Yuuri sighed as his attention wandered towards the the large window behind him and its view of his peaceful kingdom carrying on in harmony outside. He was tired of paperwork. He was tired of working in general. It was far too nice a day outside to spend it working behind a desk. But work he must, and with an even heavier sigh he turned in his chair to look at the parchment once again, reading out loud the particulars of the order to help himself concentrate beyond just reading words.

Life, as it would happen, was just as set on Yuuri being distracted as Yuuri himself was keen for distraction. The right door of the large pair to his office swung open, short legs carrying the intruder quickly around the conference table to his desk in a half-run. The boy's cheeks were flush with exertion, his black eyes wide and wild as he ran into the desk, bending across the top to obscure Yuuri's view of the parchment till all he could see was his excited face.

"Guess what!" the boy shouted, beaming, almost bouncing with unconstrained excitement.

Yuuri smiled gently, leaning back in his chair, his fingers tapping against his chin as he pretended to give it a good think. "Guess, huh? Hmm... you found a secret kingdom in the U-bend of a toilet?"

The kid laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Too weird? Okay. You... got perfect marks on your studies?"

This time the child stuck his tongue out, his growing boredom with the game causing him to rest his chin in his palms as he perched his elbows against the desk.

"You're right. What was I thinking? So it must be that... you've fallen in love with a beautiful girl and will heartlessly leave your papa any day now?"

"Da~d!" the boy whined, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Give up yet? You're never going to guess."

Yuuri smiled, rather enjoying a little game of light teasing, but decided, in the interest of keeping his attention, he may as well let the boy go on and explain. "Okay, Riki. I give up."

Riki's wide grin returned, his arms leaning harder on the desk. "Gunter says a magic fog is coming in!" he announced, bouncing roughly with excitement. "Do I get to watch you go out and force it to go away? Like Whoosh!" he said, standing up and pushing his hands out as though he were blowing his foe back before him.

Yuuri chuckled, watching his son act out the heroic feat he imagined his father might make in the face of a supernatural foe. Surely it wasn't that fog, though. Had it really been that long since then? He supposed it must be. He had two kids now, the youngest of which was only forty-seven-only forty-seven? He really had settled in to the mazoku way of thinking. It was hard not to when all of forty-seven years look like a nine year old child.

Turning his his chair again, Yuuri stood and walked closer to the window, opening it up to better peak around the edge of the wall to where the mountains lay on the horizon. It was hard to see, though; not due to fog but mostly due to distance. Reports of fog would have had to have come from border patrols, then. Still plenty of time left to prepare for a shut down of all unnecessary functions.

Riki bounced at his side, trying to get a good look too. "Can you see it?" he asked, bumping gently into Yuuri's hip.

Yuuri put a hand on his head, patting the soft black hair to try and calm him and usher him away while he safely closed the window again. "No sign of it. Probably won't be here for a few days still. But don't worry; there's nothing to be scared of," he promised, guiding him back towards the desk where he sat in his chair and pulled his son into his lap. "What did Gunter say about the fog?" he asked.

"He said it eats everything in its path and melts stuff like acid!"

"... Right. And what did he actually tell you about the fog?" Yuuri inquired, shaking his head at the manner in which youth so easily reinterpreted their world.

Riki rolled his eyes, the real world apparently far less interesting than the one he'd made up. "He said it made people tell the truth. But he said it like it was really scary. If it's so scary, though, then why is everyone acting like we're just going to hide from it? Mazoku don't hide from stupid weather! We fight it! Right, Dad?"

Yuuri shook his head, not even bothering to wonder what he'd done in his life to deserve such a child. He knew exactly what he'd done. What they'd done. There was divine justice in the world after all. "Well, it might be super scary for some people. Like certain people who like to embellish the truth," he teased, tickling his son who wriggled and giggled until he stopped a moment later. "It's not that bad, though. And it doesn't happen often. So we just let it be and give everyone a few days off to deal with it however they like."

"But it's just some stupid fog!" Riki argued breathlessly, leaning back hard against Yuuri's chest.

Yuuri nodded, leaning his head against his. "Yes, it is. And we all know how much you like to stick to the truth so I guess this will be super easy for you, right?"

"Riki!" a familiar voice shouted from the doorway. They both looked up, watching Wolfram as he stood in just inside with a very cross expression. "What are you doing in here? You're supposed to be at your riding lesson."

"Oh, poop," Riki muttered under his breath, sliding down from his father's lap. "I just wanted to tell dad about the fog," he explained, shuffling slowly towards the door as though he could manage stalling longer before he had to go.

If a crestfallen expression and feigned guilt were his weapons of choice, though, he'd aimed them at the wrong target. Wolfram was far more determined for him to get on with his studies than Riki was to stay behind and talk more with his father.

"If I hear one more time than you've left in the middle of your lessons with Gunter, there will be no more baseball for a month."

That certainly got Riki to stand up straight. "What!? Dad!" he shouted, turning to Yuuri for some support.

Yuuri held up both palms in surrender. This was not a battle he was going to pick and, even if he did think a month was far too long, it was 100% in Riki's power to keep such a punishment from befalling himself.

Riki grumbled and stormed past him out of the room, muttering as he went about things Yuuri couldn't hear from his desk but which seemed to raise a brow from Wolfram as the boy pushed past him. As soon as he was done giving Riki disproving looks, though, it was Yuuri's turn to feel the fire. Wolfram shook his head as he entered the room and closed the door behind him, his green eyes never leaving Yuuri's as he scowled at him from the other side.

Yuuri's hands rose in surrender again. "I didn't realize he'd left early. I don't even know what time it is. I've been working since breakfast and I think I might have missed lunch."

"You did," Wolfram told him, taking a seat on the corner of his desk. "I've ordered something be brought up so as to not disturb you too much more."

Smiling softly, Yuuri leaned back in his chair, watching the sunlight make every stray hair on Wolfram's head glow brightly like a crown of light. "Riki was just excited about the fog," Yuuri explained, his interest in paperwork long forgotten. "Gunter said it's on its way. He wanted to see if I was going to kick it out of the kingdom."

Wolfram hummed pleasantly with amusement, his eyes searching the sky outside the window. "Doesn't feel like it's been that long," he said, voicing Yuuri's own thoughts from before. He looked absolutely stunning, which wasn't saying much since he always did. But Yuuri quite liked him in the sunlight where everything gold about him shimmered.

Standing up from his chair, Yuuri wrapped his arms around his husband, smiling at him as their noses nearly touched. "I'm kind of looking forward to it, honestly," he said, loving the weight and warmth of the other man held captive in his embrace.

"Oh?" Wolfram asked. "And why is that?"

"So I can tell you I love you, over and over again, and you'll know one hundred percent that it's true."

Wolfram chuckled fondly, shaking his head as his own arms wrapped around Yuuri's neck. "That wouldn't change anything. I already know that," he said, and pulled him closer for a long, sweet kiss.