Hi everyone. I hope you all enjoy my first attempt at writing a Star Wars story. I've had this story running around in my head for almost a few months now. I was going to post it months ago but couldn't due to my hard drive crashing. I was lucky enough to send a copy to my email address and have re-edited and make changes.
Jedi Chapter 1: Vader's Obsession
Over the planet Corcusant, a group of rebels have landed. They are bringing Medical supplies to a contact who works for the rebellion. Just above the northern continent, a star destroyer was sent to find the rebels. Lord Vader was in command of the ship. Darth Vader is standing near the window looking outside when an Admiral steps in front of him and said, "They've landed on the planet and are delivering the supplies as we speak."
"Bring Ezra alive and before me." Vader replied as he pointed the Admiral.
The Admiral nodded and turned to look at another officer and gave the command to have troopers send down to his location. Minutes go by and troopers get on board a shuttle and it takes off for the planet. It lands on the ground and the troopers begin the search for Ezra and the Rebels that are with him.
Back on the bridge, Vader is seen walking off and heading to his chamber. Once there he kneeled down and stood on his communications device. Darth Sidious's hologram appeared in front of him and was staring at him. He said, "Have you found him?"
"Yes my master." Vader replied.
Sidious was pleased with the results and said, "Good. Have your plans to lure them, gone off without any issues."
"They have fallen for our fake distress call for medical supplies." Vader replied as he stood up and walked off.
Sidious looked back and said, "Keep me posted when he's captured."
"I shall and he'll be brought to you. He either joins us or dies like the other Jedi who have fallen to the might of the empire." Darth Vader replied.
The hologram of Sidious smiled then disappeared. Vader stood up and turned to the door and headed back to the bridge .He stood hovering over the communications station and awaited an update on the capture of Ezra Bridger. Vader looked at the communications officer and said, "Have the troopers located Ezra Bridger yet?"
"Let me check if he's been location sir." Communications officer replied.
The communications officer pressed a few buttons on his display and a voice of a trooper could be heard speaking.
The communications officer said, "Captain Thomson, have you located Ezra Bridger."
"Yes we have. There heading right for us." Captain Thomson replied.
Back on the planet, Kanan and Ezra are bringing supplies to the location and see there contact. Kanan looked at him and said, "We have the supplies, you asked for."
"Time to come with us, you rebel scum." The contact replied, pointing a blaster at him.
Standing next to him was Captain Thomason and a few Stormtroopers. Their weapons were drawn at Kanan and Ezra.
"Surrender rebels and remember Vader needs Ezra alive." Captain Thomson replied.
Ezra heard his name and turned to Kanan and said, "What does This Vader want with me."
"I don't know." Kanan looked back at Ezra.
Kanan turned his attention at the contact and said, "How could you do this and want do you want with Ezra?"
"They paid me well. What can I say I'm a smuggler at heart? The Arrangement I have with the empire pays me well. As for Vader's interest in the boy that isn't my concern." The Contact replied.
Ezra had a worried look on his face and 5 Stormtroopers coming towards them. More Stormtroopers were on the way. They start surrounding them and begin pointing their weapons at Kanan and Ezra.
Kanan looked at Ezra then back at the troopers and said, "Well this is a problem."
Ezra pulled out his communicator and said, "Spectre 2, we've run into trouble."
"Do you need help?" Hera asked.
Kanan pulled out his lightsaber and communicator and said, "Negative Spectre 2. Meet us on top of the Jedi temple in 5 minutes."
Kanan kills a few Stormtroopers and Ezra blasted some of the enemies standing in their way. They both run and escape their captures. He knows that Vader is in orbit. He could sense a presence of someone dark.
Ezra, who was in front of him, wondered what the plan was to escape and make it back to the ghost.
Kanan shouted and said, "I want you to run to the right and I'll go left and we'll meet up at the Jedi temple."
"I think we should stick together Kanan." Ezra replied.
Kanan stopped to catch his breath and said, "T... There's no time to argue. Go!"
"I will, but remember we're a family Kanan. No matter what happens family is all we have. Ezra replied.
Ezra turned in the opposite direction then back at Kanan, giving him a fake smile then turned and started running. Kanan ran the opposite direction and had 5 troopers following him. He headed to the Jedi temple. In the shadows, a person continued to follow Ezra, keeping an eye on him. 5 other troopers followed him. When they had landed, Ezra thought he saw someone watching him.
He just shook it off and made it to an intersection that had 2 directions to choose from. Looking at both direction and began panicking with fear in his eyes. Ezra looked back and could see the Stormtroopers heading towards him.
A sound of someone landed to the ground could be heard coming behind him. A female voice was heard coming in that direction. He turned to face the voice and saw a woman standing next to him. He wondered how long she was standing there.
The person walked past him and bent down to place an explosive charge, not far from where he stood. Ezra could see two Jedi lightsabers on her side. Ahsoka stood up and walked next to him and said, "This way."
"Alright." Ezra replied with a cautious tone in his voice.
Ahsoka saw how nervous he was and kept her distance. She noticed that he was looking at her lightsabers.
"I know what you're thinking Ezra and yes I'm a Jedi." Ahsoka replied.
Ezra was shocked by how she knew his name. He looked at her and said, "How do you know me, yet we never met."
"My name is Ahsoka Tano, a Jedi. But you know me as Fulcrum. I've been helping you guys for a long time." Ahsoka replied.
Ezra looked at her and remembered the stories told about the day the Jedi were killed. He looked at her and said, "I thought all the Jedi were killed."
"There were survivors like me, but I survived because I left the order and lived here without anyone knowing until the dark times began." Ahsoka replied.
"Why show yourself now?" Ezra asked.
Ahsoka saw the troopers running towards them and said, "Because you were in danger. I know you have more questions, but right now isn't the best time.
Captain Thomson saw them and said, "There he is."
"Who's the woman with him?" The trooper next to him asked.
They run towards them, Ezra sees them coming towards them. Looking at Ahsoka and followed her. She pulled out a trigger and waited for the troopers to hit the mark. She sees them and pushes the button. It exploded and kills them instantly. They head to a dead end and Ezra looked at Ahsoka and said, "You lead us to a dead end."
"Not everything is what it seems." Ahsoka replied and touched a button attached to the wall.
The wall that was in front of them lifted and she went through. He followed her and it closed behind them. Ezra was shocked to see a secret door. He looked at her and said, "Where are we?"
They walked down the passageway to an elevator and Ashoka pressed the down button and said, "Welcome to one of many rebel bases."
"Whoa. Are you saying that your apart of the rebel alliance?" Ezra asked.
"I'm one of the founding members. I'd like to know why Vader has an interest with you." Ashoka asked.
"I have no idea why he's interested in me." Ezra replied.
Back at the Jedi temple, Kanan arrived with Stormtroopers not far behind. He saw the ghost in the sky. The docking bay was opened and he could see Sabine and Zeb with guns in their hands. Hera shouted from the cockpit "Do you see them."
"We only see Kanan and he has troopers behind him." Sabine replied.
Zeb looked at Sabine and said, "I wonder where the kid is?"
"Don't like this. I'm worried that something bad will happen." Sabine replied.
Hera opened communication and said, "Spectre 6 come in."
Nothing but static could be heard. Hera sighed and moved in closer. Kanan jumped towards the docking bay. Zeb catches him and pulled him up.
Sabine fired at the troopers and could see some tie fighters heading there way. She turned and said, "Hera we have company."
They close the docking bay and head inside. Hera flies the ghost back in orbit as tie fighters are behind them firing their weapons. A star destroyer moves to block there escape. Hera sees the ship and does evasive maneuvers to avoid. She placed the ship into light speed. Agent Kallus was standing at the Jedi temple. He continued to look up and knew the ghost had left the orbit of Corcusant He opened his communicator and said, "We lost them. Lord Vader."
"Acknowledged." Communication's officer replied.
Darth Vader was standing above them and heard what Agent Kallus said. He looked at the Admiral who was standing next to him and choke forcing him to death. Grabbing his throat he falls to the ground and dies. Vader turned to the guy standing there and said, "You failed me for the last time. From this moment on Agent Kallus will be in command and take orders from me."
Please review and fav and tune in for the next exciting chapter. Let me know what you all think, suggestions are welcome.