"So, how did you decide on Antony and Cleopatra?" Reid asks after he finishes one of Dave's deep fried ravioli.
"It wasn't hard. We wanted to stick close to Dave's heritage. We wanted to be something recognizable and Dave makes a better Antony than a Julius Caesar." Erin tells Reid. "Besides, he has good enough legs to pull off a toga."
"How did he persuade you to wear that dress? It's pretty out there for you." Alex asks Erin.
"Oh, that was the hard part. She doesn't persuade easily. It was mostly trying to give her a confidence boost. It's hard to feel beautiful with the restrictions the FBI puts on what you can wear. I made to make her feel beautiful. I started trying to persuade her before the summer." Dave tells Alex.
"That's also the same time I went on my smoothie diet. I wasn't about to put this dress on when I was that heavy. I didn't feel very good about myself, but that has certainly changed thanks to a little exercise and some help from Dave, though his cooking didn't particularly help, but his support did." Erin says seriously.
"Well, you look absolutely divine. I'm very impressed with that little number. Be confident no matter what you weigh. The stress isn't worth it." Penelope says gently.
"Now Penelope, you can't say that and make it happen. Women often feel uncomfortable with their bodies after they have children and it can last for a long time. Hayley felt that way until we divorced." Aaron says seriously. "I know most of you sitting here aren't parents so you can't really understand."
"Thank you, Aaron. I hadn't thought about it that way before. I always thought it had something to do with the fact that I was in a male dominated workplace with buff men who intimidate the hell out of me." Erin teases everyone.
"You know most people would that would make you want to be in better shape rather than letting yourself go." Derek says teasingly.
"I just began to think: why am I bothering? No one notices me anyway unless I've pissed them off." Erin says seriously.
"I always noticed you for all the right reasons, but you can't blame men for not noticing. Most men need giant neon light to pick up on something. We're oblivious most of the time." Dave smiles at Erin cheekily.
"Why do I get the feeling this has come up in your relationship before?" Aaron teases the couple. "God Hayley used to get so upset with me when I didn't notice something. Women expect that men look at things with the same eyes as women look at things, which is so untrue. We notice things that affect us and other than that we don't notice anything. You can't blame us for that." Aaron groans at the topic of conversation.
"Now, I don't think we're asking for a lot. We just want you to notice when we cut our hair more than two inches. The only one who ever notices anything is Reid! I mean Erin lost like twenty pounds and even Dave didn't notice!" J.J. complains.
"Well, I noticed when she didn't have any clothes on later! I know it bugs all of you, but we don't notice things as well as you do. We just know what we appreciate when we see it." Dave blushes when he tells the team the first part.
"Dave! You're not supposed to say things like that in front of my kids! A little discretion would be appreciated." Erin smacks Dave's arm.
"Yeah Dave, that was way TMI! I didn't need to know that about my mom!" Jenny cries indignantly.
"Ah, the healthy cry of a kid who doesn't want to believe their parents were ever sexual beings. It's a rite of passage for every kid." Aaron chuckles at Jenny's reaction. Even Reid shivers when he thinks about his discovery, probably at a much earlier age than most of his colleagues.
"Um sir, no offense, but that was TMI about your teenage years." Penelope's face is blushing bright red.