Hello everyone! I hope you all had a Happy Halloween!

Chapter One

It happened so fast. One minute she was standing there, up a small mound a few paces ahead, laughing and singing some stupid song that she had in her head, knowing it would annoy Dipper and the next there was a cracking noise, Mabel's eyes widened in surprise and the ground disappeared beneath her and with a startled cry she was gone.

"Mabel!" Dipper cried out in alarm, frozen in place a moment. There was a hollow splash and Dipper's feet were moving before he could fully register what happened. "Mabel!" he called out, panicked when she didn't answer as he looked down the deep, dark hole that formed under her a moment ago. He reached into his backpack and pulled out his flashlight, shining it down below. He saw her head sticking out of a dark pool of water, her back to a brick wall, an arm was draped over a board that had fallen in after her. There was a crimson streak forming a trail down her head, her eyes were closed and she didn't seem to be moving.

Finally, after a long moment that was too long for comfort Mabel groaned and glanced up at him, "I uh…I think we found it."

"Mabel, are you okay?" Dipper asked, freaking out a little inside, no longer caring about his quest to find the well that Mabel was now at the bottom of.

"I…think so?" she called back to him, sounding unsure.

"Do you think you…oh man, oh man…how are we gonna get you out of there?"

Mabel was quiet a moment and Dipper feared she lost consciousness again but then she called back, "Please tell me you have my grappling hook."

Dipper shook his head, "No…don't you have it? You should have it, right? If you have it then do you think you could…?"

"I can't…can't seem to get to it. I think it's in my backpack but…I can't…move…" Mabel sounded a little frustrated, her voice was strained, indicating she was struggling and in pain. "Dipper, I…I think I'm stuck."

"Of course you're stuck, you're at the bottom of a well!" Dipper exclaimed.

"I mean I can't move this board…it's kinda…got me pinned to the wall or something," Mabel explained, sounding surprisingly calm for someone who just fell into a well, but he could hear the quiet panic slowly building in her voice.

"Pinned how?" Dipper called after her.

"I don't know!" she replied, "It's just jammed and I can't move it. It's not allowing any wiggle room at all. I might be able to go down, but not up. If I could just…then maybe I could get to my grappling hook and get out of here but…"

"But what?"

"I'm afraid to try," she replied, "the water seems deep and I… I don't know, I think I hurt my arm…"

Dipper's stomach lurched, his heart pounding, "Bad?"

There was a pause, Dipper didn't like the pause, it wasn't a good sign if she was hesitating.

"I'm not sure, I can't…can't really…it hurts but it's also kinda numb and I can't seem to move it," she replied finally. "My shoulder's wedged under this board pretty tight so maybe it's cut off the circulation or something? I can't tell…it's so cold down here… and dark… I'm worried that if I wiggle out from under this board that I might not be able to grab it again and it's the only thing keeping me afloat."

"Oh man, oh man…" Dipper pulled at his hair, almost losing his hat as he paced back and forth, trying to figure out what to do. He should go for help, but he didn't like the idea of leaving her alone down there. Oh if only he thought to bring rope or something…



"You need to go and get help, okay?" she told him, as though reading his mind. Her voice was shaky and he could tell she was scared. "I'll uh…I guess I'll just wait here," she chuckled nervously.

"Okay…yeah...are you sure you're okay though?" Dipper asked worriedly.

"Yeah….considering. It could be worse. I'm fine for now I think, just go…go get help."


"And Dipper?"


"You might want to hurry…" her voice came out small and scared, quivering with a vulnerability that was rare from her. It sprung him into action mode, he didn't want to leave her alone down there, but the quicker he got help, the quicker they'd get her out of there.

"I'll be right back!" he called, running as fast as he could towards the Mystery Shack.

He didn't hear her add, "I don't think I'm alone down here…"

So, what do you think so far? I would love it if you'd leave a comment or review, and constructive criticism would be awesome if you have any to give. Next chapter should be longer. Thanks! -LPA