Disclaimer: Guess what! I OWN HARRY POTTER!!!! *slap* Ok, ok. I don't. But I wish I did.

Hi! I'm Detri! I just wanted to say that I'm kinda new at this, so if I'm doing something wrong, tell me!


The Ski Trip


Chapter One


The Surprise Trip


"Hermione!" Marilyn Granger called to her daughter. Hermione turned to find her mother calling her name. She quickly walked over to her and gave her a hug, trunk in tow.

"Hi, Mum. Why did you want me to come home for Christmas? I mean, I havn't been home since first year! (A/N: correct me if I'm wrong.)" Hermione asked, pulling away from her mother.

"Well," Marilyn said, walking to the car, "I wanted my little girl home for Christmas because we're.we're going to go to visit your aunt this Christmas."

Hermione wasn't a little girl, like her mother had said, but was a 6th year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She was best friends with the famous Harry Potter and the mischievous Ron Weasley, who had taken after his brothers, Fred and George, when they had left at the end of his fifth year. She had smooth shoulder length brown hair with blonde and red highlights. She was 5'9 and only a few inches than the tall Harry, 6'1. But she didn't come anywhere near Ron's 6'3. She had beautiful green-gray eyes-well, she didn't really know all of the colors her eyes were, but they were always between green, gray, silver, and blue. She was thin, but not too thin, and didn't need to starve herself to maintain her figure. She had also filled out over the years. Let's just put it this way: She had a few pursuers at Hogwarts, but just a few (So she thought).

"Why? I mean, Aunt Crystalline sees me every summer and she lives in town." Hermione asked.

"Well, Hermione, we're going to visit your Aunt Cheryl. Do you remember her? We" but she was cut off.

"Mum! Dad hates Aunt Cheryl! What did he say about this?" Hermione burst out.

"Actually, I havn't told him. I'm going to tell him tonight. We're leaving tomorrow morning on a 5 o'clock flight to Salt Lake City, Utah. Then we'll board a flight to Billings, Montana. Your aunt will meet us there." Her mom said simply.

"Oh.Well.Good luck breaking it to Dad." Hermione said, putting her trunk in the trunk (A/N: lol). She then hopped into the passenger seat and her mom started the car.

They talked about how school went for a while, until they became silent. Hermione then took out her discman and popped in her Styx cd. They stayed silent for the rest of the trip home (It took 30 min).