Meet Team RED
Chapter 1:
Taking The Intelligence
The door to the fortress was huge and Ruby frowned up at it before looking around, shoving her hands into her pockets warily. She was sure that she was at the right place but the door was locked. Sighing softly, she pulled one of her hands from her pockets and ran it over her forehead before pushing it up and under her hat to scratch her head. "This sucks," she grumbled.
"Hello?" a voice said from behind her. She jumped and spun around, blinking several times at the short woman behind her. She was a tiny thing with her white hair in a bun and a scar over her left eye.
"H-Hi! I'm uhhhhhh RED Scout!" Ruby said, extending her hand out for the other woman to take. The woman looked to her hand before slowly taking it and shaking it, a smile appearing on her face. Ruby felt instantly uncomfortable with the look since it creeped her out but the smile softened into something more genuine so Ruby relaxed.
"I am the Medic. RED Medic," she said with a laugh before looking around. "Can you not get in?" she asked curiously, Ruby nodding.
"Yeah. I think the doors are locked or something," Ruby groaned. RED Medic hummed before heading over and looking up before knocking and shuffling back. Ruby scowled, she had already knocked but it didn't seem like anyone was going to answer soon. RED Medic scowled too when the door didn't open and shook her head before looking to Ruby curiously.
"So RED Scout. I will be performing a series of…procedures. Would you like to volunteer to be the second person to participate?" RED Medic asked. Ruby looked to her in worry before jumping when she heard a booming laugh.
"Already looking for a new subject doktor?" a feminine voice called. Ruby spun around and gaped in shock at the large blonde bombshell that walked over, her whole body laden down with suitcases. RED Medic laughed before waving a hand at the other woman and winking at Ruby.
"I am not replacing you RED Heavy but I do need to install the UBER into someone else to see if it will work," she said before grinning at Ruby like a shark would its prey. "So do you accept?" she asked.
"Wh-What's an UBER?" Ruby stuttered out. An almost unholy light appeared in RED Medic's eyes and she opened her mouth before looking back when she noticed something from the corner of her eye.
"Who is that?" she asked curiously. Ruby sighed in relief before glancing to the side and frowning at the tall woman that marched over, her back impossibly straight.
"Hello!" the woman boomed as soon as she got close enough. RED Medic and Ruby grimaced before awkwardly waving, RED Medic smiling at the new woman in interest.
"Would you like an UBER in your heart?" she asked. The new woman looked at RED Medic in shock before looking up with a thoughtful expression on her face.
"Will the UBER kill me?" she asked. RED Medic shook her head and the woman nodded before giving her a thumbs up. "Then I'll take one!" she said with a grin. RED Medic beamed and Ruby quickly shuffled over to RED Heavy, cocking her head to the side when she looked up at her.
"Do I know you?" she asked, RED Heavy almost dropping the suitcases at the unexpected sound. She looked down at Ruby with wide eyes before shaking her head and swallowing nervously.
"N-No. We have not met," she said before looking up at the new woman. "I am RED Heavy Weapons Woman!" she called, the new woman grinning before saluting them.
"RED Soldier at your service!" the woman boomed before looking back down at RED Medic. "So about that UBER," she said in interest. Ruby rolled her eyes before taking a seat and looking back up at the towering gates, wondering what the other side held. She shook her head before looking back and then at the newest arrival, a brown haired rabbit faunus. RED Soldier instantly seemed to take a liking to her, booming out compliments as the rabbit faunus drank deeply from a bottle of whiskey. Ruby raised an eyebrow before she looked forward and yelped out in terror when she found herself looking into a black gas mask. She fell back before scrambling to her feet, looking at the person, who bounced about in a fire suit. Ruby swallowed nervously before looking to her side and blinking when she found a medium sized woman standing there, dressed like an engineer.
"Oh god what did I sign up for?" Ruby mumbled before looking forward and sighing when she found a tall red head polishing a sniper rifle while a cat faunus stood at her side. She was wearing some kind of ski mask so Ruby tried not to pay her much attention, only looking to the fortress door and frowning. What was taking so long? She frowned when she heard something above the talking. She turned and quickly ducked, listening to a muffled gurgle of pain and surprise as a bullet passed over her head. She looked up and found a tall blond man dressed in cargo shorts, white knee high socks, blue tennis shoes and an open blue button up across from her.
"Hey Red." he said before firing again with a pistol and growling when he missed. Ruby quickly rolled to her things and grabbed her own pistol, scattergun and bat before getting up and charging him. He laughed and she narrowed her eyes, running around him before slamming her bat into his head. He stumbled to the side and she advanced, slamming the bat into his head again before knocking him down and beginning to bash his head in. While she did this, the others had scrambled for their weapons and they all looked back as the doors to the fort opened.
"Welcome to FORT RED!" Glynda's pleasant voice said. "Your first mission is to defeat Team BLU," she said before her voice cut off. Ruby looked to the fort and cried out in pain as a bullet tore through her torso then hit the ground when another one went through her head.
Groaning, Ruby opened her eyes and frowned when she found herself standing in some kind of medical bay. "Load up then head out RED Scout!" she heard over the intercom. Shaking her head, Ruby grabbed her guns, that had appeared on a bench, and ran from the room, shooting a blue masked man in the head when she accidentally bumped into him. She heard some kind of ding but ignored it as she ran down a hall and outside into the fire fight. RED Heavy was mowing down some of the enemy forces with a large minigun while RED Medic kept pace behind her with a red glowing gun of some sort. The rabbit faunus fired grenades over the heads of some of the BLU fighters and several BLU warriors were thrown into the air. Ruby ran forward and through the carnage, ducking around a huge man with a minigun and slamming her bat into his knee.
He yelled out and RED Heavy growled before turning and firing. Ruby rolled out of the way before running for a large RV looking car near the back of the BLU group. "I'm gonna kill that asshole that put a bullet in my head," Ruby growled to herself as she pulled out her scatter gun and shot the blue haired medic that was aiming for her. She breezed through the field inadvertently saving RED Soldier, who was pinned down near a tower. "Thank you!" RED Soldier yelled before standing and shooting down at her feet. She was tossed into the air and landed near the top of the tower before running around it. Ruby waved to her before ducking under bullet fire and running forward. She was forced to retreat when a blue clad man with a large flame thrower almost made her into toast but RED Pyro came up and tossed him away with the exhaust from her own flame thrower.
Ruby slid past a man with an eye patch and spun around a noodly looking boy with a large turret in his arm. She fired into the boy's head before using her bat to destroy the turret then dodged a large spiky bomb. A large green haired man with bombs strapped to him attempted to attack but a bullet from the RED Fortress went through his skull and he fell dead. Ruby quickly stood and waved to the person who had saved her before running for the RV again. Bullet fire from the top caused her to quickly veer to the left to save herself and she soon found herself pinned. "Damn," she grumbled, poking her head out then flinching back when a bullet narrowly missed her head by inches.
"I can get you in closer," she heard. Looking back then up, she blinked as she looked into the molten gold eyes of RED Spy, who quirked an eyebrow at the younger girls staring. "Are you alright?" she asked warily, Ruby blushing and nodding quickly.
"Yeah I just need to get in and kill that sniper," Ruby growled. RED Spy hummed before chuckling lowly and Ruby looked to her in confusion.
"That RED Heavy and her little medic should be here soon," RED Spy said, a roar coming from a little ways away. Ruby watched in awe as RED Heavy marched through the battle field, her medic behind her and bullets embedding themselves in her chest. The red glow from the medic's gun instantly healed her and Ruby suddenly had a thought.
"Human shield!" Ruby cried before running over and moving behind RED Heavy and RED Medic. RED Medic spared her a glance before nodding to her left where BLU Demoman was aiming at them. Ruby quickly moved over and knocked the cylinder like bomb that was thrown at them back. He stumbled away before exploding and Ruby smirked before her head was forced down. She looked to her right and was surprised to see RED Spy holding RED Medic and her head down.
"Careful," she said before the four got to the trailer.
"TEAM BLU REGROUP AND PROTECT THE INTELLIGENCE!" a scraggly voice called out. Ruby looked to RED Heavy, who kicked down the door and gunned down several BLU fighters inside then looked to RD Spy.
"Come with me to find the intelligence! RED Heavy and RED Medic got this," RED Spy said. Ruby nodded and the two quickly split, moving to the rear of the RV and beginning to shift through everything before Ruby located a blue suitcase.
"Is this it?" she asked. RED Spy nodded before pulling out a switchblade and pulling Ruby into her chest. Ruby yelped then looked back and gasped as RED Spy sliced open the throat of the person behind her.
"Time to go!" RED Spy yelled.
"Run out! Medic and I will provide cover!" RED Heavy yelled. Ruby quickly put the suitcase in the large bag on her back before running from the RV and towards the RED Fortress. She managed to get halfway across the field when something slammed into her leg and tossed her to the ground. Ruby hissed in pain before rolling over and swallowing when she found BLU Scout standing over her.
"I'm going to get you for killing me earlier," he said with a nasty sneer on his face. Ruby swallowed nervously before grinning when bullet fire tore his chest apart. He wheezed and she quickly stood, looking to the side and grinning at the red clad engineer and her turret.
"Get that to the fortress!" the engineer yelled before pulling out a mega phone. "Let's fall back ladies! RED Scout got the intelligence!" she yelled. Ruby ran for the large doors then into the building before following the signs to the intelligence room. Glynda was waiting for her and smirked before taking the package.
"Congrats on your first win. When everyone gets here we can really begin. Don't worry about Team BLU. The security system finally rebooted and will kill them shortly," she said with a wave on her hand. Ruby nodded before taking a seat on a red couch and rubbing her head tiredly. This was not what she signed up for.
AN: Hey everyone! So begins the lives of Team RED! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I just got a job and was settling into everything. I was thinking of Saturday or Sunday updates but only time will tell with how busy I get. So our first chapter of them all together has some good teamwork but how long will that last and is Ruby really making googly eyes at the smooth talking Spy? Will Weiss ever get Ruby to have an UBER?! What about Yang?! Oh well that all will be answered in the next episode of Dragon Ball...Sorry TEAM FORTRESS 2 RWBY EDITION!