A/N: Well, I ended up giving the characters their rightful introductions. I'm glad I just didn't dive into the battle of Fairy Tail and all. I still kind of have to work out that a little bit.

Also, the next arc is Oracion Seis. It's not going to be done in one simple chapter, that arc seems to drag on and on. Especially with how I want to play it.

Anyway, now I'm on break so everything should come out better...hopefully.

Natsu and Happy found themselves in awe at the massive building before them. Phantom Lord had absolutely nothing on this place.

"It looks like a king lives here." Natsu mumbled to himself, unknowingly stepping back as the sheer size of the building seemed to overwhelm him.

It was spectacular with several rising towers off the side of the main building and a giant flag hanging down on the central cathedral like building that held it all together. It really was an eye catcher that showed Fairy Tail's power as well as its reputation.

"Let's go. If I have to stand next to you two dancing around fucking each other's brains out anymore I'm going to snap." Gray said, reaching the Fairy Tail doors in a few strides and entering the building and leaving a flabbergasted Natsu and Erza before said girl in question became red with rage and chased him into the guild.

"Is he always that blunt?" Natsu asked himself, recovering from the comment and following Lucy to the guild's doors. When he opened them, a body was sent hurtling at him at breakneck speeds and slammed into him. Knocking him flat on his ass.

Natsu groaned as the stars in his vision faded. "Did I just get hit by a body?"

"Yeah you did. Get used to this crazy crap." Lucy said, hoping that she would find at least one other sane soul in Natsu.

"Hey buddy what's your name?" Natsu asked getting to his feet and helping the man who smacked into him.

"Ugh…Jet…" The orange haired man said, fading in and out of consciousness.

Natsu felt a tick mark grow on his head before grabbing the now named Jet by the foot and kicking the guild's door open and drawing everyone's attention.

"HEY!" He bellowed, raising the man who smacked into him by the foot.

"Who the hell threw a goddamn background character at me?" Natsu demanded, seeing Gray who was being held in a chokehold by Erza raise his hand, said woman was also strangling a white haired woman he recognized as Mirajane with her other hand.

"Watch it next time!" He said before chucking the man and watched as he became a human bullet heading for Gray's skull.

Erza perked up at hearing he dragon slayer's voice and turned to face him at the door. "Oh yes Natsu, I forgot-" She started to say before Jet's skull bouncing off of her own stopped her midsentence.

It stopped the guild's brawl dead in its tracks as everyone stared at the newcomer who'd just beaned Erza dead in the skull with her own guild member.

"Who's that guy?"

"Doesn't matter, Erza's gonna kill him."

"Hey guys, that's-"

All the whispering in the guild was cut off as a surprised dragon slayer's voice reached everybody's ears.

"Salamander!" Gajeel exclaimed in shock. What was his old master doing here? At Fairy Tail no less?

Erza's anger at getting skull bashed vanished at the familiar voice. But she was surprised to already see Natsu at the dragon slayer's table glaring him right back into the seat he'd risen from in his surprise.

The guild was surprisingly quiet. When did The Salamander and Gajeel ever know one another? Did they have a little meeting during the guild war?

The two continued to stare at one another, one in shame of his past actions and the other in confusion until Natsu suddenly reached out and ruffled the other dragon slayer's hair.

"Don't be upset with yourself, you still did what I taught you to do in the end. Didn't you?" Natsu asked giving him a large grin.

Gajeel smacked his hand away in embarrassment. "Piss off Salamander."

The guild stopped worrying until Natsu suddenly grasped his hand and covered himself in flames. "I still remember what you did Gajeel."

Gajeel's eyes widened in surprise and showed his fear of what his master at full strength was capable of. He couldn't bring himself to answer or even retaliate so he simply sat down and continued drinking his drink.

"Good, you're still scared of me. Anyway, Erza. Where's Makarov?" Natsu continued, raising no questions as to why Gajeel was now in Fairy Tail. Though his returning friends wanted to.

Mirajane, whom was now in a hair pulling contest with Erza, looked at him suddenly. "Why are you looking for master?"

"Well after getting back from giving a council member a serious beat down I need to talk to Makarov as soon as possible please." Natsu explained, cleaning out his ear with his pinky while he was bored.

Mirajane's brow furrowed before she shrugged. "Well whatever, master's not here. He won't be for a week. So you'll have to come back later."

Natsu surprised her. "Fuck that. Gajeel!" He began, drawing the attention of the man. "Let's settle things between us with a good old drinking contest!"

To the guild's surprise, Gajeel grinned and plopped down next to him at the bar. The two didn't notice the guild suddenly shake their heads.

"Did someone say drinking contest?" Said a brunette next to the two men, catching their attention as the short haired barmaid brought them both drinks.

"Yeah, we did. Who are you?" Natsu answered for them, eyeing the woman who placed her mug of beer down.

She had shoulder length brown hair, wore nothing more than tight leather pants and a bikini top with a jacket that barely covered it. The only other thing on her being miscellaneous jewelry and some tarot cards.

"My name's Cana Alberona. Fairy Tail's resident alcoholic! I want in on your drinking contest." Cana said from her spot.

Natsu eyed the women up and down for her rather provocative attire. "Lady, we are dragon slayers. It takes a ridiculous amount of alcohol to get us buzzed, let alone to lose a drinking contest."

Cana grinned. "Then you'll be a worthy opponent for me. Let's make it interesting."

Natsu and Gajeel looked at one another before grinning; they were going to rob this woman blind. "What do you have in mind Cana?"

Cana slammed her hand down on the table before pointing a finger at the two dramatically. "Loser goes topless for the rest of the day!"

Natsu and Gajeel's eyes widened before they high fived one another. What a hell of a prize!

"We accept!"

"Beginning betting pools!" Happy said suddenly, donning an official banker uniform as he opened up the pool and began collecting bets.

Gray opened it by putting his money on Salamander. "What kind of buddy would I be if I didn't root for him?"

The men of Fairy Tail all agreed with him, despite all of them knowing Cana's inhumane tolerance to booze, they were going to bank on the dragon slayer duo's natural resistance to it to get Cana topless for the day.

"You guys are pigs!" Mirajane yelled angrily, slamming a large wad of money for Cana in front of the talking cat.

All of the women angrily supported Cana to preserve their female group pride.

It was an all out men vs. women battle.

The short haired barmaid placed mugs for all three of them before bringing her arm down.


They all tore into their drinks before repeating this pattern until the barrel for each person was empty.

"Go Salamander! Gajeel! You can do it!" The men shouted, chanting 'chug chug chug' with every bottle to spur the two on.

"Don't you dare lose Cana!" Several women began slinging insults at the men on the opposite of the guild.

The two dragon slayers wiped the alcohol from their lips and grinned at Cana lecherously before widening their eyes in surprise. Cana was grinning right back at them, not a tinge of buzz on her features.

They continued drinking until the second barrel was gone. Natsu and Gajeel were finally starting to feel it after two entire barrels.

"Salamander! Gajeel! Salamander! Gajeel!" The men chanted, refusing to lose hope for even a minute even if the two were finally starting to show sign of drunkenness.

"Cana! Cana! Cana!" The females chanted identically, beginning to sweat as Cana was smiling ear to ear. Her tell tale sign she was starting to get buzzed. They realized the dragon slayers were not bragging about their alcohol tolerance blindly.

This continued straight through the third barrel and halfway into the fourth before Gajeel fell out of his chair and collapsed.

"Sorry Salamander…" Gajeel said as he collapsed, beginning to black out from the ungodly amount of beer in his system.

"Gajeel!" The men shouted, Salamander diving to catch him before he hit the ground.

"You can do it Salamander…I believe…" Gajeel whispered as he passed out.

"One down!" Cana said drunkenly, grinning as the Salamander slowly stood and turned to face her and sat back down.

"I'm fired up!"

They started drinking again after the valiant defeat of Gajeel straight through the fourth barrel and into the fifth. Then the contest was beginning to show a winner.

Both Cana and Salamander looked about ready to pass out where they sat. After five barrels the guild had been silenced at the thought Salamander could actually win.

"You can do it Salamander! Do it for all of us! We believe in you!" The men shouted as tears of pride fell from their eyes as the only hope of seeing Cana topless was tottering on his chair after coming so far.

"Cana you can't lose! What would happen if you did?" The females countered, trying to raise the morale of the drunken brunette who also was on the edge.

"The little red dragon…rides a bigger red dragon…they live together in a little red house…" Salamander sang drunkenly, slinging an arm around Cana as the two clinked mugs before continuing to drink.

"In that little red house lives a little brown dragon…with a bigger brown dragon…who could drink better than the red dragons!" Cana continued for him, filling her mug again as they nearly finished the fifth barrel.

"In that little red house…" Natsu continued, before he dropped his arm from the brunette's shoulder and wobbled to his feet.

"Salamander no!"


Natsu righted himself before yelling at the top of his lungs and grabbing his entire barrel and downing it in a few seconds. Astonishing the entire group and his drunken competitor.

"I may have lost the battle! But I have won the war!" Natsu said proudly, turning to face his supporters before dropping to his knees.

"I'm sorry…" Natsu said as he finally collapsed.

"Winner! Cana Alberona!" The barmaid said.

"Whoo!" She shouted, drunk out of her mind before she joined her drinking buddies on the ground and drunkenly snoozed their booze off.

"Salamander!" The men shouted, crowding around their hero and crying over his defeated body with a smile on his face.


A now topless Natsu was sitting at the bar and conversing with his new drinking friend. "So Cana, you don't get hangovers either?"

She grinned and looked him up and down purposefully getting her eyeful of his desirable body. "Nope! I'm more alcohol than human!"

Natsu grinned right back at her. "I've never lost a drinking contest before Cana. I'll not lose to you ever again!"

She laughed and clapped her hands, still somewhat drunk. "I've never found someone who could handle alcohol at my level." She suddenly pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something on it.

"That's the address of a kickass bar. I want to see you there at eight tomorrow night." Cana said, with a twinge of red on her cheeks.

Natsu stared at the paper before he looked at the woman with a questioning look. "Is this you asking me on a date?"

Cana smirked and winked at him. "You can call it whatever you like."

Natsu suddenly blushed heavily at the implications. "I'm sorry I have to refuse, I kind of have my eye somewhere else."

Cana blinked before she swore to herself lightly. "Damn, I missed my chance. Oh well, want me to read your fortune? Could help you with your lady friend."

She pulled out a deck of tarot cards that were on her person and spread them out.

"I pick three right? I knew a guy that did this all the time." He said, agreeing and picking the three of his choice at her nod.

"All right let's see. Oh boy…you're gonna be a busy boy." Cana said with a slightly deeper twinge of red on her cheeks.

"What?" He asked concerned.

"This one means fertility. This one means eternal, usually for love. And this one is another fertility. That means you're going to have a pretty big family." Cana explained, placing the cards back in her deck.

"How big?" He asked curiously.

She shrugged. "Don't know, it doesn't show up for at least five kids."

He grinned ear to ear. "Awesome! I always wanted a huge family, I'll have an army of dragon slayers!"

She blinked in surprise, Salamander was kind of a strange guy, besides being a god on the alcohol level.

The Next Day

Natsu was snoring away in a tree near the forest, Erza had been pretty dead set against it but after explaining he was still a wanted criminal she finally relented and let him do what he wanted.

Happy stared at his friend with a mischievous grin on his face and pulled out a fish. He poised himself to strike Natsu dead in the face as a wake up present. But was interrupted.

"Is that you Salamander?" The white haired take over mage said from below the tree.

His eyes slowly cracked open and adjusted to the sun in his eyes. "Who's there?" He asked with a yawn, sitting and stretching the sleepiness out of his system.

"It's Mira. You know, the one who's jaw you broke at the train station in Oshibana?" Mira said, a little amount of bitterness in her voice. She was still a little bit peeved that she'd been bested so easily by the renowned criminal.

Natsu blinked at the white haired woman in a black tank top and leather pants and took in her appearance. He grinned once he recognized her and jumped down to speak to her face to face. "Mira huh? Nice to meet you, again, but instead of fighting as soon as I meet you let's get the introduction out of the way."

Mira stared blankly. "We already got the introductions out of the way Salamander."

He blinked before scratching his head in embarrassment. "Oops, sorry about that. Still getting all the sleepiness out of the system."

Mira grinned at the man. "Nah, you're just that stupid."

Natsu put a hand to his chest and faked a hurt tone. "That's harsh Mira. I heard you were a demon, but I didn't think it was true for someone so beautiful."

Mira stared blankly again at the obvious attempt to fluster her. Too bad that Salamander wasn't remotely charming. "You suck at flirting."

Natsu tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean flirting? I was being serious."

Mira's stare hardened. 'Clever bastard.'

She dropped any pretense of annoyance and offered the man her hand to shake, which he accepted with a smile. "What exactly are you here for? I know you want to talk to master but what for? You want to join or something?"

Natsu suddenly looked serious. "I don't think that's possible, though I doubt you'd understand unless I told you. So I'll just make it simple, if I join I'll get your master arrested and Fairy Tail will get turned into a dark guild."

Mira looked pretty unconvinced. "You haven't done anything that bad. You just took the rap for Lullaby, the council won't get that angry over something like that. Especially if master, Gray, and Erza vouch for you. Ah hell, I was there and so was Lucy. We'd vouch for you too."

Natsu suddenly shook his head and caught the fish Happy threw to him before he started cooking it with his magic. Making it much more difficult to take what he was saying seriously. "Nope, you got it all wrong. Not like you'd be able to figure it out unless I told you."

Mira felt a little offended, did he think she was an idiot? "Do you enjoy mocking how little I know about you? If you want to play like that then I could give you serious shit for being in my personal training field."

Natsu looked surprised. "This is your scent?" He started sniffing around and making the woman self conscious. "I thought one of Zeref's demons was around here. That's why I parked myself here for the night. Otherwise I would have sneaked into Erza's room and took a nap there. She kind of wanted that anyway."

Mira was now less self conscious. But she was a little concerned, was tin can going to bag a guy before she did? That was completely unacceptable.

"Nah, Erza's a real prude. If you wanted someone to sleep with, I could have filled that role." Mira purposefully stretched her arms in a way her sizeable bust was pushed outwards towards the man slightly. She grinned inwardly when she spotted how hard he was trying to not look.

He took a bite out of the fish in his hands to distract himself from Mira's boobs. "I probably would have taken you up on that if you said something. Would have been nice to sleep on a couch instead of a tree."

Mira grinned lecherously before walking closer to Natsu and leaned forward and placed a finger on his chest. "Who said you'd be sleeping on a couch Salamander~."

Natsu completely missed the lewd tone in her voice and the message in her words. "I'm not following. Why would I sleep in your bed if a couch was available?"

Mira almost faulted at the density of Salamander's skull, but she remained strong through sheer force of will. "Oh you know, you and me in the same bed. A powerful mage like you having such a defenseless woman like me sleeping right next to you would give you certain urges. I also tend to sleep in the nude~."

To his credit, Natsu did figure out what the woman was implying and nearly had his neck snapped because of the ferocity of his nosebleed. But he managed to recover enough to form a coherent response.

"T-That sounds like a w-wonderful time Mira. B-But I'm not into you l-like that." Natsu attempted to back away from the predatory gaze in the woman's eyes but found a tree blocking his escape. He soon found himself trapped between her arms as they slammed to the sides of his head. It really didn't help right now that he liked powerful women.

"She liiiikes you!" Happy said perversely from the tree.

"Oh?" She cooed with an innocent smile on her face. "I don't think you'd object much if I kissed you right now would you?" She put one of her hands underneath his chin and forced him to look in her eyes.

He used his new hole to quickly escape her grasp faster than she could react. "Sorry Mira. But I already like someone like that." Cana backed off once he was upfront with his feeling, so she should too right?

"Eh?" Mira said with a glare. "It wouldn't happen to be Erza would it?"

Natsu was surprised, she could guess who his crush was with just a single guess? "Y-Yeah. How'd you know?"

Mira suddenly looked pissed. "What' so special about her huh? What's she got that I don't?"

It became painfully obvious to him that Erza and this woman did not get along with each other and that this women was now insanely jealous. So he did the only rational thing when faced with a jealous female.

He ran.

He ran on a flying cat with wings.

"Happy!" He shouted, the blue cat racing down and grabbing him and heading towards the Fairy Tail guild where he would be safe from the woman.

He and Happy wiped the nervous sweat from their brows after narrowly escaping the violence of the demon woman. Seriously, all the powerful women of Fairy Tail were terrifying.

Natsu turned to open the guild doors but a scream from behind him caused him to turn around.


He was unable to tell what object made the scream. But all he cared about was being full on tackled through the guild doors and rolling all the way onto the middle of the guild hall with Mira pinning him to the ground by his arms and holding them above his head. He was too terrified to remember he could force the woman off of him. That was something pretty damn important to forget.

"Now you listen here." She began frightfully. Upon seeing the man nod his head vigorously she continued. "I'm going to kiss you, do whatever I please and you're going to enjoy it."

"Can I ask something?" He said seriously, noticing the whole guild's attention on him.

Mira nodded her head.

"Good. SOMEONE HELP ME!" He yelled, trying his best to fight off the woman holding him down. He was surprised at her strength, he'd actually have trouble getting her off of him.

His saving grace came in the form of the iron dragon slayer. "While I don't particularly care, what did he do to get you so angry so I won't do it in the future?"

Natsu stared horrified at Gajeel. "You trait-mmph!" He was unable to continue talking because Mira had placed both of his hands under one of hers and used her now free hand to keep him silent.

"Ignore him, he simply didn't return my advances. Go away." Mira answered straightforwardly, pressing herself even closer to the man.

"You do know I can't go anywhere right? You're in the middle of the guild." Gajeel said with a suppressed giggle. Gray, who was drinking with him, was completely laughing his ass off.

"What?" Mira said suddenly, not noticing the tiny squeak of fear in her voice. She raised her head and looked all around at the laughing faces of her guildmates and her face gave Erza's hair color a run for her money.

She screeched at the top of her lungs and jumped behind the counter and rocked back and forth with her knees drawn all the way to her face. "No one saw. No one saw. No one saw."

Natsu stared at the ceiling, immensely relieved that she wasn't so shameless as to fuck him right in the middle of the guild. He didn't know if that was where it would have eventually gone, but he was glad he didn't have to find out. Well, he wasn't glad per say, Mira was a knockout so it wouldn't have been all that bad. Great, now he was starting to regret not going through with it because he had a crush. Oh well, too late now to worry about it.


"So, Mira trying to jump your bones was the highlight of today. Anything else happen?" Gray asked the dragon slayer with a smirk.

Natsu sighed. "No, that was like the first thing she did when I woke up. I was in her private training field or something." He took an extra large gulp of the drink in his hand and was beginning to forget why he'd refused Mira's advances as much as he did. That was, until Erza decided to walk into the guild with Lucy and he was reminded why Mira was inferior to his heart.

Erza took a seat next to him and Lucy took a seat next Gray. "Good morning Salamander. Have you made any decisions about staying?" She asked with a pleasant smile.

He stared for a moment before he shook his head. "No, nothing's going to change until I talk to the master. You guys know that."

Erza moved to say something until a tall and large man came and placed his hand in front of Natsu's drink.

"It's unmanly to flirt shamelessly with a man's sisters." The man said. On closer inspection, he was well built and was quite tall; towering over Natsu himself by an entire foot.

"You were flirting with Elfman's sisters?" Erza asked in surprise. Feeling a pang of both annoyance at his antics and jealousy that he was showing interest in Mira whatsoever.

Natsu sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Listen, uh…" He looked across the table to Gray for assistance with the big man's name.

"Elfman." Gray said simply. A beyond amused grin on his face.

"Elfman. No I was not. You saw me get tackled and pinned down while I screamed for someone to help me didn't you?" Natsu said, trying to dissuade the building anger in Elfman.

Instead, Elfman simply imposed himself even more over the dragon slayer who leaned back in his chair slightly. "Let's have a little manly discussion."

Natsu stared at the full table and its occupants. "There's nowhere for you to sit."

In response, Elfman simply grabbed Gray by the back of his shirt and tossed him in a random direction onto some poor soul's dinner. He then seated himself next to a sweating Lucy when she saw that the table Gray landed on developed into a mindless brawl.

Natsu stared at the sight with a huge grin before he laughed. "Oh that was awesome. Please do that again sometime."

Elfman suddenly lit up in a big smile and grabbed Natsu by the collar and held him over his head. "Time for the initiation!" He then tossed him onto the other side of the guild and charged like a madman.

Erza suddenly sighed in frustration. "I thought Elfman was going to fight him. Their just giving him the initiation for when he joins now."

Lucy gaped at the brawl that had commenced, sweat dropping when she saw Natsu give Gray a taste of a chair before being tackled by Elfman. "He's certainly fitting in well here. They're all mindless brutes."

Erza suddenly stood from her seat and craned her neck. "You should join in. They can be quite fun. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go and drive Mira's face into the wall."

Lucy continued to gape when Erza leaped and landed a flawless flying kick into Mira's cheek and left her face driven into the wall. Exactly as she said.

"No one here is sane."

That Night

"That was awesome. Man I'm sore though." Natsu said with a smile, sporting many signs of a guild wide brawl that took away the majority of the day on his body.

"Aye sir! I wish I could have joined though. Every time I did someone punted me out of the guild." Happy said sadly, wishing to join his best friend in the mayhem.

"Oh that was me." Natsu said with a grin.

"Why…" He said sadly as he flew off to sulk in the corner since everyone gave him pity fish if he acted that depressed.

"What can I get you?" Said the short haired barmaid as she braced herself against the counter top.

Natsu snapped out of his stupor and stared at the woman for a moment before an embarrassed smile broke on his face. "Sorry about that. I'll just take something large and well done. Hey I never caught your name."

The woman smiled. "It's Lisanna. I'll be right back."

He stretched his sore arms and was suddenly hit in the back of the head by a mysterious body of someone he didn't recognize. He turned around with a glare that vanished instantly when he noticed Erza and Mira still brawling on top of several unconscious guild members.

He wisely ignored the brawl until his meal was dropped in front of him and he began salivating. "Oh this looks delicious." Upon tearing into his meal his eyes bugged out of his skull as the flavors danced inside of his mouth.

"Holy crap! This is good!" He then began stuffing his face as fast as he could swallow the food.

"I'm glad. Hey, can you tell me why my sister Mira tried to jump you in the middle of the guild? She's never really showed interest in guys before." Lisanna asked, resting her head on her hand and looking at the surprised man.

"Well." He began, swallowing the last of the food on the tray. "She thought I was flirting for a bit. Then I said I was interested in Erza and then it kind of snowballed from there. Do those two not get along or something?"

Lisanna looked completely convinced at her sister's attitude change. "That makes complete sense. Those two have hated each other sense they were kids. They only became teammates for the Lullaby incident. Thanks for that by the way, and then they just decided to keep it official. Of course, Erza didn't invite Mira to Akane Resort since she hates her. She was angry at that."

Natsu smiled a little at the thought of Mira losing her shit. "Didn't know the bad blood ran that deep."

Lisanna moved to speak but Gray suddenly appeared behind the man she was just talking to and slammed his head into the table before tossing him across the guild.

"That was for that cheap shot!" He yelled before leaping after Natsu and engaging in another brawl that was now dangerously close to interrupting Erza and Mira's.

"Oh no." Lisanna mumbled to herself, half wanting to watch the blood bath and half not wanting to.

Lisanna's fear was proven true when Salamander was tossed straight into Erza, who in turn crashed into Mira. The whole thing ended with Natsu in a coiled heap with the fighting women. He ignored the fact completely and grabbed Erza and threw her at Gray. Falsely believing she was another unconscious body.

When the dust settled and a furious Erza was staring at him from on top of a, pretending to be unconscious Gray, with cold blooded fury. Salamander gulped when his fear left him immobilized until a powerful grip had him trapped. He looked behind him and saw Mira's angry visage.

"Do your worst tin can."

Apparently Mira and Erza really hated having their fights interrupted.

The Next Day

After receiving dire medical attention, Natsu awoke in the guild's medical ward with a jump. He shook as the dream he was having involved being violently beaten by Erza and Mira…oh wait that was what really happened.

"Man…these chicks are going to kill me." Natsu mumbled to himself, stepping out of the guild with a yawn and sitting at the bar and finished rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Ah. He's alive." Gray said, sitting next to the man who glared angrily.

"This is all you fault." Natsu said as angrily as his glare.

"Just relax, that was your initiation. Everybody who's joining does it eventually, except Erza. She beat everybody unconscious who tried." Gray explained casually. Accepting the nearly frozen drink with a smile.

"Initiation my ass. We'll have to see about that." Natsu received a tap on his shoulder from Mira.

"Master will be here tomorrow." Mira said.

"Oh cool." Natsu said, leaning over to whisper something in Gray's ear. "Watch this."

Gray simply looked on with a raised eyebrow as the dragon slayer made a show of looking around the guild.

"Man where's Erza? I was going to ask her to dinner tonight." He said with an obviously fake tone of disappointment.

A tickmark visibly appeared on Mira's skull. "She'll say no. Come on, I'll go with you."

Natsu stopped and made a show of looking Mira up and down before bringing a thoughtful hand to his chin. "I don't know, I like Erza's ass a little bit more than yours."

Gray spit out his drink and choked on the rest of it that didn't escape in time. Natsu had balls made of solid steel.

Mira's jaw hit the floor before she self-consciously looked back at her backside. "My ass is way better than that red headed skank's!"

Natsu looked her up and down again, ignoring the fact Gray was silently dying right next to him. "You're clothes are better than her's. That's for sure. Hmm…"

Mira unconsciously shrunk away from the staring.

Natsu's head suddenly snapped up. "Hey, now that I think about it. Something happened at the tower I want to talk to her about." He said, he had forgotten about Erza's dragonic traits and what it could mean by getting wrapped up in the guild and its antics.

Gray quickly elbowed him in the ribs and whispered something in his ear. "Erza hasn't told anyone yet. You fucking idiot."

He scratched his head in embarrassment. "Sorry about that. I'll be going, this is kind of important." He quickly made his leave and left the embarrassed Mira to get her explanation from Gray. Until a hand rested on his shoulder.

"This is for talking about my ass." A powerful fist sent him flying from the guild and blasting through the town. Finally ending with his face buried in the ground.

He slowly got up and rubbed his sore jaw. Kicking a stray rock in annoyance. "Can't even screw with that woman. Oh well, got to find Erza. Maybe I'll actually ask her to dinner later after this."

It didn't take him long, he memorized her scent a while ago and he found her at a certain weapons shop and looking disappointed in it before turning and spotting him.

"Oi! Erza!" Natsu yelled, getting her attention and quickly running up to the woman and stopping just in front of her.

"It's nice to see you Salamander. What do you want?" Erza asked curtly, wishing to get to the meat of the matter instead of beating around the bush.

"Actually, do you have anywhere more private we could talk? It's about it you know." Natsu said, trying to get his point across without spilling something she wasn't happy with spilling yet.

Erza's eyes widened slightly before they went back to normal size. "I see, come with me and we'll talk."

The two walked in comfortable silence until coming to a secluded area of the forest.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" She had a small hunch, but it was better to ask than jump to conclusions.

"About you turning part dragon." He answered bluntly.

"What about it? It's in the past isn't it?" She asked with curiosity. It wasn't like she was still part dragon right?

"I think you're still like that right now." He answered.

"How exactly can you tell that?" She knew he was partly dragon himself, was there something that let him know since he was part dragon?

He shrugged. "Nothing really, it's just a hunch and I have something in mind if you are."

Erza sighed. "I know someone who would be able to tell. Porlyusica. She's our medical advisor."

With Porlyusica

"That's the story. Could you tell me if I am or not now?" Erza asked, she had just finished explaining the story to Porlyusica. It had taken the women forever to let them in, but she eventually did. In fact, Natsu had the idea of telling the human hating woman that technically they both might not be human, with her being part dragon and he a dragon slayer. That argument ended when she hit him in the face with a broom.

"I suppose, I have a few dragon slayer tests I can perform. Salamander, please leave. You might influence these tests." The old woman said, Natsu nodded his head and left the room, leaving the two alone.

"All right, the easiest way to test this would be to ask if he's marked you yet." Porlyusica began, pulling up a book and a notepad and beginning to flip through both. Leaving her back to face the woman as she searched for something.

"Marked?" She asked hesitantly, before her face became as red as her hair. "W-We haven't d-done anything l-l-like that!"

Porlyusica nodded and jotted something down. "All right. Not much is known about dragons at all, so that was more morbid curiosity than anything. Of course you were no help. Anyway, I'm going to give you a series of tests that will check if your senses have changed as you said they did." Erza nodded her head in understanding, a little peeved of the woman prying into her life like that.

Suddenly the woman snapped her fingers and turned to face her. Then she brought up two pieces of paper and rubbed them together. Then she grabbed a wooden spoon and smacked the papers before she took a green paste and tossed it on the papers.

Erza was a little annoyed at the random actions of the women. "Why are you making all those random noises?"

Porlyusica stopped and glared at her. "You shouldn't have been able to hear half of them. These papers here have seals on them that reduce sound. Here, eat this."

Erza was too shocked to hear the news to pay attention to the foul smelling green past and simply ate it without event. But once she did, there was a large amount of immediate regret as the bitterness of the paste made her tongue want to physically tear itself out of her mouth.

"That was horrible! What the hell was that?" Erza demanded, a sour look on her face as she hastily drank the water offered to her.

"Shouldn't have been able to taste or smell that. Judging by that reaction, you did both." Porlyusica stated bluntly, marking a few things down on her notepad. She rose her head slightly from the notes she was taking.

"Salamander, get back in here. I want something from you." Porlyusica said, finishing up whatever she was writing and pulling out another book after exchanging it with one on her nearby bookshelf.

Natsu came in with little ceremony, on his part, and stared at Erza expectedly. She simply shook her head to show she wasn't sure anymore and watched Fairy Tail's medical advisor.

"So? Is she a dragon or not?" It looked like they were done, and Erza looked kind of bummed.

"Oh definitely she still has dragon characteristics. She seems no different from a dragon slayer such as yourself. So the physical effects are still present, I doubt they would change ever if they haven't after all this time already." The woman said, licking her finger before turning to a page and nodding.

"You mean she's actually part dragon and it wasn't my imagination that she's been sniffing stuff more often?" Natsu asked in surprise, catching an annoyed iron gauntlet slap to the back of the head.

"I was not sniffing things more often." Erza said defiantly, not mentioning how the scent of her strawberry cake had been stronger lately. She sighed suddenly and her mood dropped. "I guess there were serious repercussions for doing something that reckless at the tower."

"I wouldn't say they were reckless, you actually could use these to your advantage. Dragon's are incredibly strong creatures, so you may have gotten stronger from simply eating the pills. Speaking of, Salamander." Porlyusica said, turning her attention from the requip mage and to the dragon slayer.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Two things. One, I want one of those pills to examine. And two, I want to see if Erza has motion sickness." She said, ignoring how Natsu had clearly stated that the pills were something not to be played with.

Natsu scowled and popped open the bottle. "I've only got about eight left, hanging out with you guys has been making me pop these things more than I want to, so don't screw it up. You only got one chance at this."

"I'll only need one chance, I might even be able to recreate these things. Now, while I do this, go find out if Erza gets motion sick or not. I'll send someone to bother you when I get the results. Trust me, I will get those results." Porlyusica said, an excited glint in her eye as she beheld the powerful little device in her hands.

Natsu nodded his head and turned to the woman next to him who was now ready to leave. "The fastest way to find that out, and let me finish also, is to carry you until I get somewhere more private and tell you the second reason I had us come here in the first place. You know, besides finding out if those pills did anything."

Erza stared at him blankly as if the idea physically made her stupider. "I hardly see how carrying me will make me motion sick."

Natsu merely shrugged. "It gets me as sick as riding on a train. Now I can either piggyback you, toss you over my shoulder, or carry you like a bride. Your choice I don't really care."

Her glare hardened before Porlyusica slammed a broom in between them. "I don't care how you do it, it's part of the tests and I'm telling you to carry the damn woman. Now get out of my house and argue somewhere else."

Natsu and Erza glanced at each other before apologizing and leaving the elderly woman's home. Once they were alone, Erza's face tinted the slightest bit pink.

"I suppose it's best to find out now if I have a new weakness now rather than later when it may get me killed. Just carry me however is the most comfortable for you." She would soon come to regret the bluntness of her statement when she was harshly reminded of how blunt the dragon slayer already was.

She couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit more embarrassed about being carried bridal style by someone like him. Sure, she took showers with her male guildmates before, but she didn't have this kind of skin ship with Natsu. So it was embarrassing about how shameless he was; despite how she also is seemingly shameless in some regards.

"Well, just get comfortable. I'd ask you to change out of your armor, but it isn't all that bad. It's just-ow." Natsu began, walking off in the direction of Magnolia before cutting himself off as Erza's chest plate dug into his stomach by accident with each step.

"My apologies." She said while requiping into a white blouse and blue skirt. She finally managed to ignore the strange emotions at being carried and learned to just enjoy it while she could.

"Thanks. Now, back to what I was trying to say. What was I about to say?" He said, nearly forgetting he was carrying her and dropping her to scratch his head in confusion. He was glad he did remember or else she would whoop his ass.

She sighed and ran a hand down her face in exasperation. "The other reason you wanted to find out if I had some dragon qualities. Which I do by the way."

His eyes lit up in excitement as his previous train of thought returned. "Oh yeah. I wanted to see if you could learn any dragon slaying magic is all."

She looked at him confused. "Now why would I learn that? Plus, isn't it too late for something like that? Don't you need to be young to learn it?"

He simply smiled and looked down at her. "Usually yeah. But since you kind of turned dragon, I thought you still might be able to learn it."

She shook her head with an amused smile. Whenever the big idiot smiled himself she couldn't help but let its infectiousness spread to her own face. "I'm not a brawler like you Natsu. I can't fight so hardheaded like you can, it doesn't always work either."

He stopped walking and stared at her. "You're not a brawler? You tore Jellal apart when you went feral at the tower. And you looked pretty damn great while you were doing it too."

She sighed and looked away. He said the truth, so she wouldn't be able to sway that idea from his mind. "While that idea does sound interesting, I'm not getting motion sick as you see. So I probably won't be able to learn."

"Let's settle it right here then." He said suddenly, placing her down and cracking his neck.

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.

"Try and eat this." He said, creating a little fireball in his hand and tossing it at her.

Her eyes widened in surprise and only just managed to swat it away with her armor. His eyes narrowed in annoyance while hers glared angrily.

"Don't be scared."

"I am not scared. Throw it again and you'll see what I am."

"How about if I do it too?"

"You can't eat your own fire."

"Oh yeah. Catch."


"All right fine."

When she nodded her head in acceptance while he pouted and kicked at the ground, she turned and began walking back to Magnolia. So, having no other idea to make her try, he did the only sane thing he could think of.

He set her on fire.

She shrieked at the top of her lungs and hastily requiped into her Flame Empress armor and dissipated the flames. She turned and stomped towards the surprised man with a fury. She ground her teeth in anger and grabbed him by his collar, watching his eyes open in surprise.

"Your face. It's changed." He said with a stare and prying himself from her hands.

"What?" She patted her face with her hand and found nothing different about it. She began to get angry again until her hands grazed her teeth. Finding her canines longer and sharper than they were supposed to be.

"You went feral again." His face was still in its surprised stupor before he got super excited and began closely examining her face. She was pulled out of her surprise with how annoyingly close he was.

"You look so awesome! I wish I looked that much like a dragon!" He continued to mull over her features while she mentally adjusted herself with apparently changing again. But that failed when he started poking her teeth, she was just annoyed then.

"Natsu!" She said angrily. "Stop getting in my face!"

He recoiled at the sound and complied with her wishes. His eyes sparkled even more though. "Even your voice is more badass! This is so cool!"

Her eye began twitching in suppressed anger. "This is not cool Natsu! This is a serious problem! I can't go back to the guild looking like this!"

He recoiled at her anger, something she seemed more sensitive too in this state he noted, and looked down at the ground, feeling bad that he thought something like that was cool. "Sorry Erza. I just like dragon stuff."

She glared at him for a bit before she sighed and pulled back, her glare now a softer look. "It's fine. But how do we get rid of this?" She finished, gesturing to the new changes. She even pulled her gauntlet off and checked if her claws had grown back; they had.

Natsu put his hand under his chin and began thinking. "Well, if being coated in my fire turned you like that…how about eating it? What'd you think that'd do?"

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, forgetting she had claws and breaking the skin on her nose by accident. "Dammit Natsu. Now I've cut myself because of you!"

He put his hands up defensively and looked genuinely hurt. "I'm sorry! I didn't know that would happen!"

Her anger didn't fade. "Give me some fire to eat. I'll try like this."

He complied and made a ball of fire in his hand that was as cool as he could make it. She reached for it and pulled her hand back quickly.

"It' s as cold as ice." She stated, glaring at him. He was supposed to give her fire to eat, not some fiery damn ice!

He raised an eyebrow and tested the flames temperature himself. It was cold, but it wasn't that cold. He stared at her wordlessly before turning up the flames to a normal temperature, for him at least. This time, the flame quickly jumped into her hand, without him telling it to, and snaked up her arm. It continued like this until her entire arm was coiled in fire.

Natsu couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "That looks fucking sweet."

"What's going on?" She said worriedly. All she had done was think about hitting Natsu in the face if the fire was cold again and it jumped to her.

"Try telling it to do other stuff." He said, offering his input.

She looked at him angrily. "You're the fire mage here. You tell me what to do with it."

He thought for a moment. "Try telling your fire to go away."

She looked back at the flames and concentrated heavily, she told it to disperse but it stayed put on her arm and eventually she gave up after five minutes of it doing nothing. "I can't make it do anything. When it did this I just really wanted to hit you."

He sweatdropped at the casual answer and stared at the flame more. "Eat it."

She opened her mouth to say something back, along the lines of 'no you incompetent moron', but the fire took its chance to rush into her mouth and down her throat.

She blinked in surprise, she'd just eaten fire and the only thing that happened was her body feeling a bit warmer all over and a peculiar feeling in her magic. Even her magic felt different, it felt almost warmer now.

"Oh cool you didn't burn to death. That's a step in the right direction." Natsu said casually, placing a hand back under his chin and beginning to think of how to change her back.

She growled angrily at the dragon slayer before she stopped in surprise. Since when could she growl like a dog? When her attention was eventually brought back to Natsu, she wished it wasn't, he had a shit eating grin on his face at hearing her growl.

"I wouldn't do that again, I found it adorable." He said jokingly before becoming serious again.

"Stop mocking me! I didn't do it on purpose." She said embarrassed.

'And why was it adorable?' Her thoughts eventually stopped there with a tiny tinge of red on her cheeks. She was subtly wishing he would ask her to growl again.

"Hey." He began, pulling the redhead out of her thoughts with an unnoticeable start. "Try telling yourself to turn back. If that doesn't work, tell the fire in you to turn it back."

She stared, confused. "Tell the fire in me?"

He nodded his head. "Yeah, Igneel taught me that there was a fire in everybody. So if you can eat fire, then it should listen to you."

It felt like there was a flaw in that logic, but if what he told her about his past was true then those words came straight from a dragon's mouth. A dragon can't be wrong about its own element can it?

"Or you know. He could have been full of shit when he told me that."

'Never mind.' She thought tiredly, the whole thing was beginning to annoy her.

She closed her eyes and took in a few calming breaths. She focused on commanding that foreign feeling in her body to turn her back to normal, she tried every strategy that could possibly mean normal and was silent in concentration for a solid ten minutes. When she finally opened her eyes, Natsu was sitting down a little bit away from her drawing something in the dirt with a stick.

"Natsu, get over here." She ordered, watching the dragon slayer jump up and quickly go over to her and look disappointed.

"Aw man. You look normal again. That's boring." He said with a pout as he kicked a rock nearby with his foot.

She felt a vein nearly burst at his proclamation. "What's wrong with normal Natsu?"

He completely missed the deathly undertones in her sentence because he avoided looking at her face. "You just looked really hot all dragon like. You look pretty hot already, but it was a different kind if you get what I mean."

If Natsu hadn't covered his own ass by saying she was already attractive, he'd be buried up to his chest head first in the dirt, but since he did Erza could only become flustered at the bluntness of his statement.

"Let's just go back to the guild and avoid setting me on fire in the future if possible. I have to prepare for the Miss Fairy Tail contest tomorrow." She said, walking off towards the guild and leaving a confused Natsu to catch up to her.

"Miss Fairy Tail contest?"

A/N: I couldn't resist, I had to make Erza and Mira bitter rivals since I made Lisanna never die. Though in all honesty, Lisanna should of really stayed dead.

Oh well, I hope you enjoyed and remember to stroke my ego. Next up is the battle of Fairy Tail.