We Live Again: Episode 4


By Cosmic Inspiration


Disclaimer: The Gargoyles animated series is originally the property of the Walt Disney Company and Buena Vista Inc., and originally created by Greg Weisman. Darius and the inspired character for James Kowalski were originally created by the Gargoyles Saga staff. Dickson Hill is originally from the holodeck fantasy world in Star Trek: The Next Generation. No infringement is intended and this author makes no profit from the original copyholders. All original characters are the property of the author Inspiration.

Previously on Gargoyles…

"I am Thailog."

"I can't wait to see all three of my proud fathers go out in a fiery blaze of glory." Laughs maniacally as he closes the hatch. Thailog.

(Canon) _Double Jeopardy_

Scene of Demona and Thailog falling from the roller coaster to a fiery doom in canon episode 'The Reckoning.'

"The raw energy. The unbridled power. I am Coldsteel!"

Coldsteel (aka Iago)

(Canon) _Possession_

"Where are my brother and sister?" Coldsteel.

"They've gone to Avalon. You can't reach them there." Angela

"I have some use for you. We could benefit from an alliance." Thailog to Coldsteel

(TGS) _Through the Storm_

"Greetings, I am Darius."

"You have magic falling off of you. . .What kind of magic is this?" Demona.

"Necromancy." Darius.

"What are you trying to accomplish by attacking us like this?!" Goliath.

"That is my business alone, O Noble Council Leader." Darius.

"You are not going ANYWHERE, traitor." Tamora.

"I disagree." Darius smiled as he suddenly became enveloped in a cloud of black smoke.

(TGS) _The Council_ multi-parter.

"What do you propose in the way of an alliance? I do believe that we can help each other." Darius to Coldsteel.

"I am Typhon of the New Olympus Clan. What do you want of me?" Typhon to Thailog.

"Only a temporary alliance. . .I can see that we all have something to gain from each other." Thailog.

(WLA) _Trust_

"Time is like a river. . .History cannot be altered. The solutions lie not in the past but in the present." Goliath.

(Canon) _Future Tense_

"I can't help noticing that Angela sort of looks like Demona. Whose daughter is she?" Elisa to Goliath.

(Canon) _Avalon part 2_.

"I am proud of you. . .my daughter." Goliath.

"Oh, Father!" Angela.

(Canon) _Mark of the Panther_

She stomped down the ancient cold grey stonewalled corridor, not caring about where she headed to, the ambiance of the hallway in its bleakness matching her mood all too well.

Where once there had been torches that burned with fire to light the way as beacons in the dark to give the cold castle a warm welcoming presence, now there were modern illuminators that banished the darkness completely, yet also could not or would not banish a cold loneliness that now seemed to linger in the air and only fed more into her ominous emotional state.

The castle had been her home for her whole life, and she knew every literal nook and cranny. Even before its 20th century rebirth and continuous upgrades to a state of the art security system, the castle was always meant to be an impenetrable fortress of protection for refugees that sought safety within its walls. Other times it could also feel like nothing more than a prison when that same purpose of protection had many restrictions.

Her whole life seemed to be about nothing but restrictions, what she can and cannot do. Sure, they claimed it was because they loved her, but there was only one reason why they really did it; she was a freak. Different from everyone else in every way.

Nobody could really understand. It was because of what she was that she kept failing and messing up. How could she prove herself when she did not even know who she was except an amalgamation of two worlds, neither of which she belonged to.

She slowed her pace as she crossed her arms over her chest and lowered her head in frustration as she tried to hold back tears. Her acute hearing then detected faint heavy foot steps behind her, familiar ones she knew all too well.

No, she could not face him again, not so soon after what happened.

She ran for the nearest door she could find, ignoring the deep voice that called her name.

She had come into one of the science labs, one shared by one of her older brothers and the more science privy members of the clan. If someone like Dan were to find her there without permission, he would be very unhappy.

The lab was full of state of the art equipment that organizations like NASA would pay through the nose for; several areas were divided into sections devoted to the study of several branches of science such as chemistry, physics, engineering, and astronomy. It easily gave off the air of being a combined scene of something from Star Trek, the lab of Dr. Jekyll, and a techno shopping mall.

The sound of heavy footsteps came closer, prompting her deeper into the lab to find a place to hide when something caught her eye. In plain view on the center table was a device a little bigger than a wrist watch, shaped like a small shield with an unusual red and gold pattern.

It looked remarkably like a magical item she had been told stories about.

She quickly glanced back at the door of the approaching footsteps as she strapped the device to her left wrist. She opened it like a cover watch, easily entered a date from her thoughts and tried to pronounce correctly what she could remember of her Latin.

"Deslegrate muri temi et intervalia!"

Intense but painless and heatless warmth engulfed her as she became surrounded by a sphere of light made of fire that dazzled in a plethora of bright colors of whites, yellows and blues.

The door slowly opened as though from an old reel in a black and white suspense movie, which may or may not have been a side effect for the device's power. The sphere of light had faded to a small point of light by the time the door fully opened to frame the large silhouette of a gargoyle's figure, slightly outlined by a lavender coloring and dark hair.

His wide eyes watched with worry and surprise as he watched his daughter disappear within the untested Phoenix flame.

It was indeed the city that never sleeps, for activity in many forms was unending during the day and even into the night. The city was a small galaxy with its clusters of lights shining with ethereal luminosity that blanketed the city in a form of never ending pseudo-daylight. It also had a continuous rhythm that its inhabitants had always danced to for countless decades that was composed in an orchestra of blaring horns, the roars of combustion engines, and the ever comforting presence of the hustle and bustle of people.

Unfortunately, even within the assuring sights and sounds of this great city there is silence and shadows, a great unseen underworld that is too often overlooked. Precious few have looked into it, for it is a dark and dangerous world filled with predators that went bump in the night.

For those that suffered from it most, they dared to hope for salvation from the dark, and indeed it came in a form most unexpected.

The red and blue bubble lights of five police cars and a paramedic ambulence flashed and danced outside of a jewelry and coin pawn shop in one of the rougher parts of Manhattan. Uniformed officers hulled out cuffed and angrily ranting members of a dozen or so would be robbers, all known members of a notorious jewelry robbing gang. Many of its members were known for more than just petty robbery; other offenses that counted against them included rape, attempted and first degree murder, vandalism, drug possession, and plenty of other offenses that gave them rap sheets three miles long.

Too many of them had evaded arrest for years, but now this latest offense was enough to put most of them away for 20 years or more.

Among the police officers and scraggy criminals was a trio of good friends smiling with pride at this latest apprehension of a criminal gang.

"Good work, people," praised Captain Chavez.

High solutes were given to the captain by the dashingly uniformed officers in prideful acknowledgement before they drove the full squad cars to the stations for booking the gang.

The owner of the shop, a mousy, balding, middle aged man even gave the captain and the two detectives personal handshakes of gratitude and whispered to Matt to give his thanks to their friends that assisted them. He then boarded the emergency ambulance that would take him and his minorly injured wife to the hospital.

Chavez turned to face two of the best police detectives she has had the honor of serving with, Elisa Maza and Matt Bluestone, the most decorated 2nd class detectives of the 23rd police precinct.

Smiles graced the three colleagues' faces in this latest victorious triumph of righteous protect and serve in the name of justice.

From atop the lonely pawn shop leaped forth three more figures, seemingly alien and mysterious in their quiet grace and terrifying in their animalistic appearances. Yet the three friends knew not to be frightened for they knew these figures to be friends; allies; fellow defenders of the night.

Elisa smiled lovingly and proudly as she confidently walked up to the largest of the three mythical figures who wrapped a brawny powerful arm around her in quiet gentleness as though she were the most fragile and precious thing in the world. Warrior forearm shakes were exchanged in partnership and respect, a young couple put their arms around each other with adoring smiles.

"Like I said, good work, people," Maria repeated her prior statement as she authortively and proudly shook each of the gargoyles' forearms as fellow warriors.

"Thank you, Captain," Goliath rumbled with a smile, "It was all a team effort."

Maria gave a nod of agreement as she said, "That notorious gang has been a thorn in this city's side for nearly two years. Thanks to you we now have enough probable cause to put them away for a long time. Of course. . ."

Maria gave a mock glare to Broadway as she continued, "There may have been a bit more evidence if *someone* hadn't crushed so many guns."

Broadway's aqua face turned a slight red in embarrassed shame, he folded his hands behind his back, and his taloned foot scratched the ground absentmindedly as he said, "Sorry, force of habit."

Everyone simply gave looks of sympathetic understanding; Angela lovingly wrapped a strong slender arm around Broadway's burly shoulders.

"It's okay, Broadway," Elisa reassured the bulky gargoyle as she patted his arm, "Enough still survived to at least give us a strong case."

Broadway gave a smile of relief as did Maria in amusement.

The group of friends and family shared a laugh as they began to walk down the sidewalk, away from the almost robbed pawn shop.

"Although I'm happy we were able to help the old couple and stop that gang from hurting them," Angela said, "It still surprises me a little how despicable humans can act towards each other sometimes."

"I've been on this job many years, Angela," Maria stated, "And although I've seen it many times, I know exactly how you feel. No matter how many times I see it I'll never understand it."

"Yeah, but thanks to you, Angela," Broadway said encouragingly, "That poor woman is going to be okay, and you even changed her mind about us."

"It's too bad we couldn't have gotten there sooner but it definitely could've been a lot worse," Matt concurred, "Instead of a dislocated shoulder, the poor woman would've been killed. If Angela hadn't kept her calm and you guys hadn't taken out the gang quickly enough this may have become more than just an attempted robbery, maybe even a double homicide."

The others gave wholehearted agreements.

Angela gave a small smile as she said thoughtfully, "It was wonderful when she called us guardian angels instead of demons or spawns of Satan. I just hope more humans understand that soon, that we mean them no harm, and that we are only here to help them. It reminds me of how proud I am of the Princess of how she named most of my brothers and sisters after angels."

"That's because you are an angel, My Love," Broadway cooed into her ear, making Angela giggle and give him a mock push.

Elisa and Goliath gave deep soulful gazes to each other; no words were needed to express how they felt.

Elisa quickly glanced to her wristwatch and gave a small gasp.

"I'm sorry, guys," she said quickly, "But I've got something to take care of before the night's done."

Goliath clearly became a bit disappointed while Maria simply said, "Alright, Detective. It's that favor the professor asked you about, right?"

"Yeah, we're not too far from where I need to be, all I need is a quick lift."

"I'd be happy to, My Love," Goliath happily rumbled as was about to lift Elisa close to him.

"Actually, Goliath," Maria said as she gently put a hand on his powerful bicep, a momentary thought passed at how hard and sinewy it was, "I was hoping we could talk some more."

He glanced at Maria and then back to Elisa, his face portrayed a neutral expression but his eyes showed brightly with the hope of a far different outcome.

"It's okay, Big Guy," Elisa said with a smile, "I should be back in plenty of time before dawn."

She then gave him a quick and loving hug and kiss, then looking to the other gargoyles for a volunteer to take to her next destination.

"I'll take you, Elisa," Broadway happily said. He gave Angela his own hug and kiss, which she returned with a gentle stroke of her knuckles over his brow ridge. The hefty aqua gargoyle then took Elisa up to a height for good gliding and was soon aloft in the soft winds.

Goliath and Angela did the same as they took Maria and Matt into their arms, soon heading in a direction opposite that of Elisa and Broadway.

"What do you wish to speak to me about, Captain?" Goliath asked when they were at a comfortable altitude.

"First off its Maria, okay?" she said with a laugh, "And I just wanted to talk about how impressed I am with how you handled the situation. First letting the detectives and me assert the situation before taking your clan in to prevent a violent outbreak. But I'm most impressed with how you tried to first reason with the gang's leader before subduing him. I also hope you'll be alright from that bullet wound you took for the owner and Elisa."

Maria looked at Goliath's left bicep with sympathetic concern; it was heavily bandaged from a near fatal grazing wound.

"Thank you, Maria," Goliath rumbled appreciatively, "But do not concern yourself, it will heal at sunrise."

Even though she had been made aware of the nature of the gargoyles turning to stone during the day, it was still an astonishing fact to except.

"Well, I've been thinking," Maria continued thoughtfully, "If we can get the gargoyles better recognized by the law, you wouldn't have to hide anymore and continue with this vigilante like MO, but have the same basic rights and protection as everyone else. But if your clan wishes to continue protecting, they'd have to go through basic police training and earn their own badges. If that can be done, there'd be better cooperation between people and your clan."

Goliath looked away in thought for a moment, letting the possibility of such a compelling argument sink in.

"It's a very fascinating offer, Maria," The clan leader said, "I will have to speak to my clan about it."

Maria gave a supporting smile but her thoughts were interrupted as Matt said, "It's a really good idea, Captain, but it'll be all but impossible to do with people like Yale in office or Kowalski on the force."

"I know, Detective," she said in a sobering tone, "But for now you just leave Assistant DA Yale to me and we can handle Kowalski if he gets out of hand."

Although he said nothing aloud, Matt had a very real feeling that Kowalski going rogue would become all too real all too soon.

"I think it's a great idea," Angela said enthusiastically, "We should at least give it a try. Even if there will always be people like Yale or this Kowalski, I'm willing to try it."

Goliath gave a proud smile to his daughter, ever the idealistic young woman she has become for the natural unity between gargoyles and humans.

"Indeed, Angela," Goliath said, "We will discuss it with the clan first, and then see how events unfold."

Angela gave an affirmative nod, understanding all too well her father's caution.

They glided peacefully on the air currents, talking about the Captain's idea on the way back to the precinct.

An odd but slightly familiar itchy and staticy sensation suddenly loomed like a small wave across Goliath's neck, and a flickering of faint light was caught in the corner of his line of sight. As much as he tried to ignore it, he just felt a strange need to glance in a familiar direction. Although it was far off in the distance, a tiny speck of light caught his eye as it steadily grew over a building very near to the Eyrie.

"Is something wrong, Goliath?" Maria inquired.

"I thought I saw something," he said with a suspicious tone.

"I don't see anything," the police captain said as she looked around.

"Perhaps it was nothing."

The large gargoyle said nothing on the rest of the glide to the 23rd Precinct, his face an intimidating unreadable expression from many years of discipline, but his eyes gleamed with a steel sword's edge.