Quick refresher on the story so far: King Vegeta holds a tournament in which the winner becomes Prince Vegeta's mate. Kakarot beats Nappa in the last round and wins. Vegeta is happy, but Kakarot is less so when he finds out what he's won. They fight a lot and things don't really look good. Then Tarble shows up and is a little shit and makes everything worse. There was a split second where Kakarot was happy, but we'll see where that goes. (That's literally it. Nothing has happened in this story for 6 chapters. I'm so sorry.)

"It's been a week. How long are you going to be mad at me?"

Vegeta looked over the celebration plans for the fourth time. He still hadn't absorbed a single bit of information from them, but it was a good ploy for avoiding Tarble.

"If you don't talk to me, you could at least try to talk to him."

Vegeta glared harder at the words on the screen. Oh, sure. Just go talk to Kakarot. What a great idea. If only Kakarot hadn't been avoiding him for the past week.

Tarble huffed louder than necessary. "All I said was—"

"That you couldn't wait to see our children. Yes, I remember quite well."

"Well, you're mates, aren't you?"

Vegeta tossed the datapad on the table and rubbed his forehead. As if it wasn't bad enough Tarble had instantly crushed the friendly relationship with Kakarot, he'd also caused Kakarot to become reclusive again. He wanted to crush Tarble. Preferably into one of the three suns. Now Vegeta was back to having a mate who wanted nothing to do with him.

"You lack as much intelligence as you do power."

"Vegeta!" His tail puffed out two sizes larger.

"The situation was tense enough and you antagonized Kakarot!"

"What is so bad about having babies?"

"Child." Vegeta rolled his eyes and stood up. Tarble jumped up too and stuck out his chin in defiance, but Vegeta ignored the taunt and stomped into the hallway. He was done babysitting. There wasn't much more damage Tarble could do. Kakarot could keep to himself, but he wouldn't get far if he tried to flee. A small consolation.

When Vegeta left his office he hadn't put much thought to where he was going. But as he kept tromping through the hallways he realized he was headed towards the study where Kakarot was being taught. That was if Kakarot was still attending his classes. Vegeta had assumed his mate was—assumed he would have been informed if Kakarot hadn't gone—but suddenly there was a cold twisting in his stomach. What if Kakarot didn't go anymore? What if he intended to blunder his way through the ritual? Would Vegeta have to execute him on principle?

He chewed the inside of his lip and his tail tightened around his waist. He didn't know of any law stating someone who messed up the ritual would be killed. But wouldn't making a mockery of it be akin to making a mockery of the royal family? That surely couldn't stand. Vegeta crossed his arms to stop the twitching of his fingertips. Perhaps he'd just check and confirm Kakarot was at his lessons.

It was a short walk to the room and Vegeta pressed against the door to listen. Even after straining for several seconds and holding his breath, he couldn't hear any sound from the room. He stepped back and grabbed the handle. It wasn't strange to check on his mate. Even if he had never really done so before. Maybe he just wanted his own refresher on the ritual. It sounded plausible so Vegeta pushed the door inward. The room was completely empty.

Vegeta felt like an Oozaru had just stepped on him. Where was Kakarot? Or even Cama? Since they were both gone, perhaps they had just gone somewhere else to study today. He closed his eyes and exhaled a slow, deep breath. Opening his eyes again, he closed the door and spotted his servant.

"Tell me where Kakarot is."

"Your Highness." The servant bowed and muttered into his scouter. After a few seconds he stood back up and held out his arm in indication. "He is in his quarters, Prince Vegeta."

Vegeta kept a neutral face even though his brain was flip-flopping in turmoil. Had Kakarot never even left? Did he now intend to hide in his room for the rest of his life? Was he sick? Had he not eaten enough and fallen faint?

Vegeta had to go. There was no way he would be able to focus on anything else until he solved this problem. Even though they weren't on the best terms now, he had to know what Kakarot was doing.

Turning on his heel, Vegeta walked towards the guest wing. His footsteps echoed through the corridors as he struggled not to break into a run. Would Kakarot let him into the room? Even if he didn't, Vegeta could just kick in the door. What if he yelled? What if he didn't say anything? His tail clenched around his waist as he turned another corner.

"Prince Vegeta."

The voice made his eye twitch. This was the last thing he needed at the moment. He kept his brisk pace, fully intent on walking straight past Nappa.

"A moment please, Your Highness." Nappa stepped directly in his path and effectively blocked him.

"I'm busy. What do you want?"

Nappa bowed his head in salute. "I want to know if you will truly accept the third class as your mate. Surely you would prefer someone more suitable, such as true warrior."

"In two weeks he will be a crowned prince of House Vegeta. I trust you will accept him as such."

"And yet, my Prince, he stays in the guest wing instead of the royal chambers. It looks as though you do not wish him near you." Even though his tone was respectful, his mouth twisted into a smirk.

Vegeta's eyes narrowed. "He has kept private quarters in order to acclimate himself to his new lifestyle and remain focused on his studies."

"He does not join you at meals to maintain his focus? Perhaps your grace makes his mind wander."

"Kakarot adheres to his teacher's schedule while I am busy with political duties. Conflicts in time are inevitable."

"Of course, Prince. There must be a great many conflicts to keep you from spending any time with him of late. Or could it merely be you don't want to spend time with him because a filthy third class is no match for a prince? Even if he managed to pull a trick to win, he should not be allowed to sully the royal castle with his presence."

"I am on my way to see him right now and you are causing a conflict which saps our time together."

"My apologies. I will take my leave. When you decide you would prefer a true Saiyan elite at your side, I am always at your service." Nappa bowed again, walking off with sneer intact.

All Vegeta could see was red. He'd rather have a reclusive mate than the boot-licking Nappa. He clenched his fists tightly and heightened his pace. Now it was even more important to get through to Kakarot. How far had these rumors gone? To have it circulating the prince and his mate were not on speaking terms would throw doubt on his rule. If he could not keep one third class in line, how would he keep the whole planet under control?

When Kakarot's door came into view, Vegeta didn't bother to knock. He nearly broke the handle off as he swung it open. The sight inside sucked the wind of his lungs and the anger out of his mind. Kakarot stood naked in the middle of the room, staring wide-eyed at the sudden intrusion, surrounded by a flock of servants taking all sorts of measurements and holding different fabrics against him.

Vegeta wavered in the doorway. He wanted to leave but didn't want to emphasize the distance between his mate and him more. He shouldn't be embarrassed to see Kakarot naked, if anything he should be ordering everyone out to take his mate on sight. If only that was the reality between them. Perhaps he could turn this around to his advantage.

"Kakarot, I didn't realize you would still be busy." He ambled beside his mate and looked over the materials the tailors had brought. His eyes cut back to Kakarot and he winked. "I was hoping to have a spar with you, but I can wait if I must."

Stepping around the group, he sat on the edge of Kakarot's bed. The servants glanced between him and Kakarot a few times and he waved a hand at them. "Continue your work."

The tailors fumbled with their items and began their measuring and cutting once more. Only Kakarot was looking at him now. Silent, but searching for answers in Vegeta's eyes. He'd gotten better at hiding his feelings. Vegeta smiled back and gave a short nod to him. It seemed to satisfy, or at least pacify, Kakarot for the moment and he turned his attention back to the servants fussing over him.

Vegeta let out a long mental sigh. He had not seen Kakarot for a week, only to storm in on him naked and was now just sitting on Kakarot's bed watching him. It was sure to send a positive message to his mate. Vegeta held back the roll of his eyes.

This was fine. He would merely sit here for a few minutes and then excuse himself. If he told Kakarot to meet him in the training room, would Kakarot show up? Or perhaps he could say he was coming back later to meet Kakarot. Would he be refused then? Maybe he should just wait it out in order to confront Kakarot. This couldn't take too long and Vegeta would usher the servants out. And block the door after they left. Kakarot couldn't run from him then.

On the bright side, if Kakarot was getting fitted for his ceremonial robes then at least he was still planning on being in the ceremony. It lifted Vegeta's mood and quieted some of the questions in his head. It didn't guarantee Kakarot was happy about it, but he wasn't fighting the tailors at least. He just stood there passively, turning and posing however the servants positioned him. Was it improper to stare at Kakarot? It would be damning to act as though he was repulsed by his mate.

Vegeta swallowed. He was far from repulsed, after all. Kakarot had a fine balance between being muscular versus bulky. His back was to Vegeta now, muscles flexing as Kakarot raised his arms or repositioned them. That body was a work of art from the gods themselves. Vegeta's gaze lowered and he tried not to blush as he eyed the round ass before him. He should be able to reach out and grab it, press himself against it—penetrate it. He crossed his legs.

He was almost a foot shorter than Kakarot, but it wouldn't matter when he had his mate doubled over beneath him. That creamy skin flushed and sweaty. The quiet Kakarot moaning and begging for him. Vegeta wondered if Kakarot made the same faces during sex as he did during fighting.

That's what he had come here for. Not to ogle Kakarot, but to end the tension between them. Getting lost in fantasies would not help the situation. He pressed his eyes closed to clear his head and regain focus. Letting out a breath, he opened them again and allowed himself one last look. It was a fine ass after all, worthy of the prince. But with one swift movement it was gone. Kakarot had turned around and now Vegeta was still staring at the same spot.

Jerking his head away, Vegeta crossed his arms and stared at the wall. He hoped to the gods he wasn't blushing. He peeked out of the corner of his eye and saw Kakarot looking at him. Vegeta resumed glaring at the wall. Perhaps Kakarot hadn't noticed. And perhaps him jumping and looking the other direction wasn't obvious. The damn tailors had sabotaged them. They got to touch Kakarot's body without a care and now had exposed his staring. He should have them executed for this.

"How much longer will this take?"

"We are nearly finished, Your Highness. Apologies for delaying your plans."

Vegeta snorted. They should be apologizing for completely different reasons. But true to their word, a few minutes passed and they began to gather their tools and fabric. Vegeta looked up at the sound of their haste and was careful to avoid looking directly at Kakarot. The servants bowed and apologized again before leaving.

Now it was just him and Kakarot. A silence hung between them, Vegeta still reluctant to meet Kakarot's eyes.

"Did you really want to spar?"

"I came because you have avoided me. We are to be mated in two weeks; I would like to know if there will be a problem." He rose from the bed and made sure to only look at Kakarot's face.

"I know what I have to do. Everything I have to do." Kakarot's voice came out flat and devoid of emotion.

Vegeta raised an eyebrow at the loaded statement, saving it to dissect later. "Then I want you to resume having meals with me."

Kakarot's gaze shifted to the corner of the room. "Is that all you want from me?"

"Say what you want to say, Kakarot." All the doubletalk was grating on Vegeta's already raw nerves.

Kakarot looked back at him for a moment then grimaced and stared at the floor. "You made it pretty obvious. All the talk about having a baby and the way you were staring at me."

It was an automatic reaction to cover his reddened face, but then Vegeta clenched his fist and forced it back to his side. Now Kakarot's previous statement was instantly made clear.

"Yes, we will have to produce an heir. You've known this since the beginning."

"Should I roll over now and get it over with then?"

Their eyes met for a breath, anger flashing between them. How dare he. The next second, Kakarot was on the floor holding his cheek while Vegeta lowered his fist.

"I will not force myself on you, Kakarot. Do not belittle me in that regard. There are other methods to produce offspring and I have no interest in a reluctant partner."

Kakarot remained silent, glowering at the floor.

"I'll be in my training room if you want payback." Vegeta passed his mate, scowling at the way things had escalated. Instead of negotiating a peace, he had further angered Kakarot. Tarble be damned, Vegeta would do a fine job of estranging Kakarot himself. He exited the room, resisting the urge to slam the door behind him and create more of a scene, and headed down the hall. His fingers twitched with the need to hit something. The need to convert this tense energy into destruction. Gods, he hoped Kakarot would show up.


Clothes splattered with blood and bits of flesh, Vegeta blasted the last Saibaman to pieces before doubling over in exhaustion. His hands rested on his knees and he drew deep breaths. He was unsure how many he had killed; the mixture of body parts strewn throughout the room didn't give a clear count. Sweat dripped from the tip of his nose and his heart battered against his chest. His body sung an anguished tune about the workout he had pushed himself through. This was the part where he was supposed to feel release from the stress hounding him. But this time it did not come. His mind was still clouded with thoughts of Kakarot: anger, desire, and rejection muddling into a turbulent cocktail.

Kakarot's words had echoed in Vegeta's head with each strike he threw. Was that truly how his mate saw him? As a despot waiting to abuse his trust and body the first chance Vegeta got? He ran his fingers through his matted hair and let out an extended sigh. The sting to his pride was worse than any physical ache. If only Kakarot hadn't been so clueless about the meaning of the tournament. Then they wouldn't be in this awkward mess.

In Vegeta's eyes, Kakarot should have been grateful to be the chosen mate—elated Vegeta accepted him so readily. Instead Kakarot wanted nothing to do with him. And even that, Vegeta would accept. He was a man of honor. If Kakarot played his role then he was free to choose how their relationship played out.

His throat was parched and his stomach rumbled in protest. Vegeta's workout had gotten him no peace of mind, but perhaps he would be able to fall into a dreamless sleep tonight from the physical exertion. He straightened his back and stretched his neck. Even the simplest of movements brought pain with them now. With a weary sigh, he headed out of the wreckage of the training room.

A servant appeared and Vegeta instructed for his meal to be delivered to his bedroom. Passing out was all he really wanted to do, but his body demanded food first. Starving himself would only lead to more pain in the morning. As soon as he reached his room, he headed to the shower. His clothes were gone in a flash and he smiled as the hot water began to soothe his body.

Letting himself just enjoy the heat and the relaxing steam, Vegeta let his body slump. Kinks in his muscles began to loosen and he actually started to unwind. A yawn escaped him and he worked quickly to clean himself. The end to this frustrating day couldn't come soon enough. Finishing up, he stepped out of the shower and began to dry himself when he heard the servant knock at the door. He barked out his order to enter and wrapped a silken robe around himself.

Vegeta stepped into the main room and frowned. Servants were rushing to set up a table for him and cover it with food. But behind them, standing quietly and looking away from the scene, was Kakarot. Vegeta recomposed his blank mask as he wondered what reason his mate had to be here. Perhaps he'd come to issue more insults. At this point, Vegeta couldn't hope for any positive meaning behind Kakarot's appearance.

Vegeta sat at the table and unfolded his napkin in his lap as he waited for the servants to disperse. When the last one left the room, Vegeta began to fill his plate.

"Yes, Kakarot?"

"You told me to join you for dinners again. When they started bringing everything here, I came too."

Vegeta blinked in surprise at the answer. With everything else weighing on his mind, he had forgotten about that particular request. Nappa and the rumors had been totally eclipsed by the fact Kakarot had considered him to be a rapist. He took a deep breath so he could choose his words carefully.

"I did. But seeing as you declined my invitation to train, I didn't think I would see you again tonight."

"I just needed to think. I'm here now." He settled into the chair across from Vegeta and began to shyly make his plate. He put each item on his plate with a focused precision, eyes darting to meet Vegeta's and then back to the table a few times.

Vegeta sat his fork down with a sigh. "If you want to be alone tonight then you are free to take your plate and leave. You can join me another day." His food tasted bland today and he forced himself to keep eating.

Kakarot didn't say anything for a few minutes, but began to eat. He didn't pipe up again until his first plate was emptied. "You've got a cut."

Vegeta looked up at him. He must have appeared confused because Kakarot motioned to a spot on his forehead before pointing at Vegeta's. Touching the area, Vegeta felt the long scrape above his eyebrow. A Saibaman had managed to claw him while he was busy with three others. It was the last thing the creature ever did. He shrugged. It was hardly worthy of notice in his opinion. Gone in a few days at most.



Was this an attempt at conversation or had Kakarot just wanted to point out his injury as a shortcoming? Vegeta was too tired to bother with solving Kakarot's inner workings, so he merely resumed eating. He heard a quiet exhale from the other side of the table.

"How many did you fight?"

Vegeta meet Kakarot's eyes. They were innocent enough—no apparent malice or mockery in them. He supposed he could humor the question.

"I didn't count. Just fought."

"It must have been a lot. You were gone a long time."

He really was too tired for this. Vegeta pushed his plate away from him and drooped his shoulders.

"I suppose. I'm going to retire for the night." He inched his chair away from the table and paused. "Thank you for joining me. Good night, Kakarot."

Kakarot hid his frown a second too late. "Okay. Good night." He stood up and hesitated a second before heading to the door. He gave a limp wave before disappearing into the hallway.

Glad to be alone again, Vegeta crawled into bed. His eyelids were heavy and his mind was exhausted from dealing with Kakarot. Their mating ceremony couldn't come fast enough. It'd be at least one stress off his mind to know no one could gossip about whether he would really take Kakarot as his mate or not.


Vegeta was restless the next day. He ate some of the fruit left over from the previous night and skipped a formal breakfast. He left the Council meeting early. He headed for his training room, but ended up roaming the hallways instead. Sitting still felt wrong, yet so did trying to focus on exercise. So he just walked. Familiar routes, seldom used areas of the castle, gardens, and perimeter. It didn't do much to distract his mind from Kakarot's odd behavior last night, but at least he could mindlessly expel his nervous energy.

He folded his arms over his chest as he passed the main courtyard for the second time. He wasn't even sure why it had bothered him in the first place. Kakarot had done as asked and joined him for dinner. He'd probably be at dinner tonight too. Vegeta's shoulders deflated. Because he had told Kakarot to be there. Not out of his own will to see Vegeta.

But then again—his eyes narrowed in concentration—he had offered for Kakarot to leave. And Kakarot had stayed.

Probably only because it would be too embarrassing to leave right away after following the servants there.

Vegeta shook his head. He was done with this. Tired of second-guessing himself. Exhausted from trying to understand Kakarot's motives. And fed up with never being able to get a clear answer or explanation to anything from the man. Vegeta's first inclination was to attack a problem with his fists, but he knew the ways of diplomacy as well. It seemed all attempts had failed though. After weeks together, he still could not get more than a few sentences out of Kakarot at a time.

So he would stop trying. Kakarot's answer was clear. Vegeta was going to play by the very rules he had instructed Kakarot on. He'd play his part in public and go his separate way in private. That's all there was to it. He wasn't sure why he had invested so much time into doing otherwise. He felt a pang in his chest and drew his arms closer to his body. This was the way it was meant to be.

He grew weary of his directionless pacing. It was still early, but he decided to go have a proper meal after all. His feet felt heavy and his armor seemed to weigh him down. It was ridiculous to think missing breakfast had affected him this much. All the more reason to eat as soon as possible.

Vegeta sat at the grand table as the servants scurried off to prepare something for him. He didn't feel better even though he had reached a decision. He didn't feel glum either. It was more of just an emptiness—as if his emotions had been drained out of him by the long walk here. It wasn't a concern in his opinion. Just a side-effect of the hunger.

The meal didn't help. He could tell it had been cooked to his desires, but it failed to satisfy him. It tasted just as bland as the food last night. Maybe he was more tired than he thought. His fork moved with disinterest.

When the door to the dining room began to creak ajar, he was almost glad for the distraction. Until he realized there was a very high probability it was Kakarot on the other side of the door. It swung open and Vegeta's prediction was confirmed. Kakarot's eyes widened as he entered and Vegeta looked back to his plate with a mirthless smile on his face.

"Vegeta! We didn't think you'd be here!" Tarble's excited voice echoed in the large hall.

"Is there a problem?" What the fuck was Tarble doing here?

"No! It's just you usually don't join us for lunch!"

The smile fell from Vegeta's face and he found it hard to suppress a snarl. The tip of his tail tapped against his leg in an agitated rhythm. He could taste the bile rise in his throat as Kakarot and Tarble joined him at the table.

"I take it you two usually share lunch."

Tarble smiled. "Yeah. We happened to meet up one day and when I learned Kakarot has his breaks at this time, I started eating with him. I don't really have anything else to do around the castle and it's way better than eating alone."

Vegeta's jaw was stiff as he eyed his brother's beaming face. He could see Kakarot glancing between the two of them.

"It sounds as if you two get along quite well."

"I tell him about the planet I live on and he tells me about the missions he's been on!" Tarble was practically bouncing in his chair.

Kakarot was fiddling with his napkin, rubbing the edging between his fingers.

"I help him with his studies sometimes too! And—"

The loud scraping of Vegeta's chair over the marble floor cut the list of Tarble and Kakarot's activities short.

"Excellent. Seeing how I'm done with my meal, I'll leave you two alone then."

"What? Don't go now!" Table pouted.


He ignored them and strode out of the dining hall. He'd heard all he needed to hear. So that was the reason. Tarble was only two years from maturity after all and closer to Kakarot's age than Vegeta was. Perhaps that was what drew them together. Or maybe it was Tarble's unending enthusiasm about love. Vegeta clenched his fists and ground his teeth. Fine. It was fine. Tarble would be leaving as soon as the ceremony was over. Then Kakarot could go on an extended mission to prove his honor to the Council. And when he returned from that mission, he'd go on another one.

Vegeta would never have to look at him again. They would get a sample of his DNA, do whatever they did in the labs, and Vegeta would have a successor. And Tarble would have Kakarot. Great. Wonderful. They deserved each other.

Tarble's voice repeated in his head on a constant loop. Kakarot's voice calling his name would chime in every once in a while. Asking him to be understanding? For his permission? Vegeta had already told Kakarot he was free to do as he pleased. He just hadn't expected Tarble to be what pleased Kakarot.

He made his way to his office and stared dumbly at the computer screen. The emptiness thudded inside him as he tried to accomplish anything resembling work. But instead of seeing the words on the screen, he only saw the excitement on Tarble's face. To be betrayed by his own brother. Tarble was finally beginning to act like a Saiyan.

Vegeta gave up on work as the coldness beat against his ribcage. He didn't care what Kakarot did. He didn't care who Kakarot wanted to be with. That was his resolve. So why was he so rattled by this? He pushed off his chair and went to lay on the seldom used couch instead. His fingers intertwined over his chest as he stared at the ceiling. There was an insect's webbing clinging to the corner. He'd have to reprimand a servant later for doing such a poor cleaning job.

The light traveled across the walls as the hours passed in silence. Neither of the pair had come to speak with him or apologize. Not that there was really anything to discuss. He didn't have any objections. Let them be happy. He was content with the situation. Everything was great.

A knock at the door brought his attention back to the present and he sat up and adjusted his armor before giving permission to enter.

"Will you be dining here tonight, Prince Vegeta? We have brought accommodations for you."

Vegeta stared blankly at the timid woman for a moment before waving her in. He looked out the large window to see first sun dropping below the horizon. A whole day wasted. He chided himself for becoming so distracted over nothing. He'd just have to work late into the night to make up for it.

The clinking of dishes subsided and Vegeta turned to see what they had brought for him. His lips pressed together and his eyes narrowed.



Kakarot poked at one of the dishes. "This is your favorite, right?"

Vegeta snorted and sat at the table. Whose plan had this been for Kakarot to show up with his favorite food? Helping himself to the dish did little to lift his mood.

"Are we going to be having dinner in a different place each night?" He scratched the back of his head.

"I rescind my request. You can have dinner wherever you like. With whomever you like."

"I'm here now."

Vegeta rolled his eyes at the obvious. "I'm aware. But from tomorrow on, do as you please."

"Are you mad at me?"

Vegeta nearly choked as his laughter threatened to interfere with his ability to swallow food. Since when had Kakarot ever cared about how Vegeta felt? Much less towards him? He couldn't help but chuckle once he could breathe again.

"I'm not mad at all, Kakarot. After the mating ceremony, we can find plenty of missions for you to go on. You'll only have to be on planet Vegeta when you wish to see your family." The food was finally beginning to taste like something.

Kakarot chewed with a frown, pushed some vegetables across his plate, and thumbed the handle of his knife.

Vegeta could feel the dark eyes on him, probably trying to find some hidden meaning in his words. But there were none. It would be far easier than having to spend each day with Kakarot and pretend to be happy with their sham mating.

"Tarble will be glad for the company too."

"Tarble? But he stays on the planetside. He doesn't go on missions."

"We can make up reports to cover whatever you do out there." Vegeta waved his hand in dismissal.

Kakarot's eyebrows sunk deeper into a frown as he took another bite.

The food was gone. Vegeta hadn't even realized how hungry he had been. He stood up and rolled his neck until it cracked. Time to get to work. He moved to his desk and waited for the screen to flicker back to life before beginning to scroll through the list of files awaiting his attention. He gaze flickered to the table as Kakarot stood to leave.

"Will you ask the servants to clean up as you leave? I will be here for some time."

Kakarot nodded and walked out of the door. Servants replaced his presence in the room as they cleared the table and began removing all evidence of dinner. Vegeta ignored their hushed noises and let his fingers dance across his keyboard. His mind felt clearer than it had in weeks as he signed off on one report after another. His whole body felt lighter actually. A smile graced his features as he let his work absorb his every thought. No longer caring about Kakarot made everything infinitely easier.


Vegeta's days had passed easily since that long night: Kakarot still did join him for dinner and they made minimal casual conversation, Tarble stayed out of his way, and he enjoyed the emotionless void within himself. He hadn't worried about feelings or trying. It was like life before Kakarot had been. Peaceful.

That's how he felt when his servants bathed and dressed him, when he walked down to the grand ballroom, and when he stood at Kakarot's side while all the guests cheered for them. King Vegeta opened the ceremony by issuing a succinct speech praising the future of planet Vegeta and the happiness in his heir choosing a mate. Matching cuffs, silver with a jeweled royal crest in the middle, were brought out and fastened near the end of their tails. The highest shaman chanted blessings upon their union and house while they sipped wine from the same goblet.

Vegeta's stomach twisted as he knew what came next. He just had to remember it was all an act. And hope Kakarot didn't fuck it up. He faced Kakarot and could see the nervousness in his eyes, but they had to make this look smooth and natural. Tugging his taller mate down to his level, he leaned in and stopped as their lips touched each other before whispering an order only Kakarot would hear.

"Don't you dare pull away from me." Then their mouths were together in the biggest mockery of Vegeta's life. Kakarot shyly returned the kiss as their tails coiled by their side. Vegeta held a hand on the back of Kakarot's head to make sure the idiot stayed in place.

He wanted it to be an act. Didn't want to feel anything from it. But Kakarot's lips were soft and warm and his tail felt full of electricity as Kakarot's snaked around it. This is what he would miss out on for the rest of his life. This is what Tarble would have instead of him. The thought soured the experience and he carefully detached himself from Kakarot while the crowd clapped.

Vegeta glanced at Kakarot, trying to see any hint of guilt in those eyes for betraying him, but they just stared back at him. Like Kakarot was looking for his own answers in Vegeta's eyes. There wasn't time for soul searching now though. Vegeta held out an arm to escort him through the crowd so all the most elite of the planet could congratulate them on finally being mated. It was simple enough to act happy in front of the throng of people. He'd watch Kakarot out of the corner of his eye every so often to make sure Kakarot was acting just as well. But despite his misgivings, his mate was performing satisfactorily. Smiling at the right times, showing politeness, and staying at Vegeta's side. A good act for the man who had come to the castle without a clue what he was doing there.

"Hm, well done, boy."

Vegeta looked up at who had addressed them so casually to find himself staring at an almost identical copy of Kakarot. It was strange how different Raditz looked from their father.

"I didn't expect much out of ya at birth. But it looks like you did good for yourself." Bardock looked Vegeta up and down with a smirk. "Real good."

Did everyone in this family want to fuck him except Kakarot? Vegeta fought the frown he wanted to give and instead held out a hand of greeting.

"A pleasure, sir. I'm honored to meet my mate's sire."

Bardock shook his hand with an unnecessary roughness. "Make sure to take care of our son, won't ya?"

"Of course." He didn't think about how Tarble would be the one taking care of Kakarot.

"I know he's been learning all about how to be proper, but he'll need some education in the more delicate matters." Bardock winked at him.

"Dad!" To his credit Kakarot hissed it as quietly as one could in the situation.

Vegeta didn't think about how Tarble would be the one to teach him those things. If he hadn't already. He merely nodded his head and stated there were other guests in need of his attention.

"Sorry." Kakarot managed to whisper this time.

He wasn't sure what Kakarot was apologizing for, so Vegeta just shrugged and continued leading them through the room. From one cluster of guests to the next, an endless sea of people bestowing their blessings swam before Vegeta's eyes. It was draining to keep his façade in place with each introduction, but slowly the hours passed and dinner was served at last.

"You've performed well, Kakarot." It was murmured more to his plate then his mate next to him.

"It's been fun to see everyone so excited."

"Even though you aren't excited?"

"I am."

Vegeta snorted and took a sip of wine before answering. "You don't have to lie to me, Kakarot. Unless your excitement stems from being off world soon, perhaps?"

"So you take me as your mate and then get rid of me?"

It almost sounded like Kakarot was disappointed. Maybe he had grown too accustomed to palace living already to give it up for a life of sterile barracks with Tarble.

"You've given me no indication you want to stay here." Vegeta's eyes swept over the crowd to make sure no one was paying too much attention to them. It seemed the vast majority were more absorbed in their dinner thankfully. His gaze turned back to the silent Kakarot, who was staring at his plate while picking at his food.

"Don't act glum. You said you were excited."


This was annoying. If Kakarot continued to mope it would ruin their whole charade. "Kakarot, this is supposed to be a celebration. I'm going to kiss you and then you better pull yourself together."


Vegeta's lips cut him off. He placed a hand on Kakarot's arm to make sure it didn't start flailing. His tongue teased at Kakarot's lips—a calculated act of desire to quell any doubts the crowd may have had. He reminded himself there was nothing enjoyable about this. The way Kakarot's mouth moved against his was merely politics. Vegeta broke the kiss and ran a thumb over Kakarot's cheek as another false show of affection, not because he wanted to touch the blushed skin there.

He stood and clapped his hands once. "Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate our joyous mating. We have appreciated your presence on this day and would love to stay, but my mate grows tired so we will take our leave. Please continue to enjoy the festivities in our stead."

That sounded good enough. He took Kakarot's hand and led him out of the ballroom. Sure, his father would be upset they left the party early, but it was a minor concern compared to losing face over Kakarot's lack of composure.

Once they were far enough away from the crowded room, Vegeta pulled his hand away. "At least that's over."

Kakarot let out a prolonged sigh, but otherwise stayed quiet as they walked through the decorated hallways. He tried to part ways at the entrance to the guest wing, but Vegeta yanked him back.

"What are you doing, idiot? We're supposed to be mates now!"

"But my room…?"

"Forget it. We will have your belongings moved to the royal wing. Tonight you'll have to sleep in my room." He rolled his eyes at Kakarot's obvious hesitation and pulled his arm harder. "I already…forget it. Just come with me." The anger bubbled in him, but he was determined to keep it to himself even if his grip on Kakarot's arm became tighter.

Vegeta drug Kakarot to his room before releasing him—feeling a little guilty about the way Kakarot rubbed his wrist afterwards. Looking away, he went to his closet and searched for clothing. There wasn't anything Kakarot would fit into besides battle suits seeing as all his clothing was tailored. Though he had to wonder what Kakarot normally slept in. The servants must have given him something to wear, but asking them to bring something now would seem odd. Weren't they supposed to be in here having wild sex? Clothes were a hindrance in that sort of situation. He pulled out what would be a full-length robe on him and tossed it to Kakarot.

"You can sleep in this if you want. It's that or armor." He began to strip out of his formal attire and pulled on a pair of black satin pants. "Or sleep in your clothes, if you really want to." He shrugged and disappeared into the bathroom. It was much earlier than he would normally sleep, but there weren't many other options open which wouldn't give away their secret and he didn't want to talk to Kakarot longer than necessary.

He went through his nightly routine slowly, just to kill time more than anything else. When he couldn't drag out brushing his teeth any longer, he finished up and returned to the bedroom. Kakarot was still there, thankfully, sitting on the bed with hands clasped in his lap.

"You're free to make use of the bathroom and anything else you need."

"Ah, thanks." He took the robe and disappeared into the bathroom.

Vegeta settled under the covers and sighed. Their first night in the same bed should have been memorable for reasons besides being awkward and uncomfortable. It should have been a lot of things, but Vegeta was passed all that. He wasn't going to think about their kiss, that they were mates, or that Kakarot wanted a different prince in the bed. He swallowed the lump in his throat and reminded himself he didn't care about Kakarot anymore.

The bathroom door squeaked open, drawing him out of his thoughts. Kakarot was wearing his robe after all. But Vegeta wasn't going to think about how good it looked on him. He motioned to the other side of his king sized bed and Kakarot moved to his designated spot with a small nod. He flipped off the switch for the lights and stared at where the ceiling would be if it wasn't pitch black.

"Good night, Kakarot."

"Good night."

There was a faint rustling of fabric and Kakarot's soft breathing. "Vegeta?"


"I'm sorry for saying that thing. You know…about what you wanted from me?"

Vegeta breathed out a hard puff of air. "Are you sure you want to thank me before the night is over? I might decide to take advantage of you in your sleep."

Kakarot stayed silent a moment. "I don't think you will."

Vegeta grunted and closed his eyes, trying to force himself asleep before Kakarot could say anything else stupid.

"And I want to stay here. On planet Vegeta."

It was nice of Kakarot to specify the planet rather than this bed. Otherwise, Vegeta might have mistakenly thought it was some moment of affection between them.

"Do what you want. Good night."



Vegeta awoke in a sweat. His head was groggy and the room was still bathed in darkness. Why was it so hot? Had something in the cooling system broken? As his head cleared, he became aware the source of extreme heat was at his side. It took him a few more moments to remember Kakarot had been sharing the bed with him and that was the reason there was a body curled up beside him. He rubbed his bleary eyes and looked at his mate.

Kakarot was sleeping soundly it seemed, whole body pressed against Vegeta's side. His face looked soft and serene. Not emotionless or confused, as he normally appeared. Did Tarble always get to see this side of him? Vegeta thought back to the one time he had seen Kakarot smile freely for him after coming to the castle. It was so long ago, but Vegeta had felt warm when he saw it. If his body wasn't already overheated from the company, he would have felt himself flush. Kakarot was beautiful sleeping next to him with nothing by Vegeta's robe on. The front was open just enough for Vegeta to see a bare collar bone and—that's why Kakarot was next to him. Kakarot was just in the robe and had probably gotten cold.

Vegeta looked around. Somehow half of the blankets were strewn onto the floor and the other half were on him. It wasn't a romantic inclination that had brought Kakarot to his side of the bed, just a search for warmth. Vegeta drug the blankets back onto the bed and spread them over Kakarot. He wondered if Kakarot would stay, but after a few minutes Kakarot rolled away from him.

On one hand it had felt almost nice to have Kakarot beside him. Like he was wanted after all. On the other it had been akin to sleeping next to a kiln. So it was probably for the best Kakarot moved away. Vegeta readjusted the blankets on him so he could cool off, but his hand lingered on the spot Kakarot had been.

He didn't feel anything, he reminded himself again. This was all an act. None of it mattered. But the dullness in his chest began to throb and choke. Even after weeks of denial, he still wanted it to be real. He could see Kakarot's chest rise and fall, his lips barely parted as he slumbered. The lips that had kissed him softly. The dullness felt like an inferno in him now. Vegeta tossed onto his side away from Kakarot and closed his eyes.

Tarble was too young to know what a real relationship entailed. Too soft to challenge Kakarot. Too weak to realize how strong Kakarot really was. Tarble didn't deserve to see Kakarot unguarded, at his weakest. Didn't deserve to kiss those lips and touch that sculpted body.

Vegeta had fought Tarble for the throne. He was certainly going to fight Tarble for his mate.