On Rainy Days

disclaimer: kuroko no basuke belongs to fujimaki tadatoshi



He had always hated rain.

Its smell, its sound, its coldness, Akashi hated all of that; he hated everything about the rain, and also June. June was the time of the year he couldn't bring himself to like, especially when it came to the end of the month, because the rain would be pouring down hastily on the afternoons. It always succeeded to make his mood drop. He hated them. Period. And he would've taken off rain of the weather or removed June from the calendar if he could.

And so, when the rain was suddenly pouring down a little too heavy than it should've been at the same time as he was just about to leave his school, Akashi let out an audible "Crap." to nothing in particular; he wasn't the type of person to say such words, but he might've been hanging around Aomine too much lately that the word rolling out his tongue so casually; that he didn't even realize he'd spat it out in the first place.

Putting his bag atop of his head in attempt not to wet his hair, Akashi ran all the way to the nearest bus stop, and he accidentally stepped into the mud puddle in the process, making him sigh exasperatedly and quickened his pace. There were only three people in the bus stop; a man in a black hoodie and two high school girls—presumably from other school, as they wore the completely different uniform from his, and himself.

A puff of breath escaping his quivering lips when he rummaged through his bag to find his phone—giggles were heard from the girls that were looking at his way, which he practically ignored because he already got too used to to get an unwanted attention, mainly because of his good looks and, perhaps, the dignity which he conducted with his simple existence. Akashi, instead, quickly typed out about his current location to his chauffeur so he wouldn't have to fetch him in front of his school as he usually did.

Cold. Too cold, Akashi had mused as the wind blew his hair harshly; the raindrops grew intensified, and he had to hold his fringe back with his hand, trying his hardest to avoid all the ruckuses the girls had made. They suddenly became as annoying as the loud thunder that could faintly be heard from afar. And the glare he had shot them didn't help much, either.

Akashi looked up from his phone to find a busy main road; cars and buses and also bicycles dominating the road, and from across the road, a bunch of people were walking down the sidewalk, a few of them were considerably his schoolmates, and they looked like they were in a hurry, probably in order not to make their bodies and clothes even much wetter than they already were.

Breathing a sigh of tiredness, Akashi watched and watched, hoping that his chauffeur to be there faster; he'd got nauseated at how those intimating stares from the girls near him made a hole on his face, and also, he wanted to get in to his room and crawl into his blankets as fast as possible.

Akashi was lost in his train of thought when suddenly, out of nowhere, he saw a glimpse of yellow raincoat running around the crowdy sidewalk; the yellow raincoat somehow attracted his interest as it looked too flashy amidst the bustling, noisy crowds. The person in the raincoat kept on bumping, or rather, was being bumped by the pedestrian around them, and Akashi found it weird because that person didn't even care that they were being pushed around, and instead, still running and jumping around as though they were running after something Akashi couldn't fathom what. It made him raise an eyebrow in curiosity, then blinking his eyes to get to see the person in the yellow raincoat even clearer.

"What's that person doing?" Akashi voiced out the thought that running through his head as he saw the said person suddenly stopped in their track, and instead, bending down in front of a mud puddle. Their hands reached out to grab something in it, and Akashi stepped on his toes to see what it was, yet he still couldn't find out even a bit.

Such a weird person, Akashi said to himself, I'm a weird one myself to get interested over something like that, he shook his head, giving up, and stood back on his heels as he lowered his eyes.

But something told him that he shouldn't take his eyes away from that person; there was a tug on his heart that'd made him look back to the figure under those yellow raincoat, and his eyes were following that person's small back unconsciously as he pocketed his phone, watching them intently. He was a little curious as to why people around that person didn't seem to notice them at all, as that person was continuously being pushed aside, even almost falls on the ground. That person isn't a ghost or something, no?

The bus suddenly came, blocking Akashi's view of the yellow raincoat. He almost yelled at the driver because he stopped the bus right before his eyes that he could no longer see that person, not even minding about the girls' flirty smiles when they got on the bus, or the man in a black hoodie's strange look when he saw Akashi eyeing the driver sullenly. If Akashi could, he would've stepped out from the bus stop—as he didn't want to lose sight of that person—but then again, it was raining so he could only inhale deeply.

Akashi was relieved when the bus doors had closed and it dashed off in a light speed almost immediately, hoping that the yellow raincoat figure wouldn't have gone already, when at the same time, he saw that the person in the flashy yellow raincoat was already on their knees, possibly from falling, and Akashi's eyes widened a little when someone almost stepped on them. He was worried—really, why was he worried about a stranger? He himself didn't know why—and was just about to run towards that person when a familiar car stopped in front of him. Akashi's chauffeur got out from the car with a black umbrella for him, but Akashi took the umbrella and told him that he had something to do before he hops on. Turning his eyes to where that person was, Akashi found a crowdy sidewalk instead; there was no flashy raincoat in sight.

"Young master?" Akashi's chauffeur called out when he saw his young master's stilled figure as he looked straight to the front blankly, "Why are you still here? Aren't you going to do something before we go home?"

Akashi was snapped back to the reality when his chauffeur called him out for the second time, and instead of answering him, he returned back the umbrella and hopped in to the car instead. As his car brought him to his house, Akashi stared out the window silently; although his expression was composed, there was a tint of disappointment in his eyes. He just hoped that he'd see the same yellow raincoat some other day.


author's note: this is my first fanfic so please bear with me and the grammars because English isn't my first language ^^ thank you for reading!