Hello! Or maybe I shouldn't say it. I am late. No excuses, just sorry. Well, Hello anyway. I am happy that many people are still sticking to my story, while I know the fact that many have become bored and left. I apologize to those people who I could not satisfy with my writing and thank them for giving my story, their time... Plz enjoy...


Looking up high...

Found a steel tower,

Wondering how I would feel...

If I fall down...

Was it a dream?

I saw deep red...




for what's far ahead...

Always yearning...

Don't know why...

But the beauty,

I really want..

May seem,

To be,

Awkward to someone's eyes...

Hell was his residence and he was a slave to his destiny. It was the same destiny that had made him suffer countless number of times in the past, that was torturing him now and most likely,would be disturbing him throughout his life in the future.

Otosaka Yuu might have accepted his fate as a sacrifice for the world, but what was going on now? Was his body being used for a greater good? Was his sacrifice going to save people? Was it even going to help them? What he had perceived from his surroundings in the past few months made him sure of something else, no he had always known that if he would not be able to save himself and his friends from the devil's residence, he would never be able to think his sacrifices as just. Further, the world would be as muddy as it would have been without him, so why?

"You are a Lucky brat, Otosaka, the boss has shown some pity to your pitiful self, so you'll released for a few days," a man with a careless smile spoke, not that he could perceive any image, his eyes were too blurry for vision, "Now stop looking at me with those dead-fish like eyes of yours and come with me like a good boy when I open these things.

He didn't remember any thing or words after that, not even about how all those needles attached to his body were removed or how he was escorted away from the room where he was kept for so many days. He only knew about the pain he felt at the end and the last feel of the metallic table where he was lying today. It did not feel good. Actually he felt nothing this time, but a sudden pain to move his hands.

"Now be a good boy…" was the last fainting noise that he had heard, before the pain…

And it wasn't to him…

"Attention to the members of '_ _ _ _ _ _' the prisoner 981 has escaped. Any one spotting a near dead human rampaging, is to inform it to the Senior members. No one to be smart enough to fight him, he can destroy the whole organization within seconds of his desire. No one is supposed to enrage him.

I repeat…"

"What did you say?"

"Sir, we're extremely sorry to say that Yuu has gotten loose. We don't know how, but are investigating for reasons." The man stopped to take a look of their bosses face and continued, "But it does not change the fact that capturing him is our main objective. Sir!"

"Where is he now?"

"We don't know sir."

"What do you mean by 'you don't'? What about the cameras?"

"That's the main problem sir, surprisingly none of the cameras have got any of his images by now. We are suspecting that he can-"

"You suspect that he can and is using the power of jamming right?" Kai cut into the man's speech, " That's unlikely. He would have used his powers to protect himself during his tour around the world, at least after he might have aquired that power, but we could track him throughout. Further, he never used it to protect the facility's radio waves. Why? Just because he completely trusted the security? I doubt it. That brother of his is too clever and too careful."

The man fumbled, "So, sir, what-"

"He is using some power,the main problem is what. It can't be they spectacle boy's extreme speed or else we would have found him by now."

"Why's that, sir?"

"Let me finish idiot. He would have been found by now as that power does not give you any self control. You will continuously crash. And with a weak and worn out body like his, I doubt that he would even be able to survive one strike."

"I see, as right as always, sir."

"That's good, now get to work and inform me about any thing unusual."

"Yes sir." The man said and bowed before turning to leave.

"And yes, send the platinum haired girl to me."

He was there, right in front of the exit of this hell, so why wasn't he breaking through? Why was his chest paining? Why did he feel responsible for incomplete work? What was this conscience? What was this guilt that he felt? He had to go back? Why was that? Why did he not remember?

Otosaka Yuu was standing in front of a large door, supposedly the exit of this anonymous facility of God knows where. He wanted to go out but at the same time he wanted to stay back and do something. But he did not know what was the 'thing', well, by this time he did not understand his feelings any more. The question to be asked is What's wrong with you?

Oh! the answer was simple, his limbs were covered in millions of tiny scratches, there was a large scar across his chest and one on his face, not to mention the one in his left eye. On top of all this, his head was paining like crazy and the fact that he could stop to think for a few seconds after the insanity he had shown for the past few hours, was a wonder to itself.

Turning towards the hall he smiled, maybe he had to take revenge. Yup, that was the only thing he could think of, given that everyone who had tried to stop him had called him a monster. Maybe he was one, What did it mean to be a human? He had forgotten that.

He ran his fingers through his hair and… disappeared.

Something touched a wall somewhere in there. The wall became red and then white and a hole appeared. It opened the door to some research centre. "Ahoy! The Grim Reaper is here."

The people working turned their heads, "We don't know how you melted the wall, but you should go Bach to your cell, kid, that is if you don't want to be punished."

"Fancy of you calling yourself a Grim Reaper, your power maybe strong, but nowhere near the real one. Actually, it doesn't even make one percent of his strength."

"Now stop disturbing us, damn brat, were busy you know."

Yuu tilted his head, at an angle of 75 degree, revealing his left eye. "Ha! Sorry for the inconvenience then, mortals."

"What did he call us?"

"Mortals? Seriously?"

"Hey, haven't you heard the rumors of the Reaper being there in this place, and look at his left-"



Everything was engrossed in a fire, deadly so. The flames overlapped each other while dancing in their own merry tune. And one person stood between all this, a cruel smile on his face, "Humans! It has started."

He would destroy everything, after all it was the only reason of his existence. He was born to kill and only then could he achieve his life's fulfillment. The one and only desire of his heart would be fulfilled now. Now that he was finally free.

There were plenty of people here, plenty of humans to be his victims. He had had this fulfilling experience before, but he had never gone as far as to kill someone, not that he remembered it. To him, his life was the past few months in this place. A place where he has had no past, does not have any present, nor will have any future. So, this place which had bound him in spite of being so harmful should be destroyed right? Hell, yes.

He had already started his killing spree, he could end it easily, but that would not be interesting. He had to do it slowly, enjoying every bit of his journey while giving hell to this hell. He would do it, no matter what. He would start with the large door of the l-a-a-rge room that was right in front of him. By start, it meant to start again.

He disappeared.

"So? To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"As sharp as always aren't we miss? I hope that you will consider our positions from now on."

"Tch. So?"

"What's the hurry?"

"Well I'm in a hurry. If you ain't that you jolly well let me go. My friends are waiting."

"Oh? Talking about friends, your boyfriend is doing his piece of work."


"Calm down Missy, you have to do this..."

To Be Continued...

Anyway, thanks to the ones who are sticking up with my story, and sorry to the ones who are going to leave it, because it is not interesting enough...

All the guests, a real great Thank You for reading Ffs, we cannot be complete without you...

Similarly, I thank all of authors and friends from FanFiction.

AnimeFanfictionFan; Arika13; Saitama-sensei; SaberArt; Frozen7721, all of you... a huge thanks.

I don't know when I'll update next, but I'll surely update.