Rin and his friends had just finished celebrating Izumo's birthday. Being able to spend time with all his friends, and show off his cooking some more, had put Rin in an extremely good mood.

Going home content for once; Rin decided to try his meditation training, hoping this new mood would be the difference he needed to master his flames for good.

Settling into a comfortable position on the floor of his and Yukio's room, Rin relaxed and focused his senses within himself, not even a minute into the meditation Rin was confronted with a blue flame so bright it stung his eyes.

'It feels like strength, like home, like safety. This is my flame, this is me.'

Sensing that he must keep moving forward, Rin dove headfirst into the flames and saw a cage made of blue fire, surrounded by a gray mist; inside he sees a baby cat demon, with horns made of blue flames, curled into a ball inside the tiny cage.

The size of the cage, he knows intuitively, is a result of the age in which his heart was sealed inside the Kurikara. Eyes full of curiosity, Rin approached the cage with haste.

Grabbing the fiery prison and peering through the bars, Rin sees that this demon has not aged past that of a newborn. Rage engulfs Rin, at seeing the tiny kitten, with navy fur, imprisoned. Without thinking, Rin rips the cage apart and cradles the newborn demon.

Said newborn looks in Rin's direction, with still closed eyes, and smiles. Holding the baby out at an arm's reach Rin gives a full faced smile back to the baby, and coos lightly. A blue flame erupts around the baby demon and extends to the still misty ground.

When the flames die down, Rin is shocked to see himself with cat-like features looking back at him. Pulling himself closer, Cat-Rin cradles his face in the crook of Rin's neck, and with a soft and melodic voice, very much like his own, Cat-Rin whispers into Rin's next.

"Do you accept me?, do you finally accept me as a part of you?"

Knowing that this answer will cement his future, Rin felt this question resonate within him. Nodding his head in acceptance, Rin came to a quick, easy conclusion.

"You are me, and I am you. It's time I stop running from the me, I've avoided for so long."

Cat-Rin smiled pleasantly against Rin's neck and whispered, "We have 15 long years of growth and development to catch up on. I'm sorry, we're going to fuse and you'll no longer be able to pretend you're human."

And with that Cat-Rin transformed into a giant navy-coloured cat (almost twice the size of Kuro) still with flame covered horns, navy blue eyes and a lopsided grin.

Sliding his paw out of Rin's arms, the cat sat down in front of Rin and tapped said paw on his chest, where his heart should be. The bright blue flames took over Rin's vision, and blind the melodic voice of Cat-Rin echoed softly in his head.

"It's time to wake up Rin, we are one."

Jolting awake at the blaring sound of his alarm clock, Rin instinctively knew that he had just met with his inner beast, his heart. Getting up from his seated position on the floor and stretching, Rin found himself surprised at the lack of stiffness in his body.

Bending his back past his normal thresholds, Rin accidentally released his claws and stabbed himself. Yelping, Rin leaps into the air. Hissing, he rubs his lower back as he walks down the hall to the stairs.

Upon reaching the stairway, Rin was engulfed in the smell of waffles and cinnamon oatmeal. Surprised, Rin took a bigger whiff to see what he could smell.

He located a sharp flamed metallic smell coming from his and Yukio's room, as well as a windy alcoholic breeze, and a fiery spice smell from the kitchen downstairs. Rin figured that that must be Yukio, Kuro, and Ukobach.

He jumped down the stairs, landing in a crouch, and playfully growled at Kuro. Kuro, having smelled the change in Rin overnight, was completely prepared for this reaction to his presence.

Running out the front door and enlarging himself, Kuro responded with a playful growl back and a snap of his jaw. Rin ran as fast as he could to catch the speeding Kuro, so fast that he caught up to the demon before Kuro could blink.

Running on pure instinct, Rin picked up Kuro by his giant neck and threw him about 200 ft into the air. Jumping into the air after him Rin begins tickling, nipping, and lightly scratching all over Kuro as the start their slow descent.

Rin had reduced Kuro into a mass of laughing and purring fur, all in the span of 2 mins. Grinning wildly, Rin dived head first towards the ground. Only turning to flip at the last second, just in time to land smoothly and catch the still overcome Kuro in one hand.

The cocking sound of two pistols being loaded sobered up Kuro's drunken smile, but only served to to enhance the blunettes. As azure eyes met teal, steely gazes clashed.

This heated staring contest was only interrupted by the poof of Kuro shrinking down to normal size and hiding behind Rin.

Yukio trained both muzzles on Rin's head, and grit his teeth.

"Who are you, and how have you invaded my brothers body?"

Causing Rin to laugh, an honest true laugh that shocked his younger brother into lowering his guard in confusion. Seizing the opportunity, Rin rushes to his brothers side before the teal-eyed twin could blink and pulls him into a bone-crushing hug.

"Yuki! I feel alive, truly alive today! My senses are so strong now, I can even smell the similarities in the blood we share."

Bearing with the pain, Yukio allowed his younger brother to man handle him.

"We have the same mother Nii-san."

Putting away his weapons, Yukio inspected Rin. Upon finding no drastic abnormalities; aside from the tail, razor-sharp teeth, pale skin, and pointed ears; he asked what had changed.

Rin told his brother all about the other him and what it had whispered. Yukio worried at the last warning; mentally recapping what the past 15 years would normally mean to a demon and paled.

While Rin scarfed down breakfast and chatted with Ukobach, Yukio called Mephisto's phone and explained what had happened.

Which immediately only proved his cause for concern, as Mephisto was already aware of the change and had already made some arrangements.

All Exwires would now stay in the dorm with the Okumura brothers with Shura as the female exwires guardian. They would all need to be told what to expect from Rin for the next few weeks, until he moved on to the next stage of his maturity.