"Dad, why are you here? This has nothing to do with you." Stephanie McMahon asked as she laid her NIU messenger bag on the table.

Vince started to speak, but the man with him, David Otunga, stopped him. "I would rather say, what does this have to do with you? You are not listed as a member of the College Hill Ghost Hunters." The lawyer spoke in a crisp, eastern region laced accent.

Adam glanced at Jerry, who nodded. Adam spoke. "No, she isn't, however, she is the writer and Assistant Producer of the program. Miss McMahon has every right to be here. This is Seth Rollins, the Producer of the program. He and Stephanie can answer any questions you might have. Now, we'd like a few minutes to set up our presentation? Miss Linda?" Adam spoke directly to Linda, after all, it was her they were here for.

"Of course, Adam. Take all the time you need. Darling, I'm so sorry about this. Your father says they were offered the program first... I didn't know what else to do." Linda explained quietly as Stephanie went to give her mother a kiss in greeting.

Brock and Seth quickly set up the story boards. It helped that a huge bulletin board filled one wall, but then again, this was the office of a television studio.

Stephanie and Seth stood on either end of the bulletin board. Seth began. "We've put together a one hour program. We feature some investigation data, about twenty minutes worth, disbursed among scientific research that will back up each bit of investigation presented. The larger share of scientific research will be the aura studies by Doctor Roman Reigns." Seth pointed out each thing on the story boards Brock had drawn as he spoke. He was thorough, and to the point.

Stephanie picked up where Seth left off. "We want be able to back up, scientifically what Adam or Evan do in an investigation. We're out to do what the other shows don't do, prove that the gifts Adam and Evan have are real." She spoke firmly and looked from her mother to her father.

David Otunga gave a bit of a sneer. "Impossible. Unless, of course, your scientific research is faked as well. There are no such things as ghosts, and people like him are in it for the money. Duping innocent people into paying for nothing more than elaborate magician's tricks." Otunga impatiently tapped his fingers on the table as he spoke.

Adam was always prepared for this. He felt Roman bristle next to him. He laid a hand on Roman's thigh. "I have never, nor have any of the College Hill Ghost Hunters taken a dime or any other gift from a client, not even a tray of cookies. I was given this gift, I certainly did not ask for it, no one would. But, I have it. I have a responsibility to help others, Mister Bourne feels the same. We are audited every year. We support ourselves by pitching in whatever we can afford each month. We saved for over two years for our trip overseas. Seth has spent his own money on equipment. I can't make it any plainer than that. We can't force you to believe, but, the paranormal is real." There was no more he could say.

Linda smiled at Adam. "I know very well that his gift is real. The connection with the University gives hims credence as well. The University's Paranormal Department is highly acknowledged in the world of academia. Do you have an example you could show? Linda spoke professionally. At the moment, Stephanie was not her daughter, she was an Assistant Producer pitching a television program.

Vince spoke before Seth or Stephanie could respond. "Yes, prove it. I know trick photography when I see it..."

Linda interrupted. "Of course you do, you invented the concept. Why you and your station aren't constantly sued is beyond me. That report on..." She was halted by Vince.

"Because my viewers want the truth. Sometimes you have to nudge it along..."

Linda fired back at her estranged husband sharply. "You mean, make it up! You accuse this wonderful young man of being a charlatan, but you're the biggest one of all. You've never done an honest thing in your life..."

Vince spoke. "You're so virtuous? You're the one that found that... that... fancy man in Cedar Rapids!"

"After I came home and found you in bed with that intern..." Linda was between anger and tears.

Stephanie looked at her warring parents. She couldn't take any more. "STOP it, both of you! I can't... do this any more. I wish Shane was here! He'd be ashamed of you! I wish it had been me!" Brock got up from his chair and went to Stephanie, she sobbed in his arms.

Adam suddenly slumped forward. Roman's eyes flew open wide in surprise. He moved to help his husband. Before he could even touch Adam, the psychic raised his head. Adam's eyes were closed, but his lips moved.

Roman knew Adam had been jumped, but who would jump here, here and now. He held up his hand. "Wait, just wait." Roman barely whispered. Seth understood, and he whispered in Stephanie's ear. She nodded.

Adam's voice found air, but the voice was not his. "Stop it. Father you're tearing Stephi apart. It wasn't her fault. They had to pull her out first, she was on top of me. But, even so, I would have told them to see to her first, no matter what. Stop blaming her, please..." the voice was that of Shane McMahon. His energy was so strong, he was able to completely manipulate Adam's voice.

Both Linda and Stephanie knew, without a doubt, that it was Shane, speaking through Adam. Vince however looked at Adam like he was dirt under his shoe.

"How dare you do this! How dare you insult the memory of my son. How fucking dare you!" Vince was ready to jump across the table and punch Adam. Roman and Brock both moved to protect the pretty blond. Otunga stopped Vince.

Linda whispered. "It's him, Vince, it's really him. Adam couldn't know what his voice sounded like. Shane? Shane darling, it's mom. Are you alright? Happy?" She looked at Adam with tear filled eyes.

The spirit inside Adam spoke again. "Yes, mom, it's me. Yes, I'm alright, but... father's guilt and anger keep me from being able to completely cross over. Father, your anger is keeping me from going to the light. Please, your... please stop your yellow journalism. You're hurting innocent people." Shane's spirit paused.

Deep inside, Adam could tell Shane's soul was taking some of his energy. Adam would allow it to a point. Adam could also feel his grandmother nearby, ready to help if needed.

Vince shook his head. "Oh, I see what you're doing now. Very fucking clever, using your so called...gift... to make me feel guilty about my news reports. Well it won't work. No chance, no chance in hell. I'll bury your little ghost hunting group so far underground you'll never be able to work again. I'll also have a talk with Zeb Colter, John Layfield and Ric Flair, they will speak to the other Regents, so you'd better start looking for new jobs. Jericho, Calaway oh and um... Barrett as well..." His face was so red with anger, he looked badly sunburned, spit flew out of his mouth when he spoke.

"STOP it father! Just stop it! I know why you're so angry. It wasn't your fault, it wasn't. If I hadn't been driving it would have happened anyway. It was my time, my time to leave the earth. Nothing you could have done would have stopped it, nothing. I can prove it's really me, speaking through Adam's generous gift." Shane/Adam spoke firmly at first, then softened.

Vince slapped the table. "Go ahead then, just try to prove it. Just try." He challenged the spirit with a huff.

Shane looked at his father. "Vinnie Mack, I used to call you Vinnie Mack, when I was little. Mom, remember what I called you when we used to dance. Lindy Hop... because we used to do the bunny hop dance before bedtime. And I called Stephi, Doodlebug, because she used to draw all over everything. Who else would know those names?"

Vince blinked a few times, then scoffed. "You... Stephanie told you... she told you!" It was the only answer he could possibly think of.

Stephanie leaned on the table. " I didn't. I didn't... I never heard him call you Vinnie Mack or mom, Lindy hop... I'd even forgotten about Doodlebug... I'll swear in church, take a lie detector test... I never..." She was close to breaking down. Stephanie knew it was Shane, why couldn't father see it?

Vince looked hard at his daughter, then his estranged wife. He saw something, deep in their eyes. He looked over at Adam. The man had an expression on his face, it was an expression Shawn wore when he was aggravated. Was it possible? There was one way to find out, one thing only Shane could know.

Vince looked hard at Adam. "What was the last thing I said to you?" He looked, brow raised at the spirit jumped psychic.

Shane laughed. "You told me, if I wrecked the car, you'd cancel my trip to Florida with the guys. I said, don't worry dad, I'm a good driver... it wasn't... they hit me... swerved to keep... Stephi safe... It wasn't her fault dad... it wasn't her..." Adam's head slumped again. Shawn's spirit had left Adam's body He didn't want to drain anymore of Adam's energy.

Roman gently stroked the back of Adam's head. The blond hair of his husband was like spun silk. "Adam, come back, come on, baby. That's it, open those eyes." Roman spoke in a whisper. Adam's eyes fluttered open, closed, then opened again. He looked at Roman.

"He... just jumped me.. His energy is so strong... driven by guilt and anger. I just wish I could remember what I say during... oh... are you alright, Stephanie?" Adam saw the girl was wrapped in Brock's arms.

Stephanie looked at Adam and smiled. "Yes, I'm fine. Was a bit... I... he... saved my life and I never knew it. Oh Adam, thank you. Are you alright? Forgive me for saying this but you look... exhausted." She crinkled her brow in worry.

Adam nodded. "Yeah. It just wipes me out. Especially a really strong spirit like he was. Miss Linda, are you alright? I'm sorry, I never get a warning. A jump just happens." He looked at the older woman with wide eyed concern.

"I'm fine. I believe you, Adam. I have no doubt that was Shane. It sounded just... thank you. I only wish he was at peace..." Linda gave a glance to her husband.

Vince looked at Linda. "Those were are last words to each other. How could he have known that? It's not possible, it's just not possible."

"Yes it is dad. I've seen Adam work before. I've never seen a jump, but he told me about them. Just watch the video. Just keep in mind, this is a very rough cut." She looked at Seth and nodded.

Seth put the DVD in the machine in the room. He turned on the large TV that was on the wall. Everyone turned their chairs to be able to see the program. He pushed play, and the program began.

Roman excused himself and went out to the lobby of the office. He asked the receptionist where the coffee was. She showed him to the little break room. Roman poured Adam a cup of coffee. He added six packets of sugar. Adam needed it before he passed out.

The program was still playing when Roman returned. He frowned, Adam rubbed his temples, a sure sign of a headache. He gave Adam the coffee and encouraged him to drink it it quickly. Adam smiled at his husband and took a sip of the hot, sugary coffee.

They both looked when Linda gasped. She had just seen the footage of William Regal blasting the rock that was headed for Evan. The next footage was a close up of Wade making fire with his hand, and Hunter doing some medical research.

By the end of the program, Linda was more convinced that ever in both Adam and Evan's gifts. She wanted to air the program on her station. She knew it would draw a good audience, and her audience tended to be more well read and further educated.

Seth turned off the television and removed the disc. "Well, what do you think?" Music and an introduction will, of course, be added and the whole thing will be smoother. Take a closer look at the story board to get a better idea." He spoke to the two television station owners.

"I'll air it, as soon as you have finished it. When can you make me some adverts? I need about five or six, fifteen to thirty second spots, and lets say a two and half week lead in." Linda spoke firmly.

"I want to air it. I approached them first. I won't touch it, it will air as you give it to me. The viewers can chose what they want to believe. I don't know. I... but... how?" Vince was confused about everything.

Adam looked from Linda to Vince. What happens, legally if we let Miss Linda's station air the program?"

David Otunga spoke. "We will sue. We approached you first. It's our program." The lawyer was firm and glared at the others around the table.

Jerry Lawler scoffed. "Not really. The program belongs to the College Hill Ghost Hunters. There was no contract of any kind. My clients refused your offer of a live program. You were offered the alternate program, you made no commitment. You have no legal ground to stand on. You had your chance. And, if you continue to slander my clients, like you did during the report on the tornado, you will be in court so fast you won't know what hit you." Lawler narrowed his eyes at Vince and David.

"Prove it, prove any slander and I will personally retract it..." Vince growled when Otunga stopped him.

"Too late, dear David. Seth." Jerry nodded to the computer expert. He had an extremely sly smirk on his lips.

Seth grinned. He took out another disc, put it in the machine and pressed play. The disc was the one that Seth had put together. It slowed down and isolated the edits Vince's crew had made to show Adam looking lost and incompetent. When Seth pointed them out, the slight edit jumps stuck out like a sore thumb. Even Brock could see them. When the disc finished, Seth ejected it from the machine and put it back in the brief case Jerry carried.

"There is also the fact that you totally ignored the heroic story about Sargent Jason Reso. Now, I expect a full retraction in tonight's news, and it had better not be a five second blurb at the end. Whether you believe or not in what Adam, Evan or the College Hill Ghost Hunters do, it is not up to you to damage their reputations. As a matter of fact, I took the liberty to write a retraction for you. Here." Jerry took a paper from his brief case. He slid it across the table. It landed directly between McMahon and Otunga.

David picked it up, Vince took it from him. Vince was still reeling, emotionally about what had happened with Adam being jumped by Shane. Something inside him felt; broken. He knew he had to try to make things somewhat right. Maybe, just maybe this would help.

"It will be on the six, lead in story. I'll do it myself. Ladies, Gentlemen, this meeting is over. Linda, air the program. Stephanie, I am very proud of you." Vince started to stand up to leave, Linda stopped him.

"Vin, I'd like to speak to you and Steph alone..." Linda looked at the others, "Please, excuse us?"

Adam, Roman and the others got up to leave. Brock cast a furtive glance at Stephanie. Stephanie gave Brock a nod and a smile. The men left to go wait for Stephanie. They went outside, Adam desperately needed some fresh air.

Brock started to worry, it had been an hour since he'd left his girlfriend with her parents. He gave a sigh of relief when, at last, Vince and his lawyer left the office. Stephanie came out a few minutes later. She'd obviously been crying.

Stephanie joined Brock, Adam, Roman and Seth. Jerry had gone back to his office. Brock moved to make room on the bench where they all sat. He wrapped an arm around his girl's shoulder.

"Want to talk about it, honey?" Brock asked softly. Stephanie nodded. Adam, Roman and Seth got up to give the couple some privacy.

"No, please, stay. You're like my brothers, and besides, some of this is about Adam." Stephanie said with a deep sniff.

Stephanie began. "Daddy is hurt and confused. Deep down, I know he believes Shane spoke to him today. But he just can't or won't admit it. He did apologize to mom and they talked like humans for the first time, in a long time. He means it about the retraction. I also made him promise to leave the CHGH alone. He supports mom showing the special. He won't let anyone discredit you. We hugged, I mean really hugged for the first time since Shane's death. We're going to talk more. It's progress. So Adam, thank you. I owe you so much. Come on, Dog 'n Suds on me." Stephanie smiled and hugged Adam.

"Well, I really had no control. I'll tell you though, it was a bit... after... well never mind." Adam trembled a bit. When Shane had jumped him, the fear of the possession had come back to him.

Stephanie knew something bothered Adam, but she didn't push. They piled into the Reigns' SUV and drove to the Dog 'n Suds. They ordered root beer floats and a chili dog each... well Brock had four chili dogs, Roman had two and unusually, Adam gave Roman half of his chili dog.

Stephanie felt guilty, had she upset Adam in some way? "Adam, have I upset you? You seem so... down. I know you get drained after a … communication, but this just seems... different." Her brow wrinkled with worry and her eyes narrowed slightly.

Adam sighed. "I um... well, I guess you should know..." He then, very briefly told the story of what he'd been through in Ireland and then how he was 'set free' in England by the power of Stonehenge with Wade's help. Roman held Adam's hand the whole time.

Stephanie and Brock were in wide eyed, opened mouthed amazement. They had no idea Adam and the others had been through such hell. She understood now why being suddenly jumped by Shane had upset Adam so much.

"... so, when Shane just jumped me like that, I got a little frightened. I know though, he wasn't doing it with any evil intent, but still, I was glad when he left. Please, Steph, don't take that the wrong way." Adam looked at the girl with a bit of guilt.

Stephanie laid her hand on Adam's arm. "No, no. I understand completely. That was awful. I'm sorry that happened to you. I don't know how you can still... do this. You are very brave, Adam." Her eyes gleamed with admiration.

Things got back to normal after the tornado. While many people had been injured, no one was killed. Luke and Erick's farm sustained some damage. A few panels blew off the hog barn and some crops were lost, but all in all, they, along with many other farmers were quite lucky.

Roman's lab students were just as interested in the aura studies, especially now that Evan was in the mix. It was educational to compare the two auras.

Seth, Stephanie and the others worked hard at finishing up the television program. They made the requested advertisement bumpers. Linda wanted to air the show in mid November. She didn't want it show at Halloween, it was too trite.

The College Hill Ghost Hunters got called out on a few cases, but there was nothing overly unusual. Mostly the cases were pesky spirits that bothered home owners. Adam was able to easily send them to the light.

One case, however, turned out to have a rather humorous ending. An older lady was convinced the spirit of her husband had taken up residence in the attic. They caught the strange bumps and footsteps on audio. However, they never caught anything on video.

Adam and his grandmother tried to call the husband forward, every night for a week. Evan tried to contact him as well, but they got no results.

It was Dean who finally solved the case. He and Seth were doing a turn in the attic. When they heard the 'footsteps' again. Dean tracked and isolated the noises to a far dark corner, where an ancient trunk sat.

Seth ran to Dean when he heard his lover scream in fright, Dean never screamed. Dean then burst out in laughter. Seth soon found out why. Dean opened the trunk again. There was a horrible growl. In the trunk was a mother raccoon and her twin babies. They had made a very cozy home in the old trunk. Animal control was called and the furry family was moved to a nature preserve near the Cedar River.

Adam loved teaching two classes. It was a fun challenge and he did well. He still ran Roman's office, mainly because no one else would put up with Roman's moods. Adam knew how to deal with bastard Doctor Reigns when he was under pressure.

The day before Halloween, Adam turned thirty two. They celebrated at The Lunatic Fringe. Fozzy played and the ghost hunters danced. Adam stuck to his rule of no presents, but later, at home, Roman gave Adam a new fob and chain for his grandfather's pocket watch. Adam gave Roman one hell of a blow job in return.

The Paranormal Special as set to air on the Sunday before Chris and Evan's wedding. Adam was nervous as they gathered in the Reso's living room to watch. All the College Hill Ghost Hunters along with Bray, Luke, Erick, Brock, Stephanie, Brock, Brie and Daniel were there.

"If... this could... what if it ruins our lives and our jobs." Adam asked the room as he bit his nails.

Roman gently pulled Adam's hand from his mouth. "You know that won't happen. President Heyman and the Regents approved of the show when they saw it. They were very pleased that so much scientific research was shown." He pulled Adam close as they sat on the couch.

Brock turned to Adam. "Roman is right. Poppa Paul is excited. He thinks it will show students who want to study the paranormal, that here, it is treated seriously. He looks for the Department to grow. He's even considering featuring the Department in the new Freshman recruitment video, above Athletics."

Bray nodded. "Yes, he is. Adam, there will always be haters, you know that. You also know, that you really help people. That's all that matters."

Adam sighed. "You're right. Mom is having her own watch party with Mom Carol. I just hope..." He was shushed by everyone, the program had begun.

For the next hour, all eyes were glued to the television. Seth was bursting with pride. He and Steph had done a good job, they all had. It was the first program that was actually able to back up claims with real, scientific research. It wasn't exactly proof, but it was damn close.

The hour flew by. It seemed like the show was over five minutes after it stared. Three cell phones went off at the same time.

Both Judy and Carol called their sons and Linda called her daughter. Adam smiled as his mother congratulated him. His ma liked the show, that made him happy.

Both Heath and Jay tried to talk to a very proud and happy Carol. Heath finally let Jason have the phone. Then Jason and Adam traded phones. Carol was so pleased and proud for Adam.

When Jason and Adam ended their calls and traded back their phones, Stephanie spoke. "That was mom. She said the switchboard lit up ten minutes into the program and they are still tied up. She doesn't have any ratings numbers yet, but she said if the number of phone calls was any indication... it's a hit!" Stephanie was excited, and proud. A lot of blood, sweat and tears had gone into creating the program.

Adam bit his lip. "Um... did she say anything about the calls? I mean were they good calls or bad calls?" His eyes darted from Stephanie to the others.

Stephanie grinned. "Well of course there were some not so nice calls, but over eighty percent of them were favourable. That's good, really, really good. There always going to be negative callers. I mean, the show could have been about puppies and people would gripe. Eighty percent... I'm so proud of us!" She smiled brightly and her eyes gleamed with joy.

Adam slumped back against the couch, he was relieved. At least people seemed to take it seriously. "Thank you Steph and Seth, no, thank all of you. You all worked your asses off and I appreciate it."

Shawn interjected. "Yes, we did and we should be proud. Adam, you are a great leader and you work just as hard. You keep us together, none of us would be here if it wasn't for you. The way you help and bring comfort to people is a precious gift. No matter what or how this special program affects us, don't lose who you are and what we do. Just stay our humble, fearless leader."

Adam smiled. "I will Shawn. I only care about helping people. I am glad however, that at least most people seem to like us. Now, it's time to focus on Evan and Chris. This is their week and I think it's time." He nodded To Heath with a wink.

Heath went to the kitchen and came back with a small but long, narrow gift wrapped box. He handed it to Evan.

"This is from all of us. We hope you like it." Heath smiled as Evan took the gift. Heath then sat back down by Jason to watch.

Evan carefully unwrapped the box. Chris' chin rested on Evan's shoulder as they sat on the floor. Evan opened the box. He took out a folded piece of paper.

"Oh.. guys... this is... no no no... we can not accept this." Evan pulled out twenty, brand new, crisp one hundred dollar bills. Chris' eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Evan is right, this is way too much." Chris' voice was a little gruff with emotion.

Wade smiled. "You might change your mind. Open the other envelope."

Evan pulled out another envelope and opened it. There were two pieces of paper, one was a letter. Evan opened it first. He started to read it, but his voice failed.

Chris took the letter, he read aloud. "Dearest Evan. Congratulations on your forthcoming marriage. I have been in contact with Adam, Roman, Jason, Heath and of course Wade and Mark. They have decided to turn the three guest rooms on the second floor into an apartment for you and Chris. I have, through them, taken the liberty of hiring a contractor to begin work the week after Thanksgiving. All the costs will be taken care of, by me. This is my small way of thanking you for letting me speak to Mase, to be able to set him free. I know his soul soars with the Ancients. Your friends have included a bit of money to get you started with things for your new home. I hope your new home will be filled always with love and happiness. All the best for a long and wonderful marriage, all my love, William." Chris' voice cracked.

Chris looked the three couples who occupied the house. "Oh... guys.. are you sure? You sure you want to do that?"

"Yeah, we do. We'd love to have you here. You know we've thought about another apartment for a long time. You'll pay the same rent as all of us, but William wanted to do this for you." Wade spoke directly to Chris and Evan.

"Thank you. We will call him later an thank him too. Saves looking for a place. I can't imagine living any where else now. I love this house, it's home." Evan spoke softly as he tucked everything back into the box.

"Well, you guys will have to live in Chris' room for a while, but the new place should be ready in time for Christmas, unless they hit an unexpected problem." Mark added what he knew to the conversation.

"We can manage. Mrs. Johnson will be glad to see me go. Her daughter wants to come live with her, but since I'm renting the room... this is just incredible guys." Chris smiled and hugged Evan close.

The next few days were chaotic. Heath had to screen fifty potential clients. In the end though, there were only two truly legitimate clients. The others just wanted to be able to say their house had been investigated by those guys on television.

Adam had warned Heath to be extra careful of people like that. When he had any doubts, Heath brought Shawn along. The preacher had the ability to read people.

The script for television show had been sent, by Bray to several prestigious publications, one in particular responded.

Omni Science Magazine wanted to publish and article about Roman's aura studies. This meant, now, that Roman would be a published educator, he gained instant tenure at the University. It meant his job was secure, no matter what, until he left or retired.

Bret Hart arranged for the show to air in Canada and it was met with equal success. The College Hill Ghost Hunters were officially invited, by the owners of a grand hotel in Banff, to come investigate whenever they could. The hotel had its share of ghost stories and the owners wanted to make sure nothing evil lurked.

The wedding of Chris and Evan was upon them. Evan looked beautiful in the suit he'd bought in London. It was soft white and complimented the dark blue sit Chris wore. The church was decorated with colorful fall flowers from Shawn's garden, mixed with a few from the florist.

Adam stood with Evan and Roman with Chris. It was a simple ceremony, especially compared to the one at Stonehenge with Wade and Mark. Chris and Evan were pronounced husband and husband.

At the house on Olive Street, the gang, including Bray, his boys, Stephanie and Brock celebrated the wedding. Wade had made a simple, but extremely elegant three tiered octagon shaped cake. It was white, but Wade decorated it with gum paste sculptures which included things like history books, math books, pom-poms for when Evan had cheered and a model of Chris' mustang. A couple who looked like Chris and Evan sat in the gum paste car and kissed. It was wonderful.

The newlyweds took a short honeymoon trip up to the Wisconsin Dells. They stayed in a beautiful Inn on the banks of the Mississippi River.

Evan and Chris were glad they had waited for their first, full on sexual experience. Both men knew they would never desire anyone but each other for the rest of their lives. Evan wore a constant blush on his cheeks, and Chris flashed his most wicked smirk. They were adorable.

It was strange not to have Evan and Chris at the table for Thanksgiving, but it was nice to have new friends in their place. Brock, Stephanie, Brie, Daniel and Bray and his boys, made up the guest list. It was a good time of food, football, and laughter as well as serving at the shelter downtown.

When classes began again, President Heyman was pleased. By the end of the fall semester, enrolment for the spring semester was the highest ever. Part of the reason for the increase was the Paranormal Department. Also, a well known, recently retired, Broadway actor had joined the teaching staff, and that increased enrolment in that Department as well.

The College Hill Ghost Hunters continued working on investigations. Just before Christmas, Linda McMahon asked if Adam would try to bring Shane back for another conversation.

This time, with only Linda there, Shane spoke without jumping Adam. Through Adam, mother and son had a healing conversation. When it ended, Linda was more at peace with things. It was good for her, and Linda and Stephanie grew even closer.

While Vince McMahon never knew what to make of the encounter when Shane had jumped Adam, he did make some changes in his life.

Vince stopped the "altered" news stories and told the real truth. While he didn't exactly retract any of the old stories, viewers liked the new approach and ratings increased.

One other positive thing came from the encounter. Stephanie and Vince began the long process of healing their fractured relationship.

It was hard for Vince, but he realized that it was not Stephanie's fault Shane had died. That alone was music to the girls ears. Stephanie knew now, that when she went to her father for help or advice, he was being a real parent, not just someone looking for what he could get out it. It would be a long road, but father and daughter had taken those difficult first steps.

Things in the personal lives of the Heyman family only continued to get better. Molly never stopped smiling, and instead of hiding behind booze, she became a prominent lady in Cedar Falls society. It was good, not only for Molly personally, but, for the University as well, and that pleased Paul to no end.

All of this was because of the gifts of one person, Adam Joseph Copeland Reigns, and the help he received from the other members of the College Hill Ghost Hunters.

It was the evening of January first. They gang had gone to the fabulous New Year's Eve party Molly and Paul Heyman hosted.

Instead of the usual stuffy, dreaded affair, it was a real, fun party. Chris' band, Fozzy, provided the music, and Molly hired Tony's pizza to cater. Dean and Seth were hired to run the bar. Even Jason was able to enjoy himself, Chief Anderson had given him the evening off. It ended, as the party moved to the stadium to watch the annual display of fireworks by the science department.

Roman and Adam were curled up on the couch, soft music played in the background.

"That was a fun party last night. Molly was a different person. It's because of you." Roman whispered in Adam's ear, as he scraped the lobe gently between his teeth.

Adam let out a small whimper. He tried to concentrate on their conversation. "She's the one that changed. But, it does feel good to help people find their peace. We have that case next week that's similar. I hope I can help that family as well." He replied with a nip to Roman's neck.

All conversation was forgotten as the couple kissed. It began soft and sweet, but their passion for each other grew. Their tongues tangled together as they tasted each other.

With a growl, Roman broke the kiss and in one swift movement, picked his husband up in his arms and carried him to their bedroom.

It wasn't long before their clothes were in various places as they landed haphazardly on the floor and furniture, one of Roman's socks even landed on one of the curtain rods.

Adam wasn't in the mood for any gentle foreplay. He wanted Roman's dick in his ass and he wanted it now. With a deep chested growl of his own, Adam pushed Roman down on his back and sank his teeth into Roman's shoulder.

Roman's long, wavy hair spilled over the pillow like ebony silk. He growled in return when Adam's teeth sank into his skin. Roman gave Adam's perfect ass a sharp slap.

Adam let out a squeal. Both their cocks were hard and eager to be stimulated. Adam slid up his husband's body and settled in the perfect spot. He spit in his hand, reached down and rubbed Roman's cock. His puckered hole was still a bit loose from the sex they'd had earlier, after arriving home from the party.

"Easy baby." Roman husked s Adam's hand guided his anxious cock into that sweet, perfect heat.

Adam moaned as Roman's dick filled him. It was the most wonderful feeling. Adam let out a shaky sigh as he sat on Roman's groin. His hands pressed against Roman's chest.

"So good, you fill me up so good." Adam muttered as he slowly began to fuck himself on Roman's thick, hard shaft. He let out another moan when Roman's large, strong but soft hand wrapped around his cock and began to stroke it up and down with the occasional slight twist.

The soft music from the stereo wafted from the living room to the bedroom. Adam caught the rhythm of he song and moved his body like an erotic dancer. He rolled his hips and tangled his fingers in his long, blond locks. He fanned it out over his shoulders, like golden silk.

Adam decided to give Roman a real lap dance. He batted Roman's hand from his cock and took over. Adam stroked his own cock in tempo with the movements his lower body made on Roman's cock. With his free hand, Adam began to play with his nipples. He pinched and pulled until they were hard, swollen nubs.

Roman watched his beautiful husband with half lidded, lust filled eyes. He usual soft gray eyes became almost black with heated desire. Adam had never looked so erotic.

When the music changed to a faster beat, Adam easily changed his movements to fit. He moved like he was riding a glorious stallion across a vast, wide open field. Roman picked up the movements and arched his back, and thrust up into Adam's heat in perfect sync.

Adam still tugged on his own cock, but Roman just had to touch his beauty, his beloved, his Adam. He covered Adam's hand with his and stroked. Adam's other hand wandered over Roman's body, and caressed wherever he could reach. Roman followed suit with his free hand, as their erotic dance of sex continued.

When the music once again changed, Roman flipped their positions. His cock had slid out of Adam when Adam went onto his back. Adam whimpered at the loss of their connection.

Roman let out a deep, wicked laugh. "Maybe I'll just go to the bathroom and jerk off, leave you like this." he teased Adam with a gleam in his eyes.

Adam's hazel eyes flew open wide, he looked at Roman with a huge pout on his lips. "Ro Ro? Please, oh please, get that luscious dick back in my ass, please..." Adam's eyes were wet, and threatened to cry out of desperation.

Roman leaned down and whispered over Adam's lips. "I love to hear you beg for me." He kissed Adam. When he slid his tongue into Adam's mouth, he sent his cock back into Adam's tight, hot channel. Adam's eyes rolled back and he sighed into the kiss.

Roman let out a deep, satisfied sigh of his own and reached down between their sweat laced bodies and once again began to work Adam's cock with his hand.

Roman set a steady pace with his hips. Adam arched his body to meet Roman's. When Roman rolled his hips in time with the music, he hit Adam's prostate directly. Every time Adam felt the pressure on his bundle of nerves, he let out the most glorious sounds. Roman loved to hear the sheer pleasure in Adam's voice. It pleased Roman to know he was the one that made Adam feel so good.

"My beautiful, magnificent angel... I love you, so much." Roman's words were warm in Adam's ear. He kissed Adam's neck softly.

Adam opened his eyes and looked up at his husband. "I love you, my handsome Islander." His reply was so raw, it went right to Roman's very soul. They kissed with all the love they felt.

Their love making continued until neither could hold back any longer. They had held off their climaxes to the point it started to hurt. Adam and Roman's cocks spilled their sticky, milky cum at the same time. They sighed deeply and kissed in utter happiness and contentment.

When Roman's flaccid cock slid out of Adam's ass, he pulled Adam against him. They fell into a deep, sex sated sleep as the music lulled them softly.

The College Hill Ghost Hunters sat around the single indoor booth at the Dog 'n Suds. One other group of college students sat in the four seats at the counter.

This time just eleven original members were there. Evan had too much difficult math homework, so Chris made his husband stay home. Evan didn't argue, he knew his schooling came first, and the group agreed.

"Well, the first investigation of the new year is done. I'll start running the data tomorrow. Great stuff for the aura study." Seth said with drippy bite of ketchup covered onion ring.

Shawn nodded. "That poor young widow was so upset. It brought her such peace to know her husband was with his grandfather on the other side." He gave Adam a smile.

I'm only the messenger. I never asked for this gift, but it does please me to help people. I couldn't do it without any of you. We had quite a time last year. Thank you all for standing by me when that demon tried to take me. I'm here because of all of you. You're the best friends..." Adam paused and looked at Roman. "... and husband a man could ask for. I love you all. To us! The College Hill Ghost Hunters!" They raised their root beer mugs in a toast.

"To us!" Everyone chimed in as they toasted each other and another completed investigation.

That's the story of The Haunted, and how a sweet, gifted man named Adam and his friends helped people.


A/N: Thank you all who have read, enjoyed and reviewed. I hope you enjoyed the story. I know it was a bit different, but I loved writing it. I hope you continue to enjoy the stories I write, and I look forward to seeing you all soon... another time, another story. All the best, Lady Dragonsblood