Hey guys! So here is a new story that I am co-writing with Rausllyr5xo! Don't worry! I will still have updates on Problems like usual but since that one is almost finished you can read this story as well. I am not sure if I will be updating any of my paused stories anytime soon because I don't think they are interesting enough to me.

Now that, thats out of the way... enjoy this story! Rausllyr5xo will eventually have hers up. Hers will be called Fortuitous Text and will be in Austin's POV. Mine will be in Ally's POV! So enjoy! Don't forget to leave me a review! Love you all!

P.S. We started this on Halloween which is why they start texting on Halloween.






Hello? Hello.

Chapter One

I never planned my life out. I never thought of what my future would be like in 5 years let alone what I would be doing with my life now. I was a 24 year old with a terrible boss with impossible standards. I never knew how to balance my personal life with my professional life. I always managed to get both lives mixed up. My boyfriend never had time for me anymore and I never thought of our future together either. But on one mysterious night….literally….I never knew that one guy that I never met, would change all that for the rest of my life.

October 31st

11:31pm: Want to go out for a party? It's Halloween night! Tons of parties around!

I look up at the top of my screen to see that I had received a message from an unknown number. I tapped on the notification to see whom had texted me. Maybe it was my boyfriend, Gavin. He did mention that he was getting a new phone. So, he was probably just texting me to let me know what his new number was.

I looked at the text. Gavin couldn't have texted me this.

11:32pm: Who is this?

11:33pm: Oh, must've texted the wrong person

So, it wasn't Gavin after all. I was a bit worried as Gavin never went out to parties. He never had time for parties. He's always way too busy with his job to go out and party all night. Even if it was the weekend on Halloween night.

I decided to answer this character back.

11:34pm: It's fine. It's not like you interrupted me or anything lol

11:36pm: What would I be interrupting you from anyways?

Such a personal question coming from a total stranger. He could be a stalker for all I know. Halloween night, total stranger, personal questions. It adds up to be a stalker...

11:37: Why would I tell a stranger things about my personal life?

11:38pm: Well, why would you respond back to a person you don't know then?


11:41pm: You are correct

11:42pm: I know I am

What is it with this person? Why do they keep on texting me back?

11:44pm: Someone's a little full of himself

11:45pm: Hey. I could be a girl for all you know

11:46pm: Well, are you?

11:47pm: No

11:48pm: My point exactly

11:49pm: I don't even know why I'm texting a random stranger. And yes, you are a random stranger bc you texted me randomly

11:50pm: lol

11:51pm: Are you a guy or a girl?

Did he seriously just ask me this? I mean, technically I just asked him this but the way he asked me was weird and creepy.

11:52pm: What is this? Omegle? Chatroulette?

11:53pm: lol. no this is texting

11:54pm: congratulations! You figured out what texting is! *clapping emojis*

11:55pm: I sense you are trying to make me out to be a dumb person. Which I am not.

11:56pm: Easy for you 2 say

11:57pm: Please don't be those ppl who replace letters with numbers. it just shows idiocy

11:58pm: Says the person who couldn't use the letters e AND o in a word

11:58pm: And capitalization

11:59pm: whatever. it's texting! you don't have to have perfect grammer

12:00am: Go to bed

12:01am: And it's Grammar

12:02am: ugh.

12:03am: And I can't sleep

Why does this guy insist on talking to me?

12:04am: why is that?

12:05am: because I'm too excited!

12:06: for what?

12:07: the new Zaliens movie is coming out!

12:08am: you watch that movie?

12:08am: YOU DON'T!?

12:09am: obviously not

12:11am: Well you should

Suddenly I hear a knock at my door. I leave my phone on the couch and walk to my front door. My dog was barking like a maniac. Who would be at my house at a time like this? Probably just some kids wanting to play pranks.

12:17am: Hello?

12:20am: You there?

12:25am: Sorry some kid was at my house asking for candy and my dog wouldn't stop barking so I had to calm her down.

12:26am: Do kids not know that trick or treating ends at like 9pm?

12:27am: haha, idk. I think the child's mom was drinking

12:29am: oh, that's not good

12:35am: hello?

12:42am: anyone there?

November 1st

7:15am: Sorry. I fell asleep. I have work in 2 hours

7:16am: Hello?

7:18am: Your probs not even awake yet! XD

12:34pm: haha sorry. Rehearsals start early. I'm on lunch break.

12:35pm: its fine. And ur an actor?

12:36pm: No.

12:37pm: oh

12:38pm: then what are you rehearsing for?

12:39pm: a show

12:40pm: noooooo...really?

12:42pm: A performance

12:44pm: Okay now you're just acting.

12:45pm: you sure ur not an actor?

He's probably an actor who is hiding his true identity. And I could possibly be his fan and I wouldn't even know it. That thought kind of freaks me out.

12:46pm: I'm sure

12:47pm: then why don't you tell me what you do for a living?

12:48pm: I thought we weren't talking to strangers

12:50pm: really?

12:51pm: what? we don't know each other's names

12:52pm: well why don't you tell me ur name?

12:55pm: Can't

12:56pm: and why?

12:58pm: bc lunch is over for me!

1:00pm: Same. I have to go back to work now.

1:02pm: bye…

1:05pm: ur gone now aren't you?

1:10pm: thought so

Wow, that is so weird. I've never talked to a random stranger before. I mean, he was quite weird at first. But for some reason...I can't pinpoint it...but...I feel like I really want to get to know him.

I would never ever do this in my life but for some strange reason I am. I probably have a death wish or something because normally I wouldn't talk to strangers. My parents made sure they taught me that. I was in fact texting my best friend when I got this, a text from a total stranger.

5:13pm: Ally!

5:14pm: Hellllo?

5:15pm: Chicka

5:16pm:You there?

5:17pm: Yo!

5:18pm: Where's my girl at?

5:20pm: I'll


5:22pm: On

5:23pm: Spamming

5:24pm: You

5:25pm: Until

5:26pm: You

5:27pm: Answer

5:28pm: Me

5:29pm: Back

I stared at the clock as the big hand ticked to the 6. Finally work is over! I grab my purse and open up my phone.

Trish spammed me!

5:31pm: Trish!

5:31pm: Why would you spam me? I had like a hundred messaged *crying emojis*

5:32pm: You weren't answering me

5:33pm: That's because I was working!

5:34pm: Oh

5:35pm: Yeah. I work till 5:30!

5:36pm: Sorry. I forgot

5:37pm: lol. Don't you work will 5:30 too?

5:38pm: I work till 5.

5:39pm: Look who's forgetting times now…

5:40pm: I also don't spam people until they answer.

5:41pm: You spammed me for 15 minutes!

5:42pm: Whoops!

I grab my car keys and head to my office building's parkade which is a place for all the employees and visitors so they can park their cars during the day. It cost money hourly but they just take it off my pay every week.

5:45pm: Ally?

5:50pm: Do you want me to start spamming you again?

6:00pm: I will

6:05pm: 1…

6:06pm: 2…

6:07pm: 3…

6:08pm: 4…

6:09pm: 5!


6:20pm: Trish!

6:21pm: I was driving home!

6:22pm: Then why didn't you just tell me that?

6:23pm: Do I really have to tell you everything?

6:25pm: Yes!

6:27pm: ….

6:30pm: Why?

6:31pm: Or else I will spam me

6:32pm: you*

6:33pm: *deadpan emoji*

6:34pm: You are the meanest best friend ever

6:35pm: I know but you love me

6:36pm: So, what did you do last night?

6:38pm: Now that you mention it...something did happen…

6:38pm: SPILL!

6:40pm: You answered quite fast

6:41pm: Stop ignoring the question and answer!

6:42pm: Some guy started texting me

6:43pm: And…?

6:44pm: And…we started talking

6:45pm: OMG! Who is he?

6:46pm: IDK

6:47pm: What do you mean you don't know

6:48pm: We've never met

6:49pm: I was a wrong number he texted.

6:50pm: You've been texting a random stranger?!

6:51pm: Yeah…


Trish is always the one to over react with everything! Typical Trish. Yes, she is like my big sister to always look out for me but she's also like my overprotective mother, too.

6:53pm: Yes, he's going to totally kill me through text messages

6:55pm: You know he could track you through your phone number…?

6:56pm: I actually never thought of that

6:57pm: I'll ask him

6:58pm: You are not going to ask a total stranger if he is going to kill you!

6:59pm: Ally?

7:00pm: You're ignoring me and texting him now aren't you?

7:00pm: Hello?

7:01pm: Who is this?

7:01pm: The wrong number from earlier

7:02pm: Oh, haha!

7:03pm: What's up?

7:04pm: Can I ask you something?

7:05pm: Sure…

7:06pm: are you a serial killer who'll hunt me down and kill me?

7:09pm: Uhhhh

7:10pm: Sorry.

7:10pm: There could have been better options to come about this question

7:11pm: No its fine

7:12pm: I guess

7:13pm: It's just...I was texting my bff and she was worried you were a serial killer

7:15pm: I'm not a serial killer haha! I'm a singer

7:16pm: Good

7:18: Are you famous or something?

7:19pm: I don't really think of myself like that. I'm a normal person, too. Just very known.

7:20pm: Sorry, I just meant like…

7:21pm: haha. It's fine.

7:24pm: I have to go. I have to perform in 5

7:25pm: Ohhh! Have fun!

7:26pm: Will do!

And there is the first chapter! I hope you enjoy it! This is going to be a good one so I really hope you stick to reading it! Have a good night and day! Love you all!