
Chapter 1

Two years since the chief's son's been missing. Two years since the fight with the red dragon. Some if not all of us have given up on ever finding him. Two years isn't enough, he's still out there somewhere, he must be scared, lonely, but he isn't dead. I guess I should tell you what happened. Two years ago we went after the red death in hopes to push the dragons away, but thanks to hiccup we have brought the dragons closer. Thanks to hiccup a whole new world has opened to us, but it seems everyone has long forgotten that and have given him up. Two years ago we were fighting the red dragon to the death, but out of the corner of my eyes a flash of pure black wooshed past me firing a ball of flame of pure power and destruction and unwavering accuracy hitting the red death straight in the face. Everyone cheers for our unlikely hero. Hiccup Haddock; a boy with little to no muscle and little to no Viking savagery, but what he holds makes him more Viking than any of us. Bravery. A month after the red death we rebuilt our town to fit the needs of the dragons with Hiccup as our leader on the project. Everyone was proud of him especially his father, but then the dragons went crazy flying all throughout the sky breathing out fire, screeching, panic coursed all throughout the village especially Hiccup who was trying to calm them but he was helpless he couldn't do anything, there were to many of them. Then all of a sudden a dragon surrounded by a mysterious cloud of black raised up from the side of the island. It's eyes were pure dark red with veins of black on the outer edges of it's eyes. the mysterious dragon roars, and its unlike anything I've ever heard its loud and sounds of pure hatred and anger I scream and grab my ears trying to drown out the sound but it's too great. I collapsed on the ground squirming, my whole body is in pain. Then as quickly as it started it stopped, I get up and see people were also on the ground some with their ears bleeding. Panic overcame the village for fear the dragon could come back to finish them off, but it didn't. It just disappeared off the face of the world, but then all of sudden I realized something...Hiccup's gone people started to notice this as well. I asked around to see if anyone saw anything on hiccups disappearance, after an hour of asking around an old man came up to me and said he saw hiccup get taken away by the dragon as well as toothless. As soon as he said that The whole village went into a larger state of panic. The one person the could control the dragons was kidnapped by a dragon. As soon as the village repaired all the damages, Stoick immediately rounded up a search party to look for his lost son. After a year of looking Stoick had to give up for the village could only go for so long without a leader, and after a year and a half everyone had to stop thinking about him for they had their own families to look after. Its now been two years and life has gone to normal but thanks to hiccup "normal" includes dragons. which brings us to the present day. Ruffnut and Tuffnut got a job as fishermen, Fishlegs is the teacher for our school,and snoutlout is the weapons tester, maker, and as well as the best dragon rider on berk. If you don't know who I am well... I'm Astrid and I train people how to ride dragons.

So that's the start of my story please let me know if i should make more CH2soon