Okay, not gonna lie, been a long while since I updated anything on this site. What can I say except a blender mix of depression, laziness, and alcohol were not the best things to hit me in life, especially while also in college. So, yeah, real dick move for taking almost two years to make any progress on this fic, and I'm sorry about that.

Onto other news, hitting anti-depressants so I'm actually in the mood and groove to write again. This also leads to my own personal problem, as now that I'm jumping back into my previous fics to see where I left off, I found that my writing style from years ago is just a little completely shit. So, for certain fics, I've been planning on rewriting a few chapters to fix grammar, small plotlines, and the usual BS. Others, like this fic, I'm just rebooting because I find that there is just too much I'd need to change to fix all the plot holes in it.

So, yeah. This baby's getting rebooted and fixed. And, hell, at least with the chapters of this fic still up, I'll have some ground to tread when I wish it. So, don't worry about certain plotlines being removed. We all know that shippers and such will kill to keep their ship alive and fully powered by the finest salt in the seas. I still have a friend who has never gotten over what happened to Pyrrha. Though, I heard that her wardrobe in the timeskip is an ash gray that is to die for.

And to let you know now, this does not mean I'm taking this fic down, so you don't have to rise up in a protest of reviews or sharpened pencils with the singular goal of demonstrating how the pen can be mightier than the sword, I get it.

Luckily for all parties involved, I'm almost fully done with the first chapter which means that it'll be up by either today or tomorrow.