HI, I'M ALIVE! In the previous page I forgot to have Baba introduce himself as Mitsunari Baba after saying he was Lupin as well as the bidders introducing their last name (apart from Eisuke) but forgot to add that, so lets just assume they did xD

I'm not intending to re-write Voltage's story, I just want to use the first few parts and add my own things to kick off the story so don't expect everything to be the same (I also can't remember specifically what happened anymore in the first main routes).

Apologies if the story is taking too long for you guys.

He brought me up to his room in the penthouse and simply sat me down onto a chair before turning his head to the direction of the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower." Was all he said before disappearing behind the large doors. Shrugging, I leaned back onto the backrest and thought about everything from earlier.

"You will now be transferred to work in the penthouse. You will also tend to our needs, whether it's food, drinks and/or a mission."

"Yes. Soryu is second-in command in the Hong Kong mafia the Ice Dragons, Father over there works as an inspector for the local police, but can come off as an extreme lazy ass."

"and I am the infamous thief Lupin."

"Tonight, you stay with Soryu. He's going to need your help for the next few weeks."

With my feet on the ground I rested my elbows to my thighs and covered my eyes with my hands, rubbing at my face in slight frustration. What did I get into.. Though in my distressed state I begin to think about Baba, how he momentarily saved our town- oh how wonderful it was to know at least one man in the group, but damn.. How could I be so emotional? I remembered to how I reacted upon seeing him again.

As soon as the door to the bathroom clicked I snapped out of my trance and sat back up on the chair, looking to the entrance to see the raven black-haired man walk out with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair now hugging his face. For a moment he looked to me before simply turning his attention away and quietly walking across his room to a closet that held his belongings. "I trust you will not mention anything to anyone about this whole thing."

"Yes." Was all I said.

With his clothes in hand, he turned around, expressionless as always and nodded, "Good. You may report to work as per usual; I don't need anything from you yet until the day after tomorrow. From then you will clean up at the Penthouse before coming with me to the mafia headquarters."

I huffed lightly and nodded to him, watching him enter his bedroom with another hand on the door. His head facing his shoulder with the corner of his eye on me, "You may return to your staff dormitory." With that he turned his head back around and closed the door.

No P.O.V

As soon as Vinnie arrived to her room she simply flopped onto the bed and landed quietly. Her heroic demeanor now dented with worry- her unsurety getting the best of her. Though mentally kicking herself in the ass and telling herself to get a grip, she fell asleep still concerned of what would happen from here on out.

No P.O.V

It was the morning of the next day and the sun was shining through the hotel particularly brighter, contrasting the insecurity Vinnie currently held. As soon as she woke up, last night's images played through her head from when she got out of bed to pressing a button on the elevator along with the key she and other particular people held. On her way up she would have her elbows rest on a railing that was attached to the curved window, leaning her weight on it as she looked out to the rest of the city. She wasn't feeling depressed but rather unsure of where her life was heading, also for the fact that she can't tell anyone else about anything from now on. She lifted off the railing and leisurely walked out the elevator doors along with her cleaning cart as they opened to reveal the large doors that sealed the penthouse. With her small hand grasping the doorknob she unlocked the door and opened to see the bidders having a small conversation amongst each other, lazily sitting on the couches.

"Good morning, pretty lady!" Baba was the first to notice her presence and feeling slightly happier by his giddy self, she returned the greeting with a smile and bowed her head.

Vinnie leaned her head back with a raised brow of confusion, 'Lupin and Baba.. it's like a split personality- completely different to each other. Is this really Lupin?' before shaking her head, "Morning, Baba. Mr. Ichinomiya, Oh, Kisaki, Kishi." She gave a low bow to them before pulling in the cart which held the cleaning supplies she needed. As she pushed the cart to the right side of the room she saw the bidders give a small nod to acknowledge my presence before she was interrupted with a light grunt.

"Coffee." Was all Eisuke simply asked from where he sat and Vinnie gave a small nod.

"How would you like it?" She patted her hands down her skirt and turned to face him with her head slightly tilted.

"Make it how you would and I'll tell you if I like it or not."

She gave a curt nod before turning around and walking into the kitchen where fresh coffee beans and a grinder were already in place. As she walked further into the kitchen the bidders' voices became slightly quieter to the point where she couldn't hear what they were saying, though she shrugged and went to fixing up Eisuke's coffee.

Bidders' P.O.V

"- Just incase we need it, I've hooked up Vinnie's pager with a tracking device you all can see from your phone." Eisuke stated with his legs crossed and his back resting against the couch.

"Wow, talk about stalking your maid, Eisuke." Ota chuckled with a grin while he pushed back a strand of his hair behind his ear.

"It's just incase she decides to run away, which I doubt." He smirked and crossed his arms with his head turned to the side ever so slightly, his confidence apparent as usual. "Also for safety reasons; she is going to be working with Sor and Baba quite soon."

The men around a small coffee table nodded in agreement and took out their phones, double-checking Eisuke's planted tracker worked. While their heads were down, Soryu's sharp senses heard the click of Eisuke's coffee maker, indicating Vinnie was done. As soon as her tiny footsteps were heard, he tapped his foot to the leg of the table- a quiet screech which signaled the other bidders to put their phones away and resume leisurely talking about whatever had happened in the past week.

No P.O.V

Vinnie soon arrived with Eisuke's coffee in hand, placing it gently on the table and standing beside him to see if there were any complaints, "Here you go, Mr. Ichinomiya."

Eisuke gave a small smirk and a nod before he un-crossed his legs, sitting forward and taking the cup into his hands and taking a sip. The others, interested in his review, hushed down and turned their attention to him. To their surprise, as well as Eisuke and Vinnie, Eisuke's eyes widened quite a bit as he straightened his back and turned to look at Vinnie, "This.. is quite good."

Everyone's faces in the room now turned into something dumbfounded. "Well look at that- Eisuke has finally found a good cup of coffee." Mamoru smirked in the back.

Soryu gave a small clap, half-impressed, "Congratulations. You are the first person to ever make a cup of coffee that Eisuke actually likes."

Vinnie looked to Mamoru, to Soryu then to Eisuke in surprise before clearing her throat and bowing, "I'm glad you enjoyed my cup of coffee. If you'll excuse me, I'll get back to work."

She turned back and headed to her cart but before long she heard, "Make me a cup of coffee like this every morning."

It was nearing noon as Vinnie nearly finished up cleaning the main room of the penthouse, but had yet to finish cleaning the Bidders' room. With a huff she parked her cart at the staircase and took only the few essentials she needed before heading upstairs. As soon as the door to Eisuke's suite shut, Mamoru scoffed slightly, though looking to his glass of water and simply inspecting it, "She hasn't been the same since the auction. I thought her hefty demeanor would continue on for a few more days."

Soryu nodded and stood up, patting down his suit jacket, "I agree. She was very bold and I was taken aback especially when I shot at her, but in due time it will come back."

"I for one am very excited." Ota piped up with his devilish grin, "A little pet to do and say as we please."

"Kids.." Mamoru tsked and gulped down his water before standing up as well.

"Hm.. I'm getting hungry, shall we order some food?" Baba, completely out of context, asked happily with his fingers to his chin. The bidders gathered round simply shrugged and nodded.

Finishing up their orders, Vinnie upstairs continued on with her work though her mind was blank. Her hands fluffed each pillow before a breath of sigh escaped her mouth, falling to her knees for just a moment. Refusing to admit it, she was indeed a little bit scared. Unsure of what will happen and so on. C'mon Vinnie. Why are you so goddamn emotional over this? She mentally slapped herself across the face and grunted, her hands reaching up and holding her head. You've handled harder. Don't be so scared. Disconnect from your emotions, distance yourself. She growled for a moment and stood up, shaking her head and fixing her hair as well as her clothes. Nothing bad has happened so far. You're fine. With her words repeating in her mind, she felt herself work slightly faster through the rooms, now feeling slightly more comforted by herself.

By the time she was finished cleaning the rooms, she headed outside before her nose was greeted with the scent of delicious food. Without realising it herself, she was hungry and had forgotten to eat anything since yesterday breakfast. When she packed her stuff into her cart, the bidders turned their attention to the seemingly loud grumble of her stomach. She scowled to herself though a chuckle would be heard in the background, emitted from Baba and Ota, "Someone's hungry."

"Mr. Ichinomiya, I've finished cleaning all the rooms." She abruptly said. Her face blushed a little though she chose to ignore Ota's comment and push her cart to the entrance.

"Lavinia. When was your last meal?" Soryu placed his utensils down and looked to her direction.

Embarrassed, she kept her back to the men and responded quietly, "Yesterday.."

"Yesterday, when?"

"Yesterday morning."

Soryu briefly looked to Eisuke before back down to his food with his utensils in his hands again, taking a bite of his food. Eisuke would sigh a little before instructing, "Take a break and make sure you eat plenty before returning back to work. I don't want you fainting in my hotel."

"Yes, Mr. Ichinomiya."

Vinnie P.O.V

I stood in line with my stomach growling horribly. My face flushed red as I placed an arm over my stomach, waiting to get my food. After thanking the cashier, I took my food and nearly turned around before I heard that godawful voice.

"How did you get promoted to clean the Penthouse and get to spend time with Mr. Ichinomiya and the others?!"

Bidders' P.O.V

The 5 men crowded around Eisuke's laptop to look at several cameras- spying on Vinnie after Baba had cheekily suggested, though now surprised at the footage presented before them. The camera being able to record activity at such a definition as well as record it's audio in the room.

Vinnie P.O.V

With my hands on the tray, I bowed my head down in a deep sigh before hearing an echo from the twins who seem to always be by her side. Taking none of it, I turned around and walked towards a table, however was stopped as a hand bunched up my hair and yanked me back. With a painful yell, I missed my footing and fell onto my back, my meal now splattered on the ground. Angrily, I immediately rolled onto my stomach and jumped up to see strands of my hair in Erika's hand, "What the fuck is your problem?!" I glared daggers at her, though I could feel how damp and messy my uniform was now, cursing her under my breath.

"You're my problem!"

The cafeteria was now filled with hushed voices speaking quietly around the two. Some wanting to run from the scene and others wanting to see what happens.

Bidders' P.O.V

Eisuke and Ota gave a disgusted look to Erika through the screen while the others had their arms crossed, watching quietly. "I'm going to head down there in a moment." Eisuke spoke though never turned his eyes from the screen.

"In a moment? Why not now?" Ota asked.

"I want to see if she can handle this."

Vinnie's P.O.V

Wanting nothing more than to punch her in the face, I clenched my fist but before I raised it I simply turned around and picked up the food that was now wasted on the floor. Before I was able to clean up my mess, I felt a sudden chilly spike to my head which turned out to be dunked ice cold water. Having enough of her child-like behaviour, I shot up and drove my elbow into the underside of her jaw, knocking her back and turning around with my hair that's now wet. Overwhelmed with anger, I was unable to speak but towered over a wincing Erika with my teeth gritted and eyes narrowed.

"Erika!" The twins yelled from the side as they ran over to her, however as I turned my eyes to them in an intense glare, they immediately stopped and shook in fear.

Wanting nothing more to do with them, I turned around and was about to march out before noticing a man much taller than me, him turning out to be the famous Eisuke Ichinomiya.

"What's going on here?"

"I-it's her, Mr. Ichinomiya!" Erika yelled. Turning around, I raised an agitated brow in her direction.

"Is that so?"

I looked up to him with my glare still present and simply walked past without saying a word. "Lavinia, you come up to the penthouse. As for you, Erika." He gave her a sharp look, much sharper than mine, "Go home and return next week. I don't like having liars in my hotel."

"B-but.. Why are you on her side?!" She shrieked and stood up.

Already at the door, I had my hand gripping the handle as I heard her question.

No P.O.V

Eisuke crossed his arms and raised a brow, "Are you questioning me?"

Erika, immediately shaking her head but still quite angry, suddenly dashed forward to Vinnie with her hands forward but before Eisuke could react, Vinnie launched forward and sent a fist straight, square to her face, knocking her back onto her ass. With a huff, Vinnie turned back around and walked out the door and up the elevator to the Penthouse with Eisuke following form behind.

Their journey was silent but not awkward- Eisuke every now and then glanced down to Vinnie's balled fists that she still clenched, however through every floor he would see her hands slowly relaxing each time. As they arrived to the penthouse, all the Bidders were sat in the couches once again, turning their attention to the damp Vinnie and stiff Eisuke.

"I take it you all know already what happened?" Vinnie asked curtly with a raised brow. The men simply nodded as she sighed, suddenly feeling dizzy. Slowly closing her eyes, she massaged the bridge of her nose and wavered on her feet.


Before she could reply, she swayed some more and dropped. Before she could hit the ground however, Eisuke grabbed a hold of her arms and picked her up in a bridal style, tsking in annoyance at how the liquid from her clothes slightly soaked his suit.

I apologise for the amount of P.O.V switches and any spelling or grammar mistakes present in the current page- this was typed in one sitting x-x.