Disclaimer: I own nothing but ideas. Saban = Power Rangers. Joss Whedon = Buffy

Worlds Apart - Epilogue

*Reefside, CA – two years later*

Tommy and Jason had just returned to the basement lair from a hard fought battle against Mesogog and his minions. They lived together still, Tommy as a teacher, Jason as a martial arts instructor. About six months into their stay in Reefside, they partnered with Hayley, who was designing dino morphers to go with three dinogems that Tommy had found while doing some research.

Connor, Kira, and Ethan took up the mantles of Red, Yellow, and Blue DinoThunder rangers respectively, but they found three more gems. The black one went to Tommy, while the white one started out with Trent. However, he was evil, and when his evil spell wore off, the gem's power no longer worked with him. So, Jason took up the mantle as white ranger. They still didn't know what to do with the pink gem they found, but with each battle it became increasingly clear they needed another ranger out there.

"Mesogog is getting stronger and stronger," Tommy replied. "We go through any more battles like that, we might get crushed."

"Well, you know, if you hadn't gotten us into this mess..."

"I was doing routine research," Tommy defended himself.

"Rangering finds you, man," Jason replied. Of course, Jason gave a small smile. He not-so-secretly loved being a power ranger. So did Tommy.

"I wonder if Buffy or Faith would be up for taking up the power of the pink gem," Tommy said aloud. "We really could use someone else on the team."

"You think they'd be ok with leaving their posts at the watcher's council?" Jason asked. Tommy shrugged his shoulders. "Oh," Jason said aloud, and then wandered over to the table and picked up a parcel that laid on it. "That reminds me, Buffy sent you something." He picked it up and handed the smallish package to the black dino ranger. He opened it and first pulled out a note.

"Tommy, pulled this from the hellmouth after a routine inspection. Thought that, of all the people that should have this, it should be you. - Buffy."

Tommy shrugged his shoulders once more, and then emptied the package to find something slide out and hit the floor. Tommy bent over to pick it up, and then realized what it was. "The amulet..."

"The one that Kim wore before she die..." Before Jason could finish his thought, a blinding light went throughout the room. The pair of rangers were disoriented for a few moments, but as their vision returned, they were stunned at the sight that stood before them. A new ranger, the pink dino ranger, had emerged. Somehow, the pink dino gem was now activated and had bonded with someone. And not only was this ranger bonded with the pink gem, but she wielded a familiar scythe.

"Where am I?" A female voice asked.

"You're in my home," Tommy replied, causing the pink ranger to turn around. "Kimberly?"

"Power down," she said. The suit powered off of her revealing the petite gymnast who they thought was dead.

"You're alive... you're alive!" He rushed to her, and they embraced one another. They held onto each other for what seemed like an eternity, when he dared to look down at her to make sure he wasn't dreaming. "You... how..."

"I don't know," she confessed. "I've been trapped in some sort of other dimension. Zordon told me I was supposed to die, but even he didn't really know what was supposed to happen."

"What dimension was it?" Tommy asked.

"I think it was the morphing grid," she replied.

"I just... I can't believe... I..."

"Tommy... just shut up and kiss me all ready." He quickly obliged, and the two shared their first kiss in nearly ten years. After a few seconds, they heard someone clear their throat. They broke apart to look and find Jason standing there with a big grin.

"I probably shouldn't be shocked," Jason said. "You're back from the dead, you're 'big brother' is over here, and all you care about is..." Before he could finish, an alarm went off. "Not again."

"What is it?" Kim asked.

"Mesogog," Tommy replied.


"Think Rita, except in dinosaur form," Jason replied.

"Great," Kim replied. "So..."

"Well, it looks like you're the pink ranger," Tommy helped her fill in the blanks. "Jason's the white ranger, and I'm the black ranger. The others are younger, Connor, Kira, and Ethan."

"You know, Zack's going to be ticked when he finds out you stole his color," Kim quipped.

"Trust me, he's all ready let me have it," Tommy grinned.

"So, you're black, Jason's white, three new rangers, and we're fighting a dinosaur," Kim said. "Anything else I should know before we spring to action?"

"That I love you, and after this battle we are having a serious conversation about our future," Tommy replied with a big grin.

"Boy, you move fast," Jason quipped.

"Hey, I've waited two years since she told me she loved me," He replied. "I'm not waiting any longer."

The End.

Thanks for reading, don't forget to leave a review!

- Googz333