For the next hour and 20 minutes, Beatrice Le Beak continued studying the treasure map and following the trail that was featured on it. While she certainly did not recall the trail being this long and twisted on the parchment, she felt assured by the landmarks she was seeing that had been represented by the tiny illustrations. It meant she was on the right track.

Finally, the trees cleared and she found herself in a grassy area that was overlooking a beach. And on the ground, on the border that separated grass and sand, X marked the spot.

"Ah, 'ere we are at last, Fast Claw!" Le Beak turned to her pet falcon that was, at first, resting on her shoulder, then flew to sit on a nearby stone. Le Beak threw aside the map, now that she did not need it anymore, and took a shovel out of her purple coat.

"And now, we dig!" With that, she began digging through the dirt and sand under the red X, throwing shovelful after shovelful over her head as the hole she created got bigger and bigger. It took less time than she thought it would for the shovel to hit something solid. After a few more minutes, the beautiful blue and gold treasure chest was revealed. In about ten blinks of an eye, both Le Beak and Fast Claw had the chest hauled out.

Rubbing her hands and chuckling in glee, Le Beak wasted no further second unlatching the box and, with a huge, teeth-flashing smile on her face, lifted the lid.

Both woman and falcon's eyes went wide as the shiny gold filling the box gleamed on their faces. But as Le Beak reached her hand towards the contents, suddenly, chaos broke loose.

It was as if the gold had come alive and flew out of the box, surrounding Le Beak and Fast Claw on all sides. Flying around them, circling them, creating so much confusion that one could not tell which way was up or down, Le Beak was so distracted that she failed to notice until too late that the bag she had stolen from the pirate crews had been snatched from her shoulder from what seemed to be something high in the air. Only when the bag was gone did the chaos stop as suddenly as it had started, leaving Le Beak and Fast Claw to stand there, hair and feather mussed, and shocked looks on their faces.

"What...," Le Beak finally spoke. "…in all of Neverland, was zat?"

"Oh, that was just my pal, Brightly, and his friends," a child's voice just behind them stated.

In shock, Le Beak slowly turned around and saw it was the three petite pirates, their parrot Skully, and a whole bunch of what she now saw were fireflies. One of the insects was sitting on the shoulder of the smallest pirate. Even more shocking than the glowing bugs, was the fact that all three kids were floating in the air, courtesy of Izzy's bag of pixie dust.

And the bag was not the only thing the kids had managed to snatch.

"'EY! Zat's my treasure map you 'ave in your grubby leetle 'ands!" she yelled, pointing at the parchment Cubby was now holding.

"Actually, it's my map," Cubby corrected Le Beak, turning the parchment around to show that it was, indeed, his. "Yours is still on the ground somewhere in the forest."

"So! Zis was all a trick!" Le Beak huffed, putting her hands on her hips. "A set-up so zat you could get your bag back from me!"

"Crackers, yeah!" Skully confirmed. "Just as you stole our bag from us, so we all stole it back from you!"

Le Beak would have continued being humiliated and upset, but then in an instant, she crossed her arms and her face relaxed into a smug countenance as she remembered the ace she had up her sleeve.

"You were just lucky, zat's all," she gloated. "I hate to break zis to you, puny pirates, but your so-called friends decided to betray you. Zey tried to steal ze bag from me so zat zey could take it back to 'Ook behind your backs and take all ze credit for zemselves."

"As a matter of fact, that was part of the plan," Jake explained. "We had a feeling you would keep having your pet falcon spy on us even after you left, so we had Sharky and Bones pretend to double-cross us and try to steal the bag from you. We hoped your ego would have you let them get close enough to you. However, they were really only there to get the map out of your hands and get it away from you."

"Then while you and Fast Claw had your backs turned," Skully continued. "I took your map and switched it for Cubby's."

"But not before I asked it to disguise itself as your map and guide you to this spot," Cubby picked up the story. "I had told it to pick a route so long that it would have taken you over an hour to get here."

"Then, while you were following the map," Izzy chimed in. "We were setting things up here. First, we asked Brightly and his friends to help us, to which they agreed. Then we got an empty treasure chest from our ship and had the fireflies fill it up, then we buried it and put the red X on the ground. Then we waited for you to come dig up the chest and open the lid."

"Then while the fireflies were distracting you," Jake finished. "We used Izzy's pixie dust to fly over everything and get the bag back from you."

"Actually, Le Beak, we have you to thank for the inspiration," Skully pointed out. "Your story about getting the Neverland Flu Bug from Mama Hook was what gave us the idea."

Though Le Beak would never admit it out loud to anyone in a million years, as she listened to her pirate rivals lay out their successful plan to get back the stolen ingredients from her she felt a kind of grudging respect for them. It sounded like something she herself probably would have come up with.

"So," she said. "If zose two bumbling idiots are still on your side, zen where are zey now? I noticed zey are not 'ere bragging along with you."

"Oh, that's what I forgot to mention," Skully said. "After I switched out the maps, I waited until you left, then gave Sharky and Bones some pixie dust from Izzy. Once they freed themselves, they left in order to get a little 'surprise' for you."

"Oh Sneaky Le Beeeeaaak," two voices, as if on cue, sang from just above Le Beak. She looked up to see the aforementioned "bumbling idiots" that she had spent the past few minutes insulting, floating in the air from the pixie dust. She also noticed each pirate had their arms full of…something, although she could not make it out from where she was.

"Here ye be, Miss Beatrice," Sharky announced.

"A little 'gift' from us to you, as a small thanks for havin' us hung out to dry on that tree," Bones said. And with that, the pirates dropped armloads of shiny, green frogs on top of Le Beak's head, on her torso and back, and arms and legs. Clearly, they had found out about Le Beak's aversion to the amphibians from either Skully, Jake and his crew, or even from Captain Hook himself.

For a moment or two, all was quiet, save for the low, fearful whimpering coming from Le Beak and the croaks from the numerous frogs, and the tension and suspense in the air became thick enough to slice. Then, the whimpering suddenly evolved into a loud, head-splitting, ear-piercing shriek, as the female pirate started shaking her head, frantically clawing at her hair and her clothes in a desperate attempt to get the frogs off her. But the slimy things clung to her like Crazy Glue, even as Le Beak blindly started running back towards the forest. Within moments, she disappeared from sight, leaving Fast Claw with no choice but to fly after her mistress. After a minute or two, neither nemesis could be seen nor heard.

"Au Revoir, Le Beak!" Izzy yelled as she and the others waved towards where Le Beak ran off.

The pirates then all turned to each other, shaking each others hands or patting them on the backs.

"Yo ho, way to go everyone!" Jake praised. "Especially Sharky and Bones! You two must've been amazing if you had Le Beak herself completely fooled."

"Well, we was pretty good actors, wasn't we?" Bones sheepishly asked, turning to his matey and friend.

"Oh, aye," Sharky agreed. "We almost even convinced ourselves."

"Where did you guys find all those frogs anyway?" Cubby asked.

"There's a huge pond full of 'em near here," Bones answered.

"So much so that you would not even know a few were missin' even after we grabbed the lot of 'em up," Sharky said.

"Crackers, that was a great idea you had!" Skully praised. "Almost as great as Jake's idea to get the bag back from Le Beak!"

"Well, it wasn't just me," Jake said. "It never would've happened if we hadn't all worked together, like we did during the challenges. But now that we got the bag back, we need to hurry and get it to Nanny Nell and Mama Hook. Cubby, how close are we to the Jolly Roger?"

"Hmmm. Well, according to my map," Cubby answered as he studied the parchment carefully. "If we fly straight that way, we should reach the Jolly Roger in about 10 minutes!"

"Great! Then yo ho, let's go!"

After thanking Brightly and his friends for all their help and bidding them a fond farewell as the lightning bugs flew away, the pirates all took off in the direction Cubby pointed at, each hardly daring to believe their adventure was, at last, nearly coming to an end.

10 minutes later…

"Mateys, ahoy! Jolly Roger, dead ahead!" Skully announced as the ship was, indeed, coming into view.

"I'll be honest," Izzy admitted out loud. "I never thought in a million years that I'd be so happy to see that ship."

"I know exactly what you mean," Cubby said. "I wonder how Captain Hook and the others have been doing since we left?"

"We'll know in a few minutes," Jake said as they got closer to their destination.

In less time than it would take to explain, the pirates had reached the Jolly Roger and were starting to land on the deck when Jake loudly announced their arrival.

"Nanny Nell! Mama Hook! Mr. Smee! We're back! And we've got the ingredients!"

Hardly had Jake finished shouting when one of the doors flew open, hitting the wall with a solid BANG! Out came the two older women and the first mate, their faces a mix of relief, surprise, and happiness.

"Excellent!" Nanny Nell praised, clasping her hands together as Jake handed the bag to Mama Hook. "You've done splendid, my dears!"

"I just hope you didn't run into any trouble or difficulty obtaining them," Mama Hook said as she hurried to the ship's galley, clutching the bag to her like it contained the world's most precious treasure, which to her it probably did.

"Uh, nothing we couldn't handle with a little teamwork," Jake assured her. The other pirates quickly agreed while they all gave each other knowing looks. During their flight to the Jolly Roger, they had all mutually agreed not to tell the others about their little detour with Le Beak. At least, not yet anyway.

Still, the tone in their voices and the looks on their faces did not escape Smee. It was something he was going to have to ask them about later on.

Within minutes, the tea was successfully brewed. This was mainly due to the fact that Mama Hook and Smee had already extracted the water from the Kooky Kokonuts the recipe had called for while the pirates were gone. While the tea was being made, the others went to look in on Hook. He was in a deep sleep, oblivious to the excited commotion around him. Despite the round-the-clock care he was receiving, he did not look any better. However, he did not look worse either, save for a red nose from constantly blowing it in handkerchiefs and the dark circles under the eyes.

The buccaneers moved aside to make way for Mama Hook, who was carefully hurrying to her son's side with a steaming cup of the curative tea in her hands. Mr. Smee and Nanny Nell followed close behind her, so that the room had now become a little crowded.

"James, James dear, wake up," Nanny Nell had gone to the side of Hook's bunk and was gently shaking his shoulder. "We have some tea for you to drink."

It took a couple of minutes and a few more shoulder shakes for the captain to slowly open his eyes and fully awaken. Still, he did not seem to see all the people around his bed. He did, however, notice his mother and former nanny and the cup and saucer the former was holding out to him.

"Ugghhh! Do I have to?" Hook half-asked, half-complained to the women. "Every moment I'm awake I'm always drinking tea! I'm sure I've drunk more tea these past days than you have, mummy, in a whole year!"

"Now James," Mama Hook quietly admonished her son. "I know you must be sick of tea by this point, but this is one you must drink."

"Oh? And why is that?" Hook then seemed to realize for the first time that it was not just him, the women, and his first mate in the room. He gestured to the other pirates. "And what are they doing here?"

"That's what we've been trying to tell you, Cap'n," Smee answered. "Jake and the others found the ingredients for the tea that's supposed to cure you. It's the tea that Mama Hook is holding in her hands right now."

"It is? Blasted bilgewater, why didn't you say so?!" And with that, before anyone else knew it, Hook quickly sat up in his bunk, grabbed up the cup of tea, and downed the hot liquid in one gulp. He drank it so fast it didn't even burn his mouth and tongue, nor did he even taste it. He gave a large, exaggerated sigh of satisfaction, then sat back to wait for the cure to take effect.

"Er, Nanny Nell?" Jake asked as he turned to the older woman. "How will we know if this even works?" He hated to sound doubtful, but it had to be asked and he and the others would have hated it even more if everything they all did and went through was for nothing.

"Hmmm," Nanny Nell opened her book with the tea recipe and read through it carefully. "Well, according to this, we'll know it works once the flu bug bite on his hand completely disappears."

At these words, Hook held out his hand with the bite on it, so that he and the others could see for themselves. It looked like it might be getting smaller, but no one could be entirely sure. In moments, though, any doubt disappeared when the swelling started to go down. Further, then further still, until finally, there was nothing left of the bite but a red and purple swirled mark that looked more like a stain on the skin. A short time later, even that completely vanished.

At this, everyone gave a cheer. Thus cured, Captain Hook wasted no time throwing the bed covers off himself.

"Finally!" he happily exclaimed. "Now I can get meself out of this bu...ah, Ah, AH...ACHOO!"

Rocked with several violent sneezes, Hook, head pounding, nose stuffed up and still with a high fever, collapsed back onto his pillow, utterly dejected and disappointed.

He wasn't the only one who was.

"Yay hey, no way!" Izzy cried with a look of complete dismay. "The cure didn't work after all!"

"But...I don't get it," a confused Jake turned to Nanny Nell and Mama Hook. "Why didn't the tea cure Captain Hook?"

"Actually, it did," Nanny Nell assured everyone. "James has been cured of the bug bite, so he won't be sick forever."

"But now that the bite's gone," Mama Hook continued. "His 'forever flu' is now just a regular flu, which should go away in about a week."

"A week?!" Hook whined. "A week more in this blasted bunk, sick?! Blasted barnacles, I don't think I can take anymore!"

"Now James," Nanny Nell quietly chided. "If you stay in bed for this week, I'll make you some more oyster and clam stew and your favorite: macaroni, codfish, and cheese."

"Hmm, on second thought," Hook quickly reconsidered. "Methinks I have been due for some time off from captaining this ship for a time. Very well, I'll stay here. But no more than a week!"

"Say, Captain Hook?" Jake asked. "Since you'll be in bed this whole week, it would be a good idea if your crew got some time off as well. At least until you're better."

Hook was about to protest when his mother spoke up. "Jake is right, James. I think they've earned a vacation, don't you? Especially after all the hard work they've done taking care of you and helping to find the ingredients for the cure."

"Fine, fine," Hook relented with a wave of his hand as if brushing something off. "Shore leave granted to me crew for a week."

The small crew's loud cheer was interrupted by Hook's snarling voice.

"But you better enjoy it, because at the end of the week I expect you all to be back here, ready to scrub this ship so that I'll be able to see me reflection in everything! Understand?"

"Aye, aye, Cap'n!" The crew all saluted before running off to their respective cabins to pack up for their well-earned breaks. Mama Hook and Nanny Nell hurried to usher the kids and parrot out.

"I believe the rest of us all need to leave as well," Nanny Nell said. "Since James' forever flu has become a regular flu, it's now quite contagious. We certainly wouldn't want anyone else getting sick, would we?"

It was agreed all around that no one else wanted to get sick with the flu, so they all quickly and quietly walked out of the cabin, as Hook had fallen back asleep again. His snores could still be heard even after they had gone upstairs to the ship's deck.

Within minutes, Hook's crew had joined them, each with a bag of clothes packed for their vacation.

"So, where are you all going to go for your shore leave?" Izzy asked them.

"Me Grandpa Bones and his first mate, Monty, talked about comin' here for a visit this week," Bones said. "I can't wait to hear all about their latest adventures!"

"I think I'll head off to one o' those Neverland lakes or lagoons and do some fishin'." Sharky answered. "This time, I'll be catchin' me some fish 'stead of some flowers!"

"Oh, I think I'll just relax here by the beach. Maybe even do some painting." Smee put in thoughtfully.

"I didn't know you can paint, Mr. Smee," Cubby said.

"Well, I'm not sure if I can," Mr. Smee answered with some uncertainty. "But I figured you're never too old to try something new."

"Well before you leave Sharky and Bones, we have something to give you," Jake said, reaching into his pockets. "Both of you hold out your hands."

They did so, with some confusion, but it quickly turned to shock and awe when Jake dropped eight of the gold doubloons they had gathered throughout their adventure into each of their hands, along with something else. They were two pieces of gold jewelry, shaped like bees, one for each pirate. Each piece was inlaid with colorful and priceless gems. Now Sharky and Bones knew what the Queen Bee's talking adviser had given to Jake back at the giant honeybee hive.

"This is for all the help you gave us throughout this whole adventure," Jake explained. "Believe me, you guys more than earned them!"

"Fer...fer us?" Sharky looked at disbelief at the small pile of treasure in his hands. Used to going treasure hunting with his captain and crew mates with nothing to show for it, the feeling that welled up in him as he stared at the gold was like nothing he felt before.

"Amazin', isn't it?" Bones asked, correctly reading the look on his friend's face. He clearly remembered the two gold doubloons he'd been given by Jake and Izzy when he and Cubby had switched crews for Pirate Swap Day.

"Oh, you shouldn't be thanking us for anything, Jake," Smee said. "It's us who should be thanking you popinjays for helping the captain. I know, he can be mean as a shark most of the times, but he's still our captain, and we fully appreciate everything you did to help find the cure for him."

"You're welcome, Mr. Smee," Jake said. "I hate to rush off, especially after everything, but we have to go back to Pirate Island."

"But if you need any more help from us, just ask," Izzy said. Then she, Jake, and Cubby headed straight to Bucky, who by then had docked itself next to the Jolly Roger, and together they left for Pirate Island to put their remaining 10 gold doubloons into their Team Treasure Chest.

Author's Note: Surprised? Or did you see it coming a mile away? I hope you now understand why I had to split what was supposed to have been the last chapter into two separate ones. It was always my plan to have Sharky and Bones pretend to betray the team and switch out the maps that would have led to a chest with Brightly and his friends (which, I promise all you animal lovers out there, they were not buried for more than a few minutes), but how it was done had to be changed around a few times. I wish I could have done more with that cameo but since all Brightly does on the show is squeak and not talk, I left it up to the descriptions and your imagination.

So at long last, the journey comes to a successful conclusion. But not the story, not yet anyway. There's still an epilogue to go and I plan to use it to clear a few things up. Stay tuned!