Disclaimer and Author's Note. First and foremost, I don't own either Naruto or Glee. Now with that out of the way. This is a story I started a while ago and that I've been updating fairly frequently, but have never gotten around to publishing. It's been a bit of a hobby story for me, meaning that whenever I've been bored or couldn't think to work on anything else, or just wanted to waste some time I worked on this story. It starts off a little slow in my opinion and a lot of the early chapters are done as exposition, just explaining things and this crossover world I've set up. But the further into the story it goes the less and less that happens, so please bear with me.




Danzo Shimura wasn't a man to give himself over to any kind of emotion but he couldn't help the feeling of pride that overtook him as the final preparations for this project were underway. He was currently up in the catwalks, looking down into the vast cavern below him as his Root ninja completed the final preparations.

Years of blood and sweat had lead up to this moment. Countless hours of research, and failed trials. Hundreds of lives lost. But now, finally, everything was falling into place and a new dawn for Konoha was approaching. After today, nothing would ever be the same again.

"Is everything ready?" A calm and steady voice asks, and Danzo Shimura can feel a shiver of fear slink down his spine and it takes all of his years of shinobi training to hide it. He hadn't even sensed the other person's approach. As much as it killed him to admit it, he knew when he was outclassed.

"Yes, we're making the final preparations now." He answers.

"Good, there can be no foul-ups. Too much is riding on this."

Danzo doesn't say anything, instead, he just nods his head as he continues to look down from the balcony to the action below. One-hundred people were currently bound by genjutsu and placed in the center of a giant sealing array, the most complex array that Danzo had ever seen, possibly to have ever been created.

Various Root ninja meticulously going over every inch of the array, making sure that nothing was out of place, that everything was perfect. There could be no mistakes once the seal was activated. Too much was riding on this, there was zero room for error, if even one symbol was even a millimeter off, it could throw the entire array off balance and ruin everything. The risks involved and the sacrifices necessary to make this technique work were so very high and so very demanding, but completely worth it in Danzo's mind. If the technique worked then Konoha would experience an influx of resources and technology the likes of which had never been seen before.

If this worked then the village that he loved so dearly, that he was willing to do anything for, would have an incalculable advantage over their enemies. What were the lives of One-hundred souls in comparison to the safety and prosperity of the village? No, in Danzo's mind these people below should feel honored to give their lives for the village.

Their sacrifice was not in vain. In fact it was necessary. Each and every one of them was needed, a sacrifice of one hundred souls to invoke the power of a god.

One of his agents appears beside him. "The preparations are complete Lord Danzo." They say in a monotone voice.

Danzo glances briefly over at the shrouded figure who nods their head, giving him the signal to go ahead.

"Activate the array." He tells them, his agent disappearing from his side and reappearing down below. He watches as they walk to the top of the array, taking his place at the head of the circle. Surrounding the circle at perfectly even distances are six other Root agents for a total of seven.

A second of silence passes and then as if reacting to some unseen signal they spring into action, their hands blurring in perfect unison into a series of complex hand seals. Their chakra floods the cavern as they pump it into the seal, activating it and as they do so the symbols from the seal begin to glow with energy, lighting up the cavern and a sense of excitement floods Danzo.

It was working.

Suddenly, from below there is an angry shout, one of the one-hundred sacrifices had broken free from the genjutsu that trapped them and before anyone could think to stop him or cancel the technique he had charged at one of the Root ninja performing the technique, disrupting it. He is put down quickly but the damage is done and the seal dies down, all energy involved disappearing.

Danzo glares at the array down below. All that time and effort was wasted, they would have to try again. The back of Danzo's neck prickles as he can sense the anger rolling off of the person beside him.

"You've failed me." The voice says, even and calm. Like the eye of a hurricane.

Danzo has to bite his tongue to stop from retorting. It wouldn't do any good to anger them further. "We can start over, this is a minor setback, nothing more." The words taste like ash in his mouth, this wasn't his fault.

Whatever the figures retort was going to be however is cut off by a scream of agony coming from below. Both Danzo and the figure look down the balcony and see that one of the sacrifices has fallen to the ground dead. A second later another one of them screams and falls dead, then another and then another. Within seconds all of them are dead.

Minutes pass in silence as tension fills the air. "What just happ- aack!" Danzo cries out as a heavy and powerful presence appears and fills the cavern, a cold fear, the likes of which Danzo had never experienced before overwhelms him and he falls to his knees, choking on his own breath.

He had been exposed to killer intent before, he had come face to face with powerful enemies and had more than once faced the possibility of his own death. He was a seasoned shinobi and yet nothing in all of his vast experiences had ever prepared him for the fear that filled him. It was cold and unyielding, and Danzo knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was going to die. It was as if death itself had arrived and knew him by name.

They had successfully summoned a god, but had no control over it.

Suddenly another presence fills the room, even more powerful than the first. This new presence drives away the icy fear and replaces it with its own white hot burning rage. It's awesome power searing its way into his very soul. If Danzo thought he had known fear before, he had been sorely mistaken because whatever this new presence was, it was angry and there was nothing in this world that Danzo would do, nothing he wouldn't sacrifice, even Konoha itself, to turn this things anger away from him and onto something else.

A bright and blinding light, as bright as the sun, fills the cavern and Danzo has to shut his eyes quickly to avoid being blinded. He screams in agony at the searing heat and gasps as all but the barest minimum of his chakra is ripped from his body, leaving him weaker than a new born child. The cries of pain that fill cavern, let him know that he isn't the only one suffering. Their screams of agony joining his in a hellish choir.

And then, just as Danzo is sure that he can endure no more. The moment where he was about to give in and welcome his own death, anything to let him escape the terrible rage that was consuming him, the presence disappears. It's a shock to his entire system and his mind, body, and soul don't quite know how to handle it.

Danzo breathes slowly in and out, trying to recover from the ordeal that he had just endured. However his body could only take so much and it had been pushed well past its limits and he could feel himself fading away, his body completely exhausted, but at the very least he wasn't going to die.

And as the last vestiges of consciousness leave him Danzo could swear that he could hear a woman speaking. Gently whispering soft words of peace and comfort and Danzo felt a sense of shame, because he knew that the words weren't meant for him and that he was listening in on something that he had no right to hear. It was the oddest sensation, to feel ashamed, and Danzo welcomed the darkness as he finally lost consciousness.


xXx-Scene Break-xXx


She should be in pain.

That was the first thought that crossed Quinn's mind as the world around her begins slowly shift into focus. She should be in extreme, gut wrenching pain. I mean there was blood and glass everywhere, she could even see a couple of her own ribs sticking out of the torn and bloodied dress she was wearing, the car was twisted around her in a mangled heap. She should be in a lot of pain.

Should, being the operative word, because she wasn't.

She couldn't feel anything and that was what truly scared her. Here she was in the middle of a horrific car crash and she couldn't feel a thing. She attempts to move something, an arm, a leg, something, anything, but she can't.

Despite the seriousness of the situation, despite how scared she was at the moment, there was only one thought consuming her mind at that moment. That this couldn't be happening, it just couldn't. She had to get to that wedding, she had to stop it, and she had to tell Rachel how she really felt. But as the minutes pass her by, struggling with all of her might and yet still being unable to move, she realizes that it will never happen.

She was dying.

She could hear the sirens in the background, getting louder and louder as they approached, but she knew it would be too late. Her vision was starting to lose focus again, and the sound was getting muffled, everything was dulling down. Not that she was feeling much before though, a broken neck if she had to venture a guess. It wasn't fair. There was still so much she wanted to do and experience and she still had so many regrets.

She didn't know what the reaction would have been if she had gotten to Rachel in time and told her how she truly felt about her, she had no idea how Rachel would react, she only knew what she hoped it would be. She hoped Rachel would feel the same way, that somehow, after years of pining after the other girl, that somehow, Rachel would find it in her heart to feel the same way about her in return. That in spite of all of the awful things that Quinn had done to her in the past, that Rachel would look past that and see who she was now. That she would know how much Quinn loved her and maybe find it within herself to love her in return.

She never got to really make up with Santana and Brittany either. Their friendship was on the mend, but it was slow going. She wanted them both to know how incredibly proud of them and happy for them she was. She wanted them to know how much she loved them and how grateful she was that they had continued to try and be there for her. She knew she hadn't made it easy and yet they had still tried.

She also wanted to repair her friendship with Mercedes. They had at one time been very close and she counted herself lucky to be able to call the other girl a friend. But after she had moved out of the other girl's house and back in with her mother they had just kind of drifted apart, and Quinn hated that she had let that happen.

And what about her mother? She wanted so badly to find a way to fix her relationship with her. They were still so distant with each other right now, they didn't know how to talk to each other, but they were trying. It couldn't end now, not now when she and her mom were getting closer and closer to becoming a family again.

And Beth, her little Beth, her perfect thing. The one thing she had ever done right in this world. She wanted, more than anything to become the kind of person that her daughter could be proud of. She wasn't perfect, not by the longest of shots, but she was trying to do better. That way, someday maybe Beth would be able to look at her and see someone worthwhile.

And she was going to Yale. She had worked so hard and so diligently, doing everything in her power to keep and maintain perfect grades. To fill her transcripts with extracurricular activities and charity works that would look good on a college application and she had done it, she had gotten accepted into Yale. She was going to study drama and she was going to become an actress and travel the world… everything in her life was finally coming into place and now it was over. Just like that, gone in a flash.

She should have known better, despite her efforts to change, to do better, to be better, people like her didn't catch breaks, they didn't get second chances. They didn't deserve them. She had hurt so many people in her life, people that she was supposed to have cared about, of course the efforts she had made to change weren't enough, of course karma had finally exacted its toll from her.

"No…" She manages to croak out, this wasn't fair. She was trying to do better and to make amends. That should count for something, right?

"No… I… no, please…" Her already darkening vision blurs from the forming tears. "Don't… please God, someone… anyone… don't let it end… not like… not like this… please…" Please if he would just spare her, she wouldn't waste it, she would do better, try harder. She would make something of herself, she would do good, be good. But it seemed her prayer had fallen upon deaf ears.

As Quinn falls into complete despair, she takes her final quivering breath, and just before her world turns dark, she almost feels as if someone is holding her gently to them, whispering soft and soothing words. A light, ethereal presence, doing its best to provide her with some semblance of comfort and peace as it gathers her into its warm and loving embrace and carries her away.

When the ambulance arrives the paramedics rush over to what was left of the little red car. Desperately hoping that they had gotten there quick enough to do some good. However it was too late. The young woman's body was battered and broken almost beyond recognition. Her glazed eyes staring out into nothing, as if gazing into the abyss. Fresh tear tracks running down her face, already drying, showing that even if it was only for a moment she had survived the initial crash. But they had arrived too late, and even if they had gotten there earlier it might not have done any good anyway.

Quinn Fabray was dead.