I do not own any Disney characters named herein, and am only borrowing them to tell a nonprofit tale meant for entertainment purposes only.
Kim Possible: Valkyrie
By LJ58
"So, what is it, and why is it so valuable," Kim asked curiously as she walked about the dais where a polished suit of stylized Norse armor stood in counterpoint to the short sword buried in what looked like an overly large, gray stone egg.
"Well, the armor is rather generic," the bald director with a thin moustache said as he squinted through his large, round glasses at her. "However, the truly valuable find is this rather curious stone. Well, the blade, obviously, is invaluable. The gemstones alone," he gestured at the hilt and decorated sheath, "Are assessed at close to over fifty million on their own even without the historical consideration."
"That's a good motivation," Kim nodded as she glanced around, knowingly assessing the security around them, and finding it lacking.
She had come a long way since her first mission, and even if Ron weren't with her any longer, having gone his own way during their college years, Kim Possible was still a hero, and ready to help anyone anywhere. Even museum directors who feared their new display might be in danger.
Just one look told her that it seemed that Director Smythe likely had cause to be concerned.
"Of course, the historical significance is even greater," he went on. "Even our best experts have yet to understand why the sword was put in this stone, or even how. Only no one has yet to figure out how to remove it without destroying either, so it was left as found."
"It was found like this? Weird," Kim remarked, eyeing the display again.
"Yes, it was quite the curiosity when found. History is full of such curiosities, but Norse history is so old, and so mired in myth and legend, that most of it is lost to us."
"And all the priestly scholars that once tried to eradicate anything pagan likely didn't help," Kim commented, remembering a few lessons of her own.
"Uh, yes. Quite right, Miss Possible," the man grimaced. "At the time, some people were more concerned with superstition than reason. At any rate, Miss Possible, we're hoping your inestimable reputation will forestall any attempts on this find while it is on display. At least until we can bring our security up to par, as you Yanks say."
"Of course," Kim told him. "Anything to help. As long as I'm here, no one will be getting near this sword."
Director Smythe sighed in visible relief.
"You cannot know how much that relieves me. Why, the liability alone for our museum….! I shudder to think."
Kim didn't comment on that one.
"Well, well," Kim said as she stepped out of the shadows two nights later. "When Director Smythe said he was afraid of thieves, I didn't think that included you. Stepping down in life, Shego," she asked the green-skinned woman who had just come down the now open skylight to land near the Norse exhibit.
"Down, Princess," Shego snorted in derision. "Do you know what that butter knife is worth to the right people? Or even the wrong people?"
"I thought you and Drew had finally quit."
"Blue-boy is still playing nice. I've got expenses," Shego quipped, and circled her, and the exhibit she was after just then. "You know how it is. Bills to pay, lilies to gild."
"Try working for it," Kim shot back, keeping her own guard up as she circled the woman she knew was far more dangerous than she cared to admit.
"Tried that. Boring," Shego effected a yawn. "A girl also needs a little thrill. I figure the payday I can make off those sparkly party-favors will buy a lot of thrills," she added.
"Over my dead body," Kim growled as she raised her fists.
"That can be arranged," Shego shot back, and lunged, both hands already glowing with potent cosmic energies.
Kim didn't hesitate, and leapt right at her, gloved hands raised to block, defend, and attack all at once. The pair clashed for almost five full minutes before Shego shifted ploys, and just ran right for the exhibit.
Kim saw her intention, and turned, and tumbled fast to cut her off, one hand instinctively reaching out for the sword before Shego could grab it.
Their hands touched the display at the same time even as a bright moon shone down on them through the open skylight, and the museum's dimly lit interior abruptly exploded in iridescent light. When the light finally faded, both women, and the stone-wrapped sword were gone.
Kim woke up slowly, feeling groggy, and yet still energized from the memory of her fight as she lightly jumped to her feet.
Looking around, she frowned, because the last memory she had was that of fighting off Shego in the British Museum.
She glanced around, and tried to figure out how she had gone from a dimly lit museum room to a foggy clearing with nothing but white mist around her.
She spun around at the sound of a low chuckle, and only belatedly realized that she was both completely naked, and still holding the jeweled short sword in her left hand. The one she had grabbed before Shego could take it.
There was no sign of the sheath, or the strange stone, though. All she held was a short, very sharp sword that seemed to fit her small hand as if made for her.
"It has been so long since one of my children came to me," a raspy voice murmured from out of the hidden mist. "So long. Here I thought that you had all forgotten."
"Uh, to be honest, I'm not sure where I am, or how I got here," Kim called out. "And, I'm not really sure who you are," she told the speaker as she kept looking around.
The voice gave a low creaky chortle, and then an old woman hobbled out of the mist to eye Kim with a gleaming orb that seemed to be floating before one side of her face more than it was actually set in a socket. The other eye she could see was a complete hollow.
"Whoa," Kim murmured, staring at the woman in a long, gray robe carrying a long staff with a series of strange markings on it that looked not unlike some of those runes back in the museum.
"I see you, Child," the old woman murmured. "I see you easily now. You are her daughter. The Odin-cursed. Unlike her, her daughters flourished, and continued. I see you in her. And her in you. Yes, I do. The last Valkyrie," she said in an ageless, sad tone.
"Valkyrie," she blinked. "Isn't that….something to do with…..Valhalla? I'm not even…."
The woman chortled again.
"So young. So naïve. There is much you do not know, Child. Yet."
"Uh, no offense," Kim admitted, "But I know that. Most importantly, where I am, and how I get back."
The old woman chortled again, and then turned to look off into the mist again.
"Yes. Yes, I see."
"Uh, see what," Kim asked uneasily as she tried not to look at that weird, floating eye that somehow moved with the woman even if it wasn't actually part of her.
The old woman only chortled again.
"I see your dragon, young Valkyrie," she told her. "She has been with you long, and I see you are two parts of a whole. To return to your realm, you must name your sword, and then reclaim your dragon."
"Relaim….my dragon? I'm sorry, but that makes no sense, and this….? If you mean this," she said, holding up the bared sword, "It's not mine, I only….."
She frowned, and eyed the short, obviously sharp blade in her hand. Just when had she lost the sheath? Or the stone it was stuck in for that matter?
"Name your sword, Child," the old woman murmured, almost commanding her now.
"Victory," Kim heard herself murmur before she could even think about it, her eyes locked on the gleaming sword in her hand. Even as she spoke, she felt something send a shudder through her that seemed to almost set her very cells on fire for a very short instant.
"A good name. For you, an honest name. Now, go forth, and reclaim your dragon."
"I don't understand….."
"You will. So much has changed since the fall of the gods, Child. So much. Yet one thing remains. This world still needs heroes. And Valkyries," she said, and stepped back into the mists, vanishing even as she did.
"Wait, how do I…?"
Kim stared around, moving forward into that thick mist, waving her free hand before her, but she saw nothing. Heard nothing.
Not even the old woman, who had just vanished as if she had never been there.
"This is so beyond weird," she frowned, eyeing Victory again.
All this began when Shego came after Victory. She should have known better. Victory belonged to her. It had always belonged to her.
Kim stopped, and stared at the sword in her hand again.
Okay, where had that thought come from?
She shook her head, and made herself walk again, looking as best she could to find whatever a dragon was supposed to be, and not sure what she was to do with it when she found it.
'Reclaim it?'
This was way, way past weird she decided as she kept her hand wrapped tightly around the sword, and kept moving carefully forward again.
Just when she was certain she was walking in circles, she entered a small clearing that was marked by a huge circle of green flame. The fire rose high into the sky, almost twelve feet over her head, and it was most definitely a dark, swirling green for all that it was a genuine wall of flame.
She approached the fire, and stared into the burning, crackling curtain of fiery energy, and realized she could see a shape beyond the barrier.
"Shego," she exclaimed, just managing to see a prostrate figure that seemed to be laying on a raised dais of some kind beyond.
Two things occurred to her as she stood there.
Shego had reached for the sword the same instant she had tried to stop her. Their hands had both closed on the blade at the same time, too. Kim's finding the jeweled hilt, and Shego's hand curling around the sheath.
She looked down at the bared blade, and guessed Shego likely had the sheath. Which suggested that if there was a way out, it involved putting the two back together. Which meant she had to get through that fire, and to Shego.
Only why the strange old woman had called Shego her dragon was still beyond her. Because something was telling her that Shego was definitely the one the old woman had been talking about.
She walked closer, and frowned as she eyed the curtain of fire.
It was fire. Green fire, but it was fire.
Yet it didn't feel hot.
It felt….cold.
She frowned at that, but glanced around, studying the clearing.
No other path.
No other guides.
So, she got through the fire, or she stood here until she died of old age.
Something inside her told her that it was a very real possibility, too. She considered jumping, but without anything to help launch her, she wasn't going to get very high. Not high enough to clear that twelve feet. Still, maybe if she…..
If she recalled anything from her admittedly brief exposure to Norse legends, they were all about courage. Courage, and boldness. Well, she had never been a coward.
Kim drew a breath, steeling her resolve, and stepped back before charging straight ahead.
She instinctively stuck out the blade point first, and charged right through the green flames without pause. For a moment, she felt as if her breath had caught in her lungs, and her every cell had just frozen solid. She had a vision of ice so deep, and so thick it covered the entire universe, not just the planet, and then she was through, and staggering to her knees as her teeth chattered with the bone-deep chill she had just experienced.
"N-N-Not…..n-nice," she shivered, and forced herself to her feet to approach the raised dais where she did indeed find Shego laying on her back, the blade's ornate sheath clutched in both hands.
She was also naked as the day she was born, with only her long, dark hair spread around her.
With her eyes closed, and obviously deeply asleep, she looked…..beautiful.
She sighed, and stepped up beside the dais as she studied the woman. Her flawless, green skin that actually seemed to suit her quite well. The dark green fleece covering her slightly raised Mons. No sag to her generous curves, either. The woman was beyond fit, and showed it in every inch of her velvet-wrapped steel frame. The toned, powerful limbs that lay so still just then, but could move with unexpected speed, and grace.
And power.
For a moment, she could almost see a dragon in Shego's still frame, and for the first time realized that the woman before her was stunning in her beauty.
The woman didn't bat an eye. She just lay there.
"Shego," she gently touched her shoulder, then risked shaking her.
Again, she had an unnerving instant of awareness that just taking the sheath from her hands would cause something bad to happen. Shego, she intuited, had to hand it over.
Why, she had no idea. Just as she had no clue how she seemed to be sensing these things. She only knew she had to have Shego hand over that sheath willingly.
Only that meant Shego had to wake up first.
"Shego," she called louder, but the green-skinned woman lay there without any indication she had heard her.
"Okay. Okay. Let me guess. I have to…..claim her, or reclaim her, to wake her up, and get us home. So….."
She scratched her head, her hand holding Victory at her side just then, and considered all options.
She really wished Shego had just retired, and left things alone. Even Drew had retired in the end, and was now trying to turn his intellect, such as it was, to better things. Only Shego couldn't stay quiet. She had to go and keep up her reputation as the best thief in the world. She had to keep pushing. Keep challenging….
Kim shook her head.
Reasons didn't matter just then.
If she had to reclaim her, or wake her to reclaim her, then how was she supposed to…..?
"No," Kim frowned, suddenly having another of those instinctive bursts of knowledge.
Because in every story she had ever heard, any kind of claiming was done with a kiss.
Kisses forged seals, bonds, and broke curses.
Kisses were often formal, too, for forging treaties, or special unions.
Or claiming a particular partner.
"This is either going to be very right, or very wrong," Kim said, and leaned over the sleeping woman, and gently kissed her full, dark lips.
Shego stiffened almost at once, her breath catching as her eyes flashed open, and she found herself staring right into Kim's eyes the very instant she woke. Even as Kim stared right back into hers.
Even as their eyes met, Shego was rearing up, roaring a challenge, and somehow growing as she did.
Kim jumped back, gaping as Shego grew up, and up, and up, and suddenly the voluptuous, green-skinned woman was a green-scaled dragon with a strange jeweled collar around her throat. There were strange runes around the collar, too, but Kim didn't have a clue what they meant.
The green dragon roared again, rearing up on powerful hind legs as great wings beat the air, and for a moment, it seemed that Shego might just fly off, leaving Kim behind.
"Shego, stop! Calm down," she cried, and the dragon grumbled loudly, dropping back down to all fours. And while she had foreclaws more than hands, she did have a body that was suited for standing, or going on all fours now. Along with wings, a long tail, and a very frightening new face that inspired running.
If there were any place to go.
Just before it seemed the Shego-dragon was about to tear into her, though, it stopped, dropping its great head before her as if bowing, and snorted loudly.
The dragon grumbled loudly, and snorted again.
"You understand," Kim asked, smiling guardedly. "Do you remember me?"
The big eyes rolled pointedly, and Kim almost giggled.
"Listen, this is….well, a guess, but I'm thinking you need to hand me that scabbard, and that should help us….get home."
I hope, she added only to herself.
Shego reared up, and looked down at one clawed hand/paw, realizing only then that she still held the jeweled sheathe in her grasp.
She looked down at Kim, then leaned down, and handed the scabbard out to her.
Kim took the jeweled scabbard, and slowly slid the blade back into it.
For a moment, nothing seemed to happen, and then the green flame around them roared violently, then just vanished.
Beyond the fading emerald barrier, the mist was gone, and only an icy plain now stretched out in all directions.
"Okay, I was hoping for more than this," Kim frowned.
"Fly," she heard whispered from all around her. "Fly, fly, fly, fly, fly…"
"Did you….hear that," Kim frowned, and looked up at Shego.
Shego glanced back at her, then looked around, and then slowly lowered herself again so Kim could climb atop her.
"Hopefully, this gets us home. This has been one weird sitch," she declared as Shego snorted again, and green smoke rose from her nostrils this time.
Still, the big, green dragoness lowered her head, and her shoulder this time, and let Kim climb atop her muscular frame. Kim settled astride her thick neck as best she could, her left hand still clutching the now sheathed blade, and looked up into an endless, black sky that didn't even have a single star.
"Okay, Shego. Fly," she called out.
Then both women were abruptly standing next to another in the middle of the wrecked museum exhibit.
Both women were still completely naked.
Unless you counted the jeweled band still around Shego's throat.
Both women turned, looked at each other, and then looked around.
Then looked at one another again.
"What the hell," Shego finally sputtered, which was when over a dozen security guards, and Global Justice agents stormed the room to point weapons at them.
To Be Continued…