Hey everyone!

The good news about finishing a story means that it's time for me to work on another one! :D Hooraaay!

Because of you guys wanting to read this one next I will start this one. I really hope you did enjoy Once upon a fairy tail. XD but anyway. I think I've decided to go ahead and maybe post the second chapter of this story and once it's posted or whatever, I think I may just want to do quick one-shot short stories.

I'm... sorta even, maybe thinking about throwing in a Lemon one-shot. But maybe... I don't know if I'm bold enough for that but we'll see.

Anyway... Sorry about the long wait. Please do enjoy the next chapter.

See you all in one of my short stories :D


"Another Ambush?!" Lucy scanned her surroundings with disbelief.

"This is the fifth one in the last two hours!" Happy moaned groggily.

"What should we do?"

"Ha! And you call yourself a famous dragon slayer!? You can't even stand on your own two feet" A fatter bandit hollered proudly stepping closer to Natsu.

"How can you say that!" Happy yelled "You guys are all scumbags! Cheaters! Natsu can beat you in his sleep if you all weren't such low cowards!"

"Silence him!" The fat bandit swung out his arm.

Within seconds a third bandit appeared beside happy and yanked him up by the fur from the back of his neck.

"Happy!" Lucy panicked.

"Drown him for all I care! I got more important matters to deal with" The fat man walked even closer to Natsu.

"No! Happy! Leave him alone!" Lucy trashed around more.

Oh she shouldn't have done that. She regretted unconsciously trashing around the moment it crossed her mind.

The man holding Lucy let a devilishly grin cover his face as he bent Lucy's arms back further then they were suppose to be- instigating Lucy to let out a sharp scream of pain.

The man seemed to be pleased by her screams. "Yes! That's it! How does the pain feel?! Come on! scream louder! I want you to feel real pain and I want to hear the snapping of your bones"

A dark shadow covered the man's eyes and his resentment turned to exasperation. Forcing the weakness to the back of his mind, Natsu slowly rose to his feet, trembling with oozing rage.

"You... bastards!" The crocodile eye'd man snarled under his breath.

"So, you're still able to stand on your feet. Maybe this wasn't a waste of time after all" The leader smirked and leaned back to sit on a firm wooden box.

Natsu clenched his fists even tighter, so tight that his nails began digging into his delegate, soft skin.

"YOU BASTARDS!" Natsu unleashed a loud roar.

The bandits gain more interest in the boy.

"Mess with me all you want... but mess with my Lucy, or my Happy!"

Natsu growled. "How dare you!"

"How dare all of you! No one shoves my partner in a damn sack! No one makes Lucy cry!"

Natsu cut off dramatically.

"Get ready you jerks, cuz' you're all going to pay!"


"Hey" Natsu placed a hand on her shoulder. "You're okay now Luce. No more tears" Natsu swiftly turned his back to her. "Let's show these guys just who they're dealin' with"

Lucy smiled and nodded. "Yeah!"

Nothing... No snickering, no snoring and no excitement.

The room was empty and alone.

Just like Lucy's heart.

Aside from Happy of course whom was still fast asleep right where Lucy had placed him.

Everything was...


"For you to develop feelings" The man snickered. "Well let's just say that's your greatest weakness. But it's our greatest strength…"

"What are you talking about?!"

"Because of your connections to these others; we can bring more suffering to you before we dispose of you" The man clarified. "And what's a better way to kill someone; than without torture"

"Like hell I'll let you hurt my friends" Natsu shouted.

The skinny, bald headed man smirked while he placed a hand on his hip.

"Oh really? What are you going to do from all the way over there?"

"Don't underestimate a dragon's speed"

"Fine. You want your precious kitty so bad? Come and get him" The bandit put the sack down and pulled out a baseball bat he had tucked in his belt.

"That is..." He trailed off to hold the weapon up high.

"If you can get to him before he is dead." The bandit sneered and swung the baseball bat into the moving sack.

Lucy smiled and gently brought Happy into a hug. "Thank goodness Happy!"

After beating the bandit to a severe K.O, Natsu walked over towards Happy and Lucy; falling to his knees he gazing at the blue exceed.

"Thank you Natsu" Happy mumbled.

"What did I do? I thought I was going to lose you for a sec there Hap." Natsu's face formed into a pained one.

"But you didn't" Happy smiled.

Natsu rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around Lucy, trapping Happy into the middle of the embrace.

Ruining the moment, a powerful lighting struck Capricorn, sending him back to the spirit world. The three friends instantly break away and glance in the direction it came from.

"Natsu..." Lucy and Happy mumbled together.

"I see it now. I guess some of my servants proved useful after all. Your greatest weakness is without a doubt, this cat, girl, and all of your other comrades, dragon slayer."

"How is having friends a weakness?" Natsu snarled.

"You're desperate attempt to try and keep them safe only puts you in harms way." The man charged up lightning. "To think if you travel alone, you get stronger on your own, without feelings to hold you back. When someone dies it wouldn't bother you because you share no connection with them"

"You're sick! I wouldn't want anyone to die!"

"And there lies your issue salamander. You're too attached to your feelings. If you were to break your bonds, maybe you wouldn't have to suffer the burden and guilt of protecting lost friends" The white haired man flung out his arm towards Happy and Lucy.

"No! Lucy! Happy!" Natsu yelled.

"NAATSUUUU!" Lucy gently placed Happy down and started to run towards the pinkette.

"Oh no you don't!" The villain charged another lighting bold only to be tackled by Natsu.

"What the hell! Get off me!"

"No wait! Natsu!" Lucy extending out her hand, trying to reach Natsu who was getting further and further away. "Natsuu! Naaatssuuuuu!"

"Lucy?" Happy whispered up to the broken girl.

"It's going to be okay…" Happy said as his own eyes filled with tears.

"Yeah... You're right..." Lucy sniffled. "It is going to be okay Happy! He will be home soon!"

Chapter 2

Stirring uncomfortably in her bed, Lucy opened her eyes and growled when she noticed the sun was now rising over in the horizon.

"What a night" Lucy sighed exhausted. She didn't get any sleep what so ever; not even a wink, aside from the frequent shifting from side, to side, to back, to stomach- It was cold.

More like freezing.

But the blonde usually never had to worry about being cold, because Natsu would always sneak into her house and warm her up with his outrageous, yet, amazing body heat; she'd never admit out loud.

Lucy craned her head to the side to view Happy who was still sound asleep. 'He's been through a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if he slept all day' She thought to herself before sneaking away from her bed.

Maybe she should go to the guild on her own. After all, Happy needs the rest, Natsu's taking his damn precious time coming back, and well, someone had to report that the mission was a scam.

After Lucy got dressed, hiding a lot of her bruised body, she pulled out her keys and slowly walked to the door. Scanning the path that lead to her room one last time, before walking out of the apartment and locking Happy safely inside


Face to face with the guild doors, Lucy felt her body tense up.

Why was she all of a sudden getting this uneasy feeling? She's gone to the guild on her own many times before.

Though... this would be the first time she'd return back from a mission without Natsu and Happy by her side.

What will she do if people start asking questions she had no answer too. Lucy was by all means, no good under pressure.

"Just act natural Lucy. After all the guild is family! I shouldn't hesitate and who knows maybe no one will even ask" The blonde whispered to herself.

Well... here goes nothing. The young blonde held her breath as she pushed the doors to the guild open.

"I'm ba-" Lucy started in a low voice but was cut off by Erza, who suddenly appeared out of no where causing Lucy to jump and stiffen.


Crap! Well that was fast! Too fast. "Y-Yes Erza"

"It's good to have you back! The mission took you longer than I presumed. I hope Natsu didn't cause any unnecessary harm that will need a lesson or two" Erza stated in all seriousness.

Lucy swallowed her now thick saliva and forced a believable smile. "Well, you know him!"

Before Erza could dare to speak again, Lucy whipped around her and quickly walking towards the back of the guild, where as usual, Mira was drying a glass cup.

Almost there! Just a little closer and then all you have to do is report to Mira and go home! No one will suspect a thing. After all everyone needs a good rest after a long mission.

Lucy stopped walking allowing her brain to surround her in thoughts. What if Natsu needed back up? What if she didn't tell someone and because of that...

Lucy shook her head. No! Lucy stop! After all this is Natsu! Have a little more faith in him.

"Lu-chan!" Levy tackled the blonde into hug startling her out of her thoughts.

"Oh hi Levy-chan"

"Guess what" Levy started excitingly. Not giving the blonde a chance to say something Levy erupted her excitement once again. "I finished my book!"

"Really?" Lucy turned towards her blue haired friend.

"Yupp and I want you to have it to read! It's such a good book!"

"Wow thanks Levy-chan! I'll start reading it right away. What's this one about?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out" Levy giggled.

"Hey Lucy!" Gray walked onto the scene. "Where's Natsu?! I've got a bone to pick with him!" Gray hissed.

Lucy stiffened her body and bit the side of her lip. "Urm... Natsu...?" Lucy ducked her head into her shoulders from suddenly feelings everyone's intense stares.

Well, she should have seen this coming. Oh if only she hadn't gotten distracted by good literature.

"Now that you mention it, doesn't Natsu usually come in with Happy and Lucy?" Macao hollered from a random table.

"Where's Happy?" Wendy asked with a slight tilt to her head.

"Oh" Lucy craned her head to view the dark blue haired girl. "Happy's at my house sle-"

"LUUCCCYYY!" Happy shouted from the guild's doors gaining everyone's attention.

"Happy?" Erza lifted a brow as she watched him fly into Lucy's chest.

"What's wrong?" Lucy held the sobbing cat.

"Waaaah! Lucccy! I woke up and I couldn't find you!"

Lucy's eyes softened. "Happy"

"Happy sure does like you doesn't he?" Lisanna smiled.

"I'm sorry Happy, I just didn't want to wake you"

"I thought the only one Happy was super close to was Natsu" Cana chimed in chugging down a barrel of alcohol.

Happy snuggled into Lucy's chest and the warmth of the hug made his crying calm down. "I don't want to wake up and no one be there! It's bad enough we left Natsu behind, but I can't lose Lucy too!"

"Left Natsu behind?" Mira chirped.

"Happy, what do you mean?" Gray asked.

Happy continued to sob, causing all the attention to now flood back to the blonde.

"Lucy?" Erza glared. "Where's Natsu?"

Lucy's heartrate increased and she found herself panicking a little. "Umm... Natsu... he..."

Well here it is. The very situation Lucy was trying to avoid.

Not that she didn't expect it not to happen but, well now what was she supposed to say? Well, exactly how to put it?

"Lucy!" Erza scorned more harshly.

Lucy jumped slightly and bit her lip. "Okay okay" Lucy clung tighter to the blue feline."I guess, Natsu's still doing the mission" Lucy's eyes narrowed to the ground.

It hit her again. Was he alright? Where was he now? What should she do?

"You just left without him?" Lisanna asked in incredulity.

Lucy's eyes shot up to meet the sapphire ones. "No!" Lucy's eyes narrowed again. "Well... it's not like I wanted to."

"What happened?" Juvia asked.

Lucy's eyes began the early stages of tears. "The mission... it was a set up. They we're just after Natsu because he's a dragon slayer"

"What?" The entire guild now listened in.

"We need to be careful now. No dragon slayer should be sent on a mission, it's too dangerous. Someone powerful is after each of them" Lucy inhaled.

"Where's Natsu?" Erza brought back the main question while taking a calm-down breath.

This time Happy pulled away from Lucy and peered at the others in the guild. "Natsu... we tried to stay... but he made Lucy and I leave. There was nothing else we could do but run..."

"If we would have stayed we would have gotten in Natsu's way and we'd all be..." Lucy cut off.

The guild erupted into a loud chatter causing Lucy to force another smile. "Come on guys! This is Natsu we're talking about! I'm sure he's fine"

"Where was your mission exactly? Maybe we should be manly and go provide back up!"

"The fight was yesterday. I don't think they'd still be there" Lucy admitted.

"Still Elfman has a point. If there was a battle there would be bodies" Erza confirmed making a chill run down Lucy's spine.

"It was by the outskirts of Haregon town" Happy answered flying to the top of Lucy's head.

"Well then that's where we'll go immediately" Erza commanded.

"I will come too" Wendy chirped. "If Natsu-san is injured I have my healing ability"

"I don't think that's such a good idea Wendy" An older voice crashed into the guilds ears.

"Master?" Mira blinked.

"I've been informed by the counsel that all dragon slayers must be well protected at this time"

"Did they say who's been going after them?" Laxxus demanded.

"No... I've just been told it's too dangerous as Lucy here as figured out."

"B-But master! With all do respect I won't be alone!" Wendy pleaded. "I will be with Erza and Lucy"

Makarov stroked his beard. "Still... I-"

"Juvia will go too! Juvia will protect Wendy"

"Juvia?" Wendy blinked.

"Where ever Wendy goes I will go!"


"I wouldn't be a man if I let something happen to one of the youngest mages in fairy tail now."

"I won't stand by it either" Gray agreed.

"Everyone" Wendy smiled.

"Very well" Makarov exhaled. "Just protect Wendy. And I will inform out brothering guilds"