Lapis had never seen Sunni's school before, let alone after hours. But her she was, at her fall parent teacher conference along with Peridot. Both Connie and Steven were busy that evening: Connie had a late shift that evening and Steven had been called on an emergency gem mission along with the rest of the gems minus the two of them. They had considered just calling up the teachers later and having conferences over the phone, but Peridot had volunteered the two of them to take their places and be at the conferences for them and relay the conversations to them later.
"Are you sure about this, Peridot?" Steven had questioned, "A lot of people will be there and I have some specific questions for her teachers."
"It'll be fine!" she assured, "I have acquainted myself with the art of polite earth conversation over years, and I would be more than happy to ask any question you have if you write it down. I'll even record the conversations so you may take notes on them later!"
Steven rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well I guess that will work…" he sighed.
"Of course it will work! You have nothing to worry about!" she said with a smile.
And thus they were now standing in the cafeteria of the fifth grader's elementary school. It had taken them a little while to convince the security guard to let them in (after lapis froze him to the wall) but they had finally made it down stairs to the lunch room where the teachers had their tables set up. "We should probably split up to get to every teacher," Lapis suggested. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Peridot made a B-line for the science teacher. Lapis shrugged her shoulders before she wandered over to the art teacher's table.
"What did you just say?!"
Lapis nearly jumped as she recognized the shrill voice. She looked around to see the little green standing on the science teacher's desk and glaring at him. "I'm sorry Ma'am, but it's true!" he said, holding his hands up defensively, "Sunni has been very disruptive. She's been interrupting me in class and claiming what I've been teaching is wrong!" "She's been doing poorly in my class because she refuses to answer questions correctly," he continued.
"That's impossible! I've taught her everything she knows about science!" Peridot argued, "My figures are always correct!"
"I'm sorry, but are you even qualified to teach science?" he snapped.
"More qualified than you with your primitive mammal brain!" she retorted. Lapis' hand met her forehead.
"Primitive?!" the teacher cried, "I spent six years in school to get my degree!"
"Too bad it was wasted on a clod like you!" she shouted.
"That's it. We're out of here," Lapis thought as she quickly marched over to the irate green gem and pulled her away from the table.
"Hey!" she cried, "Let go of me! I wasn't finished with the conference!"
"Well you are now," she muttered as she walked out of the school building with the squirming gem under her arm.
When Steven returned home he saw Lapis sitting at a stool in the kitchen and Peridot muttering to herself on the couch with crossed arms and a sour expression. Against his better judgement, he dared to ask, "Did the conferences go well?"
Peridot huffed and Lapis sighed. "I don't think we're going to be welcomed back any time soon," Lapis admitted.
"So what?! I don't want to see that 'science teacher' again anyways!" Peridot snapped, "More like pseudo science teacher if you ask me!"
Steven pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do I want to know what happened?" Lapis shook her head no. He sighed. "Please tell me at least nothing got destroyed," he pleaded.
"Don't worry. We didn't stay long enough for something like that to happen," lapis assumed, "But I'm pretty sure Peridot would have assaulted one of the teachers if we stayed any longer."
"Thank goodness you didn't," he said in relief. At least no one got hurt…or so Steven thought until he found out on the news that a man had been mysteriously frozen to the wall of the school when it was a particularly balmy march evening.
Sorry it's been so long since I've updated this work. I've been busy with a few other fanfics like Dragon ball Steven swell as school stuff. Still i hope you enjoy this chapter.