Chapter 3
Soft melodic humming came drifting through her tired mind. It flowed like the cleansing water of a river. She felt something cool and damp being placed to her heated flesh. It traveled from her forehead to her neck in a soft gentle pattern. She wanted to move away but it felt so nice against her overheated, feverish, clammy body that she didn't even bother.
It didn't take her exhausted mind long to register that she was no longer laying on the cold, damp ground of the dungeon but instead was laying on a warm soft surface which felt like a cloud. She wondered for a moment if she had passed on and she had finally reached the afterlife. She slowly awakened her other senses before opening her eyes.
She could smell lilacs and lavender that scented the fresh air. The smell of moldy and musty air no longer surrounded her. The smell of old feces and decay was replaced with a sweet floral scent. It was a nice contrast from the world she had been living in for the last few days.
It was peaceful. Nice. Comfortable. Maybe she had escaped her prison sentence. Maybe she'd see her mother again. A smile tugged at her lips at the idea of no longer being the evil witch's property.
Or was she home and this whole thing had been a horrible nightmare? Was she tucked away safely in her own bed? Did she never have to fear her fate ever again?
She needed to know.
Her eyes opened slowly then slammed shut. The room was much too bright from the early morning sun streaming in. It hurt her eyes. She had gotten so used to the darkness of the cell that the light burned her.
Her eyes opened slowly once again and she looked up into the face of an older woman with kind eyes and graying hair that was pulled back into a bun. She smiled tiredly. The image was blurry but the sight of the woman reminded her of Hildy and the smell of fresh muffins only confirmed it.
Hildegard was Regina's governess when she was a child. Her mother liked to travel and see other places while her father did not. He liked to stay home with his daughter. But in the absence of Regina's mother, her father hired a sweet woman to care for their daughter. Regina loved her and she cared for Regina but upon Cora's return and seeing how close Regina had grown to the woman, she fired her and decided to stay home and be more of a mother to her daughter.
Regina still missed the woman dearly.
"Ah you're awake." A very soft, gentle voice said excitedly. Regina's eyes widened and she gasped. She shot straight up in the bed in a panic. A wave of dizziness hit her and she groaned. She blinked her eyes a few times as her heart raced. Her blurry vision finally focused on the woman before her.
She was indeed older with graying hair. She dressed the part of the governess. She had very kind eyes and a sweet smile but she definitely was not Hildegard. So that meant that Regina was not home dreaming, but where is she?
Her mind was racing, her head was spinning and she couldn't stabilize it. She felt overwhelmed and in way over her head. She tried to get out of bed but the old woman's gentle hands stopped her as they were placed on her shoulders
"No, no, no." The woman said soothingly. "My sweet girl." She affectionately squeezed Regina's shoulders. Regina wanted to shake her hands off, to scream not to touch her but the woman seemed so sweet and it's been so long since someone had touched her affectionately. Besides the woman was clearly of no threat. "You must calm down."
Regina's eyes darted around the room. It was elegantly dressed in light pinks and golds. There even sat a pink vanity in the corner with a golden outline around the edges. As if she'd want to look at herself, she could only imagine how she looked, haggard, ragged, revolting. Everything her mother would have despised.
The silk curtains were solely pink but the matching sheets were pink with golden rose designs. The room was beautiful and she would be in awe of it if she hadn't been absolutely horrified at waking up in a new place that isn't her home.
Her eyes landed back on the old woman and she tried to speak but all that came out was a weak croak. Remembering that she hadn't had any water in a long time, her hand shot to her throat. She rubbed it trying to sooth some of the soreness there.
The old kind woman smiled and patted Regina's other hand that was rested in her lap. She reached over to the bedside table where a tray with a silver pitcher and glass sat. The woman grabbed the pitcher and a glass. She poured a clear liquid into it. Before Regina could ask anything, the cup was thrusted into her hands.
"Drink it." Though it was said as a request, it clearly was not.
Regina realizing she had no choice, brought the cup to her mouth and let the cool water run down her throat. It felt so nice. It instantly cooled her throat and chest, relieving the tightness and soreness. She downed half of the liquid before taking a breath.
The woman smiled and rubbed her shoulder gently. "Feeling better?"
Regina nodded. Not sure if she could speak. She decided to give it a try though. "Yes." Her voice was a hoarse croak but at least she could say something. "Thank you." She cleared her throat and it didn't hurt that much that time.
"There you are, sweetie." The woman filled the glass again and Regina took a few more long gulps. She felt much better but she was still unnerved.
"Where am I?" She whispered, her voice was still weak and shaky but at least it was working again. The older woman smiled sweetly. "Where is this place?" Her voice shook on the last part.
"You, my dear one." The woman dabbed the corners of Regina's mouth with the damp cloth. "Are in the Forbidden Fortress."
"Forbidden what?" Regina asked as her eyes grew wide yet again.
"The Forbidden Fortress." The woman repeatedly patiently. "I understand that you were locked in the dungeons for a while." She clicked her tongue. "Poor thing."
"I'm still in the castle of that god awful witch?" Regina gasped out. The pieces were slowly coming together in her tired mind.
"The mistress does not exactly like being called that." She warned.
"I don't care." Regina snapped. "I'll call her whatever I like. She imprisoned me and treated me an animal. Locked me in a cage and tormented me. She should be glad I haven't called her anything worse."
"Okay... okay." The woman said gently. "Don't get so worked up." She started rubbing up and down Regina's arms a little. Regina felt herself calming down a bit. There was just something about this woman. "What's your name, Honey?"
"Regina..." She said softly.
"Its nice to make your acquaintance, dear." The woman said giving her arms a squeeze. "I'm Mrs. Potts. I am to be your caregiver. I am to tend to you so whatever you need just ask."
Regina nodded. Everything was happening so fast. She had fallen asleep in a cold dark dungeon and now she awakens inside of a luxurious bedroom? Had the witch ordered this? Why would she show her such kindness? She was cruel and wicked after all. It just didn't add up. Regina felt even more uncomfortable.
"Do you know how I got here?" Regina asked.
"Well the buzz around that castle is that you-"
Regina shook her head. "No, no. I mean up here. This room."
"Oh." Mrs. Potts chuckled. The sound was so sweet and melodic. "Well, no. Perhaps the Mistress brought you up here herself?"
A sudden chill ran through her at the thought of that disgusting witch touching her. "How?"
The woman shrugged and patted Regina's hands. "Magic perhaps."
Okay that didn't help. That just made her even more nervous given the fact that that witch used magic on her. What did she do? Could she do?
Her train of thought was thrown off by a suddenly knock at the door. Regina bristled instantly thinking that it was that vile witch. Would she even knock at a door or just barge in?
Mrs. Potts turned to the door. "Come on in, Dear." She said calmly.
The door opened slowly and Regina held her breath in anticipation. She could hear her heart beating in her ears at the possibility of coming face to face with her captor. Time seemed to be moving too slowly and she pleaded with it to speed up. After a moment that stretched on for far too long to Regina's liking, in popped a little head and the angelic face of a young child. Regina sighed in relief. All the stress was not gone but at least it was not that witch. She was pretty sure that she did not have the energy to deal with it if the creature had decided to show her horrid face at that moment.
The little boy's eyes landed on her and he smiled wide. He shoved the door open and bounded into the room. He must have been no older than about seven or eight. He looked extra small in the intimidating large room but his personality alone made up for his size. "She's awake." He said as he ran up to the bed. He began bouncing up and down excitedly as he looked up at her. His brown eyes shone with excitement.
The older woman chuckled and patted the child's head. "She is." She smiled lovingly at the child then turned back Regina. The young girl was sporting a frown and furrowed brow as she looked at the two new people, clearly beyond confused. This entire situation was just the slightest bit overwhelming and she was trying to catch up. "This is my son Chip." Mrs. Potts said to Regina. "Chip, say hello to Regina." She said addressing her son this time.
"Hi." He said with a shy wave. His big eyes sparkled with adoration and his cheeks colored a soft pink at that their new pretty houseguest.
"Hello." Regina said with a smile at the little blonde boy. He was quite adorable with his cherub-like features and his round dimpled cheeks. Regina instantly fell in love with him.
"Do you play knights?" He asked hopefully.
"Um..." Regina shook her head with a furrowed brow. "I can't say that I've ever played."
"Oh, its easy." He said with a wave of his small hand. "I can teach you."
"Okay." Regina said with a weak chuckle. The sound was foreign to her. She could not remember the last time she had laughed or even smiled for that matter and it was startling. To think that there was a time in her life that was full of happiness and laughter and now in a couple of days, it had come to nothing but pain and darkness.
"Alright, Chip." Mrs. Potts said kindly. "Regina is tired and malnourished. She needs nutrients and rest. Now go run down to the kitchen and ask them to bring up a broth."
The little boy nodded. "Okay momma." He gave Regina a large dimpled smile. "See you later, Regina."
"Goodbye Chip."
The boy beamed then ran out of the room. Mrs Potts chuckled at her son then turned back to Regina with a motherly smile. "Lets get you into the bath." She said as she stood from the bed. "You stay put and I'll inform you when everything is ready."
Regina nodded. "Okay." She didn't want to tell the woman that she didn't want to be alone. She had been alone for too long and she wasn't sure if she could take much more of it. But she didn't want to seem weak so she kept her mouth shut.
The woman smiled and brushed some hair out of Regina's face. "Be still." She said firmly. "I won't be gone long." She patted Regina's cheek affectionately then glided out of the room.
Regina watched the woman go then sighed. She liked Mrs. Potts. She was kind and reminded her of a mother. That's what she needed right now more than anything, a mother. She was so affectionate and sweet. Regina felt that she could trust her. She might regret that decision later though.
She took this time to look around the nicely lit room. Despite the lavish decorating, it was still eerie and lonely. It was still too large. She still felt confined and cornered. But she preferred it to the dungeon, that's for sure.
But over all she was still trapped in that witch's castle. Her eyes drifted to the door. She could make a break for it. She had no idea where she was but she could grab Rocinante and they could just take off into the forest.
She'd rather take her chances out there than stay in that castle. She studied the door. It could be so easy too. She could just run and never stop. She could already feel the snow under her feet and the wind in her air. She could smell the crisp winter air.
The freedom.
She grabbed a fistful of the lavish blanket, pulling it off of her body then swung her feet over the side of the bed. As soon as her feet touched the floor, she realized that she was barefoot but she didn't care. She attempted to stand but her legs wobbled and she almost fell over. Her body was still weak because she still hadn't eaten in days. Not to mention that she hadn't walked or done any moving around either, so her joints were stiff and achy. She used the side of the bed for balance and walked, half dragged herself to the end of it.
She gripped one of the posts of the canopy bed, using it to hold herself up and took a moment to catch her breath. She was frustrated with herself. She always took pride in the fact that she was in relatively good shape and this was just pathetic.
She looked at the door, it was quite a distance from the bed in her state but what she lacked in physical strength she made up for in determination.
It was now or never. She knew she didn't have much time before Mrs. Potts returned and she doubted the old woman would just let her walk out. Even though the woman appeared to be kind and caring, she still worked for that witch. Obviously that's where her loyalty lied.
Regina inhaled deeply and pushed herself from the poster. Her head was pounding and the room was spinning way too fast. She half walked and half stumbled to the door, her feet hitting the cold floor clumsily. She almost fell over a few times but her determination drove her on. After what felt like an hour which was only a matter of minutes, Regina crashed into the door with an exhausted, heavy thud.
She tried to catch her breath, pressing her head against the cool wood. She closed her eyes and willed her head to stop spinning for just one moment but it didn't subside. Realizing that she had to power through, she sighed heavily and reached for the knob.
She grabbed it firmly and turned but it didn't move. She tried again and again but nothing. Frustration filled her and she hit the door a few times until her palms threatened to bleed. Defeated yet again, she fell to her knees and pressed her forehead to the cool surface.
That was when the dam broke. She burst into a fit of tears. She knew that she didn't have the fluids to spare but she was heartbroken. To be so close to freedom. To going home to her father. To being far away from that wicked woman and having all hope snatched away just like that, damn near broke her.
"How could I have been so stupid? She wouldn't just let me walk out of here." She whispered through a pained sob.
She continued to cry and her weakened body shook viciously. She wasn't quite sure how long she had cried but clearly she tired herself out because suddenly everything went black and she passed out right there in front of the door.
Maleficent was settled in her library, seated in a very extravagant arm chair, flicking through an old book. She wasn't really focusing on it but she needed to keep her mind busy and off of her beautiful houseguest. When had she stopped calling her a prisoner? Maybe around the same time when she went against her own better judgement and put the bratty girl into a guestroom without her earning the privilege.
She growled. There she goes again, thinking about the girl. It's bad enough that the girl scared her before that day when she wouldn't wake and to think that Maleficent was still worried because she still hadn't woken up for another three days. At least she was still alive.
She was strong for a human. Maleficent would hand that to her. She was even impressed. She saw Regina as more than a pet and she was intrigued by her strength and will. Sending her to that room was a way to preserve her life and to tell her to fight. To live.
She knew that Regina was much too strong to just give up, to let her captor win. She expected a fight from this young girl and fight was what she was going to get. She didn't care how far she had to push her.
She had no idea why she cared but she did. She wanted that girl alive.
She shook her head. She hated herself for that.
There was a tentative knock on the door frame of the large library. Honestly if it hadn't been for Maleficent's superhuman hearing, she wouldn't have heard it.
She sighed at the interruption but no one ever bothers her unless it was urgent so she was curious. "Come in." She said with a touch of irritation in her voice.
She heard the soft taps of flat shoes and she closed her book. Diablo made a low clicking sound, imitating it. Maleficent chuckled at the silly little animal and stroked his feathers.
The woman stepped out in front of her and smiled kindly. Maleficent raised an impatient brow. She sincerely liked the woman. She was sweet and she didn't fear Maleficent. She was bold and wasn't afraid to stand up to her. That caused Maleficent to start respecting her and that was why she kept her around. Despite her like for the woman, she was busy and didn't need this visit to last long.
"The girl has woken up." Mrs. Potts said happily.
It was a battle for Maleficent to contain her emotions. But she was relieved that the girl hadn't died.
"How is she?" She asked dryly. Successfully sounding disinterested.
"She's still malnourished and very tired but I'm actually going to run her a bath and feed her shortly."
Maleficent nodded. "Well get on with it. The child hasn't eaten or bathed in eleven days." She snapped. "The bath will be ready, just get her into it."
Mrs. Potts kept her smile. "Yes Mistress." She said and turned to leave.
Maleficent nodded and turned back to her book. She listened as the woman retreated from the room quietly.
Left alone with only Diablo, her eyes flitted to her staff that was leaned up against the arm of the chair. She had been doing well today. In fact she had only checked in on Regina once. She knew that she shouldn't again but Regina is finally awake. She should make sure that she's okay and see for her own eyes.
"Just to be sure." She muttered. She grabbed her staff, angled it in front of her and she waved a hand over the crystal ball. Diablo leaned in and so did she.
An image came up but it made Maleficent frown. Instead of a living, breathing Regina, sitting up in her bed, the girl was lying on the cold floor, curled up into a fetal position like she had collapsed there.
"That's why I put you into a bed, you stupid girl." Maleficent growled angrily.
With a snap of her fingers the girl disappeared from the floor in a small cloud of black smoke but before it even cleared, another one left her gently on the bed.
Maleficent sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes. This girl is going to drive her mad. Why does she have to be so stubborn?
Does she not understand that Maleficent is trying to make her life a bit more comfortable? She's so determined to make her own life and Maleficent's a living hell. Maleficent partially admired her courage and partially loathed her disobedience. Perhaps a few more threats were in order. She seemed to respond to those much easier than kindness obviously.
And frankly, Maleficent was fed up with the games. Regina was going to behave herself and act like a nice young lady even if it killed them both.
She was tired of worrying about a girl that she was supposed to care nothing for. She was sick of driving herself mad. Something had to give. She hated the effect that this girl was having on her and the walls that she had spent decades trying to build. Some human was not going to get her heart. Never again.
Her eyes landed on Regina's sleeping face. She groaned at the young woman's beauty. It was like she was enchanting her or bewitched her. Maleficent was stronger than that. She wouldn't get lost in that light olive skin and those deep chocolate eyes. She refused.
Her icy eyes lingered on the image a while longer, just watching the rise and fall of the girl's chest. She seemed safe enough and she was alive. She was just ensuring her part of a deal. Her property was in decent condition. Nothing more.
She saw Mrs. Potts enter the room and walk over to the bed. She sat at the edge of it. She smiled at the sleeping girl and reached over, brushing some hair from her young face. The woman seemed fond of the young woman already. Then again, Mrs. Potts was fond of most people. Even Maleficent. The woman was motherly to everyone. She had a huge heart and that's why Maleficent assigned her to Regina.
If anyone could nurse the girl back to health, it was the older woman. She just hoped that she got it done quickly... so that Maleficent could have her fun with her of course.
Not because she cared. That would just be ridiculous.
Maleficent doesn't care about humans... not anymore.
She watched a moment longer as the old woman leaned over and shook Regina's shoulder gently, waking her. It took a few times but eventually Regina's haunting brown eyes fluttered open and fell on the older woman. That's when Maleficent severed the connection and the image disappeared from the orb. She couldn't look into those eyes.
Those eyes.
That girl.
She growled and stood from the chair and tossed the book back into her seat. She wouldn't possibly get any more reading in. Now the only thing that was going to be on her mind was that bratty girl.
That girl.
She began pacing the library. She was quickly getting worked up. It was amazing how Regina could rile her without even doing anything besides existing. It had been so long since that has happened and Maleficent was unsure whether if she wanted to hate it or revel in it.
Either way it was happening. She sighed and started heading for the exit of the room. She needed some air and to put some space between them. "Come along, Diablo." She called over her shoulder.
The bird squawked and flew towards her and lighted on her shoulder. Both of them slipped out into the hallway. "We need to clear our heads. The best place to do that is the garden."
Regina felt a hand shaking her shoulder. It was nice and gentle but it was still waking her from her sleep and that frustrated her. She furrowed her brow and her eyes opened slowly. Her eyes landed on the woman smiling at her. She stretched a little and yawned, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.
Mrs. Potts smiled. "Had a good nap?"
Regina smiled a little at the old woman's teasing tone. "I've had better."
"Indeed. I bet you have." Mrs. Potts patted her leg. "But I told you to sit still not to fall asleep." She chuckled. Regina smiled. "But your water is ready. Time to get in."
Regina smiled even wider at the possibility of taking a bath. She knew that she quite possibly smelled but her senses were a bit shot. She honestly wanted the filth of the dungeon washed off of her. She wanted this whole situation washed off of her.
Mrs. Potts offered her hand and Regina took it and the old woman helped her out of bed. Regina heard her joints pop and crack painfully again and she groaned at the sharp pain.
"Alright." The woman said and took Regina's arms supporting her so that her body had less stress on it. Regina was thankful for the help. "Lets take things slow." The woman said gently. "Take your time." She began walking Regina to a white door across the room.
Regina wanted to cry at the pain of so much movement. Her body was seriously far too weak for this but it needed to be done. She allowed herself to be led through the door into the dimly lit room. The room was small. Painted a light golden color. There was a grand white clawfoot bathtub in the center of it with golden feet to match the rest of the room.
The room was peaceful. It was hard to believe that this place belonged to an evil witch. The smell of flowers filled the air. It was clearly the smell of the oils added to the bath. It was such a wonderful aroma. A complete contrast from the odor of mold and mildew that filled the dungeons. She couldn't help the weak smile that spread across her face.
Mrs Potts chuckled as she walked her over to a chair and sat her onto it. "It'll probably loosen up those muscles a little and lessen the pain." She said as she helped the young woman undress. The poor thing hissed at every movement. "Then after that your broth should be ready."
Regina hummed as the woman pulled her last items off. Regina should have been uncomfortable letting this stranger undress her but she wasn't. For one she was too weak to do it herself. For another, Mrs. Potts made her feel nothing but comfortable since she met her. Oddly enough she didn't mind being in such a vulnerable position with the older woman. Weirdly, she trusted her.
In order to survive there, she had to trust someone.
Once she was completely undressed. The woman took her hair out of the messy braid and let Regina's dark waves fall freely. "Come along now." She said helping her up. She helped her over to the bathtub. She dipped her hand into the water, pleased with the temperature, she turned to Regina. "In you go."
Regina nodded and allowed the woman to help her in. She lifted one leg and placed it inside. She almost groaned at the warm cleansing water as it hit her tight achy flesh. She did the same with her other leg. The water was the perfect temperature and she felt relaxed before she even lowered herself into it.
The water was high enough to cover her chest but she still sank down until it was up to her chin. It felt wonderful. She never appreciated a nice bath. Back home she took them all of the time. She never thought a time would come when she couldn't. This made her appreciate them so much more.
Mrs Potts chuckled and patted her head before heading back over to the chair and sat. Regina raised her brow. The woman was planning on monitoring her bath like she was a child.
"How old are you, Dear?" She asked. Regina sighed, so much for a relaxing bath.
"Eighteen." She replied and closed her eyes as she enjoyed the clean water.
"Wow." Mrs. Potts chuckled. "I remember when I was that age. So young and carefree."
Regina's eye popped open and she smiled at the wistful look on her face. She too was carefree. In fact a few days ago she was. It was saddening and surprising how fast things change. How fast notions such as those could be snatched away.
Regina's smile turned into a deep frown and she slammed her eyes back shut.
"You know your life isn't over." Mrs. Potts pointed out and Regina popped an eye open again. "You could make the best of this. This could be a fairly good life."
"What do you mean?" Regina asked softly. Curious to know how an awful existence could be made even tolerable.
"You could make the most out of it by changing your attitude. Accepting this and just trying a little harder to see the light in the darkness."
Regina pursed her lips and shook her head. Her body was beginning to feel better but this conversation was preventing her mind from relaxing. "I doubt it."
"That attitude would make it difficult but if you have just a tad bit of hope that-"
"Mrs. Potts?" Regina cut in politely.
"Yes honey?"
"I can't."
Mrs Potts nodded. Not accepting defeat but clearly putting a tack in this conversation and saving it for later. Regina was in no mood for hope speeches. Especial for a situation when there was no hope.
She was trapped, a prisoner, there was no way out and she was quite possibly going to be murdered viciously. Either way she didn't see her life going on for much longer. It was going to come to a quite violent end. There was no need for hope.
No need for faith.
All she could do was hold her head high. Stay proud. Never beg and stay strong
She noticed that Mrs. Potts had fallen silent, clearly sensing that Regina didn't want to speak anymore. Regina took that as the perfect opportunity to close her eyes. At least she could say that at the end of her life she had a lovely bath.
That should count for something.
A few moments into the bath Mrs. Potts washed Regina's hair. The entire time she kept telling Regina how beautiful her hair was and how she had long beautiful hair as well when she was younger. Regina smiled and nodded in the right places, not exactly listening. She was more focused on what her future held.
Her fate.
Her inevitable end.
Before she knew it, her bath was over and the old woman was helping her stand. She was wrapped in a big fluffy cloth, which felt like a heavenly cloud against her skin and was led out of the washroom, back into the bedroom.
Honestly Regina's joints and muscles felt a lot better. They weren't as achy and tight as before. Everything still hurt from her lack of food though. Especially her stomach, which had stopped growling a long time ago.
Mrs. Potts very carefully and very slowly sat Regina down on the bed and helped her get comfortable. Once she was settled, the woman smiled and patted Regina on the head before turning and heading towards a large wardrobe. She pulled it open. "She had these made for you."
Regina had to crane her neck which wasn't so stiff anymore thanks to the bath. Her eyes widened when she got a good look at the beautiful dresses.
They filled the entire wardrobe. The dresses were in all different colors and styles. All grand and elegant. Most featured sequins and/or jewels. It looked like more of a wardrobe for a queen or a princess. Not a commoner like Regina. Her brows furrowed. Why on earth would her captor even... She had no reasonable idea how or why.
"Why?" Was all Regina asked.
Mrs. Potts touched the material of a pink dress with a jeweled bustier. "The Mistress really likes things that are pleasing to the eyes and she thinks that you, my dear, are. She wanted to dress you up so that she could just take a look at you. See you."
Regina frowned. That idea made her skin crawl. "I'm not a doll for her to dress up and parade around."
"Well the Mistress seems to think that..." Mrs. Potts said gently. "I apologize but your beauty might just save your life. She likes pretty things more than murder. She may find that she likes to look at you a lot more than searing the flesh from your body as you scream."
Regina gasped and a hand flew to her mouth. "She-"
"Does that?" The older woman said. "Yes. I've cleaned up afterwards. We've all heard the screams..." She trailed off and there was a sad look in her eyes. "But you're different. She's never kept someone this long... She sees something in you."
Regina was still frowning. So she is a murderer. She was right. As if this couldn't get any more horrifying. "I'm flattered. I am but I'd rather go home. Do you think that you could-"
"The only way that you leave here is in a box, Regina." The old woman said in a calm tone. "I don't want you to end up like that. You are a sweet girl."
"What kind of life is this?" Regina cried. She had enough of this woman trying to convince her to go on living in this miserable existence.
"This is better than any death that she could bestow upon you." Mrs. Potts replied, still calm as ever. "Sure you may think that death is your peace and that may be so but it's getting there. That's the hard part."
Regina fell silent. The old woman had a point. She knew the witch would make her suffer. Regina huffed and looked away.
"Now pick a gown." The old woman said.
Regina was still pouting. "I don't care."
Mrs. Potts nodded. She plucked the pink gown she had been staring at from the hanger. She placed it on the bed and selected a pair of black shoes.
"After you've had your meal, I can do something about your hair." The woman said looking at Regina's wet hair. "Lets get you dressed."
Maleficent watched through her mirror this time as the young girl examined herself in the mirror. Maleficent knew that the dress would look stunning on her. Mrs. Potts had done a superb job with her hair and makeup. She was breathtaking. The girl was turning this way and that but she still wore a frown on her face. Mal hated that she hated it. The girl before her looked like a perfect porcelain doll. So beautiful but the frown threw it off.
"Fix your face, Regina." She grumbled. She delighted in the way that the girl flinched at the sound of her voice.
"Where are you?" She heard Regina ask nervously as she looked around the room with those wide eyes.
"I'm here." Maleficent replied with a smile. She knew that she had the advantage since Regina couldn't see her as well.
"Where is here?" Regina snapped.
"Don't worry about it." Maleficent said dismissively. "Look, my dear, I just wanted to tell you that you look... beautiful in that dress and I'd like to invite you to dinner this evening."
Regina looked shocked for a moment but it was brief and then she scoffed. "Yeah. Right. Don't you mean I'll be the dinner?" Regina asked crossing her arms. She was obviously feeling much better because the sass was back.
Maleficent smirked victoriously. Her little tiger was back. "If that's what you want..." She purred.
"Why would I want that?"
"I'd be gentle..."
Regina furrowed her brows and looked confused for a moment. Maleficent chuckled at the child's innocence. This could definitely be fun. "Thank you for inviting me to dinner but I have to decline." Regina said firmly.
Maleficent laughed. "Alright then, sweetheart." The amusement did not fade from her tone nor did she worry for she knew that Regina would come around. It gets lonely within the walls of that castle. Maleficent knows that all too well.
Regina will see that there aren't many things to do locked in that room, and next time when Maleficent asked her to join her for dinner, she'll jump at the opportunity.
"Maybe another time." Mal said dryly.
"I doubt it." Regina said crossing her arms over her chest. "I'd rather stave."
"I believe you. We both know what you are capable of when you really put your mind to it."
Regina snorted. "You have no idea."
"Oh there's more?" Maleficent asked in mock curiosity. "There's more to you. A fearless warrior perhaps?"
Regina shrugged. "Maybe."
Maleficent chuckled. It was lighter this time..not wicked and cruel. "I must say, I'd like to meet her."
Regina tightened her arms around herself. "Keep it up and you might."
"Oh alright, I am definitely looking forward to it." Maleficent said seriously. She looked over Regina in that beautiful dress. "I do hate that that dress is going to waste though. It flatters you so nicely."
Regina shrugged. "I didn't ask for a new dress."
Maleficent hummed. "That's true but you needed one. You couldn't stay in those rags you were sleeping in down in that dungeon, now can you?"
"I don't care."
"Well, I do. You look much more appealing this way." Maleficent said with a shrug, even though Regina couldn't see it.
"Well I don't care about what you find appealing."
Maleficent laughed. It was full and this time like the last. She was enjoying this. "You should."
"I'm not a doll." Regina snapped. That fire was back in those brown eyes. Maleficent felt a thrill run though her and she cackled. The young woman flinched, only adding to her delight.
"My dear girl, you are whatever I say you are. As of now you are my doll. In a few weeks you'll be promoted to my pet. The pet has more privileges. It can wander around as long as it doesn't go too far but it always has to do what I say."
Regina pouted. "I will never belong to you."
There was another dark echoing laugh. "My dear, you already do."
Then just like that Maleficent's presence vanished from the room. She didn't severe the connection, instead deciding to watch Regina through the mirror some more. That fire was still burning in those dark eyes. Her hands were balling into fists on her side. This girl was pissed off. This excited the witch. It meant that their game was still on.
When the girl stalked away from the mirror, Maleficent severed the connection. She stared at her own reflection and into her clear blue eyes.
Maleficent was absolutely stunning and she knew it. She could easily steal the heart of any man or woman in more ways than one. But the hollowness inside of her caused her to not want that. She instead leaned towards cruelty and pain. It was easier that way.
It's always easier being the one inflicting the pain.
This young woman would not change that. Maleficent would remain who she was. Maleficent was vulnerable once before and it will never happen again. She will never be weak. She will never put herself out there like that instead she will remain who she's always been.
Her heart needs to be protected this time.
Thanks for reading! :)