A/N: Ok.........I think you've seen it enough to know that I don't own Harry Potter, and if you want to see one of my many disclaimers, just check one of my other chapters or my other Harry Potter story: The Christikon Way. I'm tired of posting that I don't own Harry Potter, and I'm fairly sure that 11 times in this story and the 5 or 6 times in my other story are plenty. Sound good? No? Well, tough nuggies. Now, on with the story! Just to let you all know, I'm starting this on May 22.........and I'm sorry if I still don't get it up for another month.

Chapter Twelve

The Storm

(Hermione's P.O.V.)

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Be-"


'I hate that alarm clock.

'I don't know why I set it every day.

'I mean, ten o'clock is much too early to get up when you're on vacation.'

I opened one eye lazily and looked at the green numbers on the digital clock and groaned.

'Yup.........definitely too early.'

"I'd get up if I were you." I heard someone say. I just groaned and rolled over onto my stomach.

I heard a little laugh and then the same voice say, "Suit yourself."

I then heard someone run up the stairs laughing, the steps pounding with every step they took.

I took no notice of that. I was determined to get back to the land where people can die and then come back to life. As a matter of fact, I had just had a dream about being shot and then buried, and then getting out of the coffin good as new. Creepy, huh? Yea.........that's what I thought. But, it was cool nonetheless.

I rolled over again, and then, the next thing I knew, someone had ran right into my room, turned my radio on as high as it could go, set my alarm off again, and turned a blender that they had plugged on. Now, with all of that noise, I shot up out of my dream world, all thoughts of sleep disappearing from my mind. I looked around the room and saw Malfoy leaning against my doorframe, covering his ears and holding back a laugh.

I just glared at him and got out of bed, grabbing my clothes and going into the guest bathroom to take a shower.

After about twenty minutes in the bathroom showering and getting ready for the day, I stepped out into the hallway to a silent house.

"That's strange. Usually Malfoy's making a ton of noise by this time of day........." I said to myself as I walked to my room to put my stuff away. I stepped into my room to find Malfoy lying on MY bed reading MY book and listening to MY music with MY Discman.

'Well. That explains the piercing silence.' I thought to myself.

By the look on Malfoy's face, he was clearly concentrating so closely on my book and music that he hadn't noticed me enter the room.

I tiptoed along the edge of his circle of vision and got to the side of the bed just out of his sight if he were looking out of the corner of his eye. I then positioned on of my hands right above the curve of the headphones and the other right above his shoulder. Then in two swift movements, I pulled the headphones off his head, shook his shoulder, and yelled "Boo!"

Next thing I knew I was lying face down on the bed with one arm twisted behind my back and Malfoy breathing heavily.

"Gees, Malfoy! Can't you take a joke?" I asked, my voice muffled by the comforter on my bed.

"Oh. It's you." He said, releasing my arm and walking over to the desk chair.

I sat up and dusted myself off. "What was that all about, Malfoy?" I asked casually, pulling my legs up onto the bed and sitting criss-cross- applesauce.

"Reflex," he grunted, staring at the ground.

"Hm.........that's a pretty odd reflex. But, whatever. I don't think you'd tell me anything about it even if I asked, so I'm not going to." I said, getting up and leaving the room.

Malfoy got up and followed me out of the room. I walked down to the kitchen and grabbed myself some oranges and an apple. I brought them out into the den and turned to my favorite station on the tube and started peeling my orange.

Malfoy joined me moments later.

"So.........how are things in the land of Malfoy?" I asked lazily, making small talk as I tried to peel my orange into one long piece.

"They are." He said, watching some interior design show on the station I had turned to.

"Care to elaborate?" I asked, finishing peeling my orange and starting to break apart the sections.

"No. Not really." He said, grabbing the remote control to the T.V. and changing the channel.

"Hey! I was watching that!" I said, trying to grab the remote form him. This accomplished little more than getting the remote very sticky with the orange juice on my fingers.

After many futile attempts of trying to get the remote back, I just gave up and went back to eating my breakfast.

By lunch time (which was around 3:30) Malfoy was complaining about being bored.

"Herrrrrrr-miiiiiii-ooooooo-neeeeeeeee!" he whined.

"What?" I grunted form my comfortable position on the couch.

"I'm bored."

"Good for you." I said, closing my eyes, feeling like having a good nap.

"But Herrrrrrr-miiiiiii-ooooooo-neeeeeeeee! I wanna DO something!" He whined again.

"Didn't your parents teach you what NWA stands for?" I asked tiredly.

"No." He said.

"It means NO WHINING ALLOWED!!" I said, my eyes still closed.

"Oh." He said simply. He was silent for a moment, and I thought he had actually decided to give up on bothering me. I guess I thought too soon. "Herrrrrrr-miiiiiii-ooooooo-neeeeeeeee!" He whined, yet again.

I groaned.

"You have got to be the most annoying person on the face of this earth!" I said, opening my eyes and sitting up.

"Why thank you. I do not believe in striving for mediocrity. So, naturally, I excel at what I do." He said matter-of-factly.

"Good for you. Do you want a cookie for that?" I asked sarcastically.

"Ooh! SUGAR!!!" he exclaimed.

I just rolled my eyes at this statement.

"And how old are you again?" I asked.

"Sixteen and seven eighths." He said, smiling.



"Really really?"

"Really really."

"Hm.........that's interesting. I was thinking you were somewhere between four and five." I said.

"Hm.........you know.........you could be right. I could be four and nine tenths........." He got a thoughtful look on his face and started to stroke his chin.

"I wouldn't be surprised........." I said, tuning back into the television.

I enjoyed the peaceful silence where I could bond with the television for a few minutes before I heard that same annoying noise, "Herrrrrrr-miiiiiii- ooooooo-neeeeeeeee!"

How can one person be so annoying?

I looked at the pillow I was leaning against for a moment before looking at him.

Then, I grabbed the pillow and rammed it into his face.

He glared childishly at me for a second, and then hit me with the pillow he was leaning against.

Needless to say, I never turn down a challenge. So, in a few moments we had a full blown pillow fight.

We had a lot of whacking heads and hitting arms, along with a few blocks of a hit.

After a few minutes of that, Malfoy got this look on his face that basically said, "Ha ha! You're so dead because I have the best plan on the face of the Earth!"

And he grabbed three other pillows so that there weren't any left and started hitting me.

Well, it looked as though if I continued any further, I would pretty much be committing suicide, so I grabbed a tissue from the Kleenex box next to me and waved it over my head.

"I surrender!" I said, dropping my pillow in defeat.

"Haha! I knew you would!" He said, collapsing onto the couch, smiling slightly. (and when I say slightly, I mean you wouldn't even be able to see it if you weren't looking hard.........not that I was or anything.........)

I collapsed next to him seconds later, still waving my Kleenex in the air, also smiling slightly. (only you could see it without looking hard.)

I looked out the window and saw that it was really snowing hard outside.

"Wow.........looks like it'll be a nightmare for my parents and our aunts to get home tonight.

Malfoy looked out the window, too and saw how heavily the snow was falling. His eyebrows rose for a second before he shrugged.

"Yea. Probably. They'll get through it, though." He said nonchalantly.

WE sat around in silence for another hour, laughing every once in a while at the tube, when a weather watch warning came on the screen.

There was a long beep coming from the T.V. as the blue screen had an announcement marquee scrolling across the red stripe in the middle of the screen.

I read it aloud to myself as the words moved along and the long beep continued.

"A severe snowstorm warning as been called for the following county(s): Carbon County." I read to myself.

I looked out the window again and saw that it was nearly a white-out.

"Uh.........Malfoy?" I asked the boy next to me. I looked at him and saw that he was sleeping. How he could sleep when there was a huge beeping coming from the tube at the time was beyond me.

I looked at him one last time, and then walked to the window. I sat in the window seat and looked through the heavily falling snow at where I knew the mountain was. I couldn't see it through the snow, but I knew it was there, and it was getting just as much, if not more, snow as we were down here.

I sat there for a while, listening to Malfoy's breathing and the T.V. talking in the back round. In such a cold and piercing silence, I got this ominous feeling that I wouldn't like how this evening turned out.

I took one last look out the window, got up, covered Malfoy with a blanket, turned off the T.V., and went upstairs to read and listen to some music.