Oh my god... IT'S BEEN SO LONG SINCE I'VE TOUCHED THIS. And I no longer have some of the chapters to previous stories I have written. I'll bring back all my old stories, but for now I'm focusing on this story for my artist/Inaho LOL. Thank you for sticking with me everyone!

Quick update on my life: I'm now in college which is so much more stressful and also am now working so I will have even less time to write than I did in high school. In early January and late March I have cosplay conventions so I'll be making cosplays as well. This story WILL finish. Hopefully that I'll get a chapter out per month at least.

Quick notes: Every known character will come into play, however not exactly as you'd expect. The main basic points are the same but this is complete canon diverse so after meeting the Vers familia, expect nothing like the storyline in the anime/novels.



By: RoZe

Rating: T+
Genres: action, horror, humor, homoooo, mystery
Summary: Mafia AU. Inaho Kaizuka, boss of the Mustang yakuza, in search of his elder sister meets a runaway from unknown origins, Slaine Troyard. Slaine becomes indebted Inaho leading him to stay with the yakuza. With their meeting turns the wheel to a whole new adventure.

Main Pairing: OrangeBat
Side Pairings: ?

Warnings: language and very canon diverse
Disclaimer: LOLOL NAH MAN. How I wish...
Owns only: side characters

First Bullet:
A Day Lost

A sudden gunshot rang out through the formerly empty hallways of the deteriorating abandoned hotel on the edge of town. Two figures crashed through a room door followed by a grunt as they both slammed into the ground. They were fast the regain themselves and get back onto their feet, dashing down the hall firing bullets at each other. It wasn't long until the click of an empty magazine echoed out loud.


"I suggest," the younger male began, gun pointing at the elder, "you tell me what I want to know, Mr. Albratov. You should have known better than to double-cross me." He paused, glowering. "No, you're too stupid to come up with a plan this elaborate. Someone set you up to this… It seems my information was lacking. I'll give you points for that."

Upset and frustrated, there was only a growl in response as the man shifted his stance in preparation. He remained poised, pressed against the paint chipped wall. "You're just a kid! What do you know?! There's no way you're the leader of that pathetic insignificant yakuza group!"

"That's not what I was asking," tone, grit and rough. "Even ruining my favorite suit... Some people just don't know their place."

"Tch. I wasn't set up by anyone! How dare you inquire that, brat!" Mr. Albratov threw his gun with as much strength as he could muster toward the younger then sprinted after it.

Quick on his feet the teen stepped aside, following up by dodging the man's punch, and forthwith reacting by swinging around kicking him in the back, knocking him clear to the ground. Running his free hand through short brown hair to clear the loose strands back into place, he sighed. "I knew you were stupid, Albratov, but I didn't think you were that stupid."

Choking on his lost air, Mr. Albratov glanced up. "Who the heck are you?!"

"Kaizuka Inaho of course," came a cool reply from a distance. "The leader of our esteemed Mustang yakuza."

"T-that's-?! That's not possible!"

"Ah, Inko, what took you so long?"

"It wasn't that long, boss," She scoffed. "Besides I thought it'd be best to be on standby and watch for a little while." Inko raised a dismissive wave, getting herself back on track. "There was some rather annoying obstacles but it was nothing that Calm and I couldn't handle. Wait, no, there was this dual gun wielding mercenary that was unnecessarily troublesome. A bullet skimmed Calm's arm," she informed, pointing to an area on her upper right arm, "right around here but only just grazed him so he's fine."

"I don't think anything could kill him," Inaho subtly agreed. "Hopefully he managed to find the items I requested. What about the documents?"

"All there, I suppose. I haven't had the time to get any updates."

There wasn't much to go on at the moment, it seems. "I got less out of this than I had hoped." He felt a wave of irritation wash over him. "I lost an unnecessary amount of men and complete waste of information. Even more that there is possible evidence that the Vers famiglia had a hand in this."

Inko twisted her silk maroon hair around her finger, tugging at it while deep in thought. Her brows furrowed a little and she bit her lip, then glancing up at her boss she spoke in a hushed worried whisper, "You don't assume that the princess knows about this, do you?"

"Seylum-san?" Inaho shook his head. "While I cannot speak for her famiglia, the two of us made a pact. Seylum-san is not one to go back on her word. It's been two years since then. Even if she knew, the timing makes no sense. Is there any importance to why now though, assuming that Vers is indeed behind this."

The young bodyguard huffed. "Are you sure it's not because you've fallen into her charms?"


"I apologize, Kaizuka-sama." There's the sarcasm again.

With a sigh, the yakuza lord returned to his thoughts. "I will speak to Seylum-san tomorrow after we have recovered everything from this mess."

"…Vers and Mustang have been rivals for ages. How can you be certain?"

"Well, maybe it's not the princess we need to be worried about." Inaho mused. His gaze shifted suddenly upon catching a quick movement, again aware of the traitor whom was currently trying to get away. Swiftly, he trained his gun toward the frantic man, "I have no more use for you," then pulled the trigger.


When they reached the first floor, stairs leading to the jaded lobby, they found a duo of light orange and blond waiting for them. The one whom was earlier discussed, Calm Craftman, smiled whilst tapping his lance against his shoulder, as the other spared them a nervous glance with a stack of papers in her hands.

Calm appeared eager, leaving Inaho to believe that the man a satisfying fight. At least this way he wouldn't have to hear anymore complaining about substandard opponents. Maybe he can have a break with sparing with him, though the same can't be said for Inko, considering the two get into fights without even planning, much to Inaho's distain. It'd be better having the two break parts of whatever building they're in at the time. However, seeing the faces of their deducted pay helps soothes the frustration. Calm's the energetic one of his close circle of men. Sandy orange hair with freckles and his unique prodigy level fighting style with the lance, made the man stand out amongst the others.

The girl next to Calm was visibly nervous. Her blond hair nicely pulled into to low pigtails with strands coming loose, proving that something had occurred during the duration of the fight. Nina Klein, she was called, was the in charge of documents and various information, thus the papers. As such she was never much of a fighter unless she is behind a computer screen. Nina was clever when placed behind a screen, hacking and navigation skills coming in handy more times than Inaho could care to count. It didn't take long for her to climb up to the secretary position. She was also in charge of treasury officially though Inko usually handled it.

Though they were not too close, it was Inko Inaho has known the longest. They were introduced at a young age, later followed by Calm. Inko's one of the smartest people he had ever known, second only to himself. However, she makes up for that rest in brute strength. From Karate to street fighting, she knew and nearly mastered most fighting forms she has been able to get lessons on. As a result, she has far surpassed Inaho in terms of close combat. He can hold himself well against her though, but has only ever won one of ten times they fight without weapons. Inko is usually the one that plays bodyguard when he has to go to meeting outside their territory.

These very three people are close to his age and yet…there is no one he'd rather trust more. That being said, he makes sure to keep the rest of his men more than arm length away. Trust no one.

"Say, Nina, are those..?" Inko trailed off, lazy pointing at the files the girl held close to her chest.

"That's right!" Her nerves instantly dispersed upon their arrival, a soft smile taking place on her lips. "Well, I don't believe everything you asked for is here, Inaho." Nina screened through the documents. "I have a feeling that the traitors had a traitor. The essential pieces are missing."

Calm clicked his tongue, eyebrows knitting. "I saw this chick take off with this green folder while mister 'dualist' was enjoying his attempts to try to blow off our heads. It must have been in there."

"That file as all the information on the latest and newest drugs as well as where their major outbreaks are in the country," Inaho stated pacing over to the nearest window, sliding open the curtain.

The rest of the team fell silent, recognizing their boss's 'subject drop' tone.

"Was all this really necessary?" Calm asked after several moments, leaning against the counter. "I don't think a group this weak posed any danger."

"They were a strange group though. Weak but well positioned and planned…even detailed."

A simple scoffed from the boy irritated the pugilist.

Inko rolled her eyes. "Yet you still got shot."

"Grazed! I was grazed!" He retorted with a whine.

Nina strode past the two as they fell into another argument for the third time that day and approached the dazed leader. She placed a hand on his shoulder, turning him to face her. "You have nothing to worry about. I promise."

Inaho relaxed and eased into Nina's touch. "I appreciate it, Nina." He closed his eyes, letting the girl kiss his cheek.

Amusement glinted in her eyes as she put some distance between them. "Anytime," she replied factually. "And these other documents," she waved them in front of her before handing them over the boss, "are of the murders you were inquiring about last week. Most of what you thought was right. From cause of death to crime scene details. Unfortunately, other than the fact these are all filed together, there is nothing connecting these murders together or to the perpetrator. There is no M.O. or anything. I have no idea what's going on but whatever it is, you can be certain it is to going to lead up to something that isn't any good."

"Vers has been quiet so it wouldn't be too surprising if it was them. But there is no benefit they gain from these deaths," he replied tapping the papers in thought.

"It could be another yakuza or famiglia. Lately the underground has been rather busy. I didn't think it'd involve us so I never looked into it."

Inaho glanced back outside once more. "It might not. This could be a dead end either way. For now, it might be best to keep an eye on our clients and business. Make sure no one tries to intervene or double-cross us again."

A weary look passed over her face. "I won't screw up again."

"…Be sure that you don't," he returned. "Rather, I know you won't. You have never failed me before. It's rare for someone to one up you."



Nina chuckled. "I think we left them on their own long enough."

Inaho sighed, finding the situation the opposite of amusing as a gust of whirlwind shot past the two of them from the duo's rough fighting. "Idiots."

Wet. Dirty. Cold. He couldn't last for very long, he could feel himself tiring and his legs starting to ache. This time it will be worth it. If he can get away from that life, the pain…


Crashing through the dank alleyway, a young man dove behind a stack of boxes. The sound of feet thumping against the ground grew louder and he held his breath. The footsteps multiplied meaning the amount of men have grown from earlier. He can only hope they are as dumb as they look. He relaxed a little, yet remained aware, as his adjusted himself. His clothes were torn and tattered from all the abuse he given them these past few days. They weren't worth the risk getting caught so he didn't bother to change them. Though, if he manages to trick them again today then he'll be free to get fresh attire.


A little.


Pressing himself against the cool bricks, he stilled. There will be no taking chances today. He lasted this long; what's a few more hours? Just until-!

"Ah there you are, kid."

He froze, shaking and pale, slowly turning to find a familiar burly man. "H-how.."

The old man smirked, perfect view of his crooked teeth. "You see, our boss, smart man that guy. He bought you a little something after your last trick."

A sharp glare. "What?! Tell him to screw himself."

"How about you tell himself?"

Anger etched into his words, "I'D RATHER DIE THAN GO BACK THERE."

"That's be a problem..."

"You can't stop me."

"Here's a hint," he replied mockingly. "That present? It's in your neck."


Fast to grip the younger's arm, the burly man pulled him close and whispered into his ear. "The master is awaited your arrival. Welcome back, Slaine Troyard."


There's so many things i left unexplained and unanswered and I promise you will know everything...overtime ehehe. The Mustang crew have much bigger roles and have their own backstories which will come into play, including Inaho's. I will reveal their ages in the next chapter. Also, I drop things here and there but not everything is important or relevant to the plot. There's a lot of shit that's going to go down in the future and I'll warn you when it gets close so you can reread and hopefully figure it all out and be refreshed.

Have fun!