Chapter 7

"Were you trying to get yourself killed?"


"Did you think about the repercussion of your actions?"


"Thinking back on it now, does it seem like a good idea?"

"Not really."

"Then why may I ask did you do it?" My grandfather yells as he's looking at me straight in the eyes.

"I don't know," I answer. Honestly it's the truth. I'm not sure why I went with Joey. I was just dying to get out of the house. And when I found out Joey's partner bailed, opportunity just came knocking at my door.

My grandfather sighs and looks down, "Well you better figure it out soon. Some people from the Corporation are coming here to talk to you."

My eyes widen, "Why?" My heart starts beating faster. The only reason the Corporation would come talk to you in your own home is if you did something really bad. I mean I know I broke their restrictions, but that's no reason to have them come and talk to me.

Then it hits me. My last two missions, well my last real mission and illegal mission, rogue vampires have been completely slaughtered. The only thing that remained of them was blood splatters that covered the ground and…me.

They suspect me. They think I killed them.

I tighten my fists on the blanket wrapped around me. My grandfather puts his hand on my own and relax a little. "Yugi they just want to talk. They're not going to take you away, I promise."

Looking into my grandfather's eyes I see nothing but sincerity. I want to believe him, but I can't. My grandfather probably doesn't know what they're going to do. All affairs with the Corporation is confidential, and he's probably just trying to make me feel better.

"When are they coming?" Desperation washes over me. I need to figure out why these killings are happening, what's causing them, and why I'm always there. If I can figure something out, I'll have a better chance of being able to defend myself against their claims.

"They're coming Monday," he replies.

I feel a little relieved. Today is Friday so that gives me a couple days to find as much information as possible. I can't do it alone though, I need help. And unfortunately I know just who to ask.

"Am I the only one feeling extremely uncomfortable right now?" Joey leans over and whispers into my ear.

"No," I say through my teeth and not making eye contact.

Joey and I are sitting at white marble table, at some fancy restaurant, with the lights turned down low, and looking across at none other than Yami Atemen.

"Yugi I'm so glad you called," he smiles. "I was so worried about you. I'm glad to see you're okay." He looks over at Joey, "I am glad to see you are okay as well.

"Thank you," I bow my head. I hit Joey in the side when he doesn't bow and he gasps.

"Oh yeah, um thanks," he bows his head and looks over at me glaring.

"So what can I do for you today?" Yami asks and takes a sip of the rich red liquid in his wine glass.

"Well you see sir…um," I stumble over my words. How do I say this? How do I ask this guy that I barely know for help?

"We need your help!" Joey blurts out.

Yami raises an eyebrow, "Help with what?"

I take a deep breath and proceed to speak, "I'm sure you've heard of the rogues that have been completely destroyed on my past two missions yes?" Yami shakes his head and I continue, "You probably know this already, but the Corporation wishes to speak to me about it. As of right now I have no answers, but I need them."

Yami looks at me intently, "And you want my help how?"

"Joey and I are on suspension. Meaning we have no access to any of the data bases or documents in the Corporation library. We were hoping that you could get us in. That way I can do some research and hopefully figure out why this is happening."

I look Yami straight in the eyes as confident and possible. He looks right back at me. His face shows no emotions and I'm afraid for a second that he'll just laugh at me or deny me outright. I'm still hopeful though, he's been so nice to me in the past. Hopefully that demeanor doesn't change now.

"Yeah I can get you access," he says bluntly.

My mouth drops open and I look over at Joey who has an equally surprised look on his face. Joey shrugs and I look back over at Yami.

"Really?" Joey asks.

"Yes really," Yami sits back in his chair and crosses his arms. "Although I will want something in return from you," he smirks at me.

"Yes sir!" I reply without thinking.

Yami smiles deviously, "Well then shall we be going?"

Joey and I have been in the library for what feels like days. Yami let us in after-hours making it easier for us to scour the place. He was helping at first, but had to leave a while ago due to his "royal duties".

I slam another book closed and lay my head down the table. Every single book has brought up nothing. Whenever I think I'm getting close I hit a dead end. Joey isn't having any luck either and now both of us are beginning to lose hope.

"Hey Yugi," Joey says shaking my shoulder.

"What," I groan into the table.

"Have you noticed that all these articles are written by the same guy?"

"So?" I mumble.

"So, some of these books are over a hundred years old. This guy must be a vampire, and a very old one at that. If he's written all these he must know a lot don't you think?"

I lift my head up and lean back. "You have a valid point," I say. Turn around and look at Joey standing behind me with book in hand, "What's his name?"

"Arthur Hawkins," Joey reads out of the book.

"Hmm, Arthur Hawkins. That name sounds familiar," I say getting up. I walk over to the computer and enter his name into the data base. After a few seconds his profile pops up.

"Holy cow!" Joey says behind me as he's looking over my shoulder. "This guy is super old!"

I scroll down reading the information on him carefully. According to his file he specializes in both human and vampire history. Which makes sense if he wrote most of the books in this place.

I turn around slowly and look up at Joey. "Do you know what this means?" Joey shakes his head. "This guy specializes in vampire history. Meaning he's our best bet on getting info on vampires and their special abilities. We definitely don't know everything about vampires and this guy might have those answers.

"Oh I get it. He may know what is killing those rogues."

"Exactly! Now we just have to find him," I say as I type is name into a regular internet search engine.

"Found him!" There on the top of the page is a link to a well-known history museum. "It says there that he's opening up a new exhibit," I read off the page.

"Prefect let's go tomorrow," Joey says.

"One problem," I say slowly.

"What Yugi?"

"It's in another country."

"What where?" Joey shouts and pushes me away from the screen to see for himself. "It's in New York City. That's in North America isn't it?" He asks.

"Yes," I sigh. "Great this is just perfect. We finally find something and it's on the other side of the world."

"Well, we'll just have to go to him then," Joey says.

"Are you crazy?" I shout. "My grandfather would never let me leave the country!" Hell would most definitely freeze over first.

"We just don't tell anybody we're leaving," Joey smiles. "Plus I have money saved and I bet you do too. We'll leave tonight, get there tomorrow, and go to the exhibit on Sunday. It's that simple."

I look at Joey and I can see he's serious. I know it's a bad idea, but maybe he's right. If I can get to Hawkins maybe he can shed some light on what's happening.

"Fine," I sigh. "It's not like we have any other choice."