs were broken, his skin bruised, but all he could see was his saviour. And all she could see was someone brave & courageous.