Disclaimer: I own nothing but ideas. Joss Whedon owns everything Buffy, and Saban owns everything Power Rangers. And of course, our cameo characters are Marvel-owned.

A/N: I watched Season 7 of Buffy recently, and this story started to write itself in my head. It largely follows the Season 7 timeline (if you're familiar with it), but it will have its own arcs as well, considering the fact that its a crossover story. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I've been writing it so far.

"World's Apart" - Chapter 1

"You wanted to see me?" A black man asked, walking down the steps. He was dressed in a black trench coat, black pants, with a black-handled sword sheathed behind him sticking out of the back of his coat. He was walking towards a man with gray, long hair, his leg in a brace. He was preoccupied with something, refusing to be taken out of his thoughts. "Whistler!"

"Something's coming, Blade," the man named Whistler responded, turning around to find his disciple looking on. "Something I've never seen before."

"What is it?" Blade asked. Whistler began to pace about their current hideout, which was an abandoned warehouse.

"I've been reviewing the files we found after the reaper incident, you know, the ones that Damaskinos had locked away?" Blade nodded. "Well, we don't have to worry about anymore crossbreeds. We do have to worry about something else."

"More vamps?"

"A different kind," he replied. Blade looked at him weirdly, but Whistler continued. "But that's not what we need to worry about. Something big is coming, a demonic force, the vampires knew about it and thought they might harness its power."

"Whose power?"

"They call it 'the First.'" Blade chuckled in mockery.

"The First? Sounds like a cartoon."

"Maybe. But their records show it's for real, and when it wants to end it all, he will."

"Where do we head?" Blade asked.

"To a place called the hellmouth. Located in Sunnydale, California."

*Sunnydale High School*

"Dawn, are you sure you want to enroll here?" Buffy asked. "You could drop out, get expelled..."

"Buffy," Dawn replied with an annoyed look on her face. "Just because everytime you came to Sunnydale High and something tried to kill you..."

"You could get your G.E.D?" Buffy interrupted. "I mean, high school isn't everything..."

"Aren't parents supposed to encourage their children to go to school?" A young black man said approaching the pair of Summers Sisters.

"Yeah," Dawn agreed, giving a slight look of sass for the fact that the man considered her older sister her 'parent.' Buffy worried until the man gave a small smile and extended his hand.

"Robin Wood, I'm the principal."

"Principal?" She asked as she shook his hand. "Aren't you a little young..."

"Yeah, you could say I worked up the ladder kind of fast," he replied. "And you are?"

"Buffy Summers," she replied. "And this is Dawn, I was just dropping her off."

"Nervous jitters?" He asked. "Don't worry, your daughter will be fine."

"Oh, she's not my mom," Dawn said, with a slight giggle.

"Sister. We're sisters." The admission made Robin smile again.

"Of course. I was going to say, because, while I'm young..." Before he could finish the comment, a thought occurred to him. "You said Buffy Summers, right?"

"Yes... did I do something wrong?"

"Well, I did read your file, that was your file right?"

"Oh... yes... some of that is way overblown, and some of it, well, let's just say I'm a changed person!" She babbled, nervously hoping the new principal would overlook her long list of a record. Before they could say anything, the bell rang.

"I should go to my first class," Dawn said, leaving the pair.

"Principal Wood," Buffy said.

"Please, call me Robin," he replied.

"Ok, Robin... would you mind if I took a look around, saw the new school?"

"Be my guest," he said. "You can tell me if there's anything we need to fix on the first day. Now, pardon me, Ms. Summers, I need to go run the school." With that he left, leaving Buffy to wander alone.

She went in the school to look around, and it was reminiscent of the old days. It felt so much simpler then. As she walked past the rows of lockers, she started to drift into a daydream, thinking back to when she would convene with Giles in the library, strategizing with Willow, Xander, and Oz. And sometimes Cordelia... most of the time she was just getting in the way. As they got older, life seemed to change so dramatically. Willow was with Giles across the Atlantic trying to stabilize her magical powers, Oz was in a monistary, Cordelia was nowhere to be found (at least according to Angel), and Xander... well, at least Xander was still around. As she turned the corner, she was brought out of her thoughts abruptly, as she found herself on her back, papers flying everywhere.

"Aww man, I'm so sorry," she heard a male voice say. She looked up to find a hand extended. She accepted the hand and hopped to her feet. "Are you ok?" She looked at him and saw that he was a young teacher, or at least that's what she assumed since he was dressed in dress slacks and a button-down shirt with a tie on.

"It's ok... I was being clumsy," Buffy replied, embarrassed. "I better go."

"Hey, wait," the man replied, causing Buffy to turn around. "Are you a student here?" She smiled at this.


"Oh, I'm sorry..."

"No, it's ok... I was called a mom earlier so I'm grateful for the mistake. My sister goes here, and I went here. I'm Buffy."

"Tom Oliver, but my friends call me Tommy," he said, extending his hand to her.

"Mr. Oliver, eh? What do you teach?"

"Mainly freshmen science classes, biology mostly. But I do have a Physics class with juniors also."

"Oh, well maybe you'll have my sister in class then. Her name is Dawn, if you'd like to keep an eye out for her." The slight sense of worry didn't go unnoticed by the teacher.

"Nervous for your sister's first day at a new school?" Buffy merely nodded. "Look, we've both been through high school, and it can get rough, but I'm sure she'll be fine."

"You're not from around here, are you?" She asked.

"Nope, moved to Angel Grove in '93 and was there until I got the job here. Why? Something I should know?"

"Let's just say that, if you can't imagine it happening, it will happen in Sunnydale. Especially at this school." With that, Buffy began to walk past him, but turned one last time. "It was good meeting you, Mr. Oliver."

"Tommy," he smiled. She returned it, only for her to leave down the hallway. He rubbed the back of his head and glanced down his watch to find that he had about a half-hour before his first class. He started to walk over towards the main office to pick up any last things he needed beforehand. He entered and went to his mailbox only to find nothing in there, so he turned only to find Principal Wood right behind him.

"Mr. Oliver, how are you this morning?"

"Doing well, sir," he said with a smile. "I was just checking things before my first class. I had a free period."

"Gotcha, well look, I know this is your first year ever teaching, so if you need anything, feel free to ask for any help. I don't know much about science, except for where the heart is."

"Thanks Principal Wood," he replied. As he was about to exit, Tommy turned and asked one last question. "Principal?"


"I met the sister of a student, Dawn Summers, the sister is named Buffy. She seemed... almost scared to be here. Is there something about this place that I should know about?"

"Well, there's a rumor that the last two principals died here, so, if that's the case, my advice to you is don't become principal here," Wood replied, with the slight hint of a joke. Tommy, however, was starting to feel uneasy. It was that old ranger sense... danger was afoot. He just didn't know what it was.

He taught his first class, which he thought went well considering it was the first time he taught without being observed by other teachers and faculty. His second was also a fun experience, although the juniors seemed a bit more unruly. He made sure to look and see if Dawn was in his class, but wasn't on his roster. 'Must be with someone else.' He thought. The bell rang again, and it was now the lunch period, so he left his classroom to go to the teacher's room to grab his lunch. It was then he saw Buffy again. He saw her with a phone in hand, headed into the girl's bathroom.

'What's she still doing here?' He wondered. 'Does she know something that I don't? Curious, he waited outside the bathroom for a few moments. He looked at his watch to check the time, and then wondered if he should say something. 'It would be embarrassing to ask if she was ok in the women's bathroom,' he thought. He started to move on when another student walked in, only to quickly run out with a panicked look in her face. Tommy curiously went back to the door and opened it to find a massive hole in the floor, the lights shut off, and glass broken off the mirrors. "What in the world did this?"

He crouched down to get a closer look at the busted floor, and as he did, a hand appeared and pulled him down into its depths.

To be continued...