Hey im sorry if this story sucks this is my first one and i am new to how this works. (I am still confused as heck) the future chapters may be better but for now i may suck. I'm pretty sure i messed something up with the chapter title. I hope you enjoy and this first chapter is going to take place a day after the battle with pitch. Just gonna contain a bit of fluff but i do have awesome ideas for a future chapter. This Apollo kid out!

Jack Frost sighed as he rose from the snowbank. North had insisted on him sleeping at the Pole and he couldn't say no. That didn't mean he couldn't jump out of the confined space through a window and fly to his lake.

So there he was, at the side of his beloved lake rubbing sleep from his eyes. He should get back to the Pole before others start to worry, he thought to himself. On that thought he gripped his beloved staff and flew into the crisp morning wind. As he flew Wind played with his white hair lovingly. With Wind's help he was at the north pole in 5 minutes. Flying into a bedroom through a window he rolled himself into the blankets and pretended to sleep.

Of course the bedroom he had randomly flew into wasn't the one he was origionally in, so when Jack heard stomping footsteps and paniced calls to the yetis he wasn't very surprised.

He got out of the bed and walked out if the room pretending to be extremely sleepy. "Noooooooooorth im trying to sleeeeeeeeeeeep." The winter child whined convincingly. "JACK! You weren't in room! Thought Pitch took ye!"

"You must be mistaken North, i didn't leave my room."

"Mmmhmm then what is this?!" Gesturing to the snow stuck to Jacks clothes and hair, North suddenly took on a look of anusment and anger.

Jack replied as if it wrre the mist obvious thing in the world, "I made it snow in my room so tgat i would be chilly."

Now if North were dimwitted this excuse may have worked, but he was not. Pushing the door to the room Jack had "slept" in with one hand he gestured to the not snowy room with the other. "Then why is there no snow Jack?"

"ummmmmm..." The boy tried to calculate a response when North burst out in jolly laughter.

"Jack is ok if you're not comfortable in Pole! Just say truth!"

"Really?" Jack said in bewilderment. Jack had lied a lot to get rid of not-so-nice spirits throughout his 300 years as a spirit and also in his 14 human years to avoid getting in trouble and to stop not-so-nice people from hurting him.

"Sorry North, i'm.. I.. I didn't like the confined space.. I didn't like not having snow around me..." Jack braced himself for the anger but nothing came.

"Jack is alright. We feel like raindeer poop for not acknowlaging you these past 300 years and we want to make it up to you. Vee understand vee don't feel like family yet but maybe we can change that."

Jack didn't know how else to respond besides giving the man a great hug and saying, "I would like that."

Ok this didn't go as planned and it is really short! I am so sorry for this horrible story and i hope you stick around for the (better prepared) chapters to come!