"Levi tell me how you operated on me"

At those words Levi Ackerman stopped undressing himself. Instead of continuing unbuttoning his shirt after a long day of work he found himself now leaning against the wall facing his girlfriend which was currently lying lazily on his bed, her face deep nose stuck in her book.

"Say again?"

"I said if you could explain me in detail how you saved my life. You know opened up my body what you had to do to make sure I didn't die I'm curious since a while" she peeked up from her book, curious eyes boring into his body right into his soul.
Damn her and her face she was making he couldn't say no to.
Levi sighed defeated.

"And how should I show you this? You want me to take a knife from the kitchen and cut you open while you watch?" he asked sarcastic. Of course he couldn't. She was much too precious for him to ever lay a hand on her.

"Of course not silly. It's enough if you point at it. I'm not that dumb. I'm a biology researcher remember? I know a thing or two about anatomy myself" Hanji flashed him a smile patting the free space next to her on the bed. Excitement written all over her face.
He shook his head obeying her demands making his way to the bed, crawling inside. She was unbelieveable. But this he knew from the very first time she had opened her mouth. It's what has drawn him to her. Maybe a small part of him was a masochist. He grunted at his own throughts as he propped his head up with his arm now scanning her body with his eyes. She was wearing a purple tank top and her black underwear nothing more while her her hair was still up in one of her messy ponytails. Absolutely gorgerious for Levi even if he would never admit this out loud.

"What's wrong? Are you starring at me Levi?"
Hanji's amused voice snapped him out of his throughts. Shit. For how long was he starring at her long slender legs?

"Yeah right. Make yourself free."

"Free...? Ohhh~ is this a doctor order?"

"Yes, this is a order from your doctor. Now off with the top" a small smirk creeped up onto his face. Maybe this lesson was not such a bad idea afteral.
Hanji obeyed taking her top off revealing her bare chest to him without any shame. Levi was her doctor and her boyfriend there was nothing he didn't saw or touched already.

"You like what you see doctor Ackerman?"

"Not bad."

With her upper body fully exposed to him he had a clean view onto everything her curves, her scares...
Light almost featherly touches he traced along one scar after another with his fingertips. She was like a masterpiece for him a sacred beautiful being he saved which became so much for him than just a patient. Hanji remained quiet watching with curiousity while every tenderly touch made her stomach flutter and her heart skip a beat or two.

They were dating now for half a year and here he was still having such a affect on her.
His hand stopped over a scar tracing along the line.

"Here was the first cut. I opened you here since you had many inner bleedings I had to quickly stop before you would have bleeded out on the table making a terrible mess."

"Haha, that would have been terrible for Mr. Cleanfreak I guess. And then?" Hanji laughed amused. Still the old Levi she fell for.

"Next You decided to be a troublesome bitch having bone fragment pierce into you from deep inside. Giving me no other choice than to dig into you with both hands and move many organs to the side until I was able to fix this bleeding too and remove the bone fragment. Around here." His hand moved to the said area drawing a small circle on her body.

"That tickles" Hanji grinned. "And then?"

"Let's see.."

Shifting his position he crawled up on top of her. Now hovering over her slender body he bent down kissing his way up from her stomach with tender kisses. But his lips weren´t just pressed at random places on her body. Each of her small scars he kissed. Adoring them and apologizing at the same time since for most of them he was the cause that she had them now.
But before he could continue moving higher up to her chest, giving them the attention they were asking already for a while Hanji interrupted him, putting both of her hands on his cheeks, forcing him to look up at her cute face with her slight pink colored rosy cheeks.

"Wait! Wait Levi! We had a deal. Don't skip anything now. I want to know every little detail. Only if you do this very good I might give you a small reward~"

"Like what?" He couldn't help but ask even if it was pretty obvious already what she meant.

"I could allow you to clean my glasses again. I know you love to do that"

He snorted. " Do it yourself shitty glasses."

"Clean the house?"

"Already doing this. Give me something better"

A mischievous smile appearing on her face as she faked to think, tappimg with her index finger against her lips.

"I could need a full body check up. Since I have a doctor already here..."

"A full body check up is not very cheap I warn you. Be prepared to pay the price." If she wanted to play that sort of game he would amuse her and go along with it.

"I think I can handle it just fine doctor Ackerman~" she grinned pulling him down for a kiss. And damn well she could handle him, with her actions just proving him how very much he was put under her spell and being able to deal with her and her antics.

Thank you for reading this short extra chapter from the fanfiction called "Doctor Ackerman".

This is simply something I came up with after receiving so many beautiful nice reviews from you guys asking me to continue this oneshot. Please enjoy everyone!