This is the fourth part of the series that started with "He lets me call him Frank now," "Follow Your Heart" and "Home Sweet Home" - Best to read them in order if just starting. This installment is a little darker. Eddie and Jamie adjust to life with a toddler and look forward to their new addition while the Reagans do what they do best when they are targeted by an old foe!
Hold on for the ride, this is a long one with a lot of twists and turns! Pre-written for the most part so I try to update daily if possible.
Disclaimer: As always, I own nothing. CBS owns Blue Bloods; I just take the characters out for a spin for fun.
Chapter 1
Jamie Reagan was nervously drumming his fingers on a conference room table in the legal wing of the NYPD office building at 1PP during a regularly scheduled staff meeting. It was a Tuesday afternoon in early December and he had been recently promoted to Assistant Director of Special Investigations in the Criminal Section of the Legal Bureau. True to his word, Deputy Commissioner Charles Miller had put Jamie's career on the fast track, and he suddenly found himself acting as one of the top liaisons in the department, working almost exclusively with the FBI to coordinate operations between the two agencies. In addition, he was also responsible for conducting training for other units on criminal and constitutional law. It made for a rather full schedule, and he was due to leave early the following morning for a three-day conference in Washington D.C. while accompanying his father, Police Commissioner, Frank Reagan, to review a particularly detailed op that was scheduled to begin in the city in the following weeks.
But it wasn't the prospect of that high-powered meeting that had Jamie nervously glancing at his watch for the fifteenth time in the last twenty minutes as one of the Deputy Chiefs droned on about recent changes in the Freedom of Information Law description requirements. Rather it was the likelihood with each passing moment that he might be late for another important engagement with a certain blond-haired woman whose wrath would be far worse than anything the NYPD or federal government could dish out if he wasn't present and accounted for on time.
Eddie was due for her 12-week prenatal appointment with her OBGYN back in Brooklyn near their home in Bay Ridge in exactly thirty-five minutes, and Jamie was quite certain he would leave both of his children fatherless if he missed it. The first detailed ultrasound for the baby was scheduled for today, and his wife had already texted him twice to complain about the amount of water she was asked to drink beforehand. He did not dare be late and make her wait any longer than necessary, especially with the nervous butterflies they both felt after the tragic events of the previous summer when Eddie had lost an early pregnancy. Although that experience ultimately led to the adoption of their beautiful three-year-old daughter, Kaylin, it was never far from their minds as the couple collectively held their breath until she passed the first trimester mark. This time everything had looked perfect to this point, and while Eddie had not been thrilled with the morning sickness she had suffered through the last eight weeks, it did comfort her to know that it indicated everything was rolling along according to plan this time.
The second the Deputy Chief concluded his presentation, Jamie had gathered his files and was rushing down to the elevator, pulling on his jacket and fishing for his keys. "Please God, don't let there be traffic today," he prayed as he quickly drove south to St. Victor's, their local hospital. He hastily parked and half-jogged through the chilly winter air as made his way into the building and up to suite 306 where he found his wife nervously flipping through a magazine in the waiting room. She smirked as she glanced up when he sauntered in with about three minutes to spare, looking nonchalant.
"So lucky, Reagan," she remarked with a smile and small shake of her head.
"I have no idea what you're talking about, lambchop," he said with a straight face as he slid carefully into the chair next to her, determined to keep his breathing controlled so she wouldn't know he had just taken three flights of steps in double time rather than wait for the elevator.
"Lights and siren?"
His resolve broke as a broad grin spread across his face. She knew him so well. "Not today," he admitted, "I brought my car, but it was tempting to grab an unmarked from the motor pool instead."
Eddie let out a nervous sigh as she glanced up at the reception desk. "I wish they would call us back already. Don't they know what a bad idea it is to force a pregnant woman to drink a huge amount of water then make them sit here? There's gonna be a flash flood soon if we don't get a move on it," she griped.
Jamie looked around the room to the three other women that were obviously much further along than his wife, who was barely showing to this point. He couldn't imagine they were ever comfortable, given the size of their protruding bellies and the way they were all constantly shifting in their seats. "I'm guessing they've heard that before, Ed," he said while trying to picture his wife in that condition in just a few short months. He gave a hard swallow and anxiously loosened his tie a little at the thought.
"Don't you even go there," she remarked as she followed his gaze. "It won't be pretty at that point. I promise you."
"Ed-it Reagan?" a voice called from the doorway. Jamie grinned as Eddie flinched at the common mispronunciation of her name. It never failed to irk her to the ninth degree, and the fact that Jamie enjoyed every single time it happened had her primed for retaliation.
"Ed-eet," she corrected as she stood up to follow the nurse who was also obviously pregnant and dressed in an obnoxiously loud smiley faces yellow and blue scrub top. Good lord, she thought to herself, after how many of these does something like that become acceptable to wear in public? "This kid's going to be named Bob or Sue," she muttered to her husband. "I will not inflict this kind of torture on my child."
Jamie just smiled as he followed her back to the exam room, stopping along the way to have a few measurements taken. He could tell Eddie was on edge by her reactions and the significant roll of the eyes she gave when her weight and height was recorded after she quickly kicked off her shoes. He did his best to remain completely neutral in every thought and action, so as not to paint any kind of target on his back that she would focus on in her stress. That was until the nurse burst his bubble after reading the chart.
"Edit and Jamison, I am assuming?" she asked as they sat down in the exam room and she began to take Eddie's blood pressure reading. "Two very unique first names, any significance?"
"I was named after my Hungarian grandmother," Eddie replied with a self-righteous smile. "It means wealth and fortune. You can just call me Eddie though. What about you, dear?" she asked sweetly.
Evil, Jamie thought. She's just pure evil sometimes. "Oh, uh, I was named after an empty Irish Whiskey bottle my parents kept in the liquor cabinet," Jamie admitted with some embarrassment. "Think it probably had a lot to do with me being conceived that night, knowing my father," he muttered under his breath. "Jamie is fine," he added out loud. As old as he was, he was sure that he would never live that one down. To top it off, he had been born rather unexpectedly nearly a month early, and his nervous father had misspelled his name on the hospital records. Jameson Irish Whiskey was well-known worldwide, but Jamison with an 'i', not so much, although there were alcoholic chocolate truffles with that name. Maybe it had been his mother's craving that proved to be the inspiration instead. Bob and Sue were beginning to sound like good options at this point though if he were to follow tradition this kid would have to be named after the tequila shooters he and Eddie had downed at the bar on their much anticipated date night when Kaylin had slept over at her Grandpa's house for the first time. Good times, he thought, good times.
"Okay, Jamie it is," the cheerful nurse replied. "Eddie, you can go ahead and hop up there on the exam table since you wore some loose fitting clothes," she said as she eyed his wife's favorite yoga pants that were just starting to get tighter. "You'll just have to pull those down a bit and lift your top for the sonogram. When you're done with that we'll send you over for blood work, and Dr. Geisner will meet you in her office to review everything with you. Candy will be your sonographer today; she'll be here in just a few minutes. Try to relax until then," she said as she left the room.
"Candy Reagan," Eddie offered in a sing-song voice after the door closed. "Not a chance. Sounds like that stripper we arrested in Washington Square Park my rookie year. With our luck she'd probably grow up and marry someone named Ricky Cane. Then she'd be a Candy Cane," she snorted.
"Eddie," Jamie sighed, this type of thing had been going on for weeks now. "If you would agree to finding out the sex you would only have to obsess on one set of names. Besides, Candy and Kaylin sounds kind of cute together… alliteration is big now for siblings you know."
"Alliteration, that's what you're worried about, Harvard," she scoffed. "And there's no way we are finding out the sex of this child before they present it to the world themselves. They can't usually see that at this appointment anyway, and it's like the best Christmas present you could ever wish for! I'm not going to spoil it when I'll need something to focus on through labor and those months where I look like those other women in the waiting room. I've already had to give up patrol," she whined. Yesterday had been her last official tour before being transferred to desk duty in the personnel department at 1PP starting Monday. Renzulli had tried to keep her at the 12th, but finally conceded to her wishes. Jamie had left the timing up to his wife, and while she still felt physically able to do the job, she knew it was only a matter of weeks before it was necessary. His upcoming travel schedule made it more practical for her to switch to a regular shift sooner than later so that Kaylin stayed on a more fixed timetable. Today, she had been left in Henry's charge since Eddie was only supposed to be away for a few hours. As much as he loved the little girl, she was a bit too active for him to be the primary babysitter all the time so they utilized the daycare at the corporate office when needed.
Jamie relented and backed off the sex question for now. He knew he had a few weeks to work on getting Eddie to change her mind before it was really relevant anyway. He couldn't imagine waiting seven more months to know if they were having another girl or a boy. His family would never understand her reasoning, and frankly, this name preoccupation banter would drive him nuts long before then. He had to come up with a compelling plan. In the meantime he was amusing himself by spinning around on the stool like a little schoolboy. Eddie was watching him in growing frustration as she was finding herself increasingly uncomfortable as each minute passed.
"Reagan, please," she finally broke in. "Between you going around in circles, and me feeling like I'm going to float away... I'm getting seasick."
His feet came down flat on the floor and he stopped the motion with a twinkle in his eyes just as there was a soft knock on the door, and a technician with a nameplate of "C. Barr" entered the room. Jamie silently sucked in a breath with wide eyes as he waited for his wife to take notice. Surely in her current state this was going to cause some type of unintended reaction. He almost wept for joy when the tech introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Christine. Candice is tied up with another patient right now so I will be performing your scan this afternoon. Just give me a second to set up and we'll get started," she offered in a friendly voice.
Strike Candy off the list, he thought in relief.
Christine had Eddie lay back and prepped her belly with some cold gel. Jamie rolled his stool over to the side and the two were soon enthralled at the first sight of their unborn child who was actively moving around.
"Oh my God," Eddie breathed. "So amazing... look at that, Jamie! It's our baby!" she whispered excitedly as they watched tiny arms and legs moving. He was speechless and could not take his eyes away from the screen.
"Is this your first pregnancy?" Christine asked. "I apologize but I didn't get a chance to review your chart fully."
"No, um, well we lost one at seven weeks last June," Eddie admitted sadly.
"I'm so sorry," Christine said. "That explains the level of detail your doctor has ordered. I'm just going to check some baseline measurements which will help assess the baby's risk of having complications such as chromosomal abnormalities or major congenital heart problems. We do this by checking the clear space in the tissue at the back of the baby's neck," she paused for a few moments as she clicked and assessed. "Everything looks normal," she assured. "This is a very active child," she added with a smile. "You'll have your hands full."
"We already have one like that at home," Jamie replied. "Um, we have an adopted three-year-old daughter," he explained when he saw the tech's puzzled look.
"Oh how nice," she said as she continued her work. "And here is the heart... a solid 150 beats per minute is perfect." Eddie was beaming from ear to ear as she squeezed Jamie's hand, her own discomfort forgotten. They had made it to twelve weeks and nearly the start of the second trimester. The odds of anything happening beyond this point were drastically reduced.
"I see that your chart notes you do not want to know the sex so we'll stop there before we ruin the surprise," Christine explained with a smile as she put the equipment down and helped Eddie to wipe up the excess gel. "Not too many people have the discipline to go that route anymore."
Jamie couldn't help but feel a little disappointed by that but he was still elated to hear everything else looked healthy. That definitely eased his mind regarding his impending trip out of state the following morning. He reached over and gave Eddie a quick kiss on the forehead. "That was amazing, Eddie," he smiled. "I love you."
Christine pulled a green bracelet with the practice's logo from the machine with a USB drive attached and handed it to Eddie. "Here are some photos and a video for you to share with your family. Just bring this back to all of your appointments and we'll load shots from each session on there for you. This is your paperwork. The nurse will be back in a few minutes to show you where to go for your blood work and then you will meet the doctor in her office." She smiled and added before she left, "I'm sure you need a few minutes to use the restroom in the hall. Every new mom we have complains about that."
Jamie and Eddie were still chatting happily about the ultrasound as they were directed through the blood draw and into Dr. Geisner's office. She greeted them with a warm smile.
"Mr. and Mrs. Reagan, so good to see you again," she started as she scanned through the chart. "I've looked through the results from the ultrasound and it appears that everything is looking very good at this time. We did not note any obvious problems and everything else is well within the normal ranges." She had been on call the day Eddie had been brought into the ER with the miscarriage and had seen them through the remainder of that sad event. Eddie had trusted the kind doctor, so when she discovered she was pregnant again there had been no question in her mind which practice she would call. "I'm so happy for you. I understand the nurse talked to both of you about what to expect this next month until we see you again at sixteen weeks. The results of your blood screening will be available then. Of course if we spot any problems before that we will be giving you a call. Do you have any questions for me?"
"Not really," Eddie admitted with relief. She had been avidly researching prenatal topics, but was not one to jump to all kinds of conclusions over everything she read. She just liked to be well informed. "I am hoping that the morning sickness lets up soon, although in my case it seems more like afternoon sickness. Mine comes around lunchtime."
"For most women it will ease up," the doctor assured. "A small percentage will continue to have symptoms throughout the pregnancy." She continued reading. "I see that you've both had your flu shot. That is excellent. That being said, with this being the start of winter I will caution you to be careful about avoiding exposure to people who are actively sick with flu as the shot does not cover all strains. Because of changes in the immune system, heart, and lungs pregnant women are among the most susceptible for complications, along with young children and the elderly."
"I'm switching to desk duty this coming week," Eddie told her. "So I will have less contact with the public. We have a three-year-old in daycare, though."
"Well, I'm not advising that you move into a bubble," the doctor laughed. "Just be sensible about unnecessary exposure, practice good hand washing skills and certainly, if you have any questions do not hesitate to call the office. Take care and we'll see you again in four weeks." She smiled as she stood up to shake their hands as they left the office.
Jamie grabbed Eddie's left hand as they were walking down the hall and brought it up so he could kiss her wedding ring. "You ready for this?" he nodded at the window of the waiting room as they passed. Four more anxious moms-to-be were in the seats.
"I think it's a little too late to ask that question," Eddie grinned. "I mean we haven't even had our first anniversary yet, Reagan, and we've already moved into a new house, adopted a toddler and are working on another."
"I guess I was always an overachiever," Jamie laughed. "Never a dull moment, right?... but I wouldn't have it any other way, Janko," he added quickly, and then paused to smile as they walked into the elevator. The doors closed. "You gonna be okay alone with Kaylin for the next few days then?" He asked as he hit the button for the ground floor. "I mean it's like your first extended girls-only mommy and me time."
"I'll be fine, Jamie," Eddie assured. "I'm off of work until Monday and Pop is just a couple of blocks away. Plus Linda invited us over on Friday for dinner. We won't even miss you," she added cheekily as she glanced over at him.
"Oh, you'll miss me," Jamie said as he grabbed her jacket and pulled her close. The smell of her shampoo and the vanilla body spray she had used was intoxicating. He had never been around someone who could send him from zero to sixty with a little sideways look. "Maybe we can plan a little Jamie and me time tonight after Kaylin is in bed, Mrs. Reagan," he added suggestively, nuzzling her cheek.
"Maybe we can be a little late in picking Kaylin up at your dad's instead," she countered with her eyes sparkling. "It's her nap time now anyway, you know..." The elevator doors opened. "I'm parked up that way. I bet I'll beat you home. I'm thinking that a nice warm tub would feel good after running around in this cold weather all afternoon. See ya, Reagan," she smirked as she walked up the sidewalk and gave him an over the shoulder wave.
"Damn," Jamie breathed as he watched her go. "You'll see me. Count on it."