Author's Note: HAHA! It is I, Ripslash. The writer who left because of the dicks at my school, only to return as someone else entirely! Mwahahahaha! But seriously, This is where all my stories will be from now on. I can't thank you all for the amount of support that I received through PMs and reviews and stuff like that. It honestly means a lot, and I can't thank you enough for it. Now enough of this sappy crap. It's the story that you want. And I suppose that for some, like myself, it is Halloween when I am posting this, so Happy Halloween to all of you amazing people!

Ruby POV:

"Ruby! Get your head out of the clouds! Hello? Are you listening? Earth to Ruby!" Yang says, waving her hand in front of my face, snapping me out of my little trance.

"Uh, What? What happened? What did I miss?" I scrambled out, making it obvious to the others that I'm. Crap. I can't let them find out that I was staring at Velvet. They'd kill me trying to get answers out. Whenever Velvet is around, I just can't seem to focus on anything else. My mind just goes blank on everything but her. I mean, I guess you could call this a crush, but I don't really know what it is.

"You didn't miss anything. That is, except for some awesome puns made by me!" Yang says, smiling and pointing at herself.

"Those weren't awesome. They were terrible. Anyways. Ruby, it looked to me that you were doing a little… Staring at something over there." Weiss says, smiling at me and pointing. Crap, how could she have known that I was staring?

"Well, let's all look over there to see what Ruby was staring at!" Yang suggests to the rest of my team, who all follow suit. "All I see is Team CFVY. Gasp! Does Ruby have a crush on a member of team CFVY?"

"N-no I don't!" I say, turning really red.

"Haha! She totally does! Who is it? Is it Fox? I mean, he's ok guess. Maybe Yatsuhashi? Didn't know that you liked Asians, Ruby. Hmm. I'm voting for Yatsuhashi. Anyone else?" Yang asks, to which both Blake and Weiss raise their hands. "You know what that means. Ruby likes Yatsuhashi!"

"No! That's not it!" I say back to them, quietly.

"Oh, so it's Fox?" Blake finally speaks up.

"No!" I whisper loudly at them.

"Well those are the two guys on the team. Who else could you… No! You like Coco!" Weiss says, thinking she has a realization, when in reality, all she did was eliminate the last cover for me liking Velvet.

"Haha! You got me! Heheh. Yep. Totally her and not someone else." I say, feining enthusiasm. All I am met with is cold, dead stares.

"It's totally not her." Yang says with a straight face, then turns to the other two. "So it's not Fox, it's not Yatsuhashi, not Coco. That leaves… GASP! OH MY GOSH! RUBY! YOU LIKE V-" Yang stops mid sentence when Velvet walks up to our table.

"Excuse me, but my teammates and I would like to know why you are all looking at us like you are." Velvet says in that accent of hers that makes my heart melt.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. We were just trying to figure something out, and we did, so we aren't going to be looking at you anymore." Weiss explains. All the while, Velvet is almost eyeing up Blake. I'll be damned if I let kitty over there get Velvet before I do…

"Oh, ok. Thanks for the clarification, and Blake, is it?" Velvet says, looking at her. "Could we… possibly, hang out, sometime? Here's my number in case you do." At this point, I'm staring straight into Blake's eyes with hatred and anger. The soda can that I was holding implodes with a loud crack as I squeeze it from how angry I am. "Oh? Are you alright there? Your soda can looks a little… dead."

"I'm fine…" I growl at Blake, who shrinks down from my stare of death.

"Ok then, as long as you're fine. I will be seeing you then. Goodbye!" She says and walks off.

"I think I'd better… go…" Blake says before running out of the cafeteria. I immediately rush after her, catching up to her within a matter of seconds.

"What the hell is wrong with you? You JUST figured out that I like her, and you still accept her number? It's great to know that I have some real friends looking out for me. I can't believe this! I trusted you Blake! Back off! She's mine!" I yell at her where we meet up, which, luckily, is a secluded part of Beacon.

"Ruby! Calm down! I have no intention of going out with her! I was leaving so I could call her and tell her I'm not interested in her!" Blake yells back at me.

"You… You're not?" I ask, rather hopefully.

"Hell no. There's only one person I that even comes close to me having feelings for them."

"Well who is it?" I ask, getting rather nosy.

"I'm not telling you!"

"But you all know who I like! So why can't I know who you like?"

"Because you would tell her! Shit! I didn't mean to give if they were a boy or a girl!"

"Oooooh~! Blake likes a girl too! Nice to know I'm not the only one here who does. Now, tell me." I point at her. She knows she can't get away from this because I will keep pestering her until she tells me.

"Fine… but you have to promise you won't tell her."

"I promise. You think I would go blurting around people's crushes to everybody?"

"For some reason, yes, but that's besides the point now. It's… *mumble*."

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"I said it's W-*mumble*."

"Yeah, I still didn't get anything from that. I'm gonna need more." I say, getting closer to her so I can hear what she's saying.

"UGH! It's Weiss! Ok?"

"What? That is so great for you!" I yell, hugging Blake around the neck.

"How? Exactly?"

"Because. I was talking to her the other day and she said that she… has started to grow feelings for a girl on the team. I knew it wasn't me because she wouldn't talk to me about it if it was. Yang was also in the room, so she wouldn't say anything if it was her. That leaves you. I'm like ninety-four percent sure that she likes you back. But you didn't hear it from me." I say, dashing out of where we were to go back to the dorm. Now, to get Velvet less interested in Blake, and more interested in me…

Velvet POV: (Same event)

"Those four have been staring at us for a while. Velvet, can you go see what they're doing?" Coco asks.

"Of course I can, I'll be right back." I respond, standing up and walking over to them. Wait, isn't that Team RWBY? No… No I can't do this. If I do, then my feelings will show to their leader. That is… Unless I pretend to like someone else to cover for it! Ooooooh, I know. If I do that, and it starts making Ruby jealous, then I know she likes me back! Haha! A Brilliant plan! ""Excuse me, but my teammates and I would like to know why you are all looking at us like you are." I say, trying to keep from making my heart explode. Ruby is staring at me and it's hard for me to not make eye contact.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. We were just trying to figure something out, and we did, so we aren't going to be looking at you anymore." Weiss says back to me. All the while, I am looking around to see who I can fake like. Then I notice Blake sitting there. Perfect.

"Oh, ok. Thanks for the clarification, and Blake, is it?" Velvet says, looking at her. "Could we… possibly, hang out, sometime? Here's my number in case you do." I say, watching Ruby out of the corner of my eye. Her soda can that she was holding when I got here is crushed in her hand, and she's giving Blake a death stare. "Oh? Are you alright there? Your soda can looks a little… dead." I say, continuing my master plan.

"I'm fine…" She says in a low growl, obviously directed towards Blake who is cracking under the pressure.

"Ok then, as long as you're fine. I will be seeing you then. Goodbye!" I say, walking off, back to my table in the cafeteria.

"Well?" Coco asks as soon as I sit down.

"They said they were trying to figure something out, and they did, so they'll stop staring at us."

"Good." Coco says. Now it's my turn to start staring, because I turn away from the rest of my group and stare at the girl in the cape, whose cuteness, but scariness at times, is just so overwhelming. Then, she gets up and runs out of the cafeteria, probably following Blake, who had left about ten second before. "You like her, don't you?"

"L-like who?" I ask, getting really nervous all of a sudden.

"Don't play dumb with me. You and I both know, that we both know who we're talking about. I mean the little redhead in the cape with that huge ass scythe that she carries around all of the time."

"Oh… Her… Yeah, I do. And think she might like me back, because I made a little ploy to pretend I like somebody else, that Blake girl. Gave her my number and stuff, and if looks could kill, Ruby was sending Blake to the depths of Hell where no one could escape."

"Damn, looks like she's got the hots for you, to see that someone does."

"Coco! Shut up! No one is supposed to know that I like her!" I yell at her.

"And from what you just did, people won't for a while. You've bought yourself some time."

"I know… I need to find out how to tell her soon. Any suggestions?" I ask the rest of them.

"When that Blake girl contacts you, tell her that you have no real interest in her, and that it was a ploy to get to that caped girl. She won't hate you for it, in fact, she'll probably end up conspiring with you to get that caped girl to go out with you. I mean, that's what I would do if I were you. But I'm not, so do what you want." Coco says to me.

"Yeah… I'll do that." I say, starting to run off towards the dorm, but then I turn around and go back to Coco. "Thanks, by the way. It means a lot."

"Hey, hey! No mushy stuff is needed here. I just said what I would do in this situation. No big deal."

"Well, whatever you say it is, thank you anyways." I say, running off, for real this time. Ruby Rose will be mine. I will make sure of it.