Happy holidays fellow readers! I have an announcement that I never thought I would get to make: Miraculous Heroine has reached 50 followers! Are you guys for real? Like, what? I cannot believe this! You guys are incredible thank you thank you all so much! The numerous messages and comments I've received are mind blowing. Fo realsies. (Have I said thank you yet?)

Here's to another chapter!(sorry again for any overlooked errors) Love ya'll '3'

Chapter Five- Camille

Apparently Chat had been affected by Plagg's terrible luck because his evening was turning out to be nothing less than a complete disaster. His plan was completely backfiring and now somehow he felt like getting the girl of his dreams to fall for him just got a lot more complicated.

He had gone over his plan all day, just to make sure everything went like he wanted, and so far anything but that had happened. She was suppose to find his jokes and silly cat puns funny, when in reality she thought they were stupid and had run away. She literally ran away by jumping off a building.

He'd even confessed his feeling to a certain degree, but she had passed them off as a joke. Why did she have to take the puns seriously, but his sincere feelings like a joke? His whole night was a giant train wreck and he didn't know how to get off. As if things couldn't get any worse, now he was falling from a building. Yeah, things were going just great.

Who did she think she was, anyways? No normal person would push someone off a roof just to prove a point. This girl must be completely mental. He completely misjudged her, assuming just because she wore a mask and saved Paris a few times she was the perfect girl. Geez he was such an idiot. There was no way they were going to work out, he finally decided.

Chat finally turned his attention back to the situation at hand. Falling to his possible death was not something he had expected but also not something he wasn't prepared for.

Taking the baton from behind him he held it vertically, propelling it down the ground to slow his fall. The metal connected with the concrete as he slid down the rest of the staff. His boots met with solid ground and he let out a relieved sigh before noticing the rope tied around his waist.

He followed it back up the building to where Ladybug crouched over the edge with a knowing smile, holding the yo-yo in her hand.

He quickly untied the string and glared at her as she retracted the string.

"I could have died, you know."

She shook her head while rolling her eyes. "What do you think the rope was for, silly kitty? Plus, I figured as a cat you would land on your feet."

Now she was the one doing the teasing. Wonderful.

"Ha ha very funny." The soft whimpering from across the street regained his attention. "Hey, aren't you going to take care of that?" he asked pointing his thumb in the park's direction.

Ladybug began to fidget while slowing backing away from the roof's edge. "Well, actually, you see, it's getting pretty late and I have somewhere I need to be, so I was kind of hoping, maybe you'd take this one?"

Chat's eyes went wide. "Wha-"

"Oh you will? That's great! I'll just leave this to you then. See you soon! Don't screw it up!"

He reached out a hand hoping to grab her attention, "Ladybug wait!" He called to the empty rooftop. He let out annoyed growl while letting his hand drop limp back to his side. Yeah, definitely not the girl of his dreams. He'd fallen in love and just jumped out of it.

He considered following her, but it wouldn't really change anything. Plus, he didn't want to look like he couldn't handle a child. Even if he no longer had any interest in her, he didn't want Ladybug to think of him like that.

That's strange. If he were at school, would he really care about what others thought of him? No, definitely not. But for some reason, he felt the obligation to help this child that couldn't take care of himself. He was hopeless in this suit. Mentally thanking Plagg for the subconscious influence, he grit his teeth and crossed the empty street.

Passing through the park's entrance, Chat realized how ominous the atmosphere was. It wasn't too late, but the sky had already turned dark and all the children had left for home. That is, except for one.

Chat found the source of the muffled cries at the swing set sitting directing in the light of a lamp post. The girl who looked around ten or twelve years old was so distracted she didn't even hear Chat approach. He walked past her to the pole supporting the swings and leaned up against it. He was just out of the light's reach just in case he needed to make a quick getaway. No need for unnecessary people to know about him after all. Not to mention he had never been in charge of a child before. Things could turn sour really fast.

"Hey, kid what's wrong?" His cool voice asked interrupting her thoughts. Her blonde hair jerked up; her eyes wide with fear. She fell from the swing in her attempt to get away and landed on her backside tried to wipe away stray tears.

"Listen, you don't have to be scared, okay?" he tried to comfort, extending a clawed hand into the light, but only frightened her more. The girl crawled away a few feet before gathering herself and making a dash for the jungle gym.

She tripped in her scramble but didn't stop to rest until she had made it to the top of the structure after climbing the rock wall and the small flight of stairs. She crouched by the slide and covered her mouth, trying to stifle her whimpers. Glancing over the wall that protected her from the ten foot drop to the ground, she finally let out the breath she had been holding when she couldn't find any sign of the creepy guy with the black gloves.

"Kid, are you okay?" Chat asked from behind her.

The surprise sent the girl's body forward and over the railing. Before a scream could reach her throat, the girl was pulled back by the scruff of her collar. Falling to the floor with adrenaline pulsing through her, she turned over her shoulder to finally see the face of her attacker. Well, now should she call him her rescuer too. Things were already getting complicated.

Now that he was semi in the light, she could finally get a good look at him. On top of his ruffled blond hair stood two pointed black ears, and his emerald green eyes were surrounded by a black mask that covered most of his face. Could she still make a get away if he was able to catch up to her so fast? Now that she thought of it, while she was still trying to catch her breath, he wasn't even breaking a sweat.

"Please calm down, will ya? Keep this up and you're going to get hurt." She opened her mouth to say something, but her mind was at a loss for words. Should she scream for help or thank him for saving her?

Chat smiled his usual cocky grin. "I know. I'm beyond words. You can keep staring if you want. I don't mind."

Her cheeks instantly lit aflame as she slammed her mouth shut nearly biting her tongue in the process.

"I-I was not staring at you!" She finally stuttered turning her head in the other direction.

"Sure, whatever saves your pride." Now that this girl wasn't running away from him maybe he could actually talk to her without freaking her out.

"Why were you crying earlier? You really shouldn't be out this late, you know." He asked sincerely sitting down across from her.

Even with the blush subsided, she kept her face turned away. Why couldn't she look into his eyes? "Yeah, I know I shouldn't," Her face slowly swiveled just enough for him to see both of her eyes, "but there's no way I can go home either." She realized that she was spilling her problems to a total stranger and covered her mouth. "Wh-what am I saying? My problems are none of your business! So just leave me alone!" she exclaimed.

The girl finally looked to Chat's glowing green eyes which were staring right back at her. Her breath hitched. It wasn't a harsh stare, but something else. It felt sympathetic, like he knew how she felt without even knowing what was wrong. Just who was this guy?

"That's a shame." He said finally breaking the silence. A soft groan croaked from his throat as he stretched his arms over his head. He let them fall back into his lap with a sigh. "I'm not leaving until you spill, so you better hurry up," he said slightly loosing his composure.

She eyed him cautiously. "Why should I tell you anything? I don't even know your name."

Instead of replying right away, he held out his hand to her. She recoiled instinctively holding her hand to her chest, but he did not advance further. "The name's Chat. Chat Noir."

She bit the inside of her cheek indecisively. Her gaze traveled from his face, to his hand, and back up. "That's not your real name."

He smiled. "Of course it's my real name. I just so happen to go by two names." The girl didn't say anything else but stared at his still offering hand.

"You know, this is the part in the conversation where the other person usually says their name and we shake hands." He encouraged lightly wiggling his clawed fingers.

Giving in, she reached across the distance between them and took her hand into his much larger, stronger one. They shook once.

"I'm Camille."

After a while of talking, Camille and Chat had moved back to the swing set. As Camille swung on the squeaky swing, Chat hung from the bar above. Camille had slowly, but eventually opened up to Chat and began to confess her dilemma. Chat was prepared for some stupid excuse for a problem, but he would have never guessed he could relate to her as much as he did. Once Camille had finished her story uninterrupted, silence grew between them.

Camille looked up to Chat sadly. "Do you think I'm being selfish?" she asked scared of his response. She's almost broke into tears, and she was doing her best to keep the dam from breaking. Chat crossed his arms and shook his head without looking at her.

"No. I don't." he answered honestly, "But, I also think you need to be honest with yourself. Do you really think running away is the best solution?"

Camille stared off into the darkness, gripping the metal holding up the swing.

"No," she admitted, "but it's the only thing I could think of at the time. I needed to get away as far as possible. Have you ever tried to run away? It's a lot harder than the stories make it look."

Chat hated that he knew all too well.

"Do you want my opinion?" he asked trying to avoid the subject and painful memories. She nodded. "Go home, Camille. Make up with your mom. At the end of the day, wouldn't you rather have a place to belong and have a family that loves you than live on your own trying to take on the world by yourself?

"It seems hard now, trust me I would know, but in the end you'll be glad you have people around you that care about you." Chat back flipped off the bar and landed in front of her, showing off his flirty smirk. "Don't make me carry you there myself." he threatened playfully.

Camille's eyes gleamed and she broke into a fit of giggles. "I'm sure, my mom would just love to meet you Chat." She teased.

"What? I'll have you know I would be the purr-fect person to take home!" Chat defended. Camille's giggles stopped abruptly.

"Was that a cat pun?" she asked eyeing him. She stood from the swing and jabbed an accusing finger at his chest. "Because I thought we were having a nice mew-ment!"

Chat's head leaned back as he laughed. Finally! Someone understood how amazing cat puns were! Unlike a certain someone.

"I like your cat-itude, Camille! You're a pretty pawsome chic, yourself." he challenged back.

Camille's eyes lit up. "Oh so meow it's a contest? Well, in that case I'm paw-sitive you're going to lose!"

"You're feline pretty confident about your puns, Camille! I better call the purr-amedics, because you're about to choke on purr own words!"

"Ha! I win! You already used 'purr'!" She exclaimed keeping herself from jumping with excitement. After all, it wasn't everyday you beat a cat at its own game.

Chat shook his head watching Camille celebrate her victory. Apparently, his puns weren't as strong as he thought. At least he was able to wash away that sad look she had let attach to her face.

She reminded him so much of himself when he had run away. Although, he had made it a little farther than her, he was going to keep Camille from making his mistakes. The punishment his father gave him was terrible enough to send shivers down his back.

Camille caught Chat's strange expression and let her laughter dissipate. His kind smile didn't match his lost gaze. Those green eyes told her a story. A tale of a poor boy who had gone through hardships that no one had ever heard before. Tears brimmed at her eyes. It was like he was remembering a painful memory, and he was telling her his entire story. His mind was obviously a thousand miles away, and it worried her.

Before she could change her mind, she wrapped her arms around his torso and leaned her forehead on his chest. She squeezed him tight afraid she would leave her all alone again. "Don't be sad, Chat." she choked trying to comfort him, letting the tears stream down her face. "If you're sad, how can I not be sad?"

Broken from his trace, Chat stared down at the girl wrapped around him and pushed his painful memories into a room, locked away. Camille was his first priority right now and now the person he was supposed to comfort was worrying about him. He hugged her back and ruffled her hair.

"I'm alright now, Camille. You don't need to cry for me." he whispered into her hair. She released him and wiped away her tears.

"I don't know what you've been through Chat, but if you can make it out okay, then I can make up with my mom." she determined.

Camille glanced behind Chat and her face seemed to glow. Actually, it was the flashing lights speeding towards them from down the road. Red and blue lights lit up the block from two police cars that raced down the block and parked just outside the park gate. Immediately, police officers ran from the vehicles and surrounded the two.

Scared senseless, Camille clung to Chat, trying to hide herself behind him. Chat was doing his best not to panic, but he was completely surrounded! He could probably make a get away if it was just him, but what about Camille? Now was definitely not the time to leave her behind. His mind was racing too fast to think anything worth evaluating.

As he was calculating possible escape routes, a middle-aged woman broke through the police officers and when she saw Camille, rushed towards them.



Camille raced from behind Chat and leapt into her mother's outstretched arms. Chat watched with a smile, biting back the pang of jealousy. This is why he was there. He was supposed to reunite Camille with her mother no matter what. His objective was achieved, but he still couldn't help but feel envious. He gave one last smile to Camille and turned to leave. But before he could take another step, a policeman yelled out to him.

He made the mistake of stopping to see what he wanted and ended up face first on the ground with the policeman on top of him. "Boy, you're being taken into custody on suspicion of kidnapping. I suggest you cooperate and take off that mask."

Chat was running out of options, and fast. The man on top of him weighed too much to be thrown off, so he marked that off the list. He could run as soon as he was able to, but being on the police 'wanted' list was also not a good idea. Forget that too.

"Charlie, I told you about Chat. He's my partner." came a familiar voice just off to the side. A familiar female voice.

"But, he was trying to hide the girl! He was obviously up to something!"

Suddenly, the weight on top of Chat disappeared and he was able to see his savior-who of course was none other than the girl in the spotted getup.

Ladybug offered her hand to him, which he gratefully accepted and was pulled up to his feet. She smiled at him and turned back to the officer.

"See? Completely harmless. I told you he was with me. Wouldn't do anything crazy. Right?" she said looking to Chat for some kind of confirmation, in which he nodded. The officer, Charlie, looked skeptical but sighed weakly. "Whatever you say Ladybug, but I'm keeping my eye on him." And with that he walked away to finish the report a few other policemen talking with Camille and her mother.

"Great job tonight, Chat." Ladybug complimented. "I knew I could trust you."

Chat crossed his arms unconvinced. "Oh, really? Up until a while ago, I thought I was just going to leave. She wasn't my problem to begin with. I already told you, I'm not the 'saving' type." He debated. Why was he debating her on this? It was like he was trying to convince her that he was a horrible person. Not that he cared what she thought of him anyways…

To his surprise Ladybug chuckled through her nose and smiled knowingly at him. "I think she would beg to differ." She said side glancing towards Camille. Chat followed her gaze and found Camille staring at him with the biggest smile he had ever seen. She made one last comment to Charlie before moving past her mother and running towards them.

Ladybug stepped out of the way of the freight train that was Camille. She slammed into Chat, nearly knocking him off his feet (or paws?). She hugged him tighter than he thought was physically possible for a girl her age. He glanced down at her shimmering eyes and smiled back.

When she finally released him, she began to pull something out of her back pocket. She slid it into his hand and as he looked down to see what it was, Camille landed a kiss on his cheek just below the mask.

"Thanks, Chat." she whispered and disappeared back to join her mother in one of the patrol cars as fast as she had appeared. He stared in silence until the cars had completely disappeared from view.

"Well," Ladybug said after clearing her throat, "I'd better be going, for real this time. I'll be seeing you soon Chat. I usually patrol between six and eight on most weekdays and between six and ten on weekends, so you better not be late, partner." She pulled out her yo-yo and swung it to a nearby building.

Wait. Patrol? Partner?

Ladybug seemed to notice his confusion. "I've been in need of some help with these recent attacks. Do you not want to help others like Camille? I guess you really aren't the saving type-"

"Wait!" Chat interrupted, but he wasn't sure what else to say. Helping out Camille turned out to be a lot less work than he may have originally thought, and saving Paris alongside Ladybug didn't sound too intimidating either. But was he really ready for this kind of thing? People could get hurt. The few people he was close to. Not to mention he could never tell anyone about his secret identity. Especially not his father. Was it all worth it? He took a deep breath.

"I'll do it."

Ladybug's face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Really? Awesome! I'll see you tomorrow night! Six o'clock sharp!"

Before Chat could say anything else, she was gone swinging out of the park, leaving him by himself. He was about to go home himself when he remembered the something Camille had slipped into his glove.

Pulling it up into the lamp light, he realized the small slip of paper in his hand was a bus ticket. It was scheduled for just an hour before Chat had intervened.

He smiled at the ticket, stashed it away, and took off in the direction of home.

I seriously cannot say thank you guys enough.

The amount of reviews and favorites is astounding and I encourage you to keep it up!

See ya next chapter!