Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. I don't make any profit from this story. This is fan-fiction.
= Chapter 5 =
Harry Potter had never really cared for most of the magical means of transportation. He was a natural on a broom but floos and portkeys tended to act up with him, or perhaps it was a matter of getting used to their quirks. Although he had listened to the twins talking about how to land after a portkey onto your feet it required practice, and the longer the trip the more disorienting it could get, and only people who had used them several times already stood much of a chance to land with dignity.
So it was not exactly unexpected that Harry Potter's arrival after a 2 hour port-key trip was a smashing failure, slamming to the ground on his side and barreling on until he hit a wall. A painful groan rose from his lips as he slowly opened his eyes, finding himself in a white-walled room with circular design, the middle of which housed what seemed like a large dartboard, with a central target and zones around it.
At least there didn't appear to be anyone there to see his ungraceful landing. Trying to stagger up to his feet, he noted the room had either a ceiling spelled to look like the open skies, or it actually had an open sky to it. Given it appeared to be raining at the time but none of the water was falling into the room itself, he was inclined to think it was the first option. Then again, magic made a lot of things possible.
"Ahh, Mr. Potter, correct? I thank you for being prompt with your arrival, while we do understand delays happen it is always more respectful to act swiftly," a voice stated in a slightly amused though official manner. Harry rubbed his head a bit embarrassed figuring that perhaps his tumbling had actually been witnessed by someone after all.
Standing there was a man in a simple white shirt with dress pants on and fine shoes, wearing a name badge marking him as an employee of the DoMA-T, or Department of Magical Affairs, Travel section. Local customs, he figured. Still, the man was smiling and while he was holding a clipboard, he did not seem stuffy or a stuck up prick.
"Yes, I'm Harry James Potter. I got my portkey here and I have my papers in my trunk which is shrunk in my pocket at the moment. May I draw my wand to return it to its full size to retrieve them?" He figured being polite and checking first was the best way to go about this. The man might not seem stuffy and strict with rules but he did not want to give them a reason to change that.
Despite how dizzy and sore he was left from the trip over the Atlantic, he was also amazed that a portkey could cross that distance in two hours compared to seven or eight hours by an airplane. Of course the fact remained that an airplane would not have made him feel as uneasy as that spinning around did. He was pretty sure that he could not eat anything for a few hours until his stomach had settled from that spin.
Nevertheless, the paperwork was started and Harry Potter faced the reality that he would never want to become an Auror, or any other ministry official. The sheer amount of paperwork, in triplicate in some cases, was staggering and he was here with most of his papers pre-filled and his identity confirmed by the goblins. It still took another two hours for him to finish up with the sheets of paper he was handed along with a pen. Thankfully it was not all in parchment and quills, he had inquired on it on the side and learned that traditionalists still liked them, but they were far too visible and clumsy for everyday use.
He was grateful for that at least. He could understand wanting to put a bit more time and effort in crafting invitations or writing a formal letter to someone with parchment and quill, but for paperwork that would have been murder, especially with accidental inkblots all over the dry parchment. It would not have been the endless fights with dark wizards as an Auror that would have gotten to him, it was the paperwork.
Finally he was done, with his wrist aching a little but the officials satisfied, and his papers returned to him along with a few new things. A map of the Magical Districts in the United States, an ID card that he was to present to police if he ever got arrested for anything and needed the Department of Magical Affairs to step in, and a thin booklet about important things for a newcomer to keep in mind in the United States both on the magical and non-magical sides.
"Very well Mr. Potter, let me be the first to welcome you to our fair Nation. Your request for sanctuary has been granted and verified, your identity is now confirmed, and you are free to set off. I would advise you to take the time to study your new guide a bit however, and start off on the magical side while getting used to things. You can exchange some galleons, sickles and knuts into the non-magical currency at the automated teller by the exit if you need to." The man smiled while escorting Harry to a lobby from where he could walk out to the streets and just join the masses, practically anonymous here for the time being.
However, he saw a couple of other arrivals, some of them in robes, some of them dressed in a non-magical fashion, studying similar guidebooks or pamphlets, some of them seeming to be smiling in amusement, while others looked more than a little outraged. Wondering what could spark such a reaction, Harry decided to take a moment to sit down and at least flip through the contents.
The guidebook proved to be enchanted with a lot more pages than it seemed to have on the outside, quickly convincing him it would be a bad idea to try and read it all here on the spot. He should study it over a few days time, to not get overwhelmed probably, but a few things stood out just looking at the chapter names.
While the non-magical battle between the native Americans and the newly arrived colonists ended up with the native Americans retreating to reservations, the magical side of the conflict was far more one sided. To put it simply, the British magical folks were trashed, trounced, and in some cases, scalped and slain. The native magical folk had proven their might, and even hidden large sections of the land away from the new arrivals, much larger than the sections of land hidden around Britain from the looks of it.
Still, they had recognized how things were going and the fact that a lone magical could not do much against countless men brandishing strong weapons. Shield charms only held so much at once, and many non-magical weapons vastly outranged a wand, staff or other such foci. Not to mention many of the native magical practiced ritualistic magic that took some time to work together, but had far more long-lasting effects.
Nonetheless, it seemed that pureblood idealism had never really got rooted into the States at that time. Later on with the end of the civil war, a number of Europeans had brought with them the same beliefs that others had fled away from, muggle-born and half-bloods in particular, or first-born and spirit-touched. The purebloods, or spirit-born as they seemed to be referred to by the native magical folk in most cases, were just as respected as the others, the status merely implied whether or not the spirits had touched or embraced their family before, gifting them with magic according to their teachings.
Nevertheless, it seemed that during the rise of bigots in the non-magical side in the form of the Klux Klux Clan the pureblood bigots had tried to stage a coup on the magical side. The end result had seen many of them killed. Unlike Dumbledore's second chances speeches and stunners, the native magical folk treated any such aggressors like a hostile tribe. If it came down to it, they were more than willing to put down such hate-mongers, though they tended to leave children alive with their mothers if they were not already tainted by the same hatred. What happened if they were was left unmentioned, he noted with a chill.
Eventually the pureblood movement accepted the way things were here, and began calling themselves traditionalists, following some of the old ways but without the same bigotry, merely trying to maintain that some magical families had gathered more secrets and lore than the first-born could even think of during their early introduction to the magical side of the world.
The next thing that there was no official statute of secrecy. Wizards and Witches were expected to be careful about using magic in public, but it was only to a reasonable degree. Thankfully the amount of superheroes acting in the open in the country seemed to leave them willing to accept that some people might have a little ability or two, but preferred to live a rather normal life if they could. Of course, in some cases it might require contacting the Department of Magical Affairs to help remove evidence of an event that had taken place, but for most part it was a semi-open secret. Magical folk didn't flaunt their abilities and in turn they got mostly left in peace, being citizens like any other.
Harry found himself perusing through a number of pages before realizing his stomach had finally settled and began to growl for some food, reminding him that he needed to secure his lodgings for the next few days before the transfer was completed. Then he could consider going house-hunting. Nevertheless, he needed some dollars to get by in the muggle, or non-magical side as he found himself starting to prefer calling it, and made his way to the automated teller the official had mentioned. Quite useful, he thought to himself while exchanging a handful of galleons to dollars, finding himself a bit puzzled about how to carry it without a proper wallet before he found himself visiting a nearby shop for a simple money clip.
Taking a cab was a new experience to him but the guide book made it seem an everyday occurrence here. The price wasn't too bad either. He handed it as well as a small tip as advised by the guidebook at the end of the journey, having found the address in the guidebook easily enough.
A small seemingly unnoticeable cafe with a few clients outside and a few more inside, it did not seem out of place other than how peacefully quiet it was compared to the hectic state of the rest of the city. Harry merely walked on forth to the counter, casting a look at the somewhat older man with a thick moustache and a friendly smile. "Welcome, passing through or stopping for a moment?" The man gestured at the coffee pots and even a few pots holding hot tea in them it seemed, as well as the confections on display.
Reminded of his stomach's grumblings earlier, Harry offered a polite smile in return. "Stopping by for a moment, then passing. Could I have a cinnamon bun, some tea, and if you have any, a slice of treacle tart?" He looked around without finding his favorite treat on immediate display, but given the shelving the man had for different confections he didn't think it impossible, especially given the presence of tea in addition to the more American choice of coffee.
"You are in luck, I have a few other customers originating from the old country so I stock up." The man smiled in a jovial manner while quickly moving to gather Harry's order together, setting them down onto a small wooden tray. "Right, anything else, and will it be cash or credit?" He inquired once again in an amused manner, while Harry blinked at the time, looking up the sum in the register. All in American dollars.
"Cash, and no that will be all. Thank you." Harry smiled while handing over a couple of small bills, before telling the man to keep the change. He didn't want to mix the non-magical coins with magical ones, he really needed to take some time to get a proper wallet here soon rather than relying on the money bag. "Do a lot of stores even on the magical side use dollars instead of galleons here?" He inquired a bit curiously as he was about to leave.
"Well the magical districts display both prices, and it costs more or less the same in either currency. This shop is semi-public so I can't list prices in galleons though I do accept them just the same, but the charms don't deter all non-magical folk. Though you learn to tell easily enough here." He smiled in a joking manner, though it seemed like their conversation didn't carry over to anyone else in the room, or if it did nobody paid it any attention.
Nonetheless, Harry sat down for a quick meal and then it was time to head off to the magical district. Visit to Gringotts was on his agenda, and then he'd have to look for a place for the next couple of days, as well as do his shopping here. He was looking forward to it though, it was like a heavy weight had been lifted from his shoulders once he had finally arrived.
The rest of the day saw him trying to get settled in and finding himself a bit puzzled, and a bit embarrassed as well as a few people noticed him looking around in wonder and chuckling or smiling slightly, while he heard one woman in a rather attractive summer dress whisper 'tourist' to the little girl at her side at her puzzled look and whispered question probably about Harry.
He had not let it discourage him though, taking in the sights and having confirmed at Gringotts New York branch in a quick order that he had arrived safely and was looking forward to exploring the States, he had then proceeded to look for a good place to stay for the next couple of days while reading, wandering around touring the magical district, and getting a little more settled in.
He spent most of the same evening reading inside his room at the local hotel, having rented a room for himself for the next three days time, and going over the few books he had laid his hands on during his initial shopping during the touring. Just looking at the potions books made him wish he had those at hand during the first year. Explanations to why a potion was stirred a particular way and why so and so many turns would work while one too few or too many might not, and why the different ways of cutting, slicing, grinding or crushing different ingredients was important, as well as the qualities of different kinds of cauldrons as well as glass vials, and more modern chemistry tools that could be put to use in potion making as well.
In fact, he was rather amused to note that the book actually encouraged the use of non-magical equipment stating that the cauldrons could be magically cleansed far easier than the non-magical folk might have been able to do, but they still retained a measure of exposure to different potions and ingredients over the years that might affect subsequent brewing attempts. Thinking back at the many cracked, greasy and dirty old cauldrons at Hogwarts for those students who managed to ruin their own store-bought cauldron before the end of the year he could only feel pity to those who had to make do with them. It might partially explain Neville's trouble, after ruining his first cauldron he had to rely on the already tainted ones there on forth.
The other books made Harry wince as he caught on the fact that his education was sub-standard at best here. He'd need to hire tutors to catch up, or face the fact that he'd be probably held back at least a year in most subjects. At least on the topic of Defense he was fairly sure he would grade well even for his own age group, although the wealth of information available here was impressive. Furthermore, there was a lot more spells listed in the books that he had never heard of before. There were notes which were considered 'light' and which were 'dark', but there was also a fairly large number of 'grey' spells there as well.
They did not seem to censor out the dark spells here, or force those dealing in dark goods to some dingy old alleys, it seemed rather that they attached a warning to the books about over-use of dark spells, and noted different 'cleansing' services as well as private methods to cleanse yourself properly from the lingering effects that using such 'dark' magic could cause. Most of it seemed harmless, and it even noted that the effect of using them faded even with time, it was only the overuse that could get dangerous and cause addiction. Moderation and common sense, rather than strict control and banning.
He did note the books did list out spells that were discussed in them openly but were marked illegal to use, talked about in theory and how to recognize someone casting them, as well as how to counter them in turn. There was a mention that such spells were still available for study by individuals without a criminal record if they could state a good reason and get approval from the Department of Magical Affairs. Spell-crafting in particular seemed to open doors to even magic deemed illegal, although coming with its own line of requirements.
Notably, the three unforgivable curses were marked as such, and a note was made that their use by anyone else but law enforcement official was punishable by severe fines to a life in prison, depending on circumstances. Using Imperio to prevent someone from killing another person might get you off with a heavy fine for not coming up with a better, more acceptable alternative, but would not get prison time. Using them for any more questionable activity was a quick way to end up on the Law Enforcement's most wanted list, and from the looks of things in the books, they took such casters down hard, taking them in alive if reasonably safe. Otherwise, the Law Enforcement could fight fire with fire, and kill to subdue those violating the laws around the unforgivable curses in particular.
Though he did not want the Death Eaters aware of where he was and coming after him endangering those around him, it was entirely possible that sooner or later Voldemort or Dumbledore would learn where he was, and when one found him, the other would find him as well no doubt. Dumbledore would find it a lot harder to operate in the States but Harry still needed to find ways to keep himself safe. Something to prevent portkeys or side-along apparition from working on him would be a good start.
As for the Death Eaters, he'd learn enough to protect himself, and perhaps the Law Enforcement would actually put them down hard here, hard enough that the bluster and all the muster of the Ministry of Morons... err, Ministry of Magic back in Britain couldn't demand the return of their Lords and Ladies who were 'wrongfully accused of crimes none of their stature could have committed'. That is, if they lived through the experience in the first place.
Harry found himself sleeping in a bit early afterwards, followed by waking up early the coming day, his internal clock still messed up by the time difference, and possibly in part the first experience with a long distance portkey. Still, even if he began the day late, he wanted to learn more of his new homeland and surroundings.
Taking the time to visit the stores, he found a number of clothes that would work in both the magical and non-magical side. Enchanted bits of clothing seemed quite common here, from a simple self-cleaning charm to charms to cool or warm around the wearer depending on the weather, to more protective charms that would help in case of an accident. There were even more expensive charms that would help protect from harm, make the pockets in an outfit act similar to a mokeskin pouch, but not as rare and expensive as actual mokeskin would be. Not quite as secure either as a trade-off, but the extra carrying space was still useful.
He found himself buying a few things, but reminded himself he would be taking the potions for a while and should not buy a full wardrobe until that was done and dealt with. He had, reluctantly, taken his potion in the evening before getting some rest, noticing that at least these potions didn't taste like Snape had soaked his worn socks in them before serving those potions to Harry.
Harry did find himself channeling Hermione in wanting to learn everything he could however, stocking up a wide range of books and inquiring about the possibility of getting his hands on even more, as well as enquiring about the education. He had received a list of schools that had quickly come under a rather serious perusal and consideration.
Of the various schools available, and it seemed a half-dozen of them was spread across the large nation, he found himself particularly interested in Salem Academy given its wide range of classes available. Unfortunately based on what he was reading he would indeed require tutors to be able to join along there, and that would not be possible at the fall semester at least, but he might, with intense study, be ready by Winter. If not, he could probably join along for the seventh year. He would have to write them a letter inquiring about the possibilities, but he'd also need to arrange for his tutors.
The thought about the mail made him think about Hedwig and wince as he realized just how mad she would be when she found him. Harry was not looking forward to her reaction when she caught up with him. The goblins at Gringotts would have delivered her safe in a cage with their own portkeys classing her as part of his possessions, a far gentler ride than his perhaps, but knowing Hedwig she had chosen to wing it over the Atlantic herself.
He would have been concerned if not for the written word on the magical owls. Truly they were remarkable, being able to endure long flights and cross distances in remarkably short time, homing in on their target. That was just for the more common mail owls, they would likely take a while on such a great distance and be exhausted and recovering a day or two at the end, but they'd make it across the ocean regardless. Hedwig, however, was far more than a common mail owl, in fact, Harry was by now pretty certain she was his familiar, given the closeness between the two. Unfortunately she seemed to regard him as her hatchling and could unleash the fury of a mother owl on her chick when he messed up.
The thought of that made him feel a chill like someone had just walked over his grave, tap-dancing. He'd have to find out about local owl treats, quality bacon slices, a more elegant perch for his smart girl, and a few more things to make sure he could convince her that he had not done it intentionally, having merely been so excited to get away from Dursleys he forgot to let her know beforehand.
She'd probably forgive him. Probably. He did know she would prefer to fly over rather than use any such uncouth means as a portkey, ruffling her feathers, but still, he should have at least told her in person and loaded her up with bacon beforehand to have her on a good mood and with plenty of strength for the overseas flight. Oh yes, Harry Potter had a fear of Mother Owl about him now, but he could only wait and face the jury on this screw-up.
"Better write up a few letters to these tutors if they have an opening for a new student then, to add to my appeasement by showing her the amount of work that would not get done without the most brilliant owl at my side," he muttered out loud while getting to work.
== ( Storm Phoenix ) ==
Zatanna had finished her show only to find a bunch of crooks committing a jewelry heist with the aid of a glove inscribed with runes that seemed to allow them to break into the safe and blast her to a wall with force as well before she managed to subdue them, all on her way back home. She was tired and just wanted to get to bed as she could, having taken the glove along to study it once she wasn't about to fall asleep on her feet. None of the crooks had even a hint of magic in themselves, so it was all in the glove, and that raised some concerns for her.
Nevertheless, as she made her way to the front door she found herself surprised by a loud hoot from a nearby tawny owl perched on the nearby window ledge. More particularly, she noted the sealed parchment tied to its leg that carried a number of privacy charms on it, earning a weary sigh from her as she realized her night was still not over. Holding out her hand she waited for the owl to land upon it, careful with its claw and well mannered, offering her the letter in question.
"Thank you, come along I'll get some water and a treat for you before the journey back." She smiled a bit trying to be polite, though the owl was a bit unwelcome guest she did recognize it was not the owl's fault she had a tiring day already and it was just doing its job. Based on the seal on the letter it had come quite a distance too, so she felt the need to play a good host.
Once the owl had some water to drink and a fair share of owl treats in a cup to eat before heading back, the tired magician moved to set the glove down to a glass jar that was inscribed with a few containment runes just in case, only then settling in to read the letter she had received.
"To Miss Zatanna Zatara,
We at the Department of Magical Affairs are writing you to inform you as per our standing agreement about the arrival of one Harry James Potter, of the House of Potter, to the United States of America seeking sanctuary.
As this said individual is also known as 'the boy-who-lived' back in his country of origin, Britain, at least by the magical side of the populace he is also a target of some hostility by the class-3 terrorist organization 'Death Eaters' whom the Brits were reluctant to properly try and imprison in the aftermath of the hostilities in the first rise of the dark wizard Voldemort.
While we are not suspecting of Mr. Potter of any criminal activity or intentions his mere presence here may draw the more fanatical members of the said organization that we have learned was not disbanded but merely went underground in the aftermath of the last war to follow him to the States with intent to subdue, kidnap, or kill him.
Believing in the proverb that forewarned is forearmed, we wish you to convey this bit of news to your other contacts in the event that our young sanctuary seeker encounters any difficulties. Likewise, the paperwork he brought with him already verified by Gringotts suggest he is looking to further his education and may be seeking tutors in due time, and given your family reputation it is quite possible you may come in contact with him in due time.
Yours in Magic,
Rebecca Traven, Secretary of Magical Affairs."
She could not help but draw a long breath and sigh at this bit of news. Magical terrorists. That was an unpleasant thought. The Brits had really screwed the pooch with their failure to imprison or execute the said criminals, many of them escaped with hardly more than a slap on the wrist, and they wondered why the Americans wanted nothing to do with them.
She would need to inform the League about this, and knowing the man she was relatively sure that Batman would hardly be satisfied with what facts she could volunteer about this. The man would likely dig into the details and uncover far more. She really wished she had not even seen this letter until the next morning, because this was not going to help her get any peaceful rest in the coming night.
= End of Chapter 5 =
A/N: And with that, it's a wrap on the starting arc, finishing up that bit of the tale. I ended up cutting down and summarizing a fair share of things while trying to maintain a modicum of feel of what is going on and how things start out for Harry, but after a couple of drafts that were disregarded this remained as the bit of writing I was willing to add to the unfolding story.
Timewise, this is taking place before the Will-reading even happened, but not by much. It is also showing where Harry stands, he wanted to get away from Britain, of Hogwarts, of the Dursleys, and away from Dumbledore and Voldemort alike, but his planning from that step on is at the basic level still.
Harry's new enthusiasm for learning comes from the realization he has a lot of catching up to do and that now he is actually able to move at his own pace, rather than being slowed down by having to maintain a poor grade to not outshine Dudley or to avoid upsetting Ron. Speaking of whom, without Ron at his side to drag him off to play wizard's chess he actually has the time to learn and study, and find things that do interest him. Harry's not a genius, but neither is he an idiot. Suppressed, more or less.
With bindings broken, and allowed a chance to act in his own best interests, he's starting a life in the States but finding himself with options he's got a lot to do. Looking around the country of where he wants to settle. Getting himself tutors. Getting his owl Hedwig to forgive him. Catching up with other students his age. Starting to actually live a life for himself.
Harry's got his feet on the ground and the paperwork in order, a fair sum of money to start off with, and a whole country to explore. There was a lot that could have been written here, but it would have quite likely turned to a cliched listing of every book, every piece of cloth purchased, as well as stating the difference between the societies at even larger degree. Instead, I decided to give some glimpses, summarize in parts, and move on a bit of way laying the ground work in place, and then move onto the coming years.
I noticed a comment suggesting he sought education from Zatarra, and potentially ended up with Zatanna later on in Vegas. I admit I thought the idea could be amusing, but from what I recall Zatarra is dead and only Zatanna remains of that lineage, unless I've missed something. Nevertheless I admit I find myself amused at the idea of involving Zatanna to some degree even if Zatarra is not present.
My piece of text dealing with the Teen Titans in this chapter ended up cut away as I decided to involve them so soon after Harry's arrival, though the sections dealing with them are waiting ahead. Also, on the First-born, Spirit-Touched, Spirit-born terms? Just a bunch of different terms discussed by some, I will still use pureblood, half-blood, and muggle-born on occasions just as well as the new terms. Traditionalists would make sure their terms are known, though the natives in turn speak more on their own terms.
I am going to take a short break to relax before continuing with this tale and the next chapter, so there will be no update tomorrow. I may have a new chapter up the day after though, depending on whether or not I manage to get the story flowing for the next arc as easily as I hope or not.