Granger watched as paramedics loaded Kensi and Deeks on stretchers and wheeled them out to the ambulances. Sam volunteered to ride with them to the hospital leaving Granger and Callen to wrap things up. Granger turned and looked around the abandoned bar, noticing the table with stuff on it he walked over to it.

Granger slid some gloves on and picked up a knife and inspected it before placing it back on the table. He noted the various types of knives and tools scattered along with a few newspaper clippings, old photos of a young woman and what Granger assumed was Deeks birth certificate.

Callen walked up next to Granger and grabbed an article about a child shooting his father. Callen looked at Granger "He's been keeping tabs on him since he was a kid." Granger looked at him "Appears so, which means he's had years to plan this out and now our job is to figure out exactly what he wanted with Deeks." Callen nodded "Well whatever it was involved his father since they had some kind of altercation while in the same prison."

Kensi was attempting to sneak out of her room when Sam caught her "Have you been discharged?" Kensi spun around and groaned "I need to know how Deeks is and the nurse won't tell me anything" Sam helped Kensi back into her room "He's going to be ok. I know you may not want to talk about it but we need to know what happened." Kensi leaned back in the bed and sighed "I guess I should start from the beginning. I uh, I got home from work and I knew something off but before I could get my gun out someone came up behind me and injected me with something that knocked me out. When I came to I was chained to the wall and the dude who took me was at a table sharpening knives. I shifted trying to get comfortable and the chains clinked letting him know I was no longer out. He got up and came to me, he undid the chains and showed me to a bathroom where I could go and freshen up. He led me to the table instead of back to the wall and restrained me to a chair leaving one arm free allowing me to use it to eat." The nurse entered the room interrupting them.

Sam and Kensi made there way to the waiting room to wait til someone notified them on Deeks. Kensi finished telling Sam everything that happened up to when they got there. Sam was silent the whole time letting her go at her own pace. "Elias and Gordon had some kind of altercation while they were in the same prison resulting in extra time for Elias maybe that's why he targeted Deeks." Kensi tried to shake her head but it hurt "No this thing goes farther back than that. It goes back to before Deeks was born. At least that what it sounded like." Sam turned to her "What do you mean back before Deeks was born?" Kensi was quiet for a minute before turning to him "He asked Deeks if his mother ever mentioned him." Sam spoke while reaching for his phone to call Callen "What Eric said makes sense now." Before Kensi could ask what he meant by that he was talking to Callen.

Callen was scanning over one of the articles when his phone started to ring. He grabs his phone not bothering to check who is calling him "Callen." He stops reading the article when he hears Sam "Remember what Eric said about there being a possibility that Deeks might know the guy?" "Yea, I don't know if he actually did but this Elias guy kept tabs on him from the time he was a kid." Callen said. He listened as Sam spoke "Kensi said he asked Deeks if his mother or father ever mentioned him. So whatever reason this guy had for doing what he did has to do with his mother." Callen reached for the copy of a birth certificate seeing that Gordon's name was crossed out and Elias's name written in pen above it "He thinks Deeks is his kid. I'll see if forensics will the test to see if there is a paternal connection between them." He waited for Sam to respond "I hope it comes back no familial match cause the last thing Deeks needs is to learn the man who kidnapped his girlfriend was his father."

Kensi was starting to get impatient waiting on an update on Deeks condition. Her mind kept thinking up the worse no matter how positive she tried to be. She knew Sam kept glancing at her every few minutes to make sure she wasn't going to do something drastic. Just as she was about to get up and go to the nurses station to ask if there was anything knew on his condition a Dr. walked in asking for the family of Martin Deeks. Kensi jumped up approaching him "That would be me." The Dr. introduced himself "I'm Dr. Jaeger, the surgeon who operated on Martin. It was touch and go for a moment but he made it through surgery. The dagger pierced his lung and he has some minor nerve damage to his right arm. He's in the ICU for now but we're hoping that we don't have to keep him there for too long." Kensi listened to everything the Dr. had to say and tried to keep her fear hidden when the Dr. said Deeks was in the ICU. She didn't realize the Dr. was waiting for her to say something until Sam spoke "Thank you Dr. Are we able to see him?" Kensi looked at the Dr. Jaeger hoping he would say yes. She didn't care if he wasn't awake she just needed to see him and know he was still alive. "Yes you can. I'll have a nurse come get you and take you to him once he is settled."

Sam called Callen and Granger to let them know that Deeks was out of surgery while Kensi just waited impatiently for the nurse to come get her. Sam turned to her "Callen said he would call Nell and update her on Deeks and have her tell the others." He watched her for a moment before turning and waiting for the nurse.

Callen had just hung up from updating Nell on Deeks condition and turned to Granger "Are we about done here?" Between the memories of what lead him here all those years ago and what happened today he wanted to put as much distance between him and the abandoned bar. After Granger told him they could go they left and headed to the hospital.