Chapter Notes:

My second attempt to write fanfiction here, and since my werewolf AU is slightly different from the usual ones, you probably want to check this out first: Call My Name Werewolf 101. It would help to understand my story better. Aside from this site, I posted my story on archiveofourown (ID: himawarinee) and wattpad (ID: himawarinee). You can also hit me up ontwitter (ID: himawarinee) and tumblr (ID: himawarinee) regarding this story or just for a plain visit.

****WARNING! PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND BEFORE READING! This story is un-beta. English is not my first language and I am aware of my poorly written story with my mistakes on grammars, along with the incoherent sentences, and I intend to leave it that way. I don't have time, and simply too lazy to get a beta reader and rewrite/repost the edited version. If you are the kind of person who don't get to enjoy the book because of writer's grammar mistakes, maybe this story is not for you. Regardless, maybe you could give this story a chance? But, if this story is still not your cup of tea, no matter how you try reading it, please feel free to leave peacefully, thank you! c:

P.S. Extra chapters contains mpreg, not to worry for those non mpreg readers because the extra chapters can be skipped and won't affect the story if you wish so.

Beautiful emerald green eyes were staring at the crystal clear river across him. He seemed so calm and content despite the forming bruises all over his tan body -along with his dishevelled look plus the mop of untamed dark chocolate hair- which make his appearance even worse, as if he's been fighting a bunch of people and lose the fight.

Well, that was partially true. Except, he didn't lose the fight, not exactly. He just finished the fighting practice with some of his friend, so all the bruises and dishevelled look made a complete sense.

But why the fighting practice? Even though he had a little muscle in him, he wasn't an athlete, nor was he a fighter. So, what was he doing with the fighting practice in the first place?

The answer; because he was a werewolf.

Have you ever heard of werewolves? Yes, they did exist and they blend in really well with humans nowadays -because in this modern era, it seems like no human being ever believed in werewolves, they thought it was just a mere fantasy- unlike hundreds of years ago where all the werewolves live in fear, afraid of being killed by the werewolf hunters.

They were living in packs where each of them has their own territory, which took place on every district, all over the world. Unless you are rogues a.k.a. the outcasts, because they didn't belong in any pack, or had left the pack for whatever reasons.

So, as to put all the information together, the boy was a werewolf, and his name was Eren Jaeger.

He practiced on his fighting because that was what a member of the werewolf's pack do, to protect their own pack from everything; another packs, rogues, werewolf hunters -which nowadays almost doesn't exist-, or whatever danger that would come to them.

Eren belonged to the Wild Titan Pack since the day he was born. It wasn't the strongest pack, but Wild Titan Pack had the most members among the other pack all over the world; almost three hundred werewolves belonged in that pack since many years ago, generation through generation.

Eren was nothing special, at least that was what he thought, because he was nothing like Mikasa; his raven haired step-sister who was a delta -the third in command on their pack- whom soon to be a beta -the second in command on their pack-, or even Armin; his blonde haired best friend who was a sigma -the tutors of the pack since he knew so much about each thing-.

Eren was Eren, a 17-year-old late bloomer who haven't shift into his wolf form yet, while the normal age for shifting was around 6-year-old of age to 12-year-old of age max. And all the members of Wild Titan Pack already got their first shift before the maximum age had come, all but Eren.

As if that wasn't enough to make Eren lowered his self-esteem, he found out on Mikasa's eighteenth birthday that she and Armin were mates.

That was the joy of turning eighteen, because not only that age was considered as an adult werewolf, they could also sense the smell of their mate with no mistakes. But too bad, if their mate was far away, it would take longer to find them.

So, imagine how happy Mikasa was when she found her mate right then and there, the second she turned eighteen. And even though Armin hadn't turned eighteen yet, the feeling from Mikasa's wolf went through him. It created sparks and unique smell, not as strong as Mikasa's, but enough to let Armin knew that he found his mate.

Eren ouldn't be happier for the two of them. Someday, he hoped he could finally found his own mate. Whether his mate was going to be a boy or a girl, Eren didn't care. He just wanted to find them soon.

Was his mate older than him and actually looking for him?

Was his mate younger than him and that meant for Eren to find them once he turned eighteen?

Was his mate actually near him or far away from him?

What would his mate look like?

What were things his mate like and dislike?

What would he do when he finally found his mate?

Erenfrowned in a deep thought at the questions. But not too long after, the frown turned into cringed when he felt a pressure on his right arm .

Eren winced and hissed, "God, could you please be gentle?"

"Sorry, Eren. But look here, I finished disinfecting your wounds," Mikasa answered apologetically.

"You know that these wounds would heal by themselves even if you're not disinfecting it, right? Stop treating me like a baby!" Eren protested.

Eren knew that Mikasa's treatment toward him was because of what had happen eight years ago.

Mikasa's parents were killed by three rogues while they were having a vacation near Wild Titan Pack territory. Little Mikasa should've been killed too, but she was smart, she was able to slipped away from one of the rogue's grip and then ran away.

She kept running, uncaring of the disturbing image of her dead parents or the tears that rolled down her cheeks. She was only following her instinct and the adrenaline to run as far as she could from the rogues that were chasing her.

That's how she finally ended up on Wild Titan Pack's territory and met with the 9-year-old Eren who was taking a stroll with his father on the riverside during that day. Eren saw everything, along with his father and the other two pack members who happened to guard the area.

Without a second thought, Eren motioned Mikasa to come to his side. It was a smart move for Mikasa to run toward Eren, but such a bad move for the rogues that were chasing her. The second all three rogues stepped into the Wild Titan Pack's territory, they were killed by the two guards, Eren's father, and also Alpha Hannes along with his Beta who happened to arrive on time to help.

Eren didn't remember much after that time. The last thing he knew was his parent took Mikasa in, with the permission from Alpha Hannes to let Mikasa join their pack, and also from Mikasa's former pack's Alpha to let her join Wild Titan Pack.

The only person Mikasa would respond to after the incident was Eren for at least three months before she started to talk and interact with others. And by then, Mikasa already grew fond of Eren as her little brother and started to act as a protective big sister toward him.

Furthermore, the protectiveness was getting worse by the time Mikasa getting stronger among the pack members. Even when she already had a mate now, she still acted protective with Eren.

How annoying!

Eren who was now pouted childishly at Mikasa, snapped out of it when he heard a loud clapping sound.

"Alright, alright. Should we go home now, guys? It's getting dark and I need to go back home, my grandpa needs me," Armin suggested, breaking the silence.

"Wow, Armin. You could at least be jealous that she's like this towards another guy."

"I don't need to feel jealous, you are not a threat to me," Armin said simply.

Andthat was enough to end their conversation for today. The trio started to walk back to their home in Wild Titan Pack's territory that was located around a small town at Shigansina's district. It was like a neighbourhood filled with werewolves, pretty cool, but kinda isolated from human being don't you think?

They were walking in silence, and five minutes later, they already arrived in front of the Jaeger's household. Also, next to it was Armin's house, where he lived with his grandpa since his parents died from a plane crash fifteen years ago.

'Fate is being cruel to Armin's parents. However, aside from that, fate is being funny when it turned out that your step-sister's mate isn't only your best friend, but also your neighbour on the next door.'

Eren thought was interrupted by Armin's voice, "So, I'll see you guys tomorrow?"

"Okay, bye Armin," Mikasa gave her mate a quick hug before Armin went inside.

Eren looked at Mikasa with sceptical look, "That's it? I thought since you both already marked and mated with each other, you guys would be more... I don't know, clingy?"

"What you want us to do? Eat each other face in front of you?"

"Ew, sister, ew!"

Just when Eren about to give Mikasa another comeback, he heard his mother, Carla, called from the front porch, "Looking good, Eren!" She chuckled at the dishevelled look on her son .

"Gee, thanks, mom. Gonna go shower and head straight to bed, anyway."

"You're not going to eat dinner? I just finished preparing them."

"Sorry, mom. Too tired for dinner, thanks to Mikasa at today's fighting practice," Eren leaned to give his mother a quick peck on the cheek before he came inside the house.

"You're welcome. You know you need it, Eren," Mikasa gave him a look as she took a seat and served the dinner on each plate -minus Eren's-.

Eren rolled his eyes and walked to the stairs. He bumped onto his father who just came out from his office room for dinner, "Oh, hi dad. Good night, dad!"

"Good night?" Eren's father, Grisha, looked at his son in confusion.

"I'm tired from today's practice. I need my beauty sleep. Alrighty, good night, everyone!" Eren blow a few kisses to his parents and his step-sister before he ran to the upstairs.

Grisha looked at Eren funny and then he turned to Mikasa, "I think you hit him too hard, Mikasa." Grisha shook his head in amusement. At that, Mikasa only chuckled, followed by Carla's laugh.

While those three had their dinner, Eren was now getting ready to sleep after he done with his quick shower. He was lying on his soft, fluffy bed and closed his eyes, hoping for a nice sleep to rest his body.

Turned out, all he got from his sleep was a nightmare.

Eren felt like he was just asleep for a few hours, but someone already woke him up in a harsh way and made him growl in annoyance .

Then, he heard them. He heard the heart breaking scream and all the ruckus.

Slowly, his emerald green eyes fluttered open, and what he saw in front of him when he finally opened his eyes, made his heart almost jumped out from its place.

There stood his mother with blood all over her.

"You need to leave, Eren. Now!" His mother dragged him to where Mikasa and Armin stood, outside Eren's room, and he could see Armin brought a small backpack with him.

"What happen? Where's dad?" Eren asked in panic.

"Eren, go now before more of them come here!" Carla pleaded, rushing him toward Mikasa.

"No, mom. Mom! What's going on? Why is dad not here? I need to-"

"Your father is dead!" Carla cut him off and grabbed Eren's shoulder. She looked at her precious son with a serious face, "We are under attack, they are trying to kill us and take over our land! If you're not going with Mikasa and Armin right now, all of us will end up being dead."

"No, no! Our pack is not the strongest, but at least the member of our pack is one of the largest-"

"Eren, please. Oh, for the love of moon!" Carla turned to Mikasa, "Take him, please stay alive. I love you, both of you-" She caressed both Eren and Mikasa's hair and kissed them for the last time. She knew she wouldn't make it when she saw other attackers were approaching the Jaeger's household.

Then, at the last moment, she turned to Armin, "Take care of my daughter, and Eren too, if you could. You're his best friend."

Armin nodded promisingly.

"Go, now. Drag him if you must," Carla looked at Eren for a few seconds before she turned her back.

Eren looked at her in horror. He was struggling, but Mikasa and Armin got a death grip on both of his arm.

"I love you. I'm so, so sorry. Please be alive," That was the last words from Carla before she shifted into her wolf form and ran forward to fight the attackers that were coming into her direction.

"No... Mom. Mom! MOM! MOTHER, NOOOOO!" Eren's eyes went wide in horror as he was screaming at the top of his lung, calling out for his mother. He started to squirm on Mikasa and Armin's grip to help his mother, but to no avail.

Eren felt rage building up on him and started to throw tantrums at them, "How could you? How could you just leave them like this? We could help, we must help them! Stop! Stop now! Stop dragging me!"

"You are the one who need to stop! It's Alpha Hannes' order! Fight if you must, but everyone's first priority is to run and save ourselves from the attackers! And as the third in command, I order you, Eren Jaeger, to listen to me. So stop struggling now!" Mikasa demanded.

"No, fuck you, Mikasa! Fuck you and Armin! We have to-"

At Eren's outburst, Armin cut him off, "I'm so sorry, Eren."


For someone who was weaker than Eren, Armin did a good job to knock Eren out of his anger.

Mikasa seemed satisfied at this. She then turned into her wolf form; a big, black wolf, as Armin jumped on her back and wrapped Eren safely around him, while his hand gripped on Mikasa's soft fur.

It's not like Armin can't shift into his wolf form, but he needed to make sure Eren won't fall from Mikasa's back, since the tan young man was unconscious and, well, he can't shift yet.

Mikasa's wolf form was really, really fast. At this speed, they would definitely make it out alive without being caught by the attackers that trying to take over their land.

What would their fate will be?

Chapter End Notes:

Should I continue? c:

Edit: Beta-ed by Ririlian (twitter ID: ririlian). Thank you for pointing out my grammatical errors! ^^