Hello readers! Nice to see you again! Here and now, I'll introduce you all my story that was rewritten! And also, sorry it take long because I don't have some motivation lately so, I'll say sorry once again. Anyway, without delaying any longer, let start the story!

Note: I don't own Date A Live, only the Oc's.

Arc I : The Coming


Shido, our average young man that has power to seal Spirit's power. Spirit, is the unknown beings from a different dimension. With his power, Shido try to save all Spirits from the hand of people that want harm them by make them fall in love to him, with help of secret organization Ratatoskr. Until that happen…

After long time he does what he do to save Spirits, an event occur. He loses control due the immense amount of Spirit's mana inside his body. Fortunately, Spirits, Tohka and the rest able to bring him back. After that, everything going as normal again… or not…

After witness what happen, Ratatoskr founder's Elliot Woodmen take a serious thinking. In that event, happen, it was revealing that not all higher-ups on Ratatoskr were help save Spirit for goodwill. Some of them have hidden motive behind it. Don't want to keep passive for what they're doing to Shido that nearer get him killed, he makes a move.

By dialing a number…

Somewhere in Asia continent

On unknown place, inside the room with dim light that lights the place. On there, there was a long sofa and above of it, a young man, looks like in his 20th with black hair down to his neck wear an armless black shirt and black trouser, has sleeping there. He's sleep peacefully until a strange design mobile phone vibrating.

"Dante-kun, you got a call."

The one who said it was a young girl with dark-jade hair that tied up and her eyes was colored dark green with mix of pale yellow. She wears a white shirt and blue sport trouser. She's right now was preparing a dinner with her insistent that she was do it today.

The young man, Dante as she call woke up from his sleep and reach his phone that keep vibrating due call. After he looks to one who called him, his face that was seem like he just wake up from sleep change into serious expression. He then takes the call.

"Dante here. Why are you calling me Elliot-san?"

[Dante, I have serious thing to talk about.]

"I'm listening."

[Do you know about the young man that has power to seal Spirit's power just like you? Itsuka Shido?]

"Yes, I do. I know about him. I have track his activities after what happen 5 years ago in that city he live. What happen to him?"

[His power has haywire and end up make him loses control.]

"Did you use it?"

[I don't, but those brat keeping to use it. Sadly, one of them is pretty cunning to make second switch to activated it and shot down the boy.]

"Is he get killed!?" Dante seem angry from his tone.

[Fortunately, Phantom show up and seems save his live. Also, she's somehow help the Spirits to save him and make him back to normal.]

"That's good," He said in relive sound. "But that's not mean I'll let those people do as they like." his tone back to little angry again.

[I rather agree, but we must stay cool-headed and low. If we do something harshly, it will not good to us too. I not really like to use force, even if I must. It just make me no difference than Issac.]

"Tch… fine. I'll keep low for now, but if they do something reckless like that again, don't try to stop me Elliot."

[I must. This is why I still not agree to let you join DEM even as spy. Your personality has been influence by them, even if you come back.]

"As I tell, I go there for seek something that I need to. I also try to sabotage most of their Spirit's related thing. Until now, there's no Spirit beside that one that was captured. Even until now, I still don't know where they're keeping her."

[Don't worry about it. And also… there's report that DEM was transporting something but get attacked by Nightmare.]

"Why she attack the transportation? Unless… something really important for her was inside of it… wait… it can't be…" he said in suspicious tone.

[Something on your though?]

"No. Don't mind it. It's just my wild imagination. (I'm not sure about it, I better check it latter.)"

[I see. For now, I just want to ask you something.]

"What's it?"

Elliot talks to Dante for time being. After few minutes later…

[Can you do it?]

"I can't say no for this case. Also, this is how I pay my debt to you."

[I feel bad to think that you think it as debt, but if you insist, I'll take it like that. Then, when you will do it?]

"Soon enough."

[Alright. I'll call you again if there's something. Good evening.]

Elliot ends the calls. Dante then stands up and going to kitchen.



"After dinner, prepare your things. We'll be move again."

"Really? Where we will go this time?"

"We are going to…
