This is my first story I have written on here. I thought I would give it a try and I think I will continue this story so we get a happy ending. its probably wont be long. but I hope you enjoy and reviews would be nice, just for improvement.

Queen Clarion was flying to the border as fast as she could, praying that no one got hurt. She couldn't live with someone else breaking there wings because they had crossed. At this moment her thoughts turned to Milori, her long lost love and the memory of when he broke his wing. She quickly shook her head trying to shake away the haunting memory. As she neared the border she heard Tinkerbell crying out

"Lord Milori your rule will not keep us apart."

As queen Clarion heard this she knew what she had to say, "Tinkerbell, this is not Lord Milori's rule, its mine"


Milori looked up when he heard her voice, the fairy he had never stopped loving. He hadn't heard her voice for oh so many seasons and he felt weak at the knees when he heard and saw her.


Tinkerbell was already hurt deeply but hearing what Queen Clarion had said broke her. She didn't know how Queen Clarion could create a law that would keep her and her sister apart and how Lord Milori could agree to it.

She looked up at Queen Clarion who looked at her with sadness in her eyes and said "I'm sorry." Tinkerbell let a few tears fall on her cheeks at this statement. She looked over at her sister Periwinkle.


Periwinkle looked over at her sister and let a few tears of her own seep out. She heard Lord Milori say "Get further into the cold, back to the North side of the mountain." She looked up at Lord Milori and couldn't help but notice that he had tears in his eyes as well and seemed to keep glancing back at Queen Clarion who also looked close to tears and was gazing at Lord Milori with sorrowful eyes that also seemed to hold love in them. She didn't know what to make of this but as Tinkerbells friends flew away she thought to herself that maybe there was more than meets the eye about these two rulers.

Periwinkle then realized that Lord Milori wanted her to go further into winter so she took a few sad slow steps but then turned and ran back and flung her arms around her sister.


They both let tears out at this point. They both reluctantly let go and watched their two rulers. Tinkerbell had also noticed the peculiar behaviour of the Queen and Lord.


The Queen and the Lord hadn't realized that Tinkerbell and Periwinkle had noticed them, they only saw each other while they gazed into the others eyes. They both wanted to say something but they knew that the law was created for a reason and as much as it hurt them they knew they had to walk away. But before they could stop themselves they both breathed each other's names. "Clarion."


Tinkerbell and Periwinkle had noticed the drop of the formal names and both didn't know what to think. But before they could think of any reasons they heard their Queen say to Lord Milori "I'm so sorry." She then turned to Tinkerbell "You must say goodbye now."

Milori was deeply saddened when he heard clarion apologise. And when he heard her tell the girls to say goodbye he realized that she meant them as well.

The two sisters didn't understand why they had to be separated but they looked at each other for what they both thought was the last time and then both very quickly so they didn't fly back flew away. But as they flew off they both heard there rulers whisper to each other "Goodbye"